Why is pofo composed mostly of men? - Page 4 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Lightman wrote:This thread is a perfect demonstration of why there are few women on PoFo. It just keeps getting better and better.

This thread has been critical of both female and male behaviour, if anyone is seriously offended by this conversation, then they don't belong here.
Alethei wrote:There are a lot of Omegas that can be found at your local gym. There are the type of men that will do anything to get VG. They will kill an equivalent of a small village in order to sleep with one hundred women. They will overlook relationship status, children, age, friendship, in order to get fresh hot VG. They will even put their hat sideways in hope it will increase their chance for VG. Thus morality and any kinda of goodness in them is slowly extracted. Thus this relentless pursuit for VG renders them to a mere state of douchebaginess, leaving them with sever narcissism disorder and a hollow shell of a soul within a body that aches from sever oversized muscles.

Yes well essentially a false sexual market place has been created, technology, feminism, state regulation, courts and the overall culture.
It has created a paradigm of nice guys v assholes, males not knowing how to channel the masculinity, so they either become introvert dying inside types, or extrovert assholes.
Godstud wrote:I think Lightman needs to illuminate us as to why he thinks this thread is so bad.

Light man is throwing his white silk glove at us, because we are being rude about the precious women, which being a man, it's his job to protect them from all harm, even on the waves of cyber space.
SE23 wrote:Yes well essentially a false sexual market place has been created, technology, feminism, state regulation, courts and the overall culture.
It has created a paradigm of nice guys v assholes, males not knowing how to channel the masculinity, so they either become introvert dying inside types, or extrovert assholes.
This has also caused some men to seek out other cultures where the sexual marketplace is not as 'muddied' with those things, and the gender roles haven't been abolished or eroded into a confusing mess.
This whole alpha, beta male is so hillariously batshit insane bullcrap that devoting a post to it is an insult to one's intelligence and I just insulted mine.
It's just trying to categorize men in general ways and is not meant to be the end-all be-all, fuser.
Godstud wrote: This has also caused some men to seek out other cultures where the sexual marketplace is not as 'muddied' with those things, and the gender roles haven't been abolished or eroded into a confusing mess.

Men going their own way, pretty much; this seems to piss off the feminists and traditionalists who want men to stay here and get married; it's not going to happen.
layman wrote:God this is turning into an MRA thread ..

MRA movement is at a dead end, its too fragmented and is trying to play the same cards, which feminists have been playing along, but it won't work. Men are men and women are women, men can only go so far to play the victim card, and ultimately people frankly don't care the MRA men.
On top of this you have those who are in favor for feminists but also want the same benefits for men, paternity leave etc; then there are the ones who geniunely hate women, after going through a couple of divorces. Its a sad situation all the way round, as it just adds to this gender war that has been created.
layman wrote:God this is turning into an MRA thread ..

Indeed. Regarding the thing about 'alpha male' and 'beta male' thing, it is somewhat regrettably my fault that those terms became entrenched on PoFo, since I brought those terms into the forum in 2011. The MRAs around here have since then literally inverted the meanings that I had assigned to them.

For example, I spent a good deal of time calling places like United Arab Emirates, "a nation of ugly beta males", because they've had to rig up a whole system of oppression just to get a way of interacting with women. The United Arab Emirates is like playing the game in cheat-mode, since if women can't refuse the advances of man, then was the game really being played at all? Men's Rights Advocates don't see it that way though, they think that playing on cheat-mode with no refusal is a sign of 'strength'. Which is insane, but MRAs do tend to be pretty insane.

SE23, as far as I can judge, is not an MRA, since his points rarely overlap with their camp.
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 04 Sep 2013 10:05, edited 2 times in total.
MRA movement is at a dead end, it’s too fragmented and is trying to play the same cards

Good that you see that. There are some very shit situations for some fathers out there. I can see why these people get drawn into the MRA thing after being fucked over by some bitch wife (i know of some).

Then of course there are probably 20x more women getting beaten and murdered by shitty men. The statistics are truley dreadful so "man-hating" is not as irrational as it first seems.

I just think the anger against feminists is a bit much sometimes on this board. We have people here calling for murder on a grand scale or just apathy to human suffering in general yet feminists seem to get the most hate.

Indeed. Regarding the thing about 'alpha male' and 'beta male' thing, it is somewhat regrettably my fault that those terms became entrenched on PoFo

Well they are being popularized a lot through the 'manosphere' too. I am sure you know the sites.

As for the Alpha/beta thing. I don’t believe it exists in any technical sense with modern humans as they are too complicated. I guess it is semi-useful for describing certain peoples though.

Incidentally, one of my ex girlfriends was always being described as an apha-female and she hated it. She was a Manager of a fairly large team and was very much a leader in the work place. In her personal life though she prefered to take the back seat in decission making etc. I think this can be the same for both genders though.
Most sociological family studies in the last 30 years indicate that women hit more and are more likely to use weapons, but men hit harder. They have also found the family member least likely to sexually abuse their children, would be the biological father. The Dunlop model of domestic abuse has been exercised over and over again, it is used as an emotional argument and in reality it conjures up a fairy tale image of the drunken brute of a father beating the poor humble wife. Of course this does happen, but is this abuser versus victim mentality really being played out in all domestic violence cases ?

As for the Alpha/Beta thing, I think it's safe to generalize, don't you say birds fly ? of course not all birds fly but still we say it. I won't use this terminology as full proof science and present a lecture on it, well maybe; but they do certainly give you an idea of the way men are ending up.
I hope you are not claiming equality of abuse here.

In the UK 2 women are murdered by their partner every week. http://www.theguardian.com/society/2010 ... t-partners

On a global scale it is much much worse. The statistics on men being victims is also misleading. They say 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men but this is just raw data. Have you ever been slapped in the face for being a dick before? I have and I wouldnt call it domestic violence.

Sounds kinda beta to be honest :P

This thread has now turned into dating advice and helping our beta members understand social situations by Dr. Godstud or How can I manipulate women into thinking I'm alpha and finding me desirable?. A clear exhibition of the fact-based, conceptualising male mind. The revelations ("It's not all that black and white!") are so profound that clearly only a man can exert enough energy to arrive at them.
There are a lot of statistics out there, I have read of the percentage of women murdering their husbands being close to 35%, letting alone that it's more common for women to get another man to kill her lover or to use discrete methods, poison etc; especially in the old days. Even feminists identify chivalry in the courts, and how courts will be more lenient on females committing crimes against men who are expected to be strong, the double standards of feminism are immense. From experience (again) I have seen a lot of cases of abusive mothers and wives, truth is both women and men are prone to scummy behaviour, difference is women tend to get off with a slapped wrist, or even excused by our culture.
If we have true equality, and women want the same benefits as men then they should be prepared to "man up" so to speak; if they at like a "dick" to their husband and get a slap, then it shouldn't qualify as domestic abuse either.
Of course this wouldn't happen and I wouldn't advocate for it, but yet it highlights the hypocrisy of feminism and "gender equality"

This is my issue with the MRA movement because no one will take abused males seriously, the case of male rape, always bring about a few laughs; as it is hardwired into us by evolution, to take up the flack; men have every right to whine constantly like feminsts have been for decades now, but it won't help anything. It has to be asked where men will go however, as men have always been the most productive members of growing societal wealth and making ideas form into action; they will leave a place where they are no apprecited. In a culture which worships 50 cent and Justin Bieber as being the ultimate men, and feminists celebrating for less men being in work and higher education, they are just digging their own metaphorical graves.

Of course many people suss on to this, and I applaud them for doing so !
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