Cosmic inflation: 'Spectacular' discovery hailed - Politics | PoFo

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Scientists say they have extraordinary new evidence to support a Big Bang Theory for the origin of the Universe.

Researchers believe they have found the signal left in the sky by the super-rapid expansion of space that must have occurred just fractions of a second after everything came into being.

It takes the form of a distinctive twist in the oldest light detectable with telescopes.

The work will be scrutinised carefully, but already there is talk of a Nobel.

Prof Alan Guth Inflation pioneer

"I've seen the research; the arguments are persuasive, and the scientists involved are among the most careful and conservative people I know," he told BBC News.

The breakthrough was announced by an American team working on a project known as BICEP2.

This has been using a telescope at the South Pole to make detailed observations of a small patch of sky.

The aim has been to try to find a residual marker for "inflation" - the idea that the cosmos experienced an exponential growth spurt in its first trillionth, of a trillionth of a trillionth of a second.

Very momentous indeed.
More non-provable, ridiculous nonsense from the 'space industry'! Every preposterous utterance is dafter than the one before - but hey, at least it keeps the 'research grants' ( Image ) coming!! Jobs for life - that's what it's all about squire, jobs for life. 'Very momentous indeed'! Image
I'm rarely disgusted by a post, but you did it!

An enemy of science is an enemy of all humanity.

Human beings learned something about the universe, something fundamental to the structure of existence and you are lamenting wasted money?

Do you even realize what an infinitesimal part of national budgets science takes? Are you even aware of the unimaginable return on that investment science grants?

mikema63 wrote:I'm rarely disgusted by a post, but you did it!

An enemy of science is an enemy of all humanity.

Human beings learned something about the universe, something fundamental to the structure of existence and you are lamenting wasted money?

Do you even realize what an infinitesimal part of national budgets science takes? Are you even aware of the unimaginable return on that investment science grants?


The wilful ignorance and philistinism of the British petty-bourgeois classes never ceases to amaze me, Mike. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, having lived in Britain all my life; but no, it still astonishes me every time.
Decky wrote:Meh, if science prodiced anything of benefit to humanity it would be able to fund itself (since people would want to buy whatever it produced).

Spoken like a true Thatcherite, Decky.
Pote you know I was kidding right? I didn't think I would need sacasm tags to point out that I have not magically became a libertarian.

I've had people directly insult me

I find that hard to belive.
mikema63 wrote:I'm rarely disgusted by a post, but you did it!

An enemy of science is an enemy of all humanity.

Human beings learned something about the universe, something fundamental to the structure of existence and you are lamenting wasted money?

Do you even realize what an infinitesimal part of national budgets science takes? Are you even aware of the unimaginable return on that investment science grants?


Don't shoot the messenger mate!! I'm only an enemy of bogus science, and this nonsense is bogus science and some.
Potemkin wrote:The wilful ignorance and philistinism of the British petty-bourgeois classes never ceases to amaze me, Mike. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, having lived in Britain all my life; but no, it still astonishes me every time.

Hmm, wilfully stupid philistines is how I would describe mainstream Australia. It seems the Australians have managed to preserve this detestable trait from their English forebearers.
Potemkin wrote:The wilful ignorance and philistinism of the British petty-bourgeois classes never ceases to amaze me, Mike. You'd think I'd be used to it by now, having lived in Britain all my life; but no, it still astonishes me every time.

I'm Olly, and I'm an ignorant, petty-bourgeois philistine. God there are some pretentious prats on this board.
ThereBeDragons wrote:Try learning some science first.

You call this science do you? I call it self-serving opportunism perpetrated by charlatans and believed by fools.
OllytheBrit wrote:You call this science do you? I call it self-serving opportunism perpetrated by charlatans and believed by fools.
Only if "charlatans" means "physicists" and "fools" means "anybody who has studied physics."
Decky wrote:Meh, if science prodiced anything of benefit to humanity it would be able to fund itself (since people would want to buy whatever it produced).
Potemkin wrote:Spoken like a true Thatcherite, Decky.
yes the sort of people who pooh-pooh HS2 and the White Sea Canal.
Rei Murasame wrote:And on what authority are you claiming this?

Do you believe every word you hear without the need to analyse and challenge it? To believe conjecture and supposition rather than the actuality? Gullibility is a characteristic of children and not very bright adults.
OllytheBrit wrote:Do you believe every word you hear without the need to analyse and challenge it? To believe conjecture and supposition rather than the actuality? Gullibility is a characteristic of children and not very bright adults.
When you were being taught math did you contradict everything the professor said? How much physics do you know?
ThereBeDragons wrote:Only if "charlatans" means "physicists" and "fools" means "anybody who has studied physics."

Flat Earthers of the world unite - you have nothing to lose but your credulity. And another comparator for you - if I'd been around when the Emperor wore his new clothes, I'd have been the boy who cried out 'But he's starkers, can't you see that??'

"The Emperor's New Clothes" (Danish: Kejserens nye Klæder) is a short tale by Hans Christian Andersen about two weavers who promise an Emperor a new suit of clothes that is invisible to those unfit for their positions, stupid, or incompetent. When the Emperor parades before his subjects in his new clothes, a child cries out, "But he isn't wearing anything at all!"

Source: Wiki.

Oh, and a theory of mine - The bigger the lie, the more the believers of it there will be.

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