Muslims are the true "feminists" - Politics | PoFo

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Wonderful read. This article does a great job explaining why degenerate American consumer culture is in many ways much more 'patriarchal' than Islamic modesty.

Many faux-versions of American "feminism" merely center on a woman's "liberty" to be a slattern and toy of disillusion men, ultimately just reducing women to objects and empowering men's more lustful desires.

I suppose it's no irony that the entertainment industries marketing sluttiness as a form of "female empowerment", are more often than not owned and operated by horny, old white men, proving the gullibility of many foolish American women, lol.

As American women, many of us have an idea of what feminists are; freelancing women with all the sexual freedom in the world. But this is exactly the problem with American feminism; it is all about sex and the liberation of our bodies. Certainly, things like abortion and contraception is a part of that freedom, but in today’s society the fight has taken on a much different tone.

Hip Feminist campaigns like Free the Nipple only encourage a gullible behavior of disrespect for our own bodies, leading to everyone else around us disrespecting our bodies as well. If we want to be respected as women and taken seriously in all our endeavors we should look to a new source; Muslim women. Muslim women, as well as Muslim men, see every body as a sacred temple, especially the female body. Opposed to exposing themselves, it is through modesty. When we think of modern feminists we should stray away from the new American trends and start looking to what we have always thought as a contradiction; Muslim feminists.

Contrary to American popular belief, Islam has a culture and history of women empowerment. In the Qur’an, which is believed to be God’s word told to Prophet Muhammad, women and men are described as equals in everyday actions and responsibilities. When it comes to family, charity, children, sex, and much more, a man and a woman have the same duties and that is to continue on the straight path.

Early Islamic women kept this idea alive. The first Muslim woman was Khadija, Mohammed’s first wife. Without her influence, Islam might not have emerged as successfully as it did. Khadija was a business woman and a land owner in the lands of Arabia. When Mohammed was given revelations, it was Khadija that ensured him that he was not going insane, but that he was a chosen one. It was Khadija that pushed Mohammed to listen to God and the angels that were trying to communicate with him and to not run in fear. It was Khadija that gave Muhammad the support and confidence in his development as becoming God’s last prophet. Khadija, a woman, was the strength that allowed Islam to fully bloom. Just this one example gives us a view on how true Muslim women are; outspoken, driven, certain and courageous, the epitome of a feminist.

So it’s no surprise to see Muslim woman today modeling themselves after these prominent female figures. Muslim girls look towards these instances of strength for guidance in this scary, patriarchal society. These modern women are not afraid to go against the grain in the name of their belief like wearing the hijab to covey their religious devotion. Hijab is the headscarf that is worn by Muslim woman and no; it is not supposed to be forced on them by their fathers and husbands. Wearing or not wearing the Hijab reflects a Muslim woman’s own a personal choice.

For me, this idea especially showcases feminism in America. With all of the pressures in our American society to have a certain physical allure; to have long, luscious hair, a skinny yet curvy body, flawless facial beauty, woman go through hell. With this, we succumb to the pressures that we generally think we are free of; we oppress our natural womanhood with constant worry about how we look to others around us. We do not have the courage to stand up to this societal critique and say ‘my body is not to be ogled at’.

For many Muslim women however, they strive to achieve just that. In this way, they liberate themselves from these everyday pressures. They actually have the courage to say hey, I am not an object of pleasure, I am a woman that commands only respect for who I am and not how I look. They have the power to self-liberate as well as the courage to diverge from the American norms. And they do not get attention from showing off their figure, but they get attention by how they present themselves. Muslim woman get respect and are looked at beyond aesthetics; they are actually taken seriously in their communities.

Isn’t this what feminism should be? Don’t women deserve consistent respect and to actually be listened to without drools or criticisms over our bodies and looks? I believe the answer is yes. In the Muslim-American community, and even in parts of the greater Muslim world, modest woman, whether they wear hijab or not, are respected and called upon, despite what our mainstream media feeds to us.

A few weeks ago I went to a lecture about feminism- in Islam. That is what got all these thoughts stirring in my head once again. The lecturer was a Muslim woman in hijab; she spoke so passionately that every person in the room, guy and girl, had no choice but to immerse themselves in her words. After a quick hour and a half, I could not help but think about all our Free the Nipple group representing a trendy feminism and how some trends need to die. I realized we have been conditioned to think that American women are the free and that Muslim women are the suppressed, but this is twisted to me. I finally understood who is really oppressed by a patriarchal society and it is us. Woman who wear hijab have freed themselves from a man’s and a society’s judgmental gaze; the Free the Nipplers have not. They have fallen deep into the man’s world, believing that this trend will garner respect.

So I urge my Free the Nipple gal pals to take a look at your Muslim sisters and collaborate with them to create a feminism that treats the female body as a temple and not as a toy. Let us see feminism in a different light—through modesty and the courage to savor our sugar. Let us call on the Muslim feminists of the world.
Scheherazade wrote:Many faux-versions of American "feminism" merely center on a woman's "liberty" to be a slattern and toy of disillusion men, ultimately just reducing women to objects and empowering men's more lustful desires. [/i]

While I agree with the general idea of this thread, I strongly disagree that the intent of the mass-marketing of women-as-sex-toys is about "empowering" men's lust. It's about frustrating their lust, not empowering it in any way.

By forcing men to live in a world of dressed-like-sex-slave women who never perform sex on you, they are permanently flustered by their environment. This makes it easier to sell them things they don't need by using advertising to make associations between products and "sexual fulfillment."
Last edited by QatzelOk on 10 Nov 2016 18:31, edited 1 time in total.
Islam is so progressive for where it concerns women's rights that after Mohammed, there has been no need to improve the lot of women in the Islamic world for well over fourteen hundred years. In fact, we should all take inspiration from those fourteen hundred years of profound feminist emancipation. I mean, name me one other religious leader that pioneered the concept of the 'hip & happening hijab-wearing Muslima'.

By-the-by, did you guys know that Muslims invented rocket science and that Armstrong was the first Muslim on the moon? You learn something new everyday.
Isn't it terrible how the males are being objectified here? The poor, naked lambs! I wonder how the women in that public pool can control themselves and their animal urges.

Frollein and Sab, while I find your targeted sarcasm towards Muslims timely (following so closely the election of someone who uses 'easy racism' to gain popularity among frustrated unemployed workers), it is simply untrue that the Bankster-West has been more progressive than all the Islamic nations.

Divorce was available to Muslim women (and men) for a thousand years before it was available in the Bankster West.

Various forms of homosexuality are socially accepted in many Muslim nations that are strictly prohibited in the Bankster West.

We have many more taboos than non-commercial cultures because taboos sell products.

Dressing like a prostitute and having abortion kiosques on every corner.... that's the commercial version of feminism because... these encourage consumption of Bankster-profitable products. Ending war and encouraging peaceful cultures of health and education - only someone like Gaddafi could imagine something like this being possible.
So Qatz why don't you go and live in one of these Muslim paradises? Why do people keep flooding out of these Muslim paradises into the Bankster West? And I'd say the same to all Muslims, if Islam is so great, so freeing, so liberating, who don't you leave our countries and go and live under Islam and leave our countries the way we like them.

As to the opening post. Most women have a submissive tendency. This is the problem of feminism. The fundamental problem of feminism is not men but women. The large majority of women are heterosexual, or mostly heterosexual even if a lot are a bit bi. Most women are attracted to powerful men. Feminists often try and dress up their submission as a form of feminist empowerment. Before I came across Islamo feminism, I noticed how feminists would often go for Black thugs. They tried to dress this up as some form of anti White patriarchy, when it all it was. was their attraction to powerful men.

It should be noted that there are quite a few progressive men, who are not phased by feminism. Men like Bill Clinton. They know all the "non objectification nonsense is utter bull shit" and women know they know. What I would say to White Infidel men is don't let feminists emasculate you. As soon as they have emasculated you they will go chasing after other men, whether its film stars, rock stars, rich bankers, Black ghetto thugs, or Muslim Jihadists really doesn't matter.
Quatz, I've been sarcastic towards Muslims since I joined here, it has nothing to do with Trump.

Various forms of homosexuality are socially accepted in many Muslim nations that are strictly prohibited in the Bankster West.

Which ones are those? Obviously not this one:


So enlighten me - which "forms of homosexuality" are socially accepted there? Those that involve little boys?
Last edited by Frollein on 10 Nov 2016 19:43, edited 1 time in total.
The Sabbaticus wrote:Islam is so progressive for where it concerns women's rights that after Mohammed, there has been no need to improve the lot of women in the Islamic world for well over fourteen hundred years. In fact, we should all take inspiration from those fourteen hundred years of profound feminist emancipation. I mean, name me one other religious leader that pioneered the concept of the 'hip & happening hijab-wearing Muslima'.

By-the-by, did you guys know that Muslims invented rocket science and that Armstrong was the first Muslim on the moon? You learn something new everyday.

The Muslim world was actually more culturally advanced than the West during the Middle Ages; supposedly it was after the Middle East was ravaged by the Mongol hordes of Ghenghis Khan that they were sent back.
Saeko wrote:Oh you think Islam is so feminist? Send your daughters to live in a Muslim country then. I'll wait.
Frollein wrote:Isn't it terrible how the males are being objectified here? The poor, naked lambs! I wonder how the women in that public pool can control themselves and their animal urges.


Women are the less evil and rapacious of the sexes, so like it or not objectification of men isn't as much of a problem. The idea that both sexes are 'completely the same' is rather fallacious.
Saeko wrote:Oh you think Islam is so feminist? Send your daughters to live in a Muslim country then. I'll wait.

Well if it was a choice between her living a modest Muslim lifestyle, and growing up with disilloute women like Amy Schumer as role models, I would consider it. I respect the women of Arabia more than many of the decadent ones in the West.
Suntzu wrote:What can be more feminist than stitchin' up a girls hooha. :D

If it protects them from rapacious men, then the intent my not be as bad as the method.
If it protects them from rapacious men, then the intent my not be as bad as the method.

Are you volunteering to be 'protected', Scheherezade...? :eh:

No, didn't think so.
Potemkin wrote:Are you volunteering to be 'protected', Scheherezade...? :eh:

No, didn't think so.

Anthropology isn't that simple.

Like it or not crime rates, including rape and murder are still lower in Muslim countries than in the West.

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