Islamophobic and proud of it - Politics | PoFo

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We live in a strange and politically correct country. For some strange reason if you chose to dislike something, you get branded with a name. This is something the good old liberals love doing. Well, on this occasion I am going to beat them to it, I hate Islam, and I hate what it stands for. In fact, our friends the liberals also hate everything Islam stands for, but they insist on defending Muslims and their foul religion.

Firstly, the profit Mohamed was a war mongering pedophile. The Koran has no less than 42 versus calling Muslims to war, and his wife was 11 (or was it 9?) According to Islamic law homosexuals should be stoned to death, woman should do as their told (not a bad idea I suppose), rape is OK, and pedophilia is to be encouraged. I think it's a sin that people in any so called "free country" don't have a right to condemn something that is totally alien to their beliefs and culture. Apparently other religions are to be respected, however if you don't follow the teachings of Mohamed you are an infidel and will end up in hell. ISIS is spreading, and whilst the majority of Muslims have nothing to do with ISIS, many are sympathisers. So Mr left wing liberal tree hugger, don't tell me what I have to like. There is absolutely no room for this religion in any civilised country, and I admire Trump for attempting to something about it. All over the world there are atrocities committed every day in the name of Mohamed, and at some point something has to be done about it. Now, I don't really like any religion, but at least Christianity has made an attempt to move on, and Christians don't tend to strap bombs to their bodies in the name Christ. Buddhists don't chop peoples heads off, and Hindus aren't attempting to take over the world by force.

That said, I have no vendetta against Muslim people as individuals. I still take everyone as I find them, and I still believe most people are born good, but may be turned bad the beliefs of others.

There, I have said it !!
Know It All wrote:We live in a strange and politically correct country. For some strange reason if you chose to dislike something, you get branded with a name. This is something the good old liberals love doing. Well, on this occasion I am going to beat them to it, I hate Islam, and I hate what it stands for. In fact, our friends the liberals also hate everything Islam stands for, but they insist on defending Muslims and their foul religion.

Firstly, the profit Mohamed was a war mongering pedophile. The Koran has no less than 42 versus calling Muslims to war, and his wife was 11 (or was it 9?) According to Islamic law homosexuals should be stoned to death, woman should do as their told (not a bad idea I suppose), rape is OK, and pedophilia is to be encouraged. I think it's a sin that people in any so called "free country" don't have a right to condemn something that is totally alien to their beliefs and culture. Apparently other religions are to be respected, however if you don't follow the teachings of Mohamed you are an infidel and will end up in hell. ISIS is spreading, and whilst the majority of Muslims have nothing to do with ISIS, many are sympathisers. So Mr left wing liberal tree hugger, don't tell me what I have to like. There is absolutely no room for this religion in any civilised country, and I admire Trump for attempting to something about it. All over the world there are atrocities committed every day in the name of Mohamed, and at some point something has to be done about it. Now, I don't really like any religion, but at least Christianity has made an attempt to move on, and Christians don't tend to strap bombs to their bodies in the name Christ. Buddhists don't chop peoples heads off, and Hindus aren't attempting to take over the world by force.

That said, I have no vendetta against Muslim people as individuals. I still take everyone as I find them, and I still believe most people are born good, but may be turned bad the beliefs of others.

There, I have said it !!

Very intriguing... a collective that resides in an unknown country (some clues are given however).
Buddhists don't chop peoples heads off, and Hindus aren't attempting to take over the world by force.

ISIS and al-Qaeda are practising a violent form of Islam and Japan has experienced Buddhist terrorism in the recent past as all religions encourage extremism including Christianity. "Islamofascism" is the correct term to describe what they believe. President George W. Bush introduced the term officially during his presidency and criticised for it. Islamofascism is an ideology synonymous with Islamic radicalism and militant jihadism, which is decidedly distinct from the religion of Islam.
What a shocker. Religious fanatic doing stupid thing. Make note, this is not a Islam specific problem, every single religion in the world suffers of this problem. This is what you get when you create an arbitrary system of law and morals and put an invisible all powerful (and imaginary) thing on top of it. When people have more incentive to listen to crazy "scripture" over their fellow humans and when they take things on faith rather than rely on facts you get this sort of craziness. You referenced dozens of crazy (and illegal things) that the Qumran endorses but I suggest you read the christian bible as well.... it is the exact same bullshit of hate and despair.
Luckily Christianity has moved a little bit away from it's violent past (though you still get fanatic sects and the occasional fanatic killer/suicide from time to time).
The real issue here is whether this kind of behavior is useful or counterproductive. If you think isolating and discriminating them instead of trying to integrate them into society is better think again. Extremist behavior/fascism/dictatorships thrive when the rest of the world turn their faces to the other side and refuse to watch whats occurring. Look at North Korea for instance. We cannot afford to do this any longer... in a couple of decades even terrorist might have access to highly dangerous material (radioactive for dirty bombs?) or bio hazardous material. Even small isolated attacks could be disastrous.
Our most powerful weapon is integration into the international culture. Give them the tools to learn (education) and understand the world and give them something they will be afraid to lose (a life).
Zionist Nationalist wrote:You are right Islam is violent religion that also encouraging pedophilia

Down with Islam the biggest death cult ever

Hey! You need to take it easy on ole Mo. God probably told him to screw that 9 year old girl. :lol:
Proud to be afraid of a religious group? Since when is that something worthy of pride? :?:

From a young age, I was told that fear was ugly and characteristic of cowards. So rather than let fear get me, I try to accept my fear and not let it become a dominant part of my life, it can be on the sidelines.
From a young age, I was told that fear was ugly and characteristic of cowards. So rather than let fear get me, I try to accept my fear and not let it become a dominant part of my life, it can be on the sidelines.

Irrational fears need to be set aside. Rational fears need to be embraced and used for your benefit.
Know It All wrote:We live in a strange and politically correct country. For some strange reason if you chose to dislike something, you get branded with a name.
Where were you these 10,000 years of human history, PC is not a left term it goes both ways, in the South it was PC to lynch another human and call them "N*****, Dago, Chink, Red Skin, etc"
This is something the good old liberals love doing.
What being respectable to another race or religion is consider PC? I thought before it was just courtesy and just common sense. Well, on this occasion I am going to beat them to it, I hate Islam, and I hate what it stands for. In fact, our friends the liberals also hate everything Islam stands for, but they insist on defending Muslims and their foul religion.
Firstly, the profit Mohamed was a war mongering pedophile.
So was pretty much all prophets saved Jesus in the Bible, tit for tat. Also pedophile was the norm in many European countries at that time too, so.... :hmm:
The Koran has no less than 42 versus calling Muslims to war, and his wife was 11 (or was it 9?) According to Islamic law homosexuals should be stoned to death, woman should do as their told (not a bad idea I suppose), rape is OK, and pedophilia is to be encouraged.
So they're following the Bible clearly, I do not see the problem here.
I think it's a sin that people in any so called "free country" don't have a right to condemn something that is totally alien to their beliefs and culture. Apparently other religions are to be respected, however if you don't follow the teachings of Mohamed you are an infidel and will end up in hell.
Not necessary Muslims as well as people of other beliefs follow Secular Laws, if not they get jailed, end of story. There's a difference between condemn something illegal by law and condemn a person base on race and creed.
ISIS is spreading, and whilst the majority of Muslims have nothing to do with ISIS, many are sympathisers.
Regressive Fascism is spreading and whilst the majority of Whites have nothing to do with it, many are sympathizers.
So Mr left wing liberal tree hugger, don't tell me what I have to like.
Vice Versa same to Mr right wing redneck dog fucker.
There is absolutely no room for this religion in any civilised country, and I admire Trump for attempting to something about it.
He broke Civil Grounds and Constitutional rights, and worse he said those who were illegal, yet legal citizens are affected, what happen to that Law and Order society, hypocrite.
All over the world there are atrocities committed every day in the name of Mohamed, and at some point something has to be done about it.
All over the world there are atrocities committed every second in the name of White Supremacy(liberal or otherwise)
Now, I don't really like any religion, but at least Christianity has made an attempt to move on, and Christians don't tend to strap bombs to their bodies in the name Christ.
Wew lad, you don't know the half of it.
Buddhists don't chop peoples heads off
Wew lad, lol
and Hindus aren't attempting to take over the world by force.
But Whites are.

That said, I have no vendetta against Muslim people as individuals. I still take everyone as I find them, and I still believe most people are born good, but may be turned bad the beliefs of others.
The "I'm not racist I have Black friends excuse" a classic

There, I have said it !!
Good, now complain about your privilege elsewhere, snowflake.
Tewodros III wrote:Where were you these 10,000 years of human history, PC is not a left term it goes both ways, in the South it was PC to lynch another human and call them "N*****, Dago, Chink, Red Skin, etc" What being respectable to another race or religion is consider PC? I thought before it was just courtesy and just common sense. Well, on this occasion I am going to beat them to it, I hate Islam, and I hate what it stands for. In fact, our friends the liberals also hate everything Islam stands for, but they insist on defending Muslims and their foul religion.
So was pretty much all prophets saved Jesus in the Bible, tit for tat. Also pedophile was the norm in many European countries at that time too, so.... :hmm: So they're following the Bible clearly, I do not see the problem here. Not necessary Muslims as well as people of other beliefs follow Secular Laws, if not they get jailed, end of story. There's a difference between condemn something illegal by law and condemn a person base on race and creed. Regressive Fascism is spreading and whilst the majority of Whites have nothing to do with it, many are sympathizers. Vice Versa same to Mr right wing redneck dog fucker. He broke Civil Grounds and Constitutional rights, and worse he said those who were illegal, yet legal citizens are affected, what happen to that Law and Order society, hypocrite. All over the world there are atrocities committed every second in the name of White Supremacy(liberal or otherwise) Wew lad, you don't know the half of it. Wew lad, lol But Whites are.

The "I'm not racist I have Black friends excuse" a classic

Good, now complain about your privilege elsewhere, snowflake.

Brilliant, you have managed to defend political correctness, sexism, racism, and pedophilia. I shall continue to be Islamophobic, and I shall continue to be proud of it.
I generally like Islam but the religion doesn't countenance Muslim servility and even arguably says that Muslims who choose to live in non-Muslim countries will go to hell. Doesn't seem to me like they belong in non-Muslim countries.
You sound like you may be interested in this OP.

It sums up nicely how a degenerate, inferior culture is posing a serious existential threat to a much higher civilization. The chief culprit is largely your lack of civic participation. You're letting this happen. Rethink the media you consume, and the popular culture you uphold with your habits.

However unlike the guy in the video who sounds kind of angry at women, this is not a lost cause. Europe still has a chance. It just takes a Trump. A Putin. A based lady like the current British PM.
Igor Antunov wrote:You sound like you may be interested in this OP.

It sums up nicely how a degenerate, inferior culture is posing an existential threat to a much higher civilization. The chief culprit is largely your lack of civic participation. You're letting this happen.

West so regressive they will even oppress their women? LOL, Khalid proving right again.
Tewodros III wrote:Well you know we have pain tolerance and strong bone density. Also, we have been good at killing white slave owners.

Not very good. Only Blacks were stupid enough to remain slaves in a vast, largely unexplored continent. :lol:
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