15 Year Old Boy prints Robot Humanoid - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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News wrote:Dimitris Hatzis, a fifteen year old student living in Kavala, located in northern Greece has created a life sized robot humanoid from a 3D printer, ANA-MPA reports.


The student’s creation is part of the “InMoov” project, an open source platform that is centred around the development of a life sized robot humanoid from a 3D printer. Those working on their project can get instructions from the platform and also share their progress with other people who are attempting to do the same thing.

Hatzis, who was able to construct the robot after a year of daily work, is now one of the six people in the world who have been able to complete the task. The other five include the original designer of the robot, Frenchman Gael Langevin, two Russians an Italian and a German creator. Hatzis is also the youngest one of this group.

The Greek student told ANA-MPA that he has been in contact with the other scientists, which he regards as his peers. He further noted that each scientist contributes something new to the development of this project, which is constantly developing.

That thing is the stuff of my nightmares
Assuming that he alone created the files for the 3D print job, plus the mechanics, circuitry, for any one person, especially a 15 year old, that's a pretty impressive feat, kudos to him, he has a bright future.
Whoa! I want a robot!

It is amazing what 3d printers can do these days.

I heard of a project in the US where they are working on a 3d printer that can create food from recipes; it is still being tested. I think it is a project at Columbia University.
I see the robot has his eyes.

Teenagers are brilliant. When the clocks went back, I had to stop a teen in the town and ask him to change the time on my cell phone. He did the job in seconds.
Teenagers are not 'brilliant,' they're simply more familiar with the technology. We're raised by the technology. Planned obsolescence shape young minds and guarantee turn over for the technocracy. Technology plays a role in developmental psychology. Eventually, non-human systems will automate human systems, and the open source state will program civilization.
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