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By Igor Antunov
I should have posted this initially, view in own tab to enlarge:


Direct answer to the thread title.

As for that last vid ont he prior page, Victim narrative is all the SJW have to work with. This is too self-defeating a troll attempt to be any kind of coherent defamation strategy. I wouldn't be surprised if Sarkeesian or one of her associates employed somebody to do this - it was discovered the day it was posted. She's done it before, using screen-grabs of random cesspool YouTube comments to line her pockets with donations, in some cases making personal threats up and posting them on twitter then pretending to call the police.

Extremists with outspoken views are easy to smear, but they can take easy advantage of this if they happen to fit the first world victim-hood profile. Check Wikipedia and contrast with the facts in the above info-graphic, they did manage to distort an entire journalist-centric call-to-action into a victim narrative that actively propagates their rich kid American-centric faux-feminist politics. Textbook neo-liberal social parasites.
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By Zerogouki 2
mikema63 wrote:Since you decided to necro-post, here is a terrible summery of gamergate.


Here's a better one: https://wiki.gamergate.me/index.php?title=Timeline

Rei Murasame wrote:This 'issue' is not important to me at all, which is why I have not made a single comment anywhere about it. Why would I care about alleged 'corruption' in the journalism and marketing industry around gaming? ...

I really wonder if you understand the kind of person that I am at all. If I was in any way distressed about what Americans call 'nepotism', 'bribery', and 'corruption',...

... that's when you either don't understand that this 'corruption' is an essential feature of the industry that you are criticising...

1) People thought that you'd be interested because you call yourself a feminist, and because the Quinn/Sarkeesian faction claims that Gamergate is about misogyny and that the "corruption in journalism" angle is little more than a smokescreen for an online harassment campaign.

2) You have taken sides in this controversy whether you realize it or not. 90% of arguments about Gamergate are about neither sexism nor corruption in journalism, but about whether Gamergate is about sexism or corruption in journalism. In your post, you have come down pretty clearly on the "it's about corruption in journalism" side, putting you at odds with the vast majority of feminists

mikema63 wrote:GG is about shitting on women, nothing more or less.

This video by MundaneMatt, this rant by KC Vidya, these videos by Internet aristocrat, this essay by Ariel Connor, and numerous other examples provide proof to the contrary.

Bulaba Jones wrote:The Redpill boys are, at their core, motivated by misogyny. It is the only reason there is even a group of spoiled brat Redpillers crying about people calling them such, about how much they hate their mothers and won't be giving them any chocolate next year for Mother's Day, describing all women in only the most objectifying manner possible, etc. MRA/Redpill stuff is entirely sexist, whereas not all Muslims are sexist because sexism is not an absolute requirement. All Redpill(ers?) are sexist

From a redpill/MRA group on facebook:


Keep crying. Your tears are delicious.

Rei Murasame wrote:Well, what Saeko is getting at is that MRAs and Muslims are essentially identical. Islam is basically an MRA religion raised to the nth power, for lack of a better way of putting it.

Nonsense. MRAs overlap most disproportionately with atheists and libertarians, which are the two ideologies that have the LEAST in common with Islam.

mikema63 wrote:MRA's are based around one single thing, their misogyny.

Muslim's start from their belief in God and get misogyny from their teachings, MRA's just start out as misogynists.

I suspect that i'll be reposting this image quite a lot:


Bulaba Jones wrote:In contrast, one does not find feminists within the group of Redpillers/MRAs. This is why you bringing up Islam in this particular thread is pointless.

You'll find plenty of people who meet the definition of a feminist. You just won't find many who identify as such. This isn't surprising; if you look at Americans as a whole, 80% meet the definition of a feminist but only 20% identify as such. The Anita Sarkeesians, Zoe Quinns, and Chanty Blixes of the world have turned their own label toxic.

Bulaba Jones wrote:the core, fundamental principle of MRA/Redpill IS misogyny. To be one of the Redpill crowd you need to be a misogynist


Rei Murasame wrote:Allah is also a giant bearded shut-in (the first and original neckbearded misogynist) who attributes all kinds of amazing feats to himself falsely, and who wants all of humanity to spend 100% of their afterlife praising his fucking name because he's an attention whore on a level that is almost unfathomable.

Also, Allah hates women as shown by virtually every commandment that he chose to hard code into the text so it would be unalterable and unmovable across all eras and across all modes of production, and Allah also tried to prevent Eve from eating the apple by deliberately lying to her and trying to keep her in ignorance about her true origins, and in ignorance of the fact that Allah was not really 'the god of everything'.

And then Lord Lucifer trundled gaily into that situation and was like, "Wow, this is some bullshit, are you all aware that this is some bullshit right here?" Allah then asked Lucifer to bow down to humans. Lucifer refused to do any such thing, and Allah was pissed. And then Eve ate the apple - Eve took the initiative! - and then Eve offered it to Adam, and Allah was even more pissed.

And somehow Lucifer was portrayed as 'the rebel villain' of that story and Eve was denigrated for her role in the incident, because apparently bringing truth and freedom is 'bad', according to Allah's followers.

Yup. There's even an entire internet meme dedicated to this perspective: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/good-guy-lucifer

And then there's Darkmatter2525's channel... www.youtube.com/watch?v=QjhFlI6-ZBI

That's all for now. I'll return to this cesspool when I am more fully rested.
By mikema63
You know what, fuck it, I have to much in my life to waste it on this drek of a thread.
I'm still not even clear on what Gamergate actually is. What I gather, some obscure video game reviewer who is a chick said something or did something inappropriate. I'm not sure how that evolved into a retarded battle of the sexes or whatever this is.
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By Saeko
Bulaba Jones wrote:I'm still not even clear on what Gamergate actually is. What I gather, some obscure video game reviewer who is a chick said something or did something inappropriate. I'm not sure how that evolved into a retarded battle of the sexes or whatever this is.

That's just how it is. People in an argument (or war) often disagree on even what the argument (or war) is actually about. I don't think one can say that there is only one right answer in this case.
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By Zerogouki 2
Bulaba Jones wrote:I'm still not even clear on what Gamergate actually is...

...I'm not sure how that evolved into a retarded battle of the sexes or whatever this is.

No one is.
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By Igor Antunov
Started as a call for journalistic integrity in the industry, turned into an online pissing match between slacktivist feminists/social media clickbaiters and gaming purist neckbeards. That's all you need to know.
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By Rei Murasame
Katie Boundary wrote:2) You have taken sides in this controversy whether you realize it or not. 90% of arguments about Gamergate are about neither sexism nor corruption in journalism, but about whether Gamergate is about sexism or corruption in journalism. In your post, you have come down pretty clearly on the "it's about corruption in journalism" side, putting you at odds with the vast majority of feminists

Actually, fair point. For all intents and purposes, I'm near to #Gamergate on this by process of elimination, even if I don't share their moral outrage at the situation. I also do hate Gawker because they spend literally all their time attacking women and homosexuals in their 'expose' style 'journalism', and then when it's time for #Gamergate they suddenly would like to duck and hide behind those same persons who they've been persecuting.

So that may also place me near to #Gamergate.

I also think that Sarkeesian and etc, are completely out of their minds.


And on a side note:
Katie Boundary wrote:Yup. There's even an entire internet meme dedicated to this perspective: http://knowyourmeme.com/memes/good-guy-lucifer

That is glorious. It might be the best meme ever. People should keep spreading that, I'd like to see it everywhere.
Thank the gods I don't frequent garbage websites like Gawker.

On the subject of Sargon of Akkad, although he might make videos people don't agree with (on the topics of feminism and Gamergate, primarily), that was a pretty good take-down of Gawker.
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By fuser
I never had heard of Gawker before, guess I am still sane.

Bulaba Jones wrote:Generally speaking, it seems like the whole #Gamergate thing is an online battle between legions of PODs on one side and legions of slybaldguys on the other.

Now that you put it this way, it sounds really really awful.
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By Varax
Bulaba Jones wrote:Generally speaking, it seems like the whole #Gamergate thing is an online battle between legions of PODs on one side and legions of slybaldguys on the other.

*shudders* That and what Igor said are probably the best succinct summaries of it I've encountered. Also basically what I said at the beginning of this thread.

I almost feel like gamergate is one of the things where ignorance actually could be considered a virtue and I'm usually a person who values the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake. But in this case it's almost like the more you delve into the more it rots your mind because it is something that has devolved into such inanity.

Also, the fact that this thread is still going and has become somewhat serious is kind of sad - it seems nowhere is safe from this. Yes I'm aware that me responding to it is not helping things.
Varax wrote:I almost feel like gamergate is one of the things where ignorance actually could be considered a virtue and I'm usually a person who values the pursuit of knowledge for its own sake. But in this case it's almost like the more you delve into the more it rots your mind because it is something that has devolved into such inanity.

Completely agreed. I deliberately remain in the dark about why this is even a thing for some people on the internet. I couldn't have said it better:

"one of the things where ignorance actually could be considered a virtue"

Also, the fact that this thread is still going and has become somewhat serious is kind of sad - it seems nowhere is safe from this. Yes I'm aware that me responding to it is not helping things.

I myself mostly only posted in here to take issue with people like POD who think that because they're liberals, they can write posts lecturing women on how to be proper, well-behaved women. Arrogant cultural superiority did not die out in Western liberalism with decolonialism, it still festers as a disgusting self-righteous strain of behavior in Western liberalism today.

I know a little more about Gamergate now than I did then, but my only concern has been with nauseatingly pedantic, narcissistic, self-righteous posts. I feel a little dirty for having posted in this thread to begin with but it was too tempting not to.
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By Igor Antunov
This industry is beyond corrupt. It is beyond destructive. It has become a cult, so bloated on its own self-righteousness and loathing of everyone who doesn’t conform to the hivemind that its impossible to stay and not become either part of that hivemind or go completely fucking insane.

Anti-Gamergate crowd = Mindless drones
Pro-Gamergate crowd = Insane


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By Zerogouki 2
Igor Antunov wrote:Started as a call for journalistic integrity in the industry, turned into an online pissing match between slacktivist feminists/social media clickbaiters and gaming purist neckbeards. That's all you need to know.

That's probably the best description I've heard yet

However, it fails to account for the diversity of the Matt/Baldwin faction, which includes a lot of women (like the Honey Badger brigade), non-gamers, and even feminists who are getting sick of ridiculous bullshit being spread under the feminist label.

Rei Murasame wrote:I also think that Sarkeesian and etc, are completely out of their minds.

Marry me.

Sane people who still identify as feminist are becoming increasingly hard to find. Most of them prefer to abandon the label rather than join the "dissident feminists" (Camille Paglia, Christina Sommers, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Helen Pluckrose, Sabrina Harris, Liana Kerzner, Laura Kipnis, etc.) and this is resulting in a runaway effect.

fuser wrote:I never had heard of Gawker before, guess I am still sane.

I've heard of it, but I've never heard anything to motivate me to learn what it was until now. And now, I'm torn between curiosity and fear.

Clockwise from left: Laverne Cox, DeRay Mckesson, Mercedes Doretti, David Miliband, Anita Sarkeesian, and Diane von Furstenberg have been named honorary degree recipients by The New School.

"Anita Sarkeesian is a media critic and the creator of Feminist Frequency, a video Web series that explores the representation of women in pop culture narratives. Her fearless work focuses on deconstructing the stereotypes and tropes associated with women in popular culture and highlights the targeted harassment of women in online and gaming spaces."

The New School

/end thread part deux.
By Pants-of-dog
Lol, the New School?

You really do trawl the internet looking for any scrap of anything that mght offend you.
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