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By dwix
Anyone here on pofo run linux? Dual boot, or straight up? Linux on a handheld? Run a linux server? Maybe something else that ends with *NIX? I'm interested to find out. Do you enjoy it, find it stable, more effective, etc?

Haters feel free to comment as well, of course.
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By Dr House
PredatorOC and Adrien run Linux. Dunno if anyone else does.
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By Noelnada
I used to run linux opensuse, it was really nice and efficient and so on. But when i received a new computer, i decided to install win xp to benefit from the latest generation graphic card/ videogames. And i'm still wondering if that wouldn't be a lot better without videogames but with a real operating system.
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By Dr House
I super interested into getting Ubuntu.

I'd recommend you to have a second computer with internet or the phone number of a tech geek with Linux knowledge who can help you out before attempting the switch.

You should ask Oddity for his phone number.
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By dwix
I'm currently running linux mint off of a 8GiB flash drive (on occasion, and have an old busted up laptop that has xubuntu on it. I'm too scared that I'll destroy my vista laptop if i try to dual-boot.
By Douglas
I have ubuntu and would recommend it to everyone.

Setting up a dual boot is not a problem anymore, you can do it inside windows with wubi. It's extremely simple to do now. With a dual boot system that is so easy to set up there really isn't a reason not to at least install it to try it out. It's installed and uninstalled inside windows like any other program. If you don't like it then you lose nothing, it's not a problem to get rid of it, it changes nothing with your windows OS.

Really I can't think of a reason why someone wouldn't at least try it.
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By Tigerlily
Who says I don't already have Jim's number, House? ;)

So like, if I back everything important up (on an external harddrive?)...what would realistically happen if I got rid of my Windows XP and replaced it with Ubuntu? Would my computer be fucked forever? If I don't like it, I can just take it off, right? Is it really hard to set up? Their website makes it seem really easy.
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By Adrien
Ubuntu is like Windows. If you install it and don't like it, just go back to your Windows Install CD, wipe the hard drive clean and start again, it's just an operating system.

Now you always have to have a backup of your important files, but since switching to Ubuntu or back to Windows requires, basically, formating the hard drive, you have to have a backup of your files for sure.

Also, it is possible to have both XP and Ubuntu on your computer, and every time you start your computer up a little program asks you which you wanna use.

Finally, Ubuntu is great at plug-and-play. I've used it with three internet providers in three different computers, and it always worked right after the first start-up. Same for all the components like combo drivers, mice, and even external WiFi card. Here on my IBM laptop every key, from volume to contrast to the little light above the screen, they all worked right away.

One important notice though, if your computer uses the network, it's all good. If it's the one on which the network is set-up, through a special installation CD for instance, it will not work I think.

If you need anything just ask.


Ubuntu rules!
By Oblisk
I was a Gentoo user, every handheld I own runs on linux, but currently not my main rig.
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By Siberian Fox
dwix wrote:Anyone here on pofo run linux? Dual boot, or straight up?

Ubuntu Linux is the only OS on the computer that I use 99% of the time. My old computer has Windows 2000/Mandrake on it. If I ever get around to it I'll make that an Ubuntu box as well.

Oblisk wrote:I was a Gentoo user

Hard core man. :borg:
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By Potemkin
I was a Linux user back before it was cool. I started with Red Hat back in about '98, then migrated to SuSE before it sold out to The Man, then switched to Debian, which was a revelation to me. No more Dependency Hell! Yay! When Ubuntu came out, I jumped on board the bandwagon. However, I have just recently switched to Linux Mint. Debian has been the basis of all Linux flavours I have used since about '03. Ubuntu is directly based on Debian, and Linux Mint is directly based on Ubuntu.

I was a Gentoo user

You scare me. :eek:
Last edited by Potemkin on 29 Jan 2009 21:08, edited 1 time in total.
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By Adrien

This does not reflect my views, I just found that while searching for screenshots of that Gentoo. But I found it matched your comments guys if anything.

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By Dr House
K, I am Linux-illiterate. Someone care to enlighten me on what the deal is with Gentoo?
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By Siberian Fox
It's an operating system compiled from source [code]. Basically the idea is that you only download the code to run your specific hardware and do the tasks that you want it to do and then compile (build) your own operating system on your PC that is super-efficient.

In reality it is just a pain in the arse. Although if you are really into that kind of stuff it could work well for you I guess.
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By Dr House
Siberian Fox wrote:It's an operating system compiled from source [code]. Basically the idea is that you only download the code to run your specific hardware and do the tasks that you want it to do and then compile (build) your own operating system on your PC that is super-efficient.


Wow, that is hardcore.
By sploop!
I use Slax as part of a recovery system (I do PC repairs to make a bit of extra cash). I run it from a CD or from flash, depending on what boot options I have available and use it to back up broken windows boxes before any major messing about.

I'm always really impressed that Slax runs on everything, no problems, whereas my Bart PE version of XP, despite having every device driver I can find included in it, will only boot up half of the time.

I hate the nasty plasticky look of Gnome and KDE though...
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By Potemkin
I hate the nasty plasticky look of Gnome and KDE though...

Then run Fluxbox or IceWM. You could even try Xfce if you're that way inclined.

Linux has a desktop for everyone. And if you hate desktops, then just run a window manager. Hell, you could run everything from a console if you're feeling really hardcore.... :eh:
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By Noelnada
KDE4 is nice :(

By sploop!
Hardcore? Not me!

I think the problem is that almost the first thing I do when I get a PC is turn off all the eye-candy. I don't care for all the distractions of shadows and reflections and curved boxes and gem-like icons. I've got used to the plain grey tool bars and blue desktop of the basic windows 98 style. I even run Vista in plain vanilla...

Is there something out there like that for Linux?

Just looked at Noel's offering. Microsoft stole a lot from Linux for Vista, didn't they?

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