Breastfeeding in public - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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By Figlio di Moros
Rei Murasame wrote:The question here is really one of whether we are aiming for a pro-child and pro-woman society, or if we are not.

No, that's a false dichotomy; the question is whether we're aiming for a healthier, more intelligent society. When you make a crusade out of such a simple subject, you end up creating sores that counter your intentions. Everyone agrees that women should breastfeed; when you(Yiw) assert that we're wrong to feel awkward next to a breastfeeding woman, or the potentiality of it being unsanitary, you create problems that counter your issue. Me and Fasces have agreed in that past that breastfeeding ought to be promoted. What isn't true is that it isn't awkward; I was at someones house while their wife breastfeed a few feet from me. By all accounts, she had the right in her own home to breastfeed, but that doesn't mean it's less awkward than if there isn't a baby attached to the nipple. By drawing a crusade in public, in such manners as making breastfeeding as blantant as possible, you're merely creating an offensive atmosphere that hurts your own reputation.

As for breastfeeding in resturants: if it's unsanitary to place your hat on a table, don't act so offended that it'd be considered unsanitary to breastfeed at it.
By Pants-of-dog
Figlio di Moros wrote:No, that's a false dichotomy; the question is whether we're aiming for a healthier, more intelligent society. When you make a crusade out of such a simple subject, you end up creating sores that counter your intentions. Everyone agrees that women should breastfeed; when you(Yiw) assert that we're wrong to feel awkward next to a breastfeeding woman, or the potentiality of it being unsanitary, you create problems that counter your issue. Me and Fasces have agreed in that past that breastfeeding ought to be promoted. What isn't true is that it isn't awkward; I was at someones house while their wife breastfeed a few feet from me. By all accounts, she had the right in her own home to breastfeed, but that doesn't mean it's less awkward than if there isn't a baby attached to the nipple. By drawing a crusade in public, in such manners as making breastfeeding as blantant as possible, you're merely creating an offensive atmosphere that hurts your own reputation.

As for breastfeeding in resturants: if it's unsanitary to place your hat on a table, don't act so offended that it'd be considered unsanitary to breastfeed at it.

People get offended or feel awkward at all sorts of things. That is no reason to make these things entirely private. Nor is it a reason to stop debating and raising awareness about the issue.

By facing people's awkwardness and discussing things more openly, we can dispel such myths as "breastfeeding is unsanitary".
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By yiwahikanak
Figlio, Fasces silly claims about breastfeeding in a restaurant being unsanitary were already challenged and never backed up with any logical argument. Yet you bring it up again?

I suppose you might need a recap after all this time.

Fasces wrote:No, I would not eat in a toilet stall, and no, I would not eat while the lady next to me was breastfeeding her kid. Both are potentially unsanitary conditions.

I have no real problems with a woman breastfeeding in public outside of restaurants, such as on benches, or in a shopping centre.

Really? Are you worried breastmilk is going to squirt all over you or your food?

Please explain to me how a lady sitting next to you (presumably at another table, so actually removed from you, not directly beside you), breastfeeding her child, is doing something unsanitary?

When you eat, are you creating unsanitary conditions for those around you?

Fasces wrote:I said potentially unsanitary.

Her child may burp it up. He may vomit. He may stop suckling, resulting in a leak.

Children vomit. Some of them very frequently. Should we remove children from restaurants because they are potentially unsanitary.

Most mothers when burping their children wear a cloth over their shoulder to catch spit up. Are you worried that spit-up is going to get on you or your food? Are you worried a baby will projectile vomit onto you from a different table? You realise that this horrible possibilities can occur even when the child is bottle fed, yes? Should bottle feeding children also occur in the unsanitary location of the toilet stall to avoid 'potentially unsanitary' conditions in the restaurant?

If a woman 'springs a leak', are you worried her breast milk is going to spray on you or your food?

Perhaps you, Figlio, can point out how Fasces argument (which you champion) makes any sense whatsoever?
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By Figlio di Moros
PoD, if something is offensive it shouldn't be viewed in public; society has the right not to be offended. That said, the benefits outweigh offense in the case of breastfeeding. I've made that point, and you ignored it for your arguement. The simple fact is breastfeeding is awkward, and should be done discreetly out of respect for the people around you. If you can't grasp the difference between that and "breastfeeding is evil", you're a dumb douche that I'd be wasting my time debating with.

Yiw, you never posted anything contesting the sanitary conditions of breastfeeding at the table; you simple berated anybody questioning whether or not it isn't. Like I said, it's unsanitary to place a hat at the table while eating. It's understandable breastfeeding would be considered unsanitary too.
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By El Gilroy
Figlio di Moros wrote:if something is offensive it shouldn't be viewed in public; society has the right not to be offended.

No it doesn't.
By Pants-of-dog
Figlio di Moros wrote:PoD, if something is offensive it shouldn't be viewed in public; society has the right not to be offended. That said, the benefits outweigh offense in the case of breastfeeding. I've made that point, and you ignored it for your arguement. The simple fact is breastfeeding is awkward, and should be done discreetly out of respect for the people around you. If you can't grasp the difference between that and "breastfeeding is evil", you're a dumb douche that I'd be wasting my time debating with.


So, if Muslims get offended when you print cartoons of Mohammed, we should outlaw cartoons of Mohammed. If Christian conservatives get offended when two homosexuals kiss in public, we should outlaw same sex relations. If someone was offended by your looks, should we make your looks illegal?

Obviously, a free society does not work that way.
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By yiwahikanak
Figlio di Moros wrote:
Yiw, you never posted anything contesting the sanitary conditions of breastfeeding at the table;

You're damn right I didn't. Fasces made the claim that you apparently support. It's up to you two geniuses to explain precisely how it is's not up to me to show you it isn't.

Fasces brought up ridiculous things like 'burping up' and 'springing leaks'....I challenged those and asked for an explanation as to how this is unsanitary, or in any way likely to be a problem.

If you wish to address this, please feel free. After all, when you make a claim, you'd better back it up. Particularly if you expect something to be banned, or restricted in any way.
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By Figlio di Moros
Pants-of-dog wrote:So, if Muslims get offended when you print cartoons of Mohammed...

In their own countries, sure. If they get offended in someone elses society, they can fuck off. There's a difference between offending society and an extreme, unrepresentative portion of individuals.

PoD wrote:If Christian conservatives get offended when two homosexuals kiss in public, we should outlaw same sex relations.

In their own localities? Yes, they certainly have the right to raise the issue; a christain area shouldn't be forced to adhere to someone elses standards, especially when it'd help destroy the basic principles of their own social standards. If a society is majorally adverse to homosexuality, or breastfeeding, or revealing clothes, or what have you, in their neighborhood, they have the right to bar such behavior. It's actually a bit hypocritical for anyone to be pro- "more democracy" and simultaneously demand the results fit the construct of their own ideology, rather than the morals and beliefs of their own society.

PoD wrote:If someone was offended by your looks, should we make your looks illegal?

Aside from it being absurd and unenforcable... :eh:

yiwahikanak wrote:You're damn right I didn't. Fasces made the claim that you apparently support. It's up to you two geniuses to explain precisely how it is's not up to me to show you it isn't.

We claimed it was potentially unsanitary, and gave examples of why people might view it that way. You've made the counter-assertion that it's not potentially unsanitary, which you haven't suppurted with any proof. Unless you can contest how breastfeeding is more sannitary than placing your hat on the table, ot has no potential for "leaks, vomiting, etc." that Fasces raised, your not actually making any legimitimate argument.
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By El Gilroy
Figlio di Moros wrote:In their own countries, sure. If they get offended in someone elses society, they can fuck off. There's a difference between offending society and an extreme, unrepresentative portion of individuals.

So if you don't happen to count yourself as one of the majorities in one of the 200 countries in the world, you just so happen to better own an oil rig or be shit out of luck?
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By yiwahikanak
Figlio, you haven't even managed to make the argument that it could be potentially unsanitary. Neither of you have explained how there is any possibility at all of unsanitary happenings.

As to the 'hat' you keep bringing up.... :?: is this some weird 'thing' where you live?
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By The Clockwork Rat
Certainly a bit odd from someone of promiscuous persuasion (not that I have a problem with promiscuity). I don't believe fucking is the most sanitary of behaviours, at least, I hope it isn't :eek:

Maybe we should also crack down on men who bare their chests in public as well. They might squirt sweat from their armpit onto your plate. People with hair might have a hair float over, or people with skin might shed their skin!

If anything, something that has literally only just come out of the teat is likely to be more sanitary than any of what I have just mentioned, if you're paranoid about sanitation...

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By yiwahikanak
ReleaseTheHunkyTruth wrote:Might be a bad idea on a full moon night.

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By yiwahikanak
ReleaseTheHunkyTruth wrote:Explosion risk.


Have you ever nursed a child?

You have some odd ideas.
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By ReleaseTheHunkyTruth
yiwahikanak wrote:...

Have you ever nursed a child?

You have some odd ideas.

Better to be safe than sorry. Especially when it comes to children.
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By yiwahikanak
Why am I picturing a baby being thrown across the room by the force of lactation?
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By ReleaseTheHunkyTruth
yiwahikanak wrote:Why am I picturing a baby being thrown across the room by the force of lactation?

Because you're mad!
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