The Four Beasts of Revelation - Politics | PoFo

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The Four Beasts of Revelation

We know from the prophecies in Daniel that "beasts" represent kings or rulers and their kingdoms.

1. The lamb with seven horns and seven eyes (Revelation 5:6; 12:11; 13:8,11; 14:1,4)

Everyone seems to agree that this lamb represents Jesus, the Lamb of God, who was slain for our sins with His Kingdom. (John 1:29)

2. The beast that comes out of the abyss and the great red dragon with seven heads and ten horns. (Revelation 11:7; 12:3)

This is clearly Satan and his kingdom from earth and heaven combined in the last days

3. The leopard, bear, and lion-like beast with seven heads and ten horns (Revelation 13:1-3)

This is the first of the two controversial beast kingdoms. I am in favor of this beast kingdom being the Islamic Caliphate kingdom with the Ottoman Caliphate being the head that was wounded with the aftermath of world war I and is being healed today. When Al-Mutawakkil died in 1543, the title of caliph was passed to Suleiman I the Magnificent, who ruled as both the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire and the Caliph of Islam.

The Ottomans lost the title of caliph on March 3, 1924, when the government of Turkey exiled all members of the House of Osman, including Caliph Abdülmecid II, promptly ending all traces of the Ottoman Caliphate.

in my opinion, ISIS is attempting to restore the terrible beast Islamic caliphate kingdom that kill and behead the Christians (Rev. 6:9; 20:4.)

ISIS burst onto the international stage when they declared a caliphate bearing the infamous black jihadist flag after they seized control of Mosul in 2014. ... claration/

4. A beast with two horns like the lamb, but speaks like the dragon (Revelation 13:11,17)

Although controversial, I believe this beast kingdom represents the divided Christian Roman Empire, since it comes out of "the Land" which I think refers to what we call "the Holy Land" where the Christian religion originated. From the Vatican in Rome, the Pope speaks like that old dragon called Satan the devil. (Rev. 12:9)

It appears that in Revelation, the last three Kingdoms supported by Satan, work together in an attempt to destroy the first kingdom, which is the Kingdom of Christ. But these forces of darkness are not able to overcome the Kingdom of Christ. (Rev. 17:13-14)
Off topic i know. But lately 've been getting sick and tired, and angrier by the day from this retardation of both Islamic and Christian fundamentalists spreading all around at an increasingly rapid paste.

I mean try to do some analysis of religious doctrine to make sense of it and maybe connect it to real world. Not just repeat empty baseless useless bullshit and spreading around.

I know 've been doing my fare share of talking and discussion about religion, but atleast i did the effort to analyze it and tried to make sense of it by connecting it to the real world and events. Not just repeated what ever some random religious figure said.
anasawad wrote:Off topic i know. But lately 've been getting sick and tired, and angrier by the day from this retardation of both Islamic and Christian fundamentalists spreading all around at an increasingly rapid paste.

I mean try to do some analysis of religious doctrine to make sense of it and maybe connect it to real world. Not just repeat empty baseless useless bullshit and spreading around.

I know 've been doing my fare share of talking and discussion about religion, but atleast i did the effort to analyze it and tried to make sense of it by connecting it to the real world and events. Not just repeated what ever some random religious figure said.

Revelation is a prophetic book written in spiritual language for the last days when Christ returns, so since it has not happened yet, the four beasts can't be clearly related to real world events in the way I think you mean. But I don't think one can ignore what those from the beginning to now have said, if one is to do any real analysis.

If you would like more detailed information as to why I believe a certain thing concerning the four beasts of Revelation, then please ask a specific question, so I can try to narrow my answer to what you are having difficulty with understanding. HalleluYah

ISIS, The Middle East, & Bible Prophecy

Published on Aug 22, 2014
According to a monitoring group and local activists, ISIS did gain some new ground in Syria early Friday, seizing an eastern oil field as they try to consolidate their control of an area along the length of the Euphrates river stretching through Syria and Iraq.

The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said the ISIS fighters seized the al-Tanak oil field. Another group, the activist collective of Deir el-Zour, also reported the seizure.

The field is in the eastern Syrian province of Deir el-Zour, near Iraq, and it followed ISIS' seizure of Syria's largest oil field on Thursday. Both oil fields were taken from other rebel groups.

ISIS now has nearly full control over a corridor from the Syrian provincial capital of Deir el-Zour to the border town of Boukamal. The area neighbors parts of northern and western Iraq that it seized last month, allowing the group to flow freely between the two countries.

The group is led by an ambitious Iraqi militant known as Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who this week declared the establishment of an Islamic state, or caliphate, in the lands it has seized in Syria and Iraq. The claim has been dismissed by officials in the region and, notably, also by many other jihadist leaders.

ISIS Destroys Antiquities - Fulfilling End-Time Bible Prophecy

Published on Apr 11, 2015
The world is aghast ! As ISIS wreaks terror & havoc across the Middle East, with death, destruction & now desecration (of Iraq's antiquities) few people realize these shocking atrocities perpetrated by ISIS are fulfilling ancient Bible Prophecies ! Clear & unmistakable prophecies that 'warn' of catastrophic events STILL TO COME.

Babylon the Great & The Caliph Antichrist

Published on Sep 16, 2013

Shocking info unveiling Mystery Babylon the Great, as Mecca. Discover which country, will Nuke Mystery Babylon and why the Antichrist Beast will rise from the Assyria area (which includes Turkey, Iraq, Syria). Find out what Satan's Secret Symbol has been, throughout all his 7 Empires, which will prove conclusively, why the Beast and Babylon are connected to Islam. We also uncover more Islamic connections to the 666 and Coming Revived Caliphate Empire. Also more on the Mark of the Beast and its Islamic Connection.

Mystery Babylon - Mecca, Saudi Arabia IRREFUTABLE PROOF

Published on Nov 9, 2016
The identity of Mystery Babylon finally proven without question. The evidence presented in this short presentation is without the possibility of gainsaying. Edom/Arabia is Mystery Babylon and in my other videos I show without question that Esau and Jacob are going to be at each other's necks in the end times which is EXACTLY what we're seeing.

One of the beasts represents the Roman Empire. It's the second one actually Hindsite. The Red Dragon was also the symbol of the Roman Cavalry and The city of Rome has Seven Hills(/Heads).... These Hills do not include the Vatican Hill(a.k.a The 8th Hill).

It also represents the devil simply by being a Dragon, etc... But it is also clearly The Pagan Roman Empire(Satan's kingdom?).

I know you'll probably also say Rome = Catholic Church, etc like you usually do. But no it's a specific prophercy concerning the Roman Empire and most likely it's destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD.

The "Abyss" is the Mediterranean Sea (and also the "Sea/Abyss of Politics").. As I'm sure you know Hindsite, The Devil loves the ocean.
Hindsite wrote:Mystery Babylon


The identity of Mystery Babylon finally proven without question.

Mistery Babylon = Foggy London


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