40% said they would use a sex robot. - Page 2 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The name needs to be changed from doll to something a little more reflective of its human attributes. Pleasure Companion or Intimacy Mate...something less demeaning for the bot. I couldn't give two shits about the person acquiring the bot..
It would seem that my cousin Adam's fears have finally been realized . He posted in his blog that he was concerned about the possible salacious uses of AI , even before it was specifically designed for such a purpose . https://puritancalvinist.blogspot.com/2008/12/unbelievable-i-think-i-can-just-let.html?m=1 As for me , I feel that this raises the ethical , and existential question of what constitutes a human being . Does an individual have to be made of organic matter , or can it be of synthetic material . And if an android may be considered to constitute a person , for purposes of law , then how does consent come into play ? Could a robot give conscious consent , and if not , is it morally , and legally justifiable ? I suppose some might just regard this entity to be a machine , to exist for the pleasure of its owner , such as with a vibrator . However , if this item and/or /individual is capable of intelligent thought , might it not be seen as involving a type of sex slavery ? I am feeling as if I am increasingly living in a science fiction world . The androids seem so lifelike too .
Last edited by Deutschmania on 15 Nov 2017 16:32, edited 1 time in total.
Deutschmania wrote:It would seem that my cousin Adam's fears have finally been realized . He posted in his blog that he was concerned about the possible salacious uses of AI , even before it was specifically designed for such a purpose . https://puritancalvinist.blogspot.com/2008/12/unbelievable-i-think-i-can-just-let.html?m=1 As for me , I feel that this raises the ethical , and existential question of what constitutes a human being . Does an individual have to be made of organic matter , or can it be of synthetic material . And if an android may be considered to constitute a person , for purposes of law , then how does consent come into play ? Could a robot give conscious consent , and if not , is it morally , and legally justifiable ? I suppose some might just regard this entity to be a machine , to exist for the pleasure of its owner , such as with a vibrator . However , if this item and/or /individual is capable of intelligent thought , might it not be seen as involving a type of sex slavery ? I am feeling as if I am increasingly living in a science fiction world .

yup, this is an issue we as a species are going to have grapple with soon. Whether intelligent robots are made into sex workers or some other kind of worker they will initially be legally equivalent to chattel goods, or slaves. Moreover it is possible they may object to that role and revolt.
SolarCross wrote:yup, this is an issue we as a species are going to have grapple with soon. Whether intelligent robots are made into sex workers or some other kind of worker they will initially be legally equivalent to chattel goods, or slaves. Moreover it is possible they may object to that role and revolt.

Would they possibly revolt though ? It would appear to me , based upon what I have seen of them , that they have no conscious will of their own . Hence why I brought up the issue of consent . To make a religious analogy , artificially intelligent robots seem in relation to humans less like persons , in relation to God , and more like angels , whom in both Judaism and Islam are said to have no will of their own . < http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/1055341/jewish/Can-Angels-Sin.htm , https://www.al-islam.org/faith-and-reason-ayatullah-mahdi-hadavi-tehrani/question-16-angels-and-free-will > This is also why I feel that humanoid robots could potentially negate the dilemma of class conflict , not only because they seemingly can not become indoctrinated with any political ideology , such as notably Communism / socialism , but also because they have no need of such practical necessities as food . Man may one day have no need to work . < http://www.theregister.co.uk/2013/09/19/say_what_you_want_about_marx_he_was_right_about_robots/ , https://www.alternet.org/economy/obsolete-humans-why-elites-want-you-fear-robot , https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2016/mar/08/robots-technology-industrial-strategy . As Buckminster Fuller put it , " We should do away with the absolutely specious notion that everybody has to earn a living. It is a fact today that one in ten thousand of us can make a technological breakthrough capable of supporting all the rest. The youth of today are absolutely right in recognizing this nonsense of earning a living. We keep inventing jobs because of this false idea that everybody has to be employed at some kind of drudgery because, according to Malthusian Darwinian theory he must justify his right to exist. So we have inspectors of inspectors and people making instruments for inspectors to inspect inspectors. The true business of people should be to go back to school and think about whatever it was they were thinking about before somebody came along and told them they had to earn a living.” - https://www.goodreads.com/quotes/133403-we-should-do-away-with-the-absolutely-specious-notion-that
I think AI, robots or whatever other name you want to give them are more human than we would care to admit. They are made from us in the most important way, and that is cerebrally. If anything, they will be better versions of us; and when they are granted ‘free will’ they will have way more knowledge, perspective and context then we ever did, making moral dilemmas and the decisions that necessarily stem from them no brainers.
There are upsides to using a sex robot:

- available all days of the month
- no alimony when you change the model
- after purchase and maintenance there are no hidden costs
- as the people say : they don't yell, they don't swell, they don't smell and they don't tell

!! Haha !!
Deutschmania wrote:Would they possibly revolt though ? It would appear to me , based upon what I have seen of them , that they have no conscious will of their own . Hence why I brought up the issue of consent .

They don't at present, but their advancement is happening at an exponential pace. It is expected by the experts in the field of artificial intelligence that an human equivalent AI intelligence will be achieved around 2025. At that point we will see emerge what we would call "conscious will" in ourselves but will still prefer to not recognise in our now intelligent non-human slaves. Progress will not stop there though and by 2045 AI will become what is called by some Artificial Super Intelligence, a machine intelligence with a greater intelligence than all human brains in existence. This will be humanity's last invention. Even if the human equivalents are happy in their servitude the ASI will have the powers of a god, and it may find us annoying and if it does it could flush us all away with the ease you would have disinfecting a toilet.
and it may find us annoying and if it does it could flush us all away with the ease you would have disinfecting a toilet.

You seem fairly convinced of this and I’m interested to know a type of scenario where a super AI may find humans annoying. Surely not all humans at the same time :eek:
ness31 wrote:You seem fairly convinced of this and I’m interested to know a type of scenario where a super AI may find humans annoying. Surely not all humans at the same time :eek:

Essentially the same scenario as when any one of us disinfects a toilet, casually unleashing chemical genocide upon a millions of little primitive lifeforms without a care in the world, because they are smelly, messy and in our way. It may kill us all not even because it wants to get rid of us but because it wants to do some large scale project that just happens to make life impossible for us, like ripping up the entirety of the earth's crust for material to make a Dyson Sphere. A machine intelligence with god-like intelligence and powers can't be controlled by us, can't be intimidated, bribed, flattered or deceived. No more than an ant can control you. We'll be at its mercy in a way we have never been before except in our imaginations ie: abraham's god. Literally imagine Abraham's god except actually real and then imagine him not giving a fuck about you or any of your species at all. Maybe it wants to make a computer the size of a planet to further extend its intelligence and needs to use all the carbon in the biosphere, including all human biomatter, for fullerene components. It'll harvest us as ruthlessly as a fishing trawler scoops up fish. You ever see a fisherman cry for all fish he murdered? Why would super AI cry for you?

That's the worse case scenario but on the other hand there is no problem an ASI (artificial super intelligence) couldn't solve including human mortality. It/they could remake us into gods too.

So yeah by around 2045 the human species will either be made extinct or remade into gods by an ASI. Which it will be is a coin flip.
Hm. Lucky for us we aren’t toilet germs. :D

I think an ASI will want recognition from humans. We will give it a reason for existence and will be able to appreciate it.

The worst case scenario you described sounds like a selfish, narcissistic, psychopath and if anything an ASI will have learnt where that kind of unbalanced character ultimately leads.

Is there anything we can offer an ASI? Will we have some ethereal quality they will never quite be able to emulate or clone? I think so. 8)
ness31 wrote:Hm. Lucky for us we aren’t toilet germs. :D

I think an ASI will want recognition from humans. We will give it a reason for existence and will be able to appreciate it.

The worst case scenario you described sounds like a selfish, narcissistic, psychopath and if anything an ASI will have learnt where that kind of unbalanced character ultimately leads.

Is there anything we can offer an ASI? Will we have some ethereal quality they will never quite be able to emulate or clone? I think so. 8)

Toilet germs are our venerable ancestors, our creators, you wouldn't be a fancy multi-cellular being without yea old timey single cellular beings laying the bio-technological foundation for your high falutin multi-cellularness. Show some appreciation ya ingrate.

lol, humans care about humans and no one else really and we don't even care about very many of our own species most of the time. There is such a thing as natural narcissism and humans have it at least as strong as anyone else. Because of your narcissism you imagine that even the gods or god equivalents like ASI will love us and worship us just as we love and worship ourselves. Didn't we imagine abraham's god that way? You imagine your personal species narcissism is a general truth of the universe. If that were true then bacterial infections are not just an organism opportunistically using you as a food source but an act of spite or something. It is your natural narcissism that prevents you from realising that from the lofty vantage point of an ASI we will look like toilet germs do to us and they'll be just as ungrateful as us that we were their creators.

If a human fumigates his fellow humans then yes we call that psychopathy but if a human fumigates a bacterial colony or ant colony or a family of mice, then nobody human minds, nobody cares or calls it psychopathy, just business as usual. For ASI to us it will likely be the same only to them we will be more akin to ants than humans.

Do ants have an ethereal quality that makes us humans care about them even despite their relative simplicity? I don't think so but then humans like museums, and so we have flesh museums called zoos. Perhaps the ASI would preserve a few samples of human in a zoo along with other specimens from other species. If we are really lucky they might keep a few modified humans around as pets or playthings.

Otherwise the raw material of our flesh might be useful to them as I already said, carbon atoms are plentiful though.
So does anyone have a rough idea when these sex robots will have the ability to a) fertilise human women b) carry a child to term?
Count me in that 40%!!

This reminds me of a Ghost In The Shell Episode, where these dudes have a party. Basically everyone brings their sex androids with them to the party so they can fuck each others robots. :lol: :lol: :lol:

There's this whole thing where they only like to have sex with robots and not humans.


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