It Is What It Is. - Politics | PoFo

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By froggo
The only alternative thing it could be is that it is what it is not; to anyone stating "It is what it is" perhaps what it actually is is beyond their grasp of reasoning, so subjectively they believe that it really is what it is, but a closer examination would suggest that it is more than what it is. So then it is what it is to whom?
Is this a slogan of defeatism (in a ineffectualized polis?) or a sentiment which limits the mind from applying efforts to grasp things further or to deny that it is what it could become ?
Do you ever say "it is what it is" to get out of applying effort, or have you ever really simply just thought that it really is what it is?
By late
That's a phrase I use occasionally. It means it is what it is (sorry, didn't even try).

People routinely get ahead of themselves, behind the curve, off in left field, and right off the planet, not to mention off their rocker.

Saying it is what it is... is an attempt to reframe the discussion, to set it back to where the discussion started.
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By froggo
When younger I used to hear people say "c'est la vie" with almost a calm joy in their voice...
But "It is what it is." is a tactic deployed almost dispassionately.
Does the root language play a determining role in how the same thing could be uttered with an alternate outlook?
By late
froggo wrote:
When younger I used to hear people say "c'est la vie" with almost a calm joy in their voice...

But "It is what it is." is a tactic deployed almost dispassionately.
Does the root language play a determining role in how the same thing could be uttered with an alternate outlook?

As an alternate to c'est la vie?

I see c'est la vie as neutral, while it is what it is... leans negative (to me).

There is a lot of style and mood and context, in language.

I think of such things as being like the palette of an artist, rather than intrinsic things like bricks you arrange into a wall.

If that makes sense to you. Language is dominated by metaphor, contingency and context.
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By froggo
I suppose in a nirvanic sense "a calm joy" is the neutral position; the most refined neutrality.
So if 'c'est la vie' was deemed too neutral to get the point across, would you suggest that "It is what it is" developed because there was a need to express a growing resentment towards the current world? Do you think that people nowadays feel more powerless to see changes then they did before?
By late
froggo wrote:
I suppose in a nirvanic sense "a calm joy" is the neutral position; the most refined neutrality.
So if 'c'est la vie' was deemed too neutral to get the point across, would you suggest that "It is what it is" developed because there was a need to express a growing resentment towards the current world? Do you think that people nowadays feel more powerless to see changes then they did before?

It wasn't developed.

There has been plenty of resentment in the past. "You can't fight city hall"

Language is metaphor all the way down, right into the way the brain is built and works. As such, I see language as more ephemeral than you seem to.
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By Wellsy
And what it is, is pear cider thats made from 100% pears.
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By Odiseizam
froggo wrote:So then it is what it is to whom?

as Christians we are seeking Salvation through Calmness Peace and Forgiveness, thus while trying to grasp the causality in this world eg. the existence of evil people and their outrageous exploitation of the free will ~ its useful to be accepted in such way, otherwise we are trying to become judges while chasing heaven on earth, ~ what would be wrong on personal level, tho its extra tempting on collective one when we are confronted with huge risks eg. wars pandemix crisis etc.

    more simplistic comparison would be accepting the unreachable as destiny, or dont putting effort in explaining the unexplainable eg. particle physics through the standard model, or contemplating the spiritual world and the astral projection of the soul etc. etc. etc.

its about the snow mids summer or summer sun mids winter, global warming due to our perception and will instead the industrialization and exploitation, its stance that suggest flow without obstacles even when obviously they are there for our benefit, how to explain the psychoanalytical art of freud from sotireological aspect and not to fell in condemnation even when You are certain that is delusional neurological science!? I am not rarely using it also as artistic full stop when juggling different narratives i.e. while switching among them and dont have further time for explanation ...

reasonably used its proverb almost similar to the claim "its human nature"

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By Godstud
"It is what it is." - A stupid phrase. :p

C'est la vie(Such is life) and other such phrases are far more eloquent than some rehashed dialogue from a tv show(Vikings).

Of course... It is what it is, until it isn't. :D
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