Reflections on Sodomy - Politics | PoFo

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By Vyth
By Vyth for

A goldmine of ancient monuments and artifacts has been excavated from the ruins of what appears to be the ancient city of Sodom, experts say.

Sodom was notorious in the ancient world for the unnatural lusts of its citizens. Their customs consisted chiefly of raping the innocent, copulating with animals, and fornicating with members of the same sex. Apes were trained and bred for the sexual gratification of Sodomite women. Thanks to the extermination of Sodomite culture, sex-apes were replaced by Priapatic figurines and wooden idols, which evolved into the “dildos” of the present age.

The possible unearthing of ancient Sodom in 2005 coincides with the emergence of modern Sodomy on a global scale. In the same year, an enthusiastic crowd gathered in Tel Aviv to witness the marriage of an Israeli woman to a bottle-nosed dolphin [1], while Canada became the first country in the world to legalise homosexual marriage. Within the next five years, bestiality brothels were discovered in the international sex tourism industry, while the international press began to note a sharp increase in academic efforts to justify paedophilia. [2] Today, child-sized dildos, openly sold on homosexual websites, are reportedly being given to children by their parents. Transsexual parents are being encouraged to tinker with the sexuality of their confused children by injecting them with sex hormones. Israeli gangsters in Italy were caught raping and murdering toddlers stolen from Russian orphanages, according to a report in the Jerusalem Post. To this day, “Israel does not punish Israeli citizens who choose to own sex slaves, as long as the slaves are foreign and non-Israeli.”


[1] In Dec. 2005, Sharon Tendler, a 41-year-old Israeli millionaire, married “Cindy,” a 31-year-old dolphin. According to the report by Yedioth Ahronoth (Israel’s leading newspaper), the marriage ceremony took place before an enthusiastic crowd in Tel Aviv, Israel.

[2] “Conference aims to normalize pedophilia”. Daily Caller, August 2011. “Paedophilia is natural and normal for males”. Daily Telegraph, July 2014.

This is weak. Where is this city allegedly located? And you could have at least provided a list of amusing articles, e.g. the Orangutan brothels in Indonesia, or that in several countries (notably Japan and the USA) men have married their 'sex dolls'.

The 'paedophile' movement isn't new by the way and has been around since the 'social revolution' of the sixties/seventies.
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By ingliz
Apes were trained and bred for the sexual gratification of Sodomite women.

Are you sure? I know we have all been told that size doesn't really matter as much as how you use it.


The average erect gorilla penis is only 3cm (1.25 inches) long, and the average chimp or bonobo comes in at around 8cm (3.15 inches).

By mikema63
Does literally no one actually trust what the bible explicitly says is the sin of Sodom?

Ezekiel 16:49

Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy.
By Rich
The Sabbaticus wrote:The 'paedophile' movement isn't new by the way and has been around since the 'social revolution' of the sixties/seventies.
yeah because before the modern idea of child rights and adult repsonsiiblites you didn't need a movement to fuck children especially boys. check out Afghanistan, they don't need no movement to fuck boys out their. no there's authoritarian "oppression" of paedophiles and pederasts out there. Islam is particularly bad but its much the same in all Conservative patriarchal societies. powerful men can do pretty much what they like to the boys in their charge as the matriarch could treat the girls as saw fit.

Jimmy Saville was unlucky, if he'd lived a decade earlier, he might still be remembered as a national treasure. Catholic Priests, Presbyterian care home managers, Buddhist monks all abused boys like they were going out of fashion. That's why I won't have any Conservative lecturing me on sexual morality, or whinging on about modern day homosexuality. I remember when Margaret Thatcher said she wanted to return to Victorian morality. Sure I'm cool with industrial scale prostitution, industrial scale child prostitution, and rich men not telling their wives they've got the clap to preserve their innocence.

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