Google Fires Engineer Who Wrote Memo Questioning Women in Tech - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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B0ycey wrote:Don't take it personally, we just have different political and ethical positions. If it helps, I do respect you. However I would like to add that I have never revealed my race, gender, creed, social standing or personal economic position on here (and never will).

Cheers, B0ycey. And just to avoid any more confusion, I wasn't serious, and neither was Bulaba for that matter.
B0ycey wrote:lol. Would you put your spare £600 on that?

I don't gamble. Apart from on the greyhounds and the speedway and occasionally rugby league or the hurling and very rarely gaelic football. It is the Devil's money B0ycey.

Anyway you obviously are. :p

I sometimes wonder how a goon like myself got as much trim as he has.

Then I open up a thread like this and see so many whining victims trying to sound tough.

If I work alongside a woman, I engage her. I suppose I could write a big manifesto about hiring practices, but why the fuck would I care--even if I were a creep that thought women getting hired was bad?

Let's assume that I do care.

What kind of pansy-ass job does this guy have where he writes this up and doesn't fear his manager coming in and saying, "Since you seem to have so much extra time on your hands..."

If you think this garbage and had to get it out, you would say this shit in the pub with a couple of lads while also commenting on the ass of the woman in accounting.

Making a papertrail, sending it to everyone, and then getting a legion of creepy redpill virgins to defend you on the internet...It's a pathetic new breed of misogynist.
He's a software engineer..... He sits at his desk probably bored shitless most of the time(even when working typing code). It's a fucking boring job....

So he decided to write something else for a change to keep himself from going nuts from boredom from sitting in front of a goddamn computer all day, everyday.
If you think this garbage and had to get it out, you would say this shit in the pub with a couple of lads while also commenting on the ass of the woman in accounting.

Precisely. This guy is a Harvard graduate with a plumb job at Google, but apparently he's not smart enough to know when to keep his mouth shut. He seems to think his bosses need his enlightened guidance to take their hiring practices to the next level. Lol.
It seems they need all the help they can get when it comes to hiring normal functional people...

They clearly disagree, which is why they fired him, as is their right.

Everyone has opinions, Igor, and generally they should keep those opinions to themselves. That's what pubs are for - so you can give your mates the benefit of your opinions after a few beers. What sort of retard writes their opinions down in a 3000 word memo on company time and then sends it to everyone, including their bosses? Lol.
Middle class people really do have a huge sense of entitlement. What do you think would have happened to me on the scaffold or in the factory if I had sat down and starting writing a treatise on why women/ jews/ blacks/ whoever should not be hired in that workplace instead of working? I would be out before I had finished the first page for not working. Why is it middle class people think they have some god given right not to be fired?

He deserved to be fired for writing any 3000 word essay on company time before you even get into what it was about.
Potemkin wrote:Precisely. This guy is a Harvard graduate with a plumb job at Google, but apparently he's not smart enough to know when to keep his mouth shut. He seems to think his bosses need his enlightened guidance to take their hiring practices to the next level. Lol.

I understand what you are saying, but bosses love to exercise their power by publicly challenging underlings to dare disagree with them. Anyone with a backbone must either take the bait or lose all self respect. I have sat through more than one meeting with this scenario. We don't know what interactions led up to his decision to write the memo.
Hong Wu wrote:He's probably going to sue and get a million dollars.

Sue for what? If I turned up to a job tomorrow and wrote a fucking essay instead of working I would be fired before lunchtime and the agency would never bother to find me another job and I would certainly be in no position to sue anyone about it. I really can't imagine what kind of case people think this guy has.
He deserved to be fired for writing any 3000 word essay on company time before you even get into what it was about.

He wrote it on a plane in his own time.

they should keep those opinions to themselves. That's what pubs are for - so you can give your mates the benefit of your opinions after a few beers.

That's exactly what he did, shared it to his private discussion group where his friends post. He didn't leak it. One of them did.

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