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By Douglas
Sure it was a legit send and not one conducted by a hijack?
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By Thunderhawk
When you do find it, do NOT play it in Windows Media Player.

The auto licsence-fetching system (which you can disable) is a security flaw. There have been many modified videos distributed such that when WMP goes to get the liscence it actually downloads a virus.

Play it with VLC player first.
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By Zagadka
Agree with above. WMP has holes, and if it was blocked, it was for a reason. If you can't find it, your antivirus system (you DO have one, right?) probably put it into secure storage.

I would really like to be able to watch it or else he'll bug me for days to check it out.

You can't just take a picture of his penis for proof?
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By Thunderhawk
It was a porn video he sent me.

That is the most common genre used for distributing viruses.

..though, I suspect porn is the most common genre of videos available anyways.
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By Dr House
Let's recap:

-You downloaded a porn video.
-Your antivirus told you not to open it.

I think the next step is pretty obvious.

Do not open it.

Unless your friend made the video himself, it's probably infected.
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By Thunderhawk
If he lives near by go over to his place and watch it on his computer.
By Oblisk
A friend sent me a video file (.wmv) on MSN. I cannot open it. Windows says it may be harmful and has blocked it. It's not showing up in my Received Files and I've tried searching for it and it's not showing up. I would really like to be able to watch it or else he'll bug me for days to check it out.

MSN automatically deletes files after you click "OK" in that error message window. I am positive that it's probably a false positive. I've had the same problem with *.mp3 or any audio files. Don't click open in the MSN window, but navigate into /My Received Files and play from there.
By sploop!
OK - It sounds as if you are looking in the right sort of place. If it is going to be anywhere, it will be in the 'Received Files' folder you think it has vanished from, which is inside your 'My Documents' folder.

Here are some possibilities:

1. It is not really a .wmp file. Sometimes, especially if you have your PC set up to hide extensions, files can look like one thing, when in fact they are something else. A file called donkeypron.wmp.exe will look as if it is called donkeypron.wmp. When you try to open it, instead of seeing nice pictures of fluffy animals, you suddenly find you have installed something not very useful. if you are searching using 'search for pictures, music or video' the file won't show up because it isn't any of those. Try searching via 'All files and folders', or go to and open the folder, change the folder view to show the files in date order and have a look at the last few that have arrived to find suitable candidates. If you do this, you should adjust your settings to show extensions, so you know what it is you are looking at. But seriously, you don't want to be opening it. You should delete it.

2. AVG has indeed locked it away. I think this is unlikely. As I understand it, AVG only reacts to files as they are opened or scanned. It doesn't just virus-vault dodgy files. It isn't that good. But you could check. Here are some instructions for checking the virus vault here - read the last article on the page, #647.

3. You only got part of the file, or it was damaged in some way. If this is the case, it is stored somewhere else in a temporary folder, and even if you could find it, it probably wouldn't open.

4. You have the name of the file slightly wrong. It isn't donkeypron.wmp, but monkeyporn.wmp (I know, it sounds unlikely, but it can happen). If you have a look in the folder with the files organised by date order, you might see it.

5. If you find it, and Windows won't open it, telling you 'Security: This file came from another computer and might be blocked to help protect this computer'. You needn't panic. This is a dumb message that doesn't mean you are actually dealing with a virus. It does that with all sorts of innocent files as well.

Last advice. Make sure your anti-virus is completely up to date. There is still a possibility this is a virus of some sort. If you do find it, I'd suggest you force a manual scan before you try to open it. Right click and scan the file using AVG. Trust no-one. Especially on MSN.
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By Noelnada
Windows says it may be harmful and has blocked it. It's not showing up in my Received Files and I've tried searching for it and it's not showing up.

Windows Live Messenger automatically delete files that could be violating copyrights, mp3, wmw and so on. Just use another method of transfert or do as Oblisk said.

It's not really a computer problem, rather a corporate problem :p
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By masterofbabes
dont ever play anything on WMP, they can't read no shit and needs codec for any file format. But if you insist on using WMP, then I suggest you convert your .wmv into MPEG, that god dam stupid ass Windows Media Player can read. Hope that helps 8)
By sploop!
Noelnada is absolutely right - I had no idea it did this sort of stuff. Your file is toast. It is possible to fix MSN so that it doesn't do this... :evil:
By Oblisk
Again, MSN deletes the file after the warning message. It is gone.

It is most likely a false positive.
By sploop!
What's a false positive? There has been no mention of a detection.
By canadiancapitalist
Do you have VideoLAN (VLC)? You'll want it if you don't have it. For some reason traditional media players need you to download a bunch of codecs to work properly, but with VideoLan you don't have to worry about that and it's freeware. Probably won't help with your current problem though :P
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By dilpill
Do you have VideoLAN (VLC)? You'll want it if you don't have it. For some reason traditional media players need you to download a bunch of codecs to work properly, but with VideoLan you don't have to worry about that and it's freeware. Probably won't help with your current problem though :P

I don't really like VLC. It is very convenient however, and I keep a copy on my computer just in case WMP plus FFDSHOW plus the Matroska/Mp4 splitter can't handle a media file for whatever reason. I very much like the suite of a/v filters that FFDSHOW provides.

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