Is it racist to prefer to date white women? - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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MistyTiger wrote:Of course there are exceptions. But generally the ideal beauty is one that is statuesque as portrayed by grecian marble statues. The documentary did talk about the statue Raphael and how concepts of beauty and perfection have evolved over time.

I too have found people attractive outside the ideal. Some of it had to do with their presence in the room, the vibes they gave off or how they acted or how they spoke. I also like people if I find their voice attractive.

Actually, I believe ‘vibes’ are a major factor. The same thing that repels us from some attracts us to others. I believe this is a ‘human sense’ we simply don’t understand yet.

@Godstud Too skinny. :)
Oh, so that's what you prefer?

:roll: No, sorry, she doesn't look like that. How did you take what I posted and come up with that? Hope?
It seems to be acceptable to have a preference currently. a lot of dating websites have the option to filter based on ethnicity.

I suspect this is also the reason that I’ve noticed a few articles popping up claiming it is racist. Ususally from black men as I suspect they are often targets of the filter. In the uk I think south Asian men are filtered out often based on conversations. Women can be quite frank about this as they are comfortable with it being their prerogative to be chosey for any reason.

On the other side I think men are actually less bias but part of that is probably the macho variety thing. Surveys show black ladies to lose out which is probably due to their more naturally heavy build and heavy features. Men tend to prefer petit women and delicate features.

While fashion and culture can have a big influence, there are “natural” inclinations which I think make certain ethnicities more attractive in general. Internal and open prejudice can be a thing but I doubt it’s a big factor in male preference.
Pants-of-dog wrote:Well, white people define racism as the belief or feeling that another race is worse than yours.

Note the casual endemic anti-White racism "white people define" as if all white people hold the same opinion. Imagine if you took out "white people" and replaced it with "jews", or "blacks".

Thinking your tribe is slightly better than others is mild racism. Thinking your tribe is the chosen people is extreme racism.
Note the casual endemic anti-White racism "white people define" as if all white people hold the same opinion. Imagine if you took out "white people" and replaced it with "jews", or "blacks".

I don't think anyone would have an issue with it. Generalizations aren't bad as long as you don't treat them as fact. When people say, for example, "Arabs always" or "Persians always" or Jews always" etc., they usually mean "most Arabs always" or "most Persians always". But these statements are, of course, generalizations of a situation and should not be treated as fact. Pants of dog has an element of truth to his statements. Most people, including whites, believe that racism is the feeling of racial superiority over another person.

Furthermore that isn't "anti-White racism", that's chauvinism.

Thinking your tribe is slightly better than others is mild racism. Thinking your tribe is the chosen people is extreme racism.

If, by tribe, you are referring to the modern American political party (which you must obviously be referring to) then this is far from racism. Tribes in a modern sense aren't ethnically motivated, they simply are set of interconnected interest groups who share a common goal and opposition. These interest groups may use varying ethnicities as scapegoats but this isn't due to ethnic reasons, this is due to the ethnicities themselves being part of another tribe.

If thinking you're tribe is the chosen people is extreme racism wouldn't that make Israel the most racist and amoral place on earth? It's entire existence revolves around that idea.
@Oxymandias You said generalizations are not bad and did an excellent job of explaining it. Then you attacked his generalization???
@One Degree

You said generalizations are not bad and did an excellent job of explaining it.

Generalizations are fine as long as you don't treat them as fact. Basing your political beliefs on generalizations is foolhardy at best and dangerous at worst.

Then you attacked his generalization???

Exactly what was he generalizing? If you are referring to his tribe tangent then I simply made an educated guess as to what he was referring to by "tribe" and formed an argument around it. I don't think that tangent could be considered to be a generalization given that he simply seems ignorant on the matter. I assume, given that he consumes far-right media frequently and given that far-right media is often very contradictory in it's claims and the evidence to back them up, he may have confused himself on the issue.
Agent Steel wrote:I mostly am into white women and sometimes Latin American/Mediterranean women. However I almost never am into blacks.

For me the skin is a turnoff. It just looks ugly to me.

Is my mindset racist?

I think the answer for you in particular is probably yes.

Godstud wrote:You mean like this?

I think you know that I now believe Rei Murasame is a gorgeous ebony skinned woman. Probably looks not to different from this woman. :excited:
Agent Steel wrote:I mostly am into white women and sometimes Latin American/Mediterranean women. However I almost never am into blacks.

For me the skin is a turnoff. It just looks ugly to me.

Is my mindset racist?

Yes, your mindset is a little bit of racist. Actually you turned yourself to be like this.

Race and skin color shouldn't be an issue for any man. In reality, it is not in the nature of males. A man can date to any woman regardless of race and skin color. All we want is just sex. Isn't it?
MistyTiger wrote:It is racist to pay attention to the color of someone's skin period.

I find people attractive based on their physical features regardless of skin color. I watched a documentary once on what makes people beautiful. Researchers found that beauty is based on perfect or near perfect symmetry and the golden ratio. It makes sense. We like perfection and flawlessness. If one eye is noticeable bigger than the other people are likely to find it unattractive or freakish.

The 3 major races are not categorized by skin color, they're categorized by their skeletons. Skin color is not what determines race. Anthropology is.

If you prefer certain physical structures over others, that is just what the Nazis did, and so I would have to say it makes you very racist for saying that.
@Agent Steel

You realize there is no difference between an African's skeleton, an Arab's skeleton, an Asians skeleton, etc. right? I think you need google what anthropology is before you say something stupid like that.

No, Nazis cared about your genes, not your physical structure. It didn't matter if you were a German with buck teeth or big feet, as long as you were white, blue-eyed and with no disability at all you were accepted. Why do you think the Nazis had such a large eugenics program in the fucking first place?
Do not think about it. I think the insinuation that anyone's romantic choices need to be racialised is very racist in itself. I don't think it is correct to have a racial preference, it is racist. But it is not racist if you simply happen to end up with mostly European ladies. I think the Western men who express a preference for Asian ladies are racist. I don't think it is racist to want to marry someone of the same race.

And, my stance is not a contradiction. If you say you prefer to marry someone of a similar background, it is not really racist, I don't think. But, if you absolutely refuse anyone of a different background then I think it is racist. But, equally if you say you only want someone of a certain different background, that is also racist.
Last edited by Political Interest on 14 Apr 2018 19:15, edited 2 times in total.
Agent Steel wrote:The 3 major races are not categorized by skin color, they're categorized by their skeletons. Skin color is not what determines race. Anthropology is.

If you prefer certain physical structures over others, that is just what the Nazis did, and so I would have to say it makes you very racist for saying that.

3 major races? What are those races? I'm confused like Rancid.

It is not racist for anyone to prefer physical features over others. It is like someone saying that they prefer celery salt over sea salt. People have preferences.

But dating someone just because they are white...that is racist. If I were to start dating in the future, I would date them because I cared about their personality and felt like he and I "clicked" on some level due to common interests and dreams. If he's black then cool if he's white or brown or yellow...that's cool too. Even when looking at a car, I first look at the options it has, its personality not what it looks like.

Also, you must've missed my conversation with OneDegree where we agreed that "vibes" come into play when people find themselves attracted to each other. Vibes can and do supersede skin color and looks any day.

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