Palin Wishes She'd Done More Interviews - Politics | PoFo

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Quote Of The Day: Palin Wishes She'd Done More Interviews

By Eric Kleefeld - December 22, 2008

"But if I would have been in charge, I would have wanted to speak to more reporters because that's how you get your message out to the electorate."

-- Sarah Palin, in an interview with Human Events, saying that the biggest mistake from the campaign was that she wasn't allowed to do more interviews.

Katie Couric probably wishes there had been more interviews, too.

http://tpmelectioncentral.talkingpoints ... wishes.php
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By Okonkwo
Palin said, Eric Kleefeld wrote:"But if I would have been in charge"

That woman is way too serious about running for president in 2016. It's outright scary, I'd rather have one of the forum members run the mightiest nation in the world than this moronic human being.
Can't the Republicans see her bona fide idealism? That hasn't exactly benefited any politician so far.
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By Donna
It would have done the McCain/Palin campaign more good if she simply kept her mouth shut and her head down. There would have been a certain feminine mystique about her if she was quiet during the election. Instead it was almost like she didn't give a shit about McCain's bid and was campaigning for her own rise in American politics.
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
I think McCain realized his mistake pretty soon after the RNC, but also knew he couldn't pull a McGovern or he would have likewise been ousted.
By votingblockhead
Its a shame she didnt spend more time in front of the camera. Had she been allowed to reveal more about herself to the public then we wouldnt be in the situation of her potentially running again in the future!

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By Maxim Litvinov
"McCain's choice for Palin as his running mate really threw everyone for a loop, something which I guess was his intention.

The left wing machine is flailing around desperately (as evidenced by this very thread) to try and find something to criticize her on. Its actually kinda funny how, when caught flat footed and without being able to feign the moral high ground they sound exactly like the right wing has for a while now...

Politics at its best." - Piano Red.
By Mercutio
She must have forgotten she tanked in the polls after every interview and dragged her sidekick down with her. But it was fun while it lasted.
By votingblockhead
She must have forgotten she tanked in the polls after every interview and dragged her sidekick down with her. But it was fun while it lasted.

While it lasted? I don't think she's going away.

Does a day go by without a Palin-related story? The other day it was a drug bust involving Bristol Palin's future mother-in-law. Today it's about Palin becoming a grandmother and the name of the baby.

Palin could be the new Britney.
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By Todd D.
I wish she did more interviews, too. Would have made the days go by faster with some entertainment.

SNL wishes she did more interviews as well.
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By Maxim Litvinov
When you're feeling a bit depressed, it's fun to go back to when Palin was announced and read just how shockingly wrong many McCain supporters on PoFo were about her.
By Mercutio
Yeah, after the first interview I thought they'd throw her under the bus like they did Harriet Meyers. But the yahoos really liked her and so she got a pass which horrified right-wing intellectuals. I hope she runs again and I hope she wins the nomination. Hard to imagine but dreams can come true. lol.
She connected with the non political and working class people in a way that the liberals can not. She made some pretty minor errors, but nothing much more than Obamas camp did.

If she could open up that appeal beyond her "home supporters" she is a real prospect. A US version of Maggie Thatcher, somebody who can convey simple economic /political messages that people can identify with.

The Democrats were / are terrified of her, hence all the spleen.

Based on what I saw of the US elections she could well end up president if Obama doesnt deliver. However you would need to offer good odds for me to back my mouth with my own money.

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By Okonkwo
JRS1 wrote:She made some pretty minor errors, but nothing much more than Obamas camp did.

You can't be freaking serious. This woman is entirely clueless about international politics. She is obviously in no way fit to lead the world's most powerful country, she is incompetent by any means.

JRS1 wrote:A US version of Maggie Thatcher

Oh yeah, have fun with that. You could of course first bother to ask a British guy what Thatcher's rule was like.

JRS1 wrote:somebody who can convey simple economic /political messages that people can identify with.

She can do that because she herself doesn't know better. By the way, identification by the people is not exactly up there on a politician's list of necessities.
No, no I am being serious.

I am one of Thatchers children, I know what she did. She created millions of poor unemployed and then hated them for it.

I just reckon that like Thatcher, Palin has the common touch, and can put a simple message across very effectivley to voters, and they will warm to her. Identifying with people may not make you a good politician but it wins votes.

Admittedley she needs to work on her statesmanship.

You dont think the Democrats are scared of her then? I do.

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By Okonkwo
JRS1 wrote:Admittedley she needs to work on her statesmanship.

She needs to create one first. Have you watched the Kate Couric interview? That woman is utterly unfit to run for anything else than governor of Alaska.

JRS1 wrote:You dont think the Democrats are scared of her then? I do.

They shouldn't be, they have no good reason. They witnessed first hand how the appointment of Palin as VP candidate scared off the voters en masse. They have a charismatic man in the office, who transcends racial boundaries and appeals to almost all of America. The Republicans are going to need something more serious than that simple-minded fool.
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By Dave
Okonkwo wrote:They shouldn't be, they have no good reason. They witnessed first hand how the appointment of Palin as VP candidate scared off the voters en masse. They have a charismatic man in the office, who transcends racial boundaries and appeals to almost all of America. The Republicans are going to need something more serious than that simple-minded fool.

I don't entirely agree. Palin strongly appeals first of all to evangelicals, who number 50-80 million, and to all white working class Americans in general, who are a plurality if not a majority of the country. In other words, she appeals to the largest demographic group in America (the white working class) and the first or second largest religious group in America. She scared upper middle-class whites, who are a very large group of people in their own right, but more importantly, upper middle-class whites mostly have control of media and culture in America--note television programs like Friends or The OC. Palin has a perception problem in dealing with a cultural establishment which completely rejects her class of people, despite this class being the salt of America. A big part of the problem is that she is...stupid, or at least not educated. If Palin is reelected governor in 2010 and uses her time away from national politics to seriously educate herself, then perhaps she could become a national force. I think she would have to do the following:
  • Keep Alaska prosperous and successful while the rest of America is in recession, or at least maintain the perception of such
  • Build a national grassroots organization through the Republican Party which rewards local and state Republicans, as the "base" of the party is where she will win many friends
  • Seriously educate herself on the issues so she doesn't come off as a fucking yokel the next time around

If this can be accomplished then she can appease the upper-middle class while retaining and building upon her natural cultural base.
Yeah I suppose Obama is pretty charasmatic - I remember seeing him on TV a few years ago and he came across as a "one nation" sort of guy, that I could vote for (part politics aside). But I stand by my comments on Palin, she is an asset to the republicans.

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By redcarpet
The left wing machine is flailing around desperately (as evidenced by this very thread) to try and find something to criticize her on

Don't need to. There's plenty. Form her belief that humans walked amongst dinosaurs to the world only bieng 6k years old, to lying about opposing the 'bridge to nowhere' & earmarks, etc. She's got so much baggage she deserves to lose the next Governor race. ROFL!
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By Okonkwo
Dave wrote:Palin strongly appeals first of all to evangelicals, who number 50-80 million, and to all white working class Americans in general, who are a plurality if not a majority of the country. In other words, she appeals to the largest demographic group in America (the white working class) and the first or second largest religious group in America. She scared upper middle-class whites, who are a very large group of people in their own right, but more importantly, upper middle-class whites mostly have control of media and culture in America--note television programs like Friends or The OC. Palin has a perception problem in dealing with a cultural establishment which completely rejects her class of people, despite this class being the salt of America.

I agree to a certain extent. Palin does appeal to evangelicals and white working class Americans, but if I reckon correctly these people are already the basis of the Republican Party. Almost every Republican candidate - unless he would be an atheist or speak out against religion which is unlikely - would have these votes secured. However Palin alienates another important part of the Republican Party, not in numbers, but rather according to influence, that were already disgruntled when they saw Palin messing up the whole campaign, the rich libertarian-leaning part of the elite. They perceived her as a threat. Another problem would be that even with them supporting her and voting for her, Palin wouldn't have the necessary numbers, she would approximately gain as much as McCain did. She would need to reach voters that usually don't vote Republican. Sarah Palin could never gain these votes, not if she uses the same anti-elitism, working class approach she used in the last election.

Dave wrote:I think she would have to do the following:
If this can be accomplished then she can appease the upper-middle class while retaining and building upon her natural cultural base.

I think she's already trying to do that, but I don't see upper-middle class whites voting for her anytime soon. The demographic changes in America are going to break the neck of the Republican Party soon anyway. They are going to lose Texas if they don't appeal to Hispanics, then everything will be lost.

redcarpet wrote:Form her belief that humans walked amongst dinosaurs to the world only bieng 6k years old

That would hardly prevent her from becoming POTUS or governor. Half of America believes this bullshit.

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