Jesse Ventura Obtains settlement on Chris Kyle lies - Politics | PoFo

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Defamed him in a book, as well as lied/exaggerated about himself, etc. Stolen valour prick! My emphasis in bold;

Jesse Ventura slams ‘American Liar’ Chris Kyle after reaching settlement with Navy SEAL’s estate
Raw Story 05 Dec 2017 at 09:36 ET

Former Minnesota Gov. Jesse Ventura slammed the late “American Sniper” author Chris Kyle after settling a lengthy legal battle with the Navy SEAL veteran’s estate.

A Minnesota jury awarded Ventura $1.8 million for defamation in 2014, and he announced a settlement Monday with the estate after the judgment was overturned on appeal, reported the Associated Press.

“I offered the ‘American Liar’ Chris Kyle the opportunity to show honor and courage, and he didn’t have it,” Ventura said.

Kyle claimed in his best-selling memoir to have punched out Ventura at a California bar for making derisive comments about the SEALs, but the former governor and professional wrestler insisted the incident never happened.

The 8th Circuit Court of Appeals overturned the judgment last year, and Ventura and Kyle’s estate were preparing for a trial when the settlement was reached.

Ventura, a former Navy SEAL himself, declined to say how much the settlement was worth, but he said he had been “vindicated” and could now return to politics.

“I can smile again,” he said. “The settlement is confidential, but I can smile.”

Ventura currently hosts “The World According to Jesse” for the Russian government-funded RT television network.

Kyle, whose autobiography was the basis for a popular 2014 film, was shot to death at a Texas gun range in 2013 by a fellow military veteran suffering from PTSD and mental illness.

Navy officials confirmed Kyle, who is regarded as the deadliest sniper in U.S. history, greatly embellished his military service record after serving in Iraq.

Exaggerated/lied about his kills, medals, and on and on.


skilletblonde • 2 days ago

The fact that Chris Kyle, who never had a real job, was proudly ignorant, qualified as a Navy Seal speaks volumes about the military these days. The only requirement appears to be the ability to shoot women and children-- without an ounce of guilt.

RevengeOfSmot • 3 days ago

The modern American male is a fragile thing. An ego driven primate that isn't satisfied to rest upon his real accomplishments, feeling the need to embellish them at great length. A dick measuring contest if you will, without pulling out the puny cock like, but much smaller appendages. Chris Kyle wasn't man enough in his own mind, and had an overwhelming need to lie about his deeds to great extent. Dude must have had the smallest dick in the service. Now his lies has caught up to him albeit at the expense of those he left behind.

Not a man to model oneself after at all.

Frank Candor RevengeOfSmot • 3 days ago

I really admire their ridiculously oversized 4-wheel drive trucks that never leave nicely paved roads.

old_redneck • 3 days ago

The non-existent fight with Jesse Ventura is just a small part of the bullshit in Chris Kyle's mostly-fictional biography.

There's also the bullshit about how he was part of a team sent to New Orleans during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina where he was stationed atop the Superdome from which he shot and killed a number of looters. All bullshit. Never happened.



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MasRioBravoHombre old_redneck • 2 days ago

He claimed to have murdered carjackers in Dallas...never happened.


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timmy t old_redneck • 2 days ago

Let's not forget about....

- the alleged bar fight he had with a professional UFC fighter where he either intentionally fudged the details or completely fabricated it.

- Kyle writing that he found chemicals in Iraq that came from France and Germany. McCaffrey says that this wasn't true...couldn't find any evidence/proof.

- the claim that all book proceeds went to charities. 2% did, the rest to the Kyles.

ChaCubed - one of 65,844,614 • 3 days ago

"Navy officials confirmed Kyle, who is regarded as the deadliest sniper in U.S. history, greatly embellished his military service record after serving in Iraq."

? Is he the "deadliest sniper in U.S. history" or did he "greatly embellish his military service" .... or both?

Orwell's Ghost • 3 days ago

Trump would have made Kyle his Super General of Winning. The two could celebrate their 'uge win in Nambia.



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Dolt45 #AlertDaycareStaff • 2 days ago

Kyle greatly embellished his military service record after serving in Iraq. And became an unlicensed psychologist/physiatrist with deadly results. PTSD veteran and guns, what could possibly go wrong?



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doktor_wankenstein • 3 days ago

"greatly embellished his military service record" --- AKA "LYING".

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