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mikema63 wrote:Those mathematical models are based on all of our observations, they show possible explanations for observed phenomenon and propose testable predictions.

That kind of thing is how science works.

Can you mention some of the observations for which multiverse theories provide explanations and also some proposed testable predictions that multiverse theories suggest?
So reference to journal papers could also work if you want.
I am really curious to discover the observations that needed as an answer the multiverse.
Igor Antunov wrote:New Big Bang evidence also hints that we may exist in a multiverse
'The first direct evidence of cosmic inflation — a period of rapid expansion that occurred a fraction of a second after the Big Bang — also supports the idea that our universe is just one of many out there, some researchers say.' ... multiverse

I for one welcome our new necromonger overlords.

That's very 'Doctor Who'!

I mean, 'New Big Bang evidence also hints that we may exist in a multiverse'? - give me bloody strength! That one's way up there on the 'The daftest 'theory' so far' list. They (the fakers) probably can't believe that no matter how off-the-wall any pronouncements that they can dream up between them to keep the show on the road, there's an audience out there consisting of adults with fully-developed brains which unquestioningly believes - without any tangible evidence whatsoever, if you please! - every ridiculous word they utter. Image I actually find it quite scary. Image
... Who is accepting this at face value? Even children, with their oh-so-unformed brains, make dozens of quality and reference checks automatically when new data is taken in. Your statement is a patent falsehood.

Furthermore for all your grandstanding you've shown nothing in contradiction of these findings, or of the Big Bang, or of the possibly of a multiverse. Criticism without content is worthless.
OllytheBrit wrote:Tell me this: Why Mars, which is at the far end of the universe? Why not one step at a time, and begin with closer planets? I'll tell you why - it's because Mars is the one with mystique, and bound to promote more public interest. You might have another theory though???

Bollocks to science and astronomy, right Olly? We should be consulting our oracles and soothsayers instead for guidance on such matters.

As for all this space nonsense, since Mars is on "the far end of the universe" and all, is there a closer planet that you would prefer us to focus on instead? Pluto, maybe? I think scientists prefer Mars because there's some pyramids and canals already built for us, but I'd be interested to hear your suggestions.
Last edited by Diligent on 21 Mar 2014 14:46, edited 1 time in total.
Dagoth Ur wrote:... Who is accepting this at face value? Even children, with their oh-so-unformed brains, make dozens of quality and reference checks automatically when new data is taken in. Your statement is a patent falsehood.

Furthermore for all your grandstanding you've shown nothing in contradiction of these findings, or of the Big Bang, or of the possibly of a multiverse. Criticism without content is worthless.

So is conjecture! Fuck knows what the first sentence in your post means! Image
Diligent wrote:Bollocks to science and astronomy, right Olly? We should be consulting our oracles and soothsayers instead for guidance on such matters.

As for all this space nonsense, since Mars is on "the far end of the universe" and all, is there a closer planet that you would prefer us to focus on instead? Pluto, maybe? I think scientists prefer Mars because there's some pyramids and canals already built for us, but I'd be interested to hear your suggestions.

It'll be a ludicrous assertion like that which the boffins, in their conviction that no matter what preposterous crap they dream up there's a gullible audience of cunts who will believe every word of it, that will finally expose them for the charlatans they are. You and the other 'believers-without-evidence' won't half feel stupid when it happens mate.
mikema63 wrote:^I missed that, did he really say that?

My god, what are they teaching in UK schools.

You're allowed to address me direct you know! Image Anyway, if it isn't at the end of the universe, where is it?
KlassWar wrote:The second closest planet (after Venus), inside our very own solar system, is most definitely not in the far end of the Universe.

I don't think you grasp just how big the Universe is.

I'm only repeating what I heard one of them say during an interview about it. Image Maybe they can't grasp it either!!
OllytheBrit wrote:[
Flat Earthers of the world unite - you have nothing to lose but your credulity. And another comparator for you - if I'd been around when the Emperor wore his new clothes, I'd have been the boy who cried out 'But he's starkers, can't you see that??'

"The Emperor's New Clothes" (Danish: Kejserens nye Klæder) is a short tale by Hans Christian Andersen about two weavers who promise an Emperor a new suit of clothes that is invisible to those unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent. When the Emperor parades before his subjects in his new clothes, a child cries out, "But he isn't wearing anything at all!"

Source: Wiki.

Oh, and a theory of mine - The bigger the lie, the more the believers of it there will be.

So which part is the lie, Olly? You have to let us in on the secret, otherwise we may be taken in by other charlatans.
ThereBeDragons wrote:Maybe you're just scientifically ignorant.

I listen, I analyse, I conclude, and I challenge if necessary. You should try it some time! Image Seriously though, I can't believe that so many otherwise intelligent persons who unquestioningly and blindly put their trust in what essentially is nothing but hearsay. Then again, I've often noticed that intellectuals often have a deficit of perspicacity and nous.
OllytheBrit wrote:I listen, I analyse, I conclude,
and you are thoroughly scientifically ignorant, and have no interest in learning.

OllytheBrit wrote:I can't believe that so many otherwise intelligent persons who unquestioningly and blindly put their trust in what essentially is nothing but hearsay.
Scientific education is more than just "hearsay."
Quetzalcoatl wrote:So which part is the lie, Olly? You have to let us in on the secret, otherwise we may be taken in by other charlatans.

If you need to ask that, after reading all I've said on this thread, I can't think of a way of answering that specific question. Sorry.
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