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No, I posted that because it applies to your thinking, Hindsite. It applies to ANY and ALL religions.
Godstud wrote:No, I posted that because it applies to your thinking, Hindsite. It applies to ANY and ALL religions.

You don't understand my thinking because I am a Christian and you are an atheist. You apparently did not pay close attention for the guy in the video was radicalized and got a sword and killed in the name of his religion. There was blood on the sword, in case you didn't notice. We all should know that today that religion is Islam. Islam is known as the religion that conquers by the sword. Christians conquer by the message of the gospel of Christ. Praise the Lord. HalleluYah.
I was a Christian for 30+ years before I smartened up, and made the decision not to be. Saying I don't know anything about it, is being willfully ignorant, and dishonest.

Hindsite wrote: Islam is known as the religion that conquers by the sword
Yeah, Christianity didn't have Crusades... :roll: King David was a peaceful guy, too, right?

Hindsite wrote: Christians conquer by the message of the gospel of Christ.
The reason why they conquer doesn't matter if the end result is the same. War.
Godstud wrote:I was a Christian for 30+ years before I smartened up, and made the decision not to be. Saying I don't know anything about it, is being willfully ignorant, and dishonest.

You mean a "Christian in name only" for 30+ years and then you were turned over to a reprobate mind.

And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind - Romans 1:28.

Godstud wrote: Yeah, Christianity didn't have Crusades... :roll: King David was a peaceful guy, too, right?

The Christian crusades were to fight the Muslims that beheaded and killed Christians by the sword and turned churches into mosques and to regain the holy land of the city of Jerusalem. And King David repented of his sins.

Godstud wrote: The reason why they conquer doesn't matter if the end result is the same. War.

If you really think the end result of Christianity is war, then you don't understand Christianity.

And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off; and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up a sword against nation, neither shall they learn war any more. - Micah 4:3

You must turn away from evil and do good; you must strive for peace with all your heart. - 1 Peter 3:11

Praise the Lord HalleluYah
King David was a peaceful guy, too, right?

Well Godstud. In fairness, King David lived 1000 years before Christianity was a thing. It is like blaming modern England for early iron age atrocities. If there were any. Come to think of it you are blaming modern Christianity for events that occurred 700 years ago. That seems to me to be a bit extreme. No?

If you have to look back 2100 and 700 years respectively to take offense you are probably dealing with some pretty fine people by and large.
Christianity was a thing because of The Bible. You can't dismiss Bible "history" as not being Christian.
No. Jews were a thing because of their history which includes but is not limited to some of what we now call the Bible.

But again. You are back many centuries trying to find out what is wrong with Christians. (A group you think of as one thing.)

Atheists need to up their game. Their arguments are getting tedious.
So anything before 2000 years ago isn't Christian, and anything before 1300 years ago isn't Muslim. Got it. Semantics really, if you have a book about God that dates further back than that. That's like saying Moses wasn't a Christian.

@Drlee I'm not trying to argue against religion, just Hindsite's version of it.

One of the best representatives of modern Christianity is the Pope.
Godstud wrote:So anything before 2000 years ago isn't Christian, and anything before 1300 years ago isn't Muslim. Got it. Semantics really, if you have a book about God that dates further back than that. That's like saying Moses wasn't a Christian.

@Drlee I'm not trying to argue against religion, just Hindsite's version of it.

One of the best representatives of modern Christianity is the Pope.

This must be your liberal education at work.
Your Conservative education must be to praise sexual molesters, and try to emulate them, but seeing as liberal education is a conspiracy theory, it's about as real.
Godstud wrote:Your Conservative education must be to praise sexual molesters, and try to emulate them, but seeing as liberal education is a conspiracy theory, it's about as real.

I had a normal education with the addition of a Christian education. HalleluYah.
What exactly is "Christian" education? I went to "Christian" schools all my life and the only difference was there was a religion class as an option in high school. Religion wasn't a part of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, Social studies, or any other classes.
Godstud wrote:What exactly is "Christian" education? I went to "Christian" schools all my life and the only difference was there was a religion class as an option in high school. Religion wasn't a part of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, Social studies, or any other classes.

In the Baptist Church it is called "Sunday School."
I wasn't counting "church" stuff, and that's a shit education no matter how you look at it.
Godstud wrote:I wasn't counting "church" stuff, and that's a shit education no matter how you look at it.

Well, I turned out good with that church education. Praise the Lord.
Putin's a foreign dictator who kills off his political opponents. If he's your go-to guy for what is good and what is not, then you have some serious problems.
Godstud wrote:Putin's a foreign dictator who kills off his political opponents. If he's your go-to guy for what is good and what is not, then you have some serious problems.

You don't seem to have seen the humor in it. It was a fake quote. Get it? Laugh :lol:
Hindsite wrote:"Sunday School"


The Society of Christian Doctrine - M.U.S.E.U.M. - teaches the Catholic faith to children in Malta.

[M]agister, [U]tinam [S]equatur [E]vangelium [U]niversus [M]undus (May the whole world, O Lord, follow the Gospel).

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