Muslims are the true "feminists" - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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anna wrote:

I personally respect a father who performs an honor killing more than a pornographer, that's not a lie.
Scheherazade wrote:I personally respect a father who performs an honor killing more than a pornographer, that's not a lie.

Gee, why am I not surprised....

Then don't blather on about "over-protecting" your women.
anna wrote:
Gee, why am I not surprised....

Then don't blather on about "over-protecting" your women, then.
anna wrote:
Gee, why am I not surprised....

Then don't blather on about "over-protecting" your women, then.

Protecting them from being morally infected and spreading their disease to the rest of society?

Sorry, but having morals at all is better than having none - the biggest threat to societies hasn't been the death of individual 'cells', but infectious disease, whether physical or moral disease.

American rauch culture on the other hand is a festering petri dish of infectious disease and degeneracy.

Plus you're to blame for extreme Sharia law in Muslim countries anyway, which was an over-reaction to your disease spreading to the rest of the world; that's likely why prior to the Ayatollah in Iran women didn't have to cover their faces.
Scheherazade wrote:Protecting them from being morally infected and spreading their disease to the rest of society?

Oh yes, you're "over-protecting" them to death, aren't you?

Sorry, but having morals at all is better than having none - the biggest threat to societies hasn't been the death of individual 'cells', but infectious disease, whether physical or moral disease.

May all your women escape you.
anna wrote:

I don't care about "Them" as individuals, only society as a whole.

As far as the ecosystem is concerned "Individuals" are just cells.

Being infected with diseases is a much greater threat to the whole ecosystem than the loss of cells which can be easily reproduced.

So yes, sorry, but raunch culture is worse for society and women as an entire collective, than even honor killing of individual women.

And in the long run, being virtuous is all that matters, having 'autonomy' to drive a car won't matter in the end anyway if a person is debased and damns themselves. Society's primary duty therefore shouldn't be to preserve freedom, but virtue.
Last edited by Scheherazade on 16 Nov 2016 18:52, edited 1 time in total.
No see here we disagree. Those are indeed common in some cultures, which BTW not only have Muslims in it but have other religions mainly Christians within them.
But here is the thing, when those cultures turn from a fought cultures and minimized into a ruling culture and an oppressive one with your support.
You also have to take responsiblity for it.

Lets take 2 examples, Iran and Saudi Arabia.
In Iran honor killing is trialled as murder and punishable just like normal murders with death penalty.
However honor killing spread for a good while under the reign of the Shah, which was installed by military force from the US and UK, his army was mainly composed of Balouchis and Arabs and specially their tribes, Who also happen to be the ones which does things like Honor killings the most.
When we took control we started enforcing the law, and we started elemenating those who did so.
In result the US enforced sanctions against us citing us as anti human rights because we applied death penalty for such actions.

Saudi Arabia on the other hand had a very open community, infact even homosexuality was very common in its lands.
Until the UK supported Wahabis with funds and weapons to annex the lands and build their own kingdom, and that turned downwards and they started doing such crimes against everyone. That didn't stop because the US came along and started protecting them with military force.

Pakistan is anther big example, and if you looked at the communities doing so, its mainly Wahabi communities. But those are also your allies, because they helped you defeat the soviet during the cold war in Afghanistan, and now they act as your main support and enforcers in the region.
Infact those who try to stand up against them, you send drones to bomb them.

And the list really goes on and on.
Jordan is anther example where honor killing for one is common in some areas.
Its common mainly in the beduin areas, which has the same desert tribes that is not only allied to you but you used them to fight with you in Iraq and lately provided them weapons to fight in Syria.
Ooh and you also protect the royal family which the UK installed in place. And when there are protests or uprisings in Jordan against them for their actions.
You'd find the lovely royal army composed mainly of those desert tribes running through with tanks provided for free by the US to squash those who dare to stand up against these things.
BTW, just to add a live example.
There were several large protests in Jordan a couple of years ago about a number of laws concerning rape and honor killing.
One is that honor killing was not punishable by law, and the other is that rape victims have to marry their rapist.
Well, the protests ended when the king order Quwat Al-Badiah (desert forces) to go down to the streets to stop the protests.
Many were also sent to jail during that.

NOTE: Now don't get me wrong, i am against all these actions, and these types of crimes have some of the most severe punishments under our law.
But what i have a problem with is when everyone is painted in the same brush for these actions, specially when the people doing the most of it are people protected by your own governments and they empowered in a way so no one can punish them for doing any such thing.
Thats hypocracy.
Scheherazade wrote:So yes, sorry, but raunch culture is worse for society and women as an entire collective, than even honor killing of individual women.

You're casting around for reasons to justify the oppression of women. Let me know when you have a valid argument for killing them, you haven't come up with one yet.

And in the long run, being virtuous is all that matters, having 'autonomy' to drive a car won't matter in the end anyway if a person is debased and damns themselves. Society's primary duty therefore shouldn't be to preserve freedom, but virtue.

I'll take my ability to drive a car in freedom than to be stuck following three paces behind a male relative who doesn't mind killing me if I step out of a line drawn by... men.
anna wrote:
You're casting around for reasons to justify the oppression of women. Let me know when you have a valid argument for killing them, you haven't come up with one yet.

I'll take my ability to drive a car in freedom than to be stuck following three paces behind a male relative who doesn't mind killing me if I step out of a line drawn by... men.

Oppression of women is less of a concern to me than moral degeneration, since the former doens't lead to spiritual damnation, that's all I'm saying.

And sorry, but the lines weren't drawn by men, they were drawn by nature and it's creator. The last thing people in hellfire worry about is their 'right' to drive a car
Scheherazade wrote:Oppression of women is less of a concern to me than moral degeneration, since the former doens't lead to spiritual damnation, that's all I'm saying.

A moral degenerate is one who has no problem with honor killing.

And sorry, but the lines weren't drawn by men, they were drawn by nature and it's creator. The last thing people in hellfire worry about is their 'right' to drive a car

They were drawn by men pretending to be inspired.
Scheherazade wrote:Not by any means, the society hostile to women would be the regressive Western rauch culture.

Muslim societies are if anything, over-protective of them - the West is hostile.

Then I take it you reject the notion of ambivalent sexism or don't understand it. That such protection is an active part of such hostility, the two can't be separated, they function in unison. You yourself spoke that the reason that they are protected is because of hostile men.
If there are no hostile men then there's nothing to warrant protection. Thus you implicitly acknowledge that Muslim societies are really or imagined to be hostile to women.
The West is pretty much the same in this regard just to varying degrees less, the same notions apply across countries, hence why I linked the paper showing a general trend of hostile sexism increasing in conjunction with benevolent sexism.
You seem to be implying that the west is simply hostile and the Islamic predominant countries, which is a very vague and vast assortment of nations, are simply protective. This is half truthing a reality in which both are true in both societies in that there is tendency for both benevolent paternalism warranted by hostility towards women.

Control isn't bad in and over itself, calls to modesty improve virtue, and society has a right to control things to the end of preserving virtue.

The West simply 'controls' them indirectly in the opposite direction, by rewarding and fetishizing 'freedom' and whoredom.

Well this is where you lose points with people because you are maintain the idealization of women's feminine virtue as the best aspiration but i;m trying to tell you that such idealization is the same basis for such hostility. When the idealization is broken by reality it's met with hostility. One puts women up a pedestal and then attacks her if she falls from the expectation of feminine perfection, even at times when its by no wrong doing of her own but it simply damages the idealization of her purity.
I'm trying to get you to recognize that neither offers substantive freedom, but imposes a set of restriction that are complimentary to one another, the idealization of women as openly sexual is just as problematic as the expectation of the opposite extreme of them all being virgin marys. This is what ambivalent sexism captures, here I'll transcribe the three components that make up ambivalent sexism from the paper for a easier and quicker glance.
Three Components of Hostile Sexism and Benevolent Sexism

In common discourse, paternalism and sexism are often used synonymously, yet the former term, surprisingly, is not indexed in PsycLit, despite many references to the latter. Paternalism literally means relating to others"in the manner of a father dealing with his children" (Random House College Dictionary,1973). This definition meshes well with the view that sexism is a form of ambivalence, for it includes connotations of both domination (dominative paternalism) as well as affection and protection (protective paternalism).

Advocates of dominative paternalism justify patriarchy by viewing women as not being fully competent adults, legitimizing the need for a superordinate male figure. Yet protective paternalism may coexist with its dominative counterpart because men are dyadically dependent on women (because of heterosexual reproduction) as wives, mothers, and romantic objects; thus, women are to beloved, cherished, and protected (their "weaknesses" require that men fulfill the protector-and-provider role).

Research on power in heterosexual romantic relationships confirms that dominative paternalism is the norm (see Brehm, 1992, Chapter9; Peplau, 1983). In its most extreme form, the traditional marriage(see Peplau, 1983 ), both partners agree that the husband should wield greater authority, to which the wife should defer.Protective paternalism is evident in the traditional male gender role of provider and protector of the home, with the wife dependent on the husband to maintain her economic and social status(Peplau, 1983; Tavris & Wade, 1984).

Gender Differentiation
All cultures use physical differences between the sexes as a basis for making social distinctions, which are manifested as notions about gender identity (Harris, 1991; Stockard & Johnson, 1992).Developmentally, gender is one of the earliest and strongest forms of group identity to be internalized ( Maccoby, 1988), and peopleare more likely to categorize others on the basis of gender than on the basis of race, age, or role (A. P. Fiske, Haslam, & Fiske, 1991;Stangor, Lynch, Duan, & Glass, 1992). Social identity theory(Tajfel, 1981 ) suggests that the tendency to differentiate between groups will be strong when social status is bound up with group membership, helping to create social ideologies that justify the status differences. Like dominative paternalism, competitive gender differentiation presents a social justification for male structural Only men are perceived as having the traits necessary to govern important social institutions.

This creates downward comparisons,in which women serve, in Virginia Woolf's ( 1929 / 1981 )words, as "looking-glasses possessing the magic and delicious power of reflecting the figure of a man at twice its natural size"(p. 35), allowing individual men to enhance their self-esteem by association with a male social identity (Tajfel, 1981 ). Alongside the competitive drive to differentiate, however, the dyadic dependencyof men on women (as romantic objects, as wives and mothers) fosters notions that women have many positive traits(Eagly, 1987; Eagly & Mladinic, 1993; Poplau, 1983) that complement those of men (complementary gender differentiation). Just as the traditional division of labor between the sexes creates complementary roles (men working outside the home, women within), the traits associated with these roles (and hence with each sex) are viewed as complementary. The favorable traits ascribed to women compensate for what men stereotypically lack (e.g., sensitivity to others' feelings). Hence a man may speak of his "better half "; for the benevolent sexist, the woman completes the man.

Virginia Woolf ( 1929/1981 ) haTarded her own answer about the reasons for polarized images of women in literature: "the astonishing extremes of her beauty and horror; her alternations between heavenly goodness and hellish depravity" are as "a lover would see her as his love rose or sank, was prosperous or unhappy"(p. 83). Heterosexuality is, undoubtedly, one of the most powerful sources of men's ambivalence toward women.

Heterosexual romantic relationships are ranked by men (and women) as one of the top sources of happiness in life ( see Berscheid & Peplau, 1983;Brehm, 1992), and these relationships are typically nominated as the most psychologically close and intimate relationships men have (Berscheid et al., 1989). Men's sexual motivation toward women may be linked with a genuine desire for psychological closeness ( heterosexual intimacy). Although, at their best, heterosexual relationships are the source of euphoric and intimate feelings(Hatfield, 1988), romantic relationships between men and women also pose the greatest threat of violence toward women(Unger & Crawford, 1992). Men's dyadic dependency on women creates an unusual situation in which members of a more powerful group are dependent on members of a subordinate group. Sex is popularly viewed as a resource for which women act as the gatekeepers(ZiUmann & Weave~ 1989).

This creates a vulnerability that men may resent, which is reflected in the frequency with which women are portrayed in literature as manipulative "temptresses,"such as Delilah, who can "emasculate" men. The belief that women use their sexual allure to gain dominance over men(who would, in vulgar parlance, be called "pussy-whipped') is a belief that is ~ted with hostility toward women (Check,Malamuth, Elias, & Barton, 1985). As Bargh and Raymond(1995) and Pryor, Giedd, and Williams (1995) demonstrated, for some men sexual attraction toward women may be inseparable from a desire to dominate them (heterosexual hostility).

Not by any means, control is perfectly fine if it serves the best interests of the individuals and culture, much like laws against murder and rape. "Freedom" as an end in and of itself is depraved.

Substantive freedom needs to be considered as much as control. Control of women needs to be justified beyond appeals to gender roles as being a virtue in themselves when I suggest that they in fact are just an arbitrary means of control that reduces women's autonomy to that of children and punishes them severely when they step outside of male control or the social expectations that maintain such dominance. Gender roles in many contexts when society progresses beyond being actively hostile towards women, become obsolete and redundant, those thoroughly attache to such traditions have a hard time adapting to the obsletion of such roles as society changes and often react violently.

For example, in the 70s Australia took in make low skilled Vietnam refugees after the Vietnam war, who were escaping from the communists. They couldn't find good jobs so both parents would seek jobs. Often the woman would acquire a better paying job which disrupted the gendered order of male patriarchal control of the family and leverage over his wife economically. When such control is threatened and men feel entitled from having a dick to have control over women, they resort to violence to instill control through fear and force because the other means have failed to assure such control. So for a long time there were a lot of broken families which resulted in the kids of such broken homes forming gangs for social support.
Male dominance is an ideology quite normative to social relations that are worthy of being challenged for their arbitrariness and hostility towards women which are unjust in themselves.

If people don't subscribe to what's correct and virtuous, their opinions don't matter, just as those of Jeffery Dahmer don't. So they can either subscribe to it, or society can penalize them for it, their call.

I think its a big sweep to compare someone like Jeffrey Dahmer to women who break gendered boundaries, theres a big difference between a woman who for example seeks to be autonomous and have formal power in her own right rather than indirectly at best through a man and a serial killer.

It's a part of nature, so it was imposed by nature.

This is a terrible argument, John Stuart Mill way back argued how silly this was.
Mill attacks the argument that women are naturally worse at some things than men, and should, therefore, be discouraged or forbidden from doing them. He says that we simply don't know what women are capable of, because we have never let them try – one cannot make an authoritative statement without evidence. We can't stop women from trying things because they might not be able to do them. An argument based on speculative physiology is just that, speculation.

"The anxiety of mankind to intervene on behalf of an altogether unnecessary solicitude. What women by nature cannot do, it is quite superfluous to forbid them from doing."[8]
In this, men are basically contradicting themselves because they say women cannot do an activity and want to stop them from doing it. Here Mill suggests that men are basically admitting that women are capable of doing the activity, but that men do not want them to do so.

Whether women can do them or not must be found out in practice. In reality, we don't know what women's nature is, because it is so wrapped up in how they have been raised. Mill suggests we should test out what women can and can't do – experiment.

"I deny that any one knows or can know, the nature of the two sexes, as long as they have only been seen in their present relation to one another. Until conditions of equality exist, no one can possibly assess the natural differences between women and men, distorted as they have been. What is natural to the two sexes can only be found out by allowing both to develop and use their faculties freely."[8]
Women are brought up to act as if they were weak, emotional, docile – a traditional prejudice. If we tried equality, we would see that there were benefits for individual women. They would be free of the unhappiness of being told what to do by men. And there would be benefits for society at large – it would double the mass of mental faculties available for the higher service of humanity. The ideas and potential of half the population would be liberated, producing a great effect on human development.

If it was an enduring nature, then there would be no need to enforce it through misogyny. The term nature itself is rather vague when one resorts to it and even in discussing what is natural, this doesn't in itself suggest what is morally right/virtuous. Naturalistic law is for theocrats attempting to assert a certain interpretation of Allah/God's will. Which has interesting implications for say the existence of the female clitoris which isn't required for reproduction but based in natural law would suggest god wants us to sexually pleasure women otherwise why would clitoris' exist XD

In fact, misogyny (the enforcement of sexist ideology) is in fact a reaction to acknowledgment tha tin reality women are bound by natural law to such behaviours otherwise they couldn't act as such, but because they don't rather than confront the bullshit of ones ideology, one simply tries to force reality to fit ones ideology to avoid dissonance.
p. 34
For similar reasons, a misogynist need not have sexist beliefs about women either. Indeed, when an agent‘s sexist beliefs start to wane, latent misogyny may surface. Someone who both wants to keep women in their place, and who believes that women naturally belong there, will often be complacent. Whereas, someone who continues to harbor this desire while no longer believing it is bound to come to fruition will often become anxious, guarded, and vigilant. True, this desire would begin to seem more and more unjust to someone to whom it is transparent. But such desires are often inchoate and mired in false consciousness. Misogyny enlists agents to fight for values they don‘t know they believe in, as well as to defend forms of privilege which to them remain invisible. It also makes them experts in post hoc rationalization. He can always find a reason why a particular woman doesn‘t deserve to be where she is, when she manages to transcend her subordinate social position. The fact that he prefers women to remain in these roles is hence subject to indefinite postponement and plausible deniability.

That's an absurd philosophy in which people's motivations are inherently selfish.

I don't assume it is the only possible motivation, but I think the strong tendency is those that don't consider a woman's wants but simply impose their protection onto circumstances often are driven by such heroic fantasies, it is something that is idealized for the male role, even to the degree of self sacrifice is such a thing romanticized. Oh damsel in distress let me save you. Saving someone from harm isn't bad, but there are many cases in which a woman doesn't wish for help and it is imposed upon her against her will. To which one has to justify such an imposition as morally valid which again means that many are invalid in their imposition whilst some are.

So for example, some men threaten the men who sexually harassed or raped women they knew and are related to. In some cases it intimidates the violent person, in other cases it serves to damage the woman if she herself doesn't wish vengeance upon their attacker in such a violent way.
For such an example, the famous I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings
A turning point in the book occurs when Maya and Bailey's father unexpectedly appears in Stamps. He takes the two children with him when he departs, but leaves them with their mother in St. Louis, Missouri. Eight-year-old Maya is sexually abused and raped by her mother's boyfriend, Mr. Freeman. He is found guilty during the trial, but escapes jail time and is murdered, presumably by Maya's uncles. Maya feels guilty and withdraws from everyone but her brother. Even after returning to Stamps, Maya remains reclusive and nearly mute until she meets Mrs. Bertha Flowers, "the aristocrat of Black Stamps",[24] who encourages her through books and communication to regain her voice and soul. This coaxes Maya out of her shell.

Such vengeance can come to harm those that one is supposedly protecting. And in such cases it often results in those that commit such vengeance being imprisoned themselves which can deprive the victim of a valuable person from their lives.

It is morally fine to end life in the name of righteousness in many situations.

I think it could be debated to what extent this can be accepted that its morally justifiable to murder someone who did harm to a woman. It needs to be argued in detail why it is the case rather than accepted simply true that it is indeed moral.

Nature ordained men as the protectors of external threats, and women as the peservers of internal order, ordained all the way down the DNA leve;- you're at war with nature and it's creator.

I think one has to do better than appeal to saying Nature/biology did it. Because one has to go onto explain such a relationship, one which is highly tenuous because our biology is interwoven with our social reality. In this Marx is perhaps the best in emphasizing that man's nature is social, man can not be abstracted from the social reality in which he exists like John Locke's Man in a state of nature without entirely disregarding what is true of reality (ie reductionist) in the manner in which all liberalism accepts a faulty ontology of the individual pre-existing society.
The assumption in this case is that human individuals are ontologically prior to society; in other words, human individuals are the basic constituents out of which social groups are composed. Logically if not empirically, human individuals could exist outside a social context; their essential characteristics, their needs and interests, their capacities and desires, are given independently of their social context and are not created or even fundamentally altered by that context. This metaphysical assumption is sometimes called abstract individualism because it conceives of human individuals in abstraction from any social circumstances.

[url]Sociologically speaking, her value ot the ecosystem ties in with her sexuality, and there is no way to deny this without simply denying nature.
There are ways to talk of think that aren't so reckless in their vague assertion to what nature does or does not do. And whilst sexuality can be of value, it seems rather strong position to assert that it is a persons primary or in the extreme cases (not that you're necessarily asserting it here) only value. It can be considered morally problematic to perceive women and treat women as if they were only sexual objects. TO which we can explore the many thinkers who've delved into such thought to the morally problematic manner in which women are objectified and the treatment they received that is thought based in this perspective. You seem to disdain commodification of women, yet see no issue in positioning them as a sexual object still with her value in her sexual purity or perceived lack there of. Your opposition to the west's degenerate commodification isn't of any concern to women's well being, its wowser moralizing that seeks to argue for control of women and its legitimacy under a guise of morality and virtue. To which I assert that such a view is no better and is in fact a part of the very view in which one opposes, you appear to be the opposite side of the same coin as the western capitalism you detest. To fully reject what the west does, one has to break the ideology that positions womens value in their sexuality, but you do not fundamentally oppose this, you just dislike the manner in which it is used.

Being hypersexual causes them to be seen as sexual objects, being modest causes them to be seen as beings with spirits.

Therefore behavior which encourages the former, and discourages the latter has a right to be controlled for the good of society.

Spirits? That's not very compelling for those of us that don't share in such sentiments where one idealizes and romanticizes one's illusion of women. One that struggles to accept people holistically and instead wishes to perceive them through a certain lens rather than attempt to take in how things exist. Your view is one where you begin with the abstract and impose it onto reality rather than try and mediate the observable reality to shape your abstractions.
Basically, you're one who instead of arranging you belief to fit the world, the world arranges itself to fit the belief of you, thus where you get your assumptions about things being natural because you seek to firm your beliefs not realizing how weak the foundations of such beliefs being based in biological determinism is.

You're deluded into thinking that "automony" is good or an end in and of itself, people are part of a collective society and ecoysystem which is greater than the sum of its parts.

Pure autonomy often leads to evil and immorality, as the modern West is evidence of with its fetishization of "individualism' and "freedom".

I don't argue for pure autonomy, but I do contest the means to which one validates such imposition on anothers autonomy. Arbitrary limiting of anothers autonomy is arguably unjust and immoral.
It's say, the difference between taking people into my bomb shelter so they can survive a nuclear war and telling them that there is a nucelar war and locking them in my bomb shelter. When the validity of a threat is no longer there, one can not morally justify imposition upon another under the belief of protecting them. Protection in this case paternalistic protection to be specific, can only be justified upon true threats and harm. But one needs to consider what degree of protection is warranted to the expense of autonomy, as life inherently has risks and we have to argue why such an imposition is warranted at the loss of freedom.
Because every time I go out in the street, I'm technically increasing my risk of harm, but it would be rather extreme to impose that I should not leave my home because i might be hit by a car or robbed or what ever. Respect for another autonomy maintains that its up to the individual what degree of risk they are willing to enter. When you lack respect for them as a rational adult, its easy to strip away their autonomy in the way one does a child but this treats a rational being in an immoral and unjustifiable way because adult women aren't children in need of such paternalism. As such, one has to negotiate with the woman and consider her concerns otherwise one is simply being a tyrant over another on an ideology of only having a dick is valid enough for control which is a weak basis of rationalization.
I accept that people aren't isolated individuals, I'm not a liberal except to the extent its still got its claws stuck in my own ideological outlook. But I don't see the progressive sense in what you propose and see you being stuck in the very same ideological notions of gender that you criticized. You are just as bad as the westerners in terms of perspective. The form of your opinion is different, but the substance/essence is the same.

Neither deserve pure autonomy unless they prove their social worth, those who don't prove such worth can either reform their behavior, or be controlled and aided by society into doing so.

People who are virtuous are naturally more autonomous than those who are vicious anyway, which is why it's usually the more base and degenerate type of people who scream the loudest about "their rights" and "their freedoms".

I disagree, in that autonomy is generally accepted in those that are deemed of a rational capacity. The reason we restrict children with paternalistic behaviour is they lack the rational capacity to consider the implications/extent/consequences of their actions. At some particular point of development, we tend to see people as adults who are able to bear the consequences of their actions and have on average a capacity to foresee consequences which they will ideally bear.

I don't get the point that those who are virtuous are naturally more autonomous. That sounds too abstract to me in the sense that it doesn't have a concrete example of why this is necessarily the case. I don't readily see virtue instilling autonomy. But anyway, I don't advocate pure autonomy and I don't know if such a thing could exist in a society with many social relations.
I just don't accept the rationalizations, assumptions and assertions you make to the strength that you make them. To which I've tried to explain my own view point as to the issues I see in what I understand as your view.

Your entire argument is based on fetishizing "freedom" and "autonomy" as desirable ends, rather than virtue and greater purpose in life than the insignificant self, so like much of Western narcissistic ideologies, it's inherently immoral.

You still haven't explained the nature of virtue in the same way that you haven't explained what you mean by nature/natural. These are vague empty words until clarified, buzz words in the same way you find words like 'freedom' and 'autonomy' to be buzzwords that are empty it seems.
Your response to my points is merely to argue against the west, rather than points I make. I don't care about what you hate about the west and to some degree I even agree with you to the problematic nature in which sexuality is used as a commodity of women's exploitation. I simply disagree with your proposal which still is a significant detriment to women.

Their social value is, as the biological construct of sex and gender is what makes them a "woman" to begin with. So you're just denying nature.

Radical feminists from what I've seen, are many anti-social personalities who want to destroy femininity and all that's good in nature.

I don't understand what the first part of this quote is even saying, I also wonder to what extent you understand the different debates around the discrete nature of sex and gender, because the two aren't discretely separate as much as the layman tends to believe because this makes nonsense of the idea of gender as intended by feminists.
Could read up on it:
It's because your belief of femininity in women as natural is clearly at friction with reality. Hence why i keep reiterating that the idealization of women, put onto a pedestal, serves as a basis for hostilities towards them when they in fact don't abide by 'nature' and break expectations of gender.
It would indeed seem to me radical feminists want to destroy the category of gender or its social significance for the most part. Because where one presumes feminine roles are natural to women, they are in fact a result of the social relations and positions in which the sexes are put into.
Parenting as a gendered sense in which mothers are primary care takers would lose its gendered significance in a society in which men similarly participate in child rearing to a similar extent. Because when the real world relations are no longer ones of extreme exclusivity, gender as a concept becomes more blurred and the more clearly it becomes meaningless because it can't maintain an opposition of masculine in contrast to feminine. Because all of a sudden, people hold a belief that men and women can both do parenting, can both be doctors, can bother be factory workers etc. The loss of gender segregation undermines the abstract nonsense that is projected onto reality to legitimize the status quo.

They need to either conform to a righteous system or be punished by it, so do men.

Those who seek to destroy righteous systems are sociopaths and are controlled because they have to be.

The system is the organ; individuals are cells - organs removed infected cells because the greater purpose of the organ trumps the 'autonomy' of individual cells.

So yes, women (and men) who behave in ways which are immodest and counter-productive to the purpose of the ecosystem which nature ordained them subordinate to, not only deserve to be judged for it but should be actively judged for it, rather than 'pretended' to be tolerated by those too spineless to take a stand on anything.

I must wonder if your Islamic. In that I realize that Islam is heavily influenced by Plato and Aristotle in its emphasis on virtuous city, in which politics and religion are deeply entwined. From this you might better articulate your view points if you have knowledge of:
Artistotle's thoughts on happines, Al-Farabi opinions on sick and virtuous cities, the contiouation of such thought from Ibn Bajja. To which I could share some material to provide support to your articulation of your views and values.

I take a stand, in the sense that I think gender roles are thoroughly obsolete once material conditions and productive forces have expanded beyond feudalism, undergone industrialization and women agitate for their rights and undermine the gender ideology and social roles which are imposed upon them that are traditions for a dead society which no longer exists once things have progressed.
Those that are unable to accept the world has change and is not static, stuck too much in traditions best suited for past conditions and unable to adapt. Those who don't adapt to changes are to be crushed for their obstruction to progress.
The fact that so many can see alternatives within their circumstances shows the obseletion of such tradition. Because people may endure shitty conditions with some ease to the extent that they can't avoid it. We may be distressed by death but there is little alternative. But there are alternatives for social relations and organization that improve things. Once that is there, those that bar change that clearly improves things relative to how they were need to be done away forcefully and thus I think it is good for any men and women who radically fuck up those that obstruct progress because they are stuck in a static abstraction. And so a struggle is entered into, in which one has to destroy or dominate the other and as material conditions change, I put greater chances on change creating fertile conditions than I do for those that would require destroying our productive capacities to gain the upper hand. Which speaks to the reality of a lot of middle eastern countries that were fucked over by western militaries and in reaction to radical leftists supported radical religious theocrats and reduced nations to a feudalists lords in the modern age.

But overall, there is no agreement between someone such as myself and one who would emphasize spirituality and morality from a particular religion that I don't subscribe to and their wish for it to be imposed on others. It too much deontological ethics without any consequentialism and I really don't give a shit about abstract principles that have little concern for their real world effect. Those that make appeals purely to the abstract are sophists who obscure peoples understanding of the world, mystifying their ability to see reality and form substantive views and beliefs about that reality. Hence the nonsense in the idea that killing women for a lack of sexual 'purity' can be seen as somehow virtuous while by much sense it is just barbarism that should be met with barbarism upon those that enact it. So that one can create conditions in which the general society doesn't have to endure it because those that would create such barbarism in a society would be met with their own standards.

Such an imposition would inevitably result in a conflict that that has no amicable end unless the imposition is to be neutralized. In part because I think many are unwise in how they look at their religions in terms of form rather than substance. Fundamentalists and the idiot atheists who accept such a literal interpretation and begin acting out rules which they assume is based in wisdom but come to no conclusion of their own to the validity of of such an association. Putting great power in certain individuals by legitimization that they are truer thinkers of the intent of a holy scripture, not seeing how it can be a tool of manipulation to unwise and immoral ends by those which blindly follow. Such is a tendency in those that too strongly emphasize the false harmony of the collective for sake of order and stability to the detriment of many that they claim to be part of that collective. That in reality a minority rules the majority and the collective is screwed over as their interests and wisdom is rejected by the minority in authority.
Wellsy wrote:Then I take it you reject the notion of ambivalent sexism or don't understand it. That such protection is an active part of such hostility, the two can't be separated, they function in unison. You yourself spoke that the reason that they are protected is because of hostile men.
If there are no hostile men then there's nothing to warrant protection. Thus you implicitly acknowledge that Muslim societies are really or imagined to be hostile to women.
Wellsy wrote:Then I take it you reject the notion of ambivalent sexism or don't understand it. That such protection is an active part of such hostility, the two can't be separated, they function in unison. You yourself spoke that the reason that they are protected is because of hostile men.
If there are no hostile men then there's nothing to warrant protection. Thus you implicitly acknowledge that Muslim societies are really or imagined to be hostile to women.

Not at all, men are by biological nature prone to be rapicious toward women unless they actively control that instinct via self-restraint.

The only main difference is that the West harbors men who are just as hostile, but doesn't afford the protection, and rewards them via porn and raunch culture industries.

Your response to my points is merely to argue against the west, rather than points I make. I don't care about what you hate about the west and to some degree I even agree with you to the problematic nature in which sexuality is used as a commodity of women's exploitation. I simply disagree with your proposal which still is a significant detriment to women.

I don't care, because female "autonomy" is not the goal, the 'freedom' to be whorish and classes isn't a freedom worth fighting for, the goal is to preserve virtue, which is the only thing which makes "women" socially worthy and above men to begin with, not their mere biology.

A society which grants too much 'freedom' to men and women oppresses them more than one which constrains them, because vice is the ultimate slaver - the only way to truly be free is to be spiritual above vice.

It's because your belief of femininity in women as natural is clearly at friction with reality.
Not at all, it's more or less proven biological fact in various fields of study, such as evolutionary psychology, and exists not only in humans, but other animal species as well - the notion of gender being entirely 'invented' is the mythological belief.

Likewise female brains are more complex than those of mens, and women by nature have higher aesthetic and emotional intuition by default, hence even down to the biology, this is where their idealization comes from and is justified by natural law.

Hence why i keep reiterating that the idealization of women, put onto a pedestal, serves as a basis for hostilities towards them when they in fact don't abide by 'nature' and break expectations of gender.

As they should be, people who deviate from the correct norms of society are engaging in anti-social behavior and should be punished and reformed, just as we do with rapists, murders, and other forms of sociopathic behavior.

Andrea Dworkin for example was obese and nasty (and obesity or gluttony is considered a vice in Abrahamic faiths).

So their opinions are moot anyway - there's nothing 'feminie' about them, they're just social deviants attempting to destroy society's institutions, hence why I say that Islam is better to women than their perverse version of 'feminism'.

I take a stand, in the sense that I think gender roles are thoroughly obsolete once material conditions and productive forces have expanded beyond feudalism, undergone industrialization and women agitate for their rights and undermine the gender ideology and social roles which are imposed upon them that are traditions for a dead society which no longer exists once things have progressed.

They aren't obsolete at all, as they're biologically ingrained, and therefore the healthiest norm for the human condition. The only thing that's 'changed' is the physical environment.

Just as wild animals like Lions tend to be less healthy being forced to live in zoos than in their natural environment, there's no logical reason to assume anything would be different with people. And if poeple want to deviate from what nature ordained from them, well that's why prisons and mental asylums exists, and no they deserve no respect whatsoever for being deviant.

Likewise, society hasn't 'progressed' , this is a silly myth, on the whole's it's morally regressed, but the reason for the higher amount of freedoms in the West for women today is primarily due to the post-WWII economy.

The US profited so much from WWII and created a massive service-oriented economy, with a move away from manulal labor which favored men to service and desk jobs which were more unisex - other than that there was no 'social progress', and on the whole I'd say society is more morally regressive, as the massive porn industry proves for example.

But economies don't last forever, as the US's is proof of.
Wellsy's logic is faulty.

What he doesn't understand is that the only thing which gives men and women any 'worth' to begin with is the idealization.

Because rationally speaking, humans are just animals, or blobs of cells, so why should something deserve 'respect' simply for being a blob of functioning cells anymore than a a dog or a mosquito?

When women forsake that idealization and behave as whores, then they behave akin to wild animals, and therefore lose the only thing which made them worthy of any respect to begin with, same as men who act like whoremongers and behave as feral dogs.

Plus the only reason the US was even able to afford the luxury of 2nd wave feminism is due to Adolf Hitler and WWII and the post WWII service economy which made women more competitive in the workplace due to the shift away from manual and factory labor- yet he fancies this the work of some mythical 'social progress' rather than just an economic coincidence.
Scheherazade wrote:Not at all, men are by biological nature prone to be rapicious toward women unless they actively control that instinct via self-restraint.

The only main difference is that the West harbors men who are just as hostile, but doesn't afford the protection, and rewards them via porn and raunch culture industries.

'prone to be rapicious' = unsubstantiated assertion.
Here's a paper that discusses how the Evo. Psych. peeps who argued that rape was evolutionary advantageous bastardize evolutionary theory as a lot of Evo. Psych.'s do in their emphasis on adaptionism to the neglect of other things.
Science gone astray: Evolution and Rape
So when you make such an assertion, I think it useful to back it up with knowledge of biology, evolutionary theory which is the cornerstone of biology and to even clarify what is meant by vague terms like 'biological nature'. I mean everything is biologically based for humans unless one gets into assertions metaphysics with a soul and things like the Hindu Atman. But we're not rigidly determinant beings of biological determinism, if you believe otherwise in this specific matter then need to explain it further if its to be persuasive.

I would say that in the sexual revolution that the burden of protection of women from sexual violence did indeed shift from father's/husbands onto women themselves which hasn't always served them positively as they are victim blamed for their own vulnerability. But it would also be that in such societies women also get to move more freely than they do in countries in which women are burdened by having to be accompanied by a man everywhere. And I would say that though justice system is still harbored in backwards gendered beliefs that lead to a large attrition rate in terms of incidence of sexual violence all the way to conviction of sexual violence, it doesn't seem that in many countries with such strong patriarchal notions women are any better protected. In fact, they seem actively targeted and harmed on account of when they are harmed by a man, depending on what country one is speaking to. As I am uncomfortable with this vague sense of west versus Islam since Islamic followers exist in a vast range of countries that aren't all that similar.
But for places like Qatar that have some bastardized version of Islam, it doesn't appear to protect women in practice when it has laws that are actively against the ability to rectify wrongs in judicial system but instead punishes women for being harmed.

I don't care, because female "autonomy" is not the goal, the 'freedom' to be whorish and classes isn't a freedom worth fighting for, the goal is to preserve virtue, which is the only thing which makes "women" socially worthy and above men to begin with, not their mere biology.

A society which grants too much 'freedom' to men and women oppresses them more than one which constrains them, because vice is the ultimate slaver - the only way to truly be free is to be spiritual above vice.

I know you don't care, hence why you would maintain patriarchal dominion over women to their detriment under a guise of virtue for society, as if the word virtue was somehow compelling and persuasive within itself. Yeah, i'm sure people feel really free spiritually as they concretely are brutalized if they should ever fall from perfection projected unto them. Such rhetoric is meaningless to a lived reality in which the real slaver is that who imposes control under a 'virtuous' mandate. You yourself even express clear opposition to autonomy to women on no other basis than some slipper slope of extremes that a lack of control over them will be bad.

Not at all, it's more or less proven biological fact in various fields of study, such as evolutionary psychology, and exists not only in humans, but other animal species as well - the notion of gender being entirely 'invented' is the mythological belief.

Likewise female brains are more complex than those of mens, and women by nature have higher aesthetic and emotional intuition by default, hence even down to the biology, this is where their idealization comes from and is justified by natural law.

Hardly, hence the point I raised by John Stuart Mill which is quite an old points that resonates today. There would be no need for social pressures and hostility against persons if it was simply an enduring biological determinant. They would be biologically incapable of doing other wise except what you are claiming is simply natural. And once again you make a vague appeal, saying something is proven in a field such as a highly contested field as evolutionary psychology doesn't persuade much as it's not much of a point but an appeal to your own accepted authority of it as a field.
Here's a few criticisms of Evo. Psych.
The methods for testing hypotheses in evolutionary psychology come mostly from psychology. For example, in Singh's work, male subjects are presented with drawings of women with varying waist hip ratios and ask to give their preference rankings. In Buss's work supporting several hypothesized mate selection mechanisms, he performed similar experiments on subjects, asking for their responses to various questions about features of desired mates (Buss 1990). Buss, Singh and other evolutionary psychologists emphasize the cross cultural validity of their results, claiming consistency in responses across a wide variety of human populations. (But see Yu and Shepard 1998; Gray et al. 2003 for different types of conflicting results to Singh's.) For the most part standard psychological experimental methods are used to test hypotheses in evolutionary psychology. This has raised questions about the extent to which the evolutionary component of evolutionary psychologists' hypotheses is being tested (see e.g. Shapiro and Epstein 1998; Lloyd 1999; Lloyd and Feldman 2002). A response profile may be prevalent in a wide variety of subject populations but this says nothing about whether or not the response profile is a psychological mechanism that arose from a particular selective regimen.

What is being said here is basically, observing an almost universal prevalence of some pattern/trend, doesn't in itself explain it's evolutionary basis as it's just as unsubstantiated/unexplained as asserting that it was sociologically driven.
As such, cross-cultural testing is criticized as a basis for such ends.
If the traits of interest to evolutionary psychologists are universally distributed, then we should expect to find them in all humans. This partly explains the stock that evolutionary psychologists put in cross cultural psychological tests (see e.g. Buss 1990). If we find evidence for the trait in a huge cross section of humans, then this supports our view that the trait is an adaptation —on the assumption that adaptations are organ-like traits that are products of natural selection but not subject to variation. But given the wider scope view of evolution defended by philosophers of biology, this method of testing seems wrong-headed as a test of an evolutionary hypothesis. Certainly such testing can result in the very interesting results that certain preference profiles are widely shared cross culturally but the test does not speak to the evolutionary hypothesis that the preferences are adaptations (cf. Lloyd 1999; Buller 2005).

Here's a useful point to elaborate -
p. 17
A classic example of the distinction between implicit and explicit cognitive function is to ask bicycle riders what they would do if their bike started tilting to one side. Many bikers respond that they would lean to the other side to right themselves. This is incorrect and would result in the person falling off the bike every few meters. Surprisingly, people seem to be quite capable of riding over long distances with no mishap. When placed on a bike, if it starts to tilt, people turn the handlebars, using their momentum to right their center of gravity, avoiding the fall. This function is independent of general processing, exists without awareness, and is specific to the bike-riding domain. So do we have an evolved bike-riding module? The answer is obviously no. Obvious because there is an apparent learning phase to bike riding where people do fall off every few meters (and, yes, because of the paucity of bicycles in the Pleistocene). In an area where the learning phase is less apparent, and the Pleistocene pressure more plausible, such “modules,” created by the most fundamental of learning processes, can readily but incorrectly be heralded as evolved traits...

Just because a behavioral trait is found across cultures does not necessarily mean it is a product of adaptive evolution. Comparative psychologists have emphasized for decades that species-specific behaviors can arise through species-specific patterns of experience (Gray, 2001; Gottlieb, 1976;Lerhman, 1970). People the world over eat soup out of a bowl and not off of a plate. Gravity acts the whole world over and people adjust their behavior in light of this.

Again once again another bold assertion and nothing to back it up. Attempts to assert sex differences have been dramatized by sensationalist media that seeks to validate gender ideology rather than be attentive to the reality that men and women are more alike than they are different. To which the idea of there being a brain sex is ridiculous, at most significant there have been correlations but no sold basis on which one could look at a brain and determine with enough accuracy the sex of the person whose brain it was.

Here's some resources to help anyone wrap their head around this point about sex differences.
- A beginner’s guide to sex differences in the brain
- Differences and Bodies, Raewyn Connell.

As they should be, people who deviate from the correct norms of society are engaging in anti-social behavior and should be punished and reformed, just as we do with rapists, murders, and other forms of sociopathic behavior.

Andrea Dworkin for example was obese and nasty (and obesity or gluttony is considered a vice in Abrahamic faiths).

So their opinions are moot anyway - there's nothing 'feminie' about them, they're just social deviants attempting to destroy society's institutions, hence why I say that Islam is better to women than their perverse version of 'feminism'.

And one could say those that too strictly expect conformity can to be in their enforcement anti-social to achieve such ends. And the idea that one can reform people is optimistic, for example I know of a prisoner who was sexually abused as a kid for years. When he got older he sexually abused his own kids with the help of his wife and was imprisoned for it, this man was quite beyond reform in that he had no sense of why what he did to his children was wrong/immoral. He wasn't someone who could simply be molded into the virtuous citizen you might have in mind. Similarly, as much as behaviours aren't necessarily strictly biologically determinant, they to aren't necessarily just washed away with the wave of a wand either. And it can be quite progressive to threaten the stability of society with radical change for the sake of progressive ends. Order and stability for its own sake isn't inherently a virtue, especially when what is maintained is unvirtuous, unwise and obsolete by the conditions of society based on the reality that a shit load of its own citizens demand change but are crushed by a minority. Once the powers of balance tip, those who sought order are destroyed, chaos ensues all because they were incapable of responding to changes within their own society and provide adequate reforms to appease their own masses.

Dworkin being obese and by your perception nasty (perhaps too assertive a woman for your liking), doesn't show much relevance in the way validating your dismissal, in part because it says nothing of points raised by radical feminists like Dworkin and instead targets the person and not any point.

They aren't obsolete at all, as they're biologically ingrained, and therefore the healthiest norm for the human condition. The only thing that's 'changed' is the physical environment.

Just as wild animals like Lions tend to be less healthy being forced to live in zoos than in their natural environment, there's no logical reason to assume anything would be different with people. And if poeple want to deviate from what nature ordained from them, well that's why prisons and mental asylums exists, and no they deserve no respect whatsoever for being deviant.

Likewise, society hasn't 'progressed' , this is a silly myth, on the whole's it's morally regressed, but the reason for the higher amount of freedoms in the West for women today is primarily due to the post-WWII economy.

The US profited so much from WWII and created a massive service-oriented economy, with a move away from manulal labor which favored men to service and desk jobs which were more unisex - other than that there was no 'social progress', and on the whole I'd say society is more morally regressive, as the massive porn industry proves for example.

But economies don't last forever, as the US's is proof of.

Again, contest your assertion of it being natural which hasn't been defined for any clarity and even if done as such would likely be challenged by points I already made and remain unrefuted.

Well you can live in a postmodernist sentiment of a lack of progress in the world, but I rather not partake in such a nonsense world view. Womens rights/movement tend to originate upon industrialization, which is also the origins of the division of labor that breaks teh family unit as the basis of production, expands a societies productive capacities. Then women remain home looking after kids who are then sent to schooling, whilst men work. Though for those who are poor, women work from home and kids work to. Then eventually a lot of women end up as especially exploited labourers in factories, upon which they are excluded from male unions and thus have to advocate for themselves. Where they then assert themselves politically for their self interests as women with particular concerns because of gendered social relations that are against their interests. Which does indeed tend to progress to a service based economy in which demanding hard labor isn't as expected of the workers in which case women can begin to slowly enter the domains in which men had segregated and barred women from. Upon which they will disrupt gender ideology by disrupting the segregated social relations that served to rationalize a false reality to gender ideologues.

Indeed, capital is subject to many crisis and empires don't last and capitalism as has evolved and shifted in terms of which empire develops its capacity further. But back to my point, your criticism of the sex industry isn't much of a legitimization for your world view as I have tried to explain to you in that it reinforces the same attitudes that legitimize such things. Instead of proposing efforts that would seek to overcome the basis that legitimizes such stuff, you simply resort to the conservative position as if that saves one from such harms. Your moral disgust does nothing useful but is abstract fancies with little concern for the conditions in which such things originate and how they may be over turned. Which would most likely be socialism should it gain a significant global foot hold in at least beginning to diminish the commodification of women's sexuality/bodies.

Also, I consider economic progress as part of the basis that makes social progress fertile. Without such conditions, there can be no means to achieve alternatives to the status quo, but when conditions change people realize they can actualize alternatives and they begin to agitate for it.
As is true to Marx's praxis
Praxis as the interaction of subject and object
But, of course, Marx is neither a humanist idealist nor a postmodernist avant la lettre. For the point of his first Thesis on Feuerbach is exactly that the truth lies in the middle: between idealism and materialism, between humanism and postmodernism. That elusive middle is captured by Marx’s claim that the external object, on which humanity depends, is in turn dependent on the formative power of human activity. In other words: nature determines (causes, affects) man, who in turn determines (works upon) nature. Thus man is indirectly self-determining, mediated by nature. This reciprocal determination of man and nature is what Marx means by “praxis". In the first Thesis, therefore, Marx reproaches traditional materialism for not seeing this fundamental importance of praxis, since it (materialism) sees man one-sidedly as subjected to nature and thus it forgets man’s active intervention in nature – a point repeated by Marx in the third Thesis, where he focuses on the consequences of materialism for social theory: “The materialist doctrine concerning the changing of circumstances and upbringing [by which men are changed, PS] forgets that circumstances are changed by men and that it is essential to educate the educator himself.”

And your point to humans reducing to animals should be more persuasive with points from Aristotle's point about Happines which informs Islamic ideas of about a Virtuous city.

Aristotle wrote an important work called the Politics which was highly influential in Western political philosophy. Due to an accident of history this book was unknown to medieval Islamic thinkers who instead took their inspiration for political philosophy from Plato. The remainder of Aristotle’s vast corpus was well known to them, indeed better known to them that it was to the medieval West. Islamic political philosophers borrowed the Aristotelian idea of ‘happiness’ his greatest contribution to moral philosophy, the Nicomachean ethics.

When Aristotle spoke of happiness (eudaimonia) he meant something very different to our everyday conception of happiness as a feeling of pleasure. The usual translation for the Greek work eudaimonia is ‘happiness’ but it is perhaps better translated as ‘human flourishing’. For Aristotle happiness, or living well, is the highest end for human beings, meaning it is not something we aim at for the sake of some further goal but rather the highest goal that all other goals (wealth, health, the respect of others) are subordinate to. A key argument of this is that the function of a human being consists in activity of the rational part of the soul in accordance with virtue (Nicomachean ethics, 1097b22–1098a20). The rational part of the soul, or the capacity to guide ourselves by using reason, is something unique to human beings. Our souls have other parts, but those other parts are qualities shared by plants/animals (the parts of the soul that have to do with growth, reproduction, locomotion and perception). The highest goal for human life, Aristotle thinks, must relate to that which is distinctively and uniquely human. The good life is then one in which we use reason, our distinctive human capacity, and do so well over the course of an entire lifetime.

So when al-Farabi and ibn Bajja use the term ‘happiness’ they have these Aristotelian ideas in mind—happiness is ‘good without qualification’ or ‘the highest good’ that consists in a distinctively human flourishing or thriving that is bound up with the proper exercise of reason.

From which, rationality/reason serves as the medium to which we can achieve 'happiness' as I understand it. So to argue on long these lines one would have to make arguments to why its irrational for humans to pursue sex, particularly women. But I believe you don't have much beyond statements of virtue, spirituality, nature, biology rather than notions of what harm it empirically poses and what that harm is bad enough to oppose and why its thus irrational to pursue such ends that harm. To which even then, you still provide an inadequate response by affirming the article in the OP's position that modesty is the solution as it doesn't do away with the social order that perpetuates such significant harm and arbitrarily controls women out of ideology rather than reason.
Appeals to the authority of things without explanation for example is not such a basis for virtuous ends.
Your want of paternalistic protection of women itself seems to be unjustified in restraining rational agents and wishing to maintain such a power discrepancy rather than to root out eh basis on which such beings are vulnerable to harm. What is more rational for a gaping wound in the fabric of society? A band aid (ie paternalistic protection) or solutions (ie means of achieving gender equity ideologically and in practice).
It is quite an offense to the dignity of women as human beings to think that because they don't adhere to what ever arbitrary standard of virtue in regards to sexuality you approve of that they are comparable to a dog/mosquito. Such notions illuminate the very point I made that the counterpoint of idealization of virtue in women also leads to an extreme denigration of them should they not adhere to it.
Women are both the virgin and the whore, depending on what mood your in and what ends you seek in controlling them. The pure can so quickly turn into the sullied as soon as they assert themselves beyond that of a passive child.

I think I'm ending this interaction, as I find it difficult to think that you really are Muslim with any significant knowledge of the faith and aren't just foolish. As you don't seem to be sincerely attempting to engage in debate/conversation, just reasserting opinions and beliefs.
I hope the resources I provided are at least of interest and use to others who are curious enough to do more than state opinions as a form of debate.
Wellsy wrote:Dworkin being obese and by your perception nasty

Obesity is a sign of moral failing, much like greed and lust, it's the end result of having a rapicious desire to consume more than one needs.

Plus gluttons feed their vices with the blood of animals and nature which is sacrified not for survival reasons, but simply for greed. So her obesity tells quite a bit about her debased character.

(perhaps too assertive a woman for your liking)
Not at all, she was no herione like Jean d'Arc - that's an assertive woman, who saved a country, rather than a gluttonous tramp crying that all straight sex is rape and pretending she's a social contributer.

In an ideal society we'd be ruled by 'philosopher kings', but since women are the more aesthetically and morally inclined of the sexes except when corrupted by debased women like Dworkin, there would be more 'philosopher queens' than kings anyway.

, doesn't show much relevance in the way validating your dismissal, in part because it says nothing of points raised by radical feminists like Dworkin and instead targets the person and not any point.

Sure it does, why would anyone trust the opinions of people of base moral character? One who doesn't even respect their own body and defiles it by becoming obese can't be trusted to respect others' lives.

Women are both the virgin and the whore, depending on what mood your in and what ends you seek in controlling them. The pure can so quickly turn into the sullied as soon as they assert themselves beyond that of a passive child.

Not at all, as demeanor and class define a a whore - and while anyone can 'define' anything, some can do so better than others . A woman could be a physical virgin, but still a whore of she has crass demeanor, and low personal standards, such as weight and hygiene. Likewise I'm not concerned by the 'number' of sex partners a woman has had , as much as her character and attitude towards them.

Western women often think being assertive is acting like a classes pig, just begging to be controlled and reformed by men, so they reap what they so. Virtuous women like Jean d'Arc don't have to worry about it, since power comes through being virtuous and spiritual, not a crass animal.

Essentially I support the cultural empowerment of virtuous women, and the punishment of disillusion ones. The virtuous should rule over the weak and immoral, and by coincidence in a society in which the virtuous rule, there would be more women in power as women, on average, are more virtuous than men (though the West seeks to change this, since turning women into easy whores makes it easier for men to gain control over them).

From which, rationality/reason serves as the medium to which we can achieve 'happiness' as I understand it. So to argue on long these lines one would have to make arguments to why its irrational for humans to pursue sex, particularly women. But I believe you don't have much beyond statements of virtue, spirituality, nature, biology rather than notions of what harm it empirically poses and what that harm is bad enough to oppose and why its thus irrational to pursue such ends that harm.

Reason is more degenerate than moral intuition, which comes from aesthetics, or mathematical, not empirical evidence. Reason doesn't bring happiness, and empirical evidence is thoroughly flawed; if anything they bring misery, as even atheists like Schopenhaur observed, as well as sages like Buddha. People were in many ways better off before the West fetishised 'reason' as their false god.

In fact one could argue that 'reason' and 'empericism' fetishism is a form of misogyny, since it's treating the lower and reductive form of understanding of the universe, which men are more prone to, as better than the higher, aesthetic form of understanding, which women are better at in general.
Here's an example of a real 'assertive woman', Waris Dirie, who is both feminine and classy, and at the same time much stronger and assertive than a fat pig with a chip on her shoulder like Dworkin, who wasn't even 'assertive' enough to say 'no' to her food addiction.


Likewise John Stuart Mill was one of the worst philosophers, and had much in common with the immoral philosophies of Hitler and Machiavelli, so much of your misinformation comes from making a false prophet like him a role model.

In fairness though many men, especially Western men are so weak and timid today that I have no sympathy for them when they become the 'bitch' of nasty Dworkin-esque women - they deserve each other, as real power and freedom comes from virtue, not legal rights. Men who are weak and spineless deserved to be controlled for being unvirtuous as much as slutty women do.

Both are prisoners constantly tormented by their own 'vices' day by day no matter how much 'legal' freedom they have, while the spiritual are liberated from the vices that lead the unvirtuous to suffer their meanginless existences.
anna wrote:
... ran away at the age of 13 to escape an arranged marriage.

I support that, I don't approve of arranged marriages.

I just consider arranged marriages less morally debased than porn.

I think God will judge those who arrange marriages less harshly than those who partake in the porn industry, since the former is less evil in intentions than the latter.

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