Media company assholes and The BBC are going nuts removing content left right and centre..... - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Why are you acting like black people or me have anything to do with the BBC's removal of some TV shows?

That are still accessible btw, in case you really were planning on watching them again.

I was commenting on your apathy and allusion to ‘privilege’.

So, the blitz on skits and movies in the wake of Floyd and the protests is pure coincidence? Sure, maybe. Like the canning of the Cosby show had nothing to do with Me Too.


Either way, it’s being made to look like that’s the reason. If BLM are going to have a narrative, then they shouldn’t let it be co-opted.

Still accessible. For now :hmm:

I haven't seen the film and don't know the reason why it was removed.

It doesn’t matter. It comes down to whether or not you value freedom of expression. Freedom of expression isn’t just for the present. It’s for the past and the future. The freedom to err, to be forgiven and move on.

Going to have strongly disagree with you about not being able to watch Gone With The Wind or whatever at one particular media site being similar to Western-sponsored Jihadi terrorism/destruction of a historically-rich city in Syria.

That’s okay. Perhaps I should have used the burning books analogy again... ;)
ness31 wrote:I was commenting on your apathy and allusion to ‘privilege’.

My apathy might be explained by my excellent Ted Talk a couple of posts back. But yes, I still think that it suggests a level of privilege when you're crying about some entertainment that's not really lost at all, if you really want it.

So, the blitz on skits and movies in the wake of Floyd and the protests is pure coincidence? Sure, maybe. Like the canning of the Cosby show had nothing to do with Me Too.

BLM is not the corporation involved in the censorship in this story, however you see it.

Either way, it’s being made to look like that’s the reason. If BLM are going to have a narrative, then they shouldn’t let it be co-opted.

Again, the BBC did this, not anyone from BLM.

It doesn’t matter. It comes down to whether or not you value freedom of expression. Freedom of expression isn’t just for the present. It’s for the past and the future. The freedom to err, to be forgiven and move on.

Please check out my Ted Talk.

That’s okay. Perhaps I should have used the burning books analogy again... ;)

Feel free to let the BBC know you don't approve of their book-burning. :)
wat0n wrote:If anything the alt-left, the pro-Palestinians and to a lesser extent the alt-right have not been censored in social media in the same way these shows have. The censors themselves are part of that alt-left if anything.

I guess you weren't around to see it as it was happening and I suppose to arrogant folks like you, if you didn't see it then it didn't happen, but you are welcome to wander around this forum to find previous posts on the ongoing censorship that I mentioned in my award-winning Ted Talk, something that has been happening over the past few years.
skinster wrote:I guess you weren't around to see it as it was happening and I suppose to arrogant folks like you, if you didn't see it then it didn't happen, but you are welcome to wander around this forum to find previous posts on the ongoing censorship that I mentioned in my award-winning Ted Talk, something that has been happening over the past few years.

The award winning Ted Talk by whom, with the award given by whom? Unlike certain people who can't help to have a tantrum and get violent when somebody has an opposing view, I'll be happy to get more information on it :)
ness31 wrote:Is there a link to your Ted Talk?

It's on the last page. :)

Here it is again:

skinster wrote:First they came for the Palestinian activists on social media, and I spoke out but nobody cared

Then they came for the left alternative media sites and I spoke out some more even though I'm not a left wing media site but still hardly anyone cared

Then they came for the alt-right media sites which also got banned from social media giants and some of you started to make a fuss as if censorship of media and people was something new

Then individual activists and journalists on left and alt-right, comics, other media people continued to be taken off commonly used websites, losing exposure and their years-long-built followings and people finally started noticing how this might affect them

Then some removal of TV shows that included racism happened by a large media corporation and everyone else started to cry about it as if they'd had a limb stolen from them or they had been chocked to death

Then they came for me...and there was no one left to speak for me because I do it myself and I'm here to welcome you to my Ted Talk and on board for finally caring about censorship, but I think it's too late so here's a tissue and maybe next time care even if it doesn't affect you, because it eventually will

wat0n wrote:The award winning Ted Talk by whom, with the award given by whom? Unlike certain people who can't help to have a tantrum and get violent when somebody has an opposing view, I'll be happy to get more information on it :)

I awarded myself, tyvm.

Not sure what violent tantrums you're talking about.
skinster wrote:First they came for the Palestinian activists on social media, and I spoke out but nobody cared

Then they came for the left alternative media sites and I spoke out some more even though I'm not a left wing media site but still hardly anyone cared

Then they came for the alt-right media sites which also got banned from social media giants and some of you started to make a fuss as if censorship of media and people was something new

Then individual activists and journalists on left and alt-right, comics, other media people continued to be taken off commonly used websites, losing exposure and their years-long-built followings and people finally started noticing how this might affect them

Then some removal of TV shows that included racism happened by a large media corporation and everyone else started to cry about it as if they'd had a limb stolen from them or they had been chocked to death

Then they came for me...and there was no one left to speak for me because I do it myself and I'm here to welcome you to my Ted Talk and on board for finally caring about censorship, but I think it's too late so here's a tissue and maybe next time care even if it doesn't affect you, because it eventually will

That was some masterful recital of the came for thing Skinster....

Rene Perez Joglar or otherwise known as Residente/I am a fan of his. I never liked rap but he is a poet in his own way and I like him a lot. The fools in the Puerto Rican government censored him completely and banned his songs for four years. The dude won 25 Grammys and he doesn't use misogynist lyrics or anything vulgar. They hate him because he criticizes the governor and the government. And they go crazy censoring and banning his music. Yet he has millions of fans all over Latin America Europe, etc.

Banning great artists is stupid in my opinion.

Here he is:

Donna wrote: This is a cultural revolution.

A corporate establishment revolution using racism as a pretext to silence dissent. Once the Bill of Rights has been overturned and laws are in place prohibiting "hate speech", "science denial", or anything that contradicts or even questions the official line, the establishment will purge all the clueless little antifa brownshirts by labeling them terrorists and then the corporate liberal fascistii will begin their thousand year reich.
Sivad wrote:A corporate establishment revolution using racism as a pretext to silence dissent. Once the Bill of Rights has been overturned and laws are in place prohibiting "hate speech", "science denial", or anything that contradicts or even questions the official line, the establishment will purge all the clueless little antifa brownshirts by labeling them terrorists and then the corporate liberal fascistii will begin their thousand year reich.

The US should have hate speech laws and it should be illegal to disseminate anti-science or disinformation. This is the norm everywhere else in the developed world and it's far from a thousand year reich, Sivad. You're just being a big sour puss because the United States is catching up to everyone else and the growing pains are in plain sight. Pretty soon you might even have a half-way humane healthcare system.
Donna wrote:The US should have hate speech laws and it should be illegal to disseminate anti-science or disinformation. This is the norm everywhere else in the developed world and it's far from a thousand year reich, Sivad. You're just being a big sour puss because the United States is catching up to everyone else and the growing pains are in plain sight. Pretty soon you might even have a half-way humane healthcare system.

I sure as hell don't want White Supremacists to be able to claim victimhood in any way and then become moderately popular if there's a major economic crisis in the future. The cons outweigh the pros as far as speech is concerned.
An episode of Fawlty Towers will be back on UKTV after extra guidance has been added. Typical offensive terms referring to the West Indies had been removed and there is no harm in the programme's online content, except that "The Germans" may be discriminatory towards the Germans. In my experience, real Germans are nice people who do not discriminate, contrary to the stereotype disseminated in the British media. This is also common in mainland China, where historical war movies featuring Japanese bandits are popular, thus fanning ethnic hatred against its neighbours.

An episode of Fawlty Towers which featured racist language has been put back on UKTV after the streaming site took it down yesterday.

The episode titled The Germans - fondly remembered for the line 'don't mention the War' - will return to the platform with warnings highlighting 'potentially offensive content and language', a statement from the organisation said.

UKTV, which is owned by BBC Studios, had temporarily made The Germans unavailable while it carried out a review.

UKTV's statement said: 'We already offer guidance to viewers across some of our classic comedy titles, but we recognise that more contextual information can be required on our archive comedy, so we will be adding extra guidance and warnings to the front of programmes to highlight potentially offensive content and language.

'We will reinstate Fawlty Towers once that extra guidance has been added, which we expect will be in the coming days.

'We will continue to look at what content is on offer as we always have done.' ... rs-episode
Last edited by ThirdTerm on 13 Jun 2020 02:42, edited 2 times in total.
Sivad wrote:
A corporate establishment revolution using racism as a pretext to silence dissent. Once the Bill of Rights has been overturned and laws are in place prohibiting "hate speech", "science denial", or anything that contradicts or even questions the official line, the establishment will purge all the clueless little antifa brownshirts by labeling them terrorists and then the corporate liberal fascistii will begin their thousand year reich.

You're blithely conflating the far-right with the far-left, which is an all-too-common misconception, that they're somehow politically related. By doing this you're just tacitly giving support to *the state* -- the U.S. status quo -- which is in fact the *source* of this whole police brutality mess since it's the government that *supports* the killer cops as a matter of institutional practice.

Antifa types *don't* support corporate capitalism -- they're *far left*, remember -- ? Far left = anti-capitalist, and anti-fascist / anti-far-right, by definition.

The state is atypically *progressive* when it actually, occasionally legislates against backward / regressive / reactionary political sentiments as expressed in hate speech and science denial.

You're sounding more like a confused troll, than anything else, by admixing political *opposites* together.

We don't *want* to hear / experience the political attacks of the right and the far-right, so it's much better to just *disallow* such, in advance, as a matter of government *policy*.
Anti science? So you want to prosecute all the flat earthers, the “anti-vaxxers” and people who don’t subscribe to cataclysmic climate change?

Did I miss anyone? :|

Edit - and what is hate speech again? Is that using the wrong pronoun? Or questioning someone’s identity? Help me out..
colliric wrote:Little Britain
Gone With The Wind
Cancellation of Cops (which to be honest should have been cancelled years ago due to "declining ratings", not now). ... -from-uktv

Then they came for Fawlty Towers....

Fucken nutcases run the BBC at the moment.

Same over here in America. They want to get rid of one of the heros of sitcom, the famous Archie Bunker.
ness31 wrote:
Anti science? So you want to prosecute all the flat earthers, the “anti-vaxxers” and people who don’t subscribe to cataclysmic climate change?

The working *context* is about government policy, such as what should be taught in the public schools, policy edicts, etc.

No, I don't think that aggressive government *persecutions* should take place, even for positions that are demonstrably wrong like the ones you've listed.

ness31 wrote:
Did I miss anyone? :|

Edit - and what is hate speech again? Is that using the wrong pronoun? Or questioning someone’s identity? Help me out..

I'm not around the hate-speech issue much, so I'll defer to Wikipedia:

Hate speech is defined by Cambridge Dictionary as "public speech that expresses hate or encourages violence towards a person or group based on something such as race, religion, sex, or sexual orientation".[1] Hate speech is "usually thought to include communications of animosity or disparagement of an individual or a group on account of a group characteristic such as race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, or sexual orientation".[2]

There has been much debate over freedom of speech, hate speech and hate speech legislation.[3] The laws of some countries describe hate speech as speech, gestures, conduct, writing, or displays that incite violence or prejudicial actions against a group or individuals on the basis of their membership in the group, or which disparage or intimidate a group or individuals on the basis of their membership in the group. The law may identify a group based on certain characteristics.[4][5][6] In some countries, hate speech is not a legal term.[7] Additionally in some countries, including the United States, much of what falls under the category of "hate speech" is constitutionally protected.[8][9][10] In other countries, a victim of hate speech may seek redress under civil law, criminal law, or both.

What *you're* describing sounds more like gender identity politics -- such is mostly about interpersonal *social* issues, and not necessarily about civil rights or government policy in any way.

Ideologies & Operations -- Fundamentals

Spoiler: show
All in the Family 5 scenes. it was a beautifully written theatrical sitcom and it highlighted a lot of relevant topics. Very few or no sitcoms now have that kind of writing going on. It is supreme foolishness to change that masterful writing. It was precisely popular because Archie Bunker was representative of many Americans. Norman Lear was a liberal Jewish East coast person. He was writing about his environment in that decade in American history. It is work of art.

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