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You get some Americans voting for Trump, you get some Aussies going to Islam. Stupid people abound, the world over.
JRS1 wrote:Self haters looking for an instant ethnic minority/victim status.

Why on earth would anyone want to be part of a victimised minority? This is just insane. This is in fact one of the greatest barriers to more people embracing Islam, is the fear of being victimised and outcast by their families and friends. Contrary to what you seem to believe minorities really don't want to be victimised, they honestly don't want you hurling abuse at them from moving cars or discriminating against them when they apply for jobs, really.

JRS1 wrote:That is what I think of people who choose to reject enlightenment and submit to Islam.

Perhaps you should self-evaluate if so many people are leaving to embrace Islam, perhaps it's not as enlightened as you think?
Why on earth would anyone want to be part of a victimised minority?
Not everyone is born Jewish.

Being special always has appeal. Muslims, in their minority are "special". JRS1 is right.
abu_rashid wrote:Why on earth would anyone want to be part of a victimised minority? This is just insane.

Actually, the woman at 0:45 confessed she was driven by guilt into Islam (if only she could realize it ). So, yes, she is a "self hater".
Abu Rashid

I never said they are victimised. I said self haters seek out victim status.

Are you a convert? Did you change your name and take to wearing robes and put your wife in a veil/ hijab?

Do you ape the customs and of a foreign, backwards culture?

Because that is generally what converts look like to me. Apologies if you dont do that.
JRS1 wrote:I never said they are victimised. I said self haters seek out victim status.

Nobody covets the status Muslims have in Western societies, you're insane if you think they do. Or else in denial about how disheartening it is for Muslims.

JRS1 wrote:Are you a convert?

Praise be to God, yes I am.

JRS1 wrote:Did you change your name

No, Abu Rashid is a patronym.

JRS1 wrote:and take to wearing robes

I have been known to don the robes from time to time, yeh. Just so I can live the full victimised minority experience.

JRS1 wrote:and put your wife in a veil/ hijab?

No need to, I married an already practicing Muslim.

JRS1 wrote:Do you ape the customs and of a foreign, backwards culture?

Perhaps you can re-word this in comprehensible English and we'll give it another go?

JRS1 wrote:Because that is generally what converts look like to me. Apologies if you dont do that.

Perhaps you should question your perceptions then.
Nobody covets the status Muslims have in Western societies, you're insane if you think they do. Or else in denial about how disheartening it is for Muslims.

Oh please, cry me a river. If its that bad then move to Indonesia. Im sick of hearing how bad it is in the west. The west is the best place in the world to be a minority.

So you havent adopted a middle eastern name? Like Ahmed Islam-Al-Kookaburra or something. That is heartening.

I have been known to don the robes from time to time, yeh. Just so I can live the full victimised minority experience.

Yep. And you love it.

Do you ape the customs and mores of a foreign, backwards culture?
This was multicultural agitprop. From beginning to end. Not one critical note, and they once again perpetuated the lie that 'Islam is the fastest growing religion' on the planet.

And why are they equating the 'hijab' with the habit of nuns? Nuns live in nunneries and practice celibacy. Can't say the same for a household hijab.

At 6:55 - "they no longer see the scarf any more." For some reason I doubt that.
JRS1 wrote:Oh please, cry me a river. If its that bad then move to Indonesia.

I don't recall saying it's that bad, not for me anyway. Especially considering that most of those who harass Muslims are cowardly maggots who only target women and children. In fact the only experience I've ever really had was not long after 9/11 when I was doing some late night grocery shopping in my shalwar kameez with my wife, when a drunken idiot screamed out some unintelligible babble at me from the other side of the car park. When I questioned what he was saying he repeated, saying "Do you support the Taliban?", so I began running towards him with speed howling "I AM THE TALIBAN", needless to say he disappeared quite rapidly, dropping the beer bottles he was holding, smashing all over the ground.

JRS1 wrote:Im sick of hearing how bad it is in the west. The west is the best place in the world to be a minority.

I think you hear it more than people actually say it. Seems you're a prisoner to a lot of misconceptions.

JRS1 wrote:So you havent adopted a middle eastern name? Like Ahmed Islam-Al-Kookaburra or something. That is heartening.

I have, but only informally, amongst Muslim friends and family. al-Krokadeel, not Kookaburra.

JRS1 wrote:Yep. And you love it.

As above, it has provided a laugh once or twice

JRS1 wrote:Do you ape the customs and mores of a foreign, backwards culture?

Islam is far superior to Western culture. Western culture is in decay, and you know it. If it wasn't, we wouldn't even be having this discussion, a discussion that stems from insecurities held by people who know their culture is defective and brittle.

How is it any more foreign than Christianity? How exactly is it backwards? And backwards compared to what?

Most Western converts are usually attracted to militant Islam and they don't believe that Islam is a religion of peace. For example, David Hicks (the Aussie Taliban) joined the Taliban, looking for foreign adventures, and other Aussies are following in his footsteps. There is no legitimate reason for non-Arabs to convert to Islam unless you're marrying into a Muslim family.

OLIVER Bridgeman loved rugby league, the beach and dreamed of being a doctor or lawyer. Then he found religion. Stunned friends of the former school captain yesterday revealed the talented teen’s disturbing transformation from talented student to terrorist. The Courier-Mail’s revelation that Bridgeman has fled to the Middle East to fight for al-Quaida [sic]-linked terrorist group the Al-Nusra Front, under the name Yusuf Oli, has shocked family and friends. ... 08c292cb?=
What a load of absolute tripe.

Firstly Oliver Bridgeman is an aid worker, he should be praised for the great work he's done in helping out Syrian refugees.

Secondly David Hicks is not even a Muslim (anymore). Yes he was probably attracted to Islam for the wrong reasons, as he was a bit of a mercenary, but he's a pretty rare case.

Why is there no legitimate reason for a non-Arab to embrace Islam? You do realise the vast overwhelming majority of Muslims are non-Arabs right? You do also realise a decent % of Arabs are not Muslims?
There is no one reason but a common one is attention seeking. This is why so many love all the clothes and the trappings. They want to stand out and want to be talked about.

For a classic example, check out this cunt ... alots.html

Note the attention whore has literally become the second wife of a man who runs charity for terrorists. I am not joking
Yeh people generally don't commit to a lifelong spiritual system that restricts their formerly hedonistic lifestyles just to seek a little attention. If it lasted 6 months or perhaps a year, you might have a point, but when you've got Muslim converts who are going on 2 or 3 decades, it tends to prove you a little wrong.

Might just have to accept the fact people find a very powerful spiritual, intellectual & moral enlightenment from Islam.
abu_rashid wrote:Why is there no legitimate reason for a non-Arab to embrace Islam?

Because Western culture is far superior to Islam.
Compared to Jesus, Mohammed was a monster.
I find that most converts to Islam are just heathens who deny the obvious truth of the Trinity. They will, of course, spend eternity in Hell, and their Destruction will magnify the Eternal Glory of the LORD. By all means, let them enjoy their temporary earthly rebellion against Christ, but let's not be under any illusions that they are anything other than the pawns of Satan.
Yeh people generally don't commit to a lifelong spiritual system that restricts their formerly hedonistic lifestyles just to seek a little attention. If it lasted 6 months or perhaps a year, you might have a point, but when you've got Muslim converts who are going on 2 or 3 decades, it tends to prove you a little wrong.

Might just have to accept the fact people find a very powerful spiritual, intellectual & moral enlightenment from Islam.

Far more muslims convert and have converted to the secularist lifestyle. Western converts to islam are a tiny minority and all of them seem to have personal issues one way or another. There are always exceptions of course but its generally due to.

- lacking status within normal, healthy society
- wanting attention, to be noticed
- An appeal to the victim narrative (this usually comes after in my view and is not a common cause)
- an emotional experience that their mind interprets as "spiritual" - this can then guide them to islam or any other religion or faith.
- seeking meaning to their lives - ANY MEANING WILL DO
- the appeal of extreme social conservatism
- wanting to be part of a community
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