Should child sex dolls be banned? Why? - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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So we already moved pedophilia from moral depravity to mental illness? Why, if it goes the way of other deviant sexual orientations, it will be a lifestyle choice in no time - probably when we've integrated into the child-bride customs of a certain invading culture... that is being cheered on by the progressive crowd, come to think of it.

And curiously, dolls are being confused with people, just like in the transgender doll thread. I'd like to see the evidence that fucking a doll will lead to fucking the person the doll represents. Because if there is no such evidence, then letting the pervs jack off into the silicon bag would actually protect the children they'd otherwise prey on.

And before anyone accuses me of condoning pedophilia, kindly go fuck yourselves. You know my stance towards pedos if you've been here long enough; if you haven't been here long enough: shut up, noob.
anasawad wrote:@Wellsy

Didn't mean that to be the case. What i mean is, Pedophilia is a mental disorder. and just as any other mental disorder, it usually doesn't come alone, which means that violent tendency could be noted in atleast a portion of those who have it, and there are the ones who don't see there actions as violent to begin with. Abuse is not always viewed as it is from both sides.

There is also another point we should consider, which is that a large majority of pedophiles who do act on their sexual desires have usually been exposed to violence and abuse themselves when they were children. Which means that the fact some are pedophiles is not as significant factor in the issue as other factors involved since most wont actually act on their desires. (incase anyone tried to twist my words, "not as significant as other factors" is not the same as "not a significant factor")
That is, all pedophilia does is simply direct the abuse towards children. Abuse or violence is not the result of pedophilia but rather other psychological factors involved.

This is a good point in regards to causality being complicated by what may be considered necessary conditions for the impact of things. That the at risk population is those distinguished by victimization in the past. Though unclear what distinguishes then the person who may have been abused but doesn't go on to, which might be that they got adequate support after their victimization. In which case prevention could be trying to address child abuse in general, which is a difficult task as it is quite prevalent.
But it's not an all or nothing thing, there could be improvements always on interventions into child abuse. Haha this ends up messy causality wise when thought of in the linear because then the people who are then prone to abuse children are again people who may be subject to abuse in the past as well. A vicious cycle that have to itnervene and diminish, assuming that such a cycle exists to some 'significant' degree.

But I see your point as it does well to emphasize that there might be some sort of pedophillic attraction but this isn't sufficient to cause molestation. Which I think in the abstract certainly makes sense as I tend to think that attraction within itself isn't sufficient in the same way that folks aren't raping women because they're attracted to them but have something different about them.
I don't think paedophilia should be normalized, ever. If some poor paedo needs to get off on fucking children, he could do what he normally does and imagine it, like other paedos who don't actually go ahead and fuck children.

This doll shit, just wtf. And I'm not talking about just paedos, but other men who buy dolls to fuck that aren't child-sex-dolls, but the grown-up kind.

Sheesh, men, you guys fucking suck at life and have ruined everything. :lol:
But it does not hurt anyone Skinstry, why do you care? What is it your business if a person fucks a doll privately? If a girls sleeps with 10 guys at once, in big sweaty orgy, do I have a right to criticize her and call her big slutikos?
Buying dolls for kids to torture and decapitate is also not hurting anyone, but for kids that'd be a bad idea since it normalizes criminal behaviour (torture/killing, despite it not being actual).

I do have sympathy for the paedos who don't act and are aware their feelings are criminalized, but I think therapy and treatment is a better option rather than say 'oh just fuck this doll here, this'll help', when I doubt it would, at least for long.
If a woman wants to be gang-banged, that's up to her and doesn't include any crimes being committed.

You appear to be some god-type so please don't bother with that argument here because it's pointless.

A girl in her twenties getting gang-banged is not a crime. A girl at 15 is.

Anyway, stop trying to justify why you have a sex doll that your mum made for you out of pity.
What about the children that make the dolls? If you ban them, they might starve. How could anyone be so heartless? :D
skinster wrote:I don't think paedophilia should be normalized, ever. If some poor paedo needs to get off on fucking children, he could do what he normally does and imagine it, like other paedos who don't actually go ahead and fuck children.

This doll shit, just wtf. And I'm not talking about just paedos, but other men who buy dolls to fuck that aren't child-sex-dolls, but the grown-up kind.

Sheesh, men, you guys fucking suck at life and have ruined everything. :lol:

I don't really understand what you're saying here. If you think that pedophilia shouldn't be normalized then the idea that pedophiles should keep it in their minds is contradictory since that would be normalizing pedophilia. Furthermore in order to normalize pedophilia, you would have to legalize it and legalization is the only way for pedophiles to get help and for scientists to freely conduct research on the topic without any social stigma.

I don't see a real problem with it. Many people have varying levels of sex drives and pretty much everyone needs a way to release their sexual energy. Many people who do have sex dolls usually either don't have any significant others or simply have a very high sex drive. Stating that sex dolls are messed up is comparable to calling dildos messed up or jacking off messed up.

In the end sex dolls are just a different way to masturbate. There isn't anything extra "icky" in sex dolls that make it more messed up or horrible. It's just a flesh-light with a body attached to it and to some people, that's appealing. Who are you to judge a person's preferred method of masturbation?
The fact this is even being discussed... Welcome to capitalism folks, where the free market will cater to any need. Under a socialist government these dolls would not be being produced, anyone who is a fan of a free market supports this kind of thing. It is the inevitable result of allowing capitalists to profit from whatever they want to profit from. In conclusion, gulag! Gulag now!
People with violent and/or sexual compulsions, and allowed to act out those compulsions, are perfectly capable, and many do, of moving on from inanimate objects (or animals, etc) to the real thing when their compulsion is no longer sufficiently stimulated, in this case by sex dolls. There is an abundant amount of research on violent behavior and sexual deviancy which corroborates that.

Pedophilia cannot be cured. It can only be managed with chemical castration and medically suppressing the sex drive. There are pedophiles who have voluntarily undergone such procedures, and many of them are successfully managed, and should be commended. If those procedures are unsuccessful, or not voluntarily undertaken, there is no reason to allow a pedophile (or other sexual predators) to continue living, and we dispose of rabid animals for the animal's own good as well as the good and security of the community.
What is the difference between this doll and the transgender doll? They are both anatomically correct. (Well kinda)
Yet, you go to prison for buying one and hailed as supporting freedom for buying the other.
People are nuts.

Edit: Pedophiles will use the transgender doll, or any other doll, if the sex doll is not available. I don't care if it is banned, but it accomplishes nothing.
This subject is a lot like the one where if finally told some of the sickos on that I no longer wanted to discuss what passed for philosophy with them. You want to know why these dolls should be banned? If you need to know why, you should seek help, but that kind never do. They just hide their nasty habits until the police catch them.
@Bulaba Jones
How would you go about identifying pedophiles? And would you attempt to castrate and liquidate those who have committed no sex crimes? Given that sex crimes are undereported and crimes against children have even lower rates of report wouldn't it be better to coax pedophiles into pursuing treatment and therapy before they start abusing kids? And doesn't threatening them with castration and death deter them from coming forward?

Given that high profile celebrities who endure high levels of scrutiny are able to get away with a lifetime of serial abuse it would be pretty easy for others to fly under the radar whilst victimising many children over the years.

It isn't really a class. It's how much of a certain chemical you have. I forgot the name of it. I'll let you know later. Furthermore, amount of sexual energy is not your sexuality or what you are attracted to. And simply having no problem with it doesn't mean you're automatically a pedophile or an amoral hedonist as you seem to be implying.
@Bulaba Jones

Although I agree with most of your post I disagree with your idea that people who have violent or/and sexual compulsions are capable or willing to act them out in reality. The biggest example of this is rape in which many people do have fantasies of being raped but none of them would want to legitimately rape or be raped. There are people who have a fetish for incest yet feel no attraction to any of their siblings. I have met many young men who fantasied about being dominated but don't want to go to your run-of-the-mill S&M dungeon because the idea of being in pain while in sex is a turn off for them.

People don't always act on their sexual desires and people who do usually have a mental disorder that goes along with that.

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