Why do girls always want older boyfriends? - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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I dunno if it's just me, but all the girls I fancy seem to want to hang with much older guys. Most guys I know have gfs younger than them - so why not the reverse. I get the impression girls think going with a guy even two or three years younger is a step down socially, and bad for their rep. Does anyone (specially the ladies here,) have any idea why? :?:
This is normal. Women go for older men, men go for younger women. It makes biological sense for young women to seek a more accomplished partner capable of being more financially supportive, and it makes sense for men to seek a younger usually childless partner, capable of giving healthier offspring with fewer complications during pregnancy.

The average coupling age differences worldwide are ~5-7 years.
Suntzu wrote:How do you keep shooters out . . . when half the time the shooter is a student? :roll:

And this is an answer to my question - how? :?: :?: :?:
We women hope that the older boyfriend has the maturity and stability to suit our lifestyle. The guys I see around me who are younger... don't have their life that put together and some just seem shallow to me. This young generation is so in love with looks. Some older men can hide their shallowness but I can usually tell who is really shallow and who has more depth and character.
MistyTiger wrote:We women hope that the older boyfriend has the maturity and stability to suit our lifestyle. The guys I see around me who are younger... don't have their life that put together and some just seem shallow to me. This young generation is so in love with looks. Some older men can hide their shallowness but I can usually tell who is really shallow and who has more depth and character.

You mean, you can see the difference between Hong Wu and Potemkin :excited:
Oh bullcrap, they don't want to do the "miles" or the Hard Work(Good example: Marge Simpson did the "hard miles" on Homer).

Young Men learn by experience, they don't magically turn into father figures.

This is in some respects why Arranged Marriage between two people of similar age had some major advantages for men. Forced them to grow up together.

This is why lots of young men kill themselves with relationship dispare today while others never get to grow up and learn responsibility.

Women choose the damn Sugar Daddy too often these days and rob young men of the experience of having to figure out what the girl wants and how to please her and grow with her.
Stormsmith wrote:This. Absolutely this.

And money of cause, that's usually the defining factor. Older man = More Cash.

@Igor Antunov
Yes it's "normal", but it is also a reflection of modern society's hedonist selfishness. We all know young men grow by experience and responsibilities. This is another way modern society robs them of it.

Anyway it seems to turn around after an age anyway(roughly the age menopause begins in the late 30s).. Older still single Women tend to go with younger men.... After all younger men are more Fertile.
colliric wrote:And money of cause, that's usually the defining factor. Older man = More money

Well, sometimes, yes, but men are paid better paid (here, at least). My husband was doing a double masters, and graduated in debt. I was still an undergrad but debt free, so, no not always.
@Ter has it right. We're doing society a favour, dammit! :D

Also, women tend to mature faster(mentally) than men, and yes, older men are more willing to settle down, and be a good father, etc., than a younger man who might balk at such responsibility.
Godstud wrote:@Ter has it right. We're doing society a favour, dammit! :D

Also, women tend to mature faster(mentally) than men, and yes, older men are more willing to settle down, and be a good father, etc., than a younger man who might balk at such responsibility.

Godstud wrote:@Ter has it right. We're doing society a favour, dammit! :D

Also, women tend to mature faster(mentally) than men, and yes, older men are more willing to settle down, and be a good father, etc., than a younger man who might balk at such responsibility.

I doubt that's actually a significant factor since Older Single Women tend to hunt and end up with younger men too.

There seems to be a duality of Fertility as a factor.

Old women tend to think younger men are more Fertile, naieve and energetic (in bed) and if they are still under 45 maybe the younger man might be able to get them pregnant. Heck Hollywood is rife with example couples. Wolverine got hitched to a much older woman.....

Older men tend to understand younger women are likewise more fertile and safer to get pregnant too.

That women mature faster than men, so like older men instead, thing is kind-of a lie. In reality just as many young men hunt, or end up with an older women similar to young Women hunting for older men.

Reasons may differ, but it happens too.

Heck Annette Benning's lastest film "Film Stars Don't Die in Liverpool" is about such a relationship.

It's normative as Igor said, but everyone knows less chance of being used/manipulated/played when you date someone closer to your age.
I don't know if I ever buy into the whole biological sex/pregnancy thing. Many women don't want kids, why would they care for someone that has active sperm or not?

Same for a man. I think an older dude likes younger women, cause it's just interesting, fun, different to date someone out of your age range.
Rancid wrote:I don't know if I ever buy into the whole biological sex/pregnancy thing. Many women don't want kids, why would they care for someone that has active sperm or not?.

Short answer.... the beginning of Menopause.

Hormones significantly change people's baseline personalities as we get older.

A woman who may not have wanted kids younger might get into her mid thirties, realise she's getting older and suddenly want children. It's happened before and there are a plethora of public examples(Nicole Kidman suddenly had a few kids with Keith Urban and then said she wished she'd had way more children with him, she typically put off having kids with Tom only to significantly regret "not having met someone like Keith earlier").

Also active sperm means more energetic and "better in bed" most of the time. Older women have it more figured out than younger women in that regard. Otherwise more Younger Women would be with younger men.
I don't think the percentage of older women marrying young guys is very high. And of those who do, they're likely not marrying/pairing for the first time. She's not marrying for money, so its unlikey that she wants children.

Women marrying older guys, even if it's less than a 5 years difference is the norm, and for the reason Misty cited.
I can only speak anecdotally.

Older men do tend to have more money. This isn’t to say that women crassly love money, but if someone’s going to take you on a date to Burger King and a movie versus drinks at a bar overlooking the entire city and then to a place where they make the best whatever in town that matches with whatever, only an insane person would choose the former.

This is not because women are all gold diggers, but that people like novel experiences. And men with more money can provide that with greater ease.

The other thing is that older men often tend to have their shit together. They’re more willing to say, “Come with me into my life,” than, “I don’t know if I want to settle down yet. I’ve never fucked a black girl, and I’d really like to do that before I die...”

And again, that’s just not wanting someone as indecisive. No man would want to exclusively date a woman that was insecure that she hadn’t crossed off every race of person from the bucket list. We just have social expectations that men are allowed to want to do that. Older men are over it.

Finally, older men are better at sex. I know this because I used to be a younger man. It’s also true that older women are better at sex. Older women tend to know what they want, how to get it, and are often more fun. Sucks for them that our standard of beauty is for younger women who are often more insecure and don’t know what they’re doing.

But it works the other way too.

When we were in our twenties I used to have a friend that would always hook her friends up with older dudes at bars. The girls would often never have had that good of sex before that. But speaking now as someone out of my twenties, when I am lucky enough to be with girls in my twenties, I show my appreciation. I make sure that they leave that bedroom having had the time of their life. It may be the last time I’m with a girl that young, and I always make it count that they went off with an older gent like myself instead of a younger, more fit, and more attractive bloke. And I know I’m not alone.

When I was in my twenties I didn’t appreciate it, nobody does. That’s not men’s faults or women’s faults.

This obviously doesn’t universally apply. It ultimately doesn’t matter, you’ll have plenty of time aging up. Learn and enjoy what you can, always be good to your partners, and appreciate what you have in the here and now because you may never have it again.
I always thought it basically came down to women like guys who have their shit together, and younger dudes are often emotionally immature, irresponsible, and perhaps insecure.

It's not like this shit is etched in stone. What's more, plenty of immature women and young ladies are out there too, but I think that women seem to grow up faster. This is probably partly because of social pressure and partly because of biological imperative.

I think woman more often are earlier to figure out what they want and therefore aren't so interested in dickering around with a young insecure douche.

I'm just one guy but considering myself in my twenties compared to now, there is a lot of difference with respect to the areas I mentioned. I also had the string of relationship failures to back it up.

But it's down to the individual. I've known guys that were 19 and really mature, and I'm thinking for women it's also an individual matter, clearly.

The one thing that sticks out for me is that women outlive men as it is, so the bigger the gap--well, the specter of being a widow for an extended period is ever present. I guess people just deal with it; it's just how my mind works to consider that.

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