Life on earth much older than previously thought - Politics | PoFo

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Life on earth is older by 300M years than previous research has indicated. ... 4da223fe66 ... 03356.html

UCLA scientists have found evidence that life likely existed on Earth at least 4.1 billion years ago -- 300 million years earlier than previous research suggested. The discovery indicates that life may have begun shortly after the planet formed 4.54 billion years ago.

The new research suggests that life existed prior to the massive bombardment of the inner solar system that formed the moon's large craters 3.9 billion years ago. "If all life on Earth died during this bombardment, which some scientists have argued, then life must have restarted quickly," said Patrick Boehnke, a co-author of the research and a graduate student in Harrison's laboratory.

The researchers studied more than 10,000 zircons originally formed from molten rocks, or magmas, from Western Australia. Zircons are heavy, durable minerals related to the synthetic cubic zirconium used for imitation diamonds. They capture and preserve their immediate environment, meaning they can serve as time capsules. The carbon contained in the zircon has a characteristic signature -- a specific ratio of carbon-12 to carbon-13 -- that indicates the presence of photosynthetic life.

How confident are they that their zircon represents 4.1 billion-year-old graphite? "Very confident," Harrison said. "There is no better case of a primary inclusion in a mineral ever documented, and nobody has offered a plausible alternative explanation for graphite of non-biological origin into a zircon."

The graphite is older than the zircon containing it, the researchers said. They know the zircon is 4.1 billion years old, based on its ratio of uranium to lead; they don't know how much older the graphite is.
anasawad wrote:I am short handed in this topic but i hear some people say that primitive bacteria arrived here on meteors.
How true is this claim ?

We do not know but this is one of the plausible scenarios.

As for where those bacteria would have originally appeared, especially how far from Earth, multiple scenarios are again possible: panspermia (life spreading through universe) or solar system only.

Note that so far no traces of bacteria in meteors have been ever confirmed, even though it is thought to be possible.
Interesting. Now i know some types of bacteria can enter a state which allows it to syrvive in meteors in deep space.
So that could be a possibility.
So the possibility of other forms of life is possible to have evolved else where in the universe and maybe some where near ?
[quote][That article is really interesting and it also explains why we shouldn't communicate with aliens:/quote]

Why do they believe we would have the choice? Human hubris still the dominant trait even when envisioning confronting an advanced alien civilization. :roll:
Whocares386 wrote:Make sense for me because think about aliens.. Our 21th century stage of civilization may not be interesting to them, since they have seen many others like us before, right ?

That article is really interesting and it also explains why we shouldn't communicate with aliens:

The zoo scenario feels about right :hmm:
I would still think they are benevolent aliens though. We really have no choice but to think that.

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