Israel getting close to election, coalition crumbling - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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NEWS FLASH! its own worst enemy.
You can excuse and try to dance around facts all you like.
The fact is, the EU and the rest of us, are tired of the Zionist bull shit.
We're tired of the apartheid acts of Zionism.
And that includes the very international body that is responsible for creating Zionist Israel in the first place...the UN.

Now...the 2 main Arab Muslim factions are currently at each other's throats.
And the west is extremely reluctant to get drawn into a war over there.
We are content to watch and just make sure it stays within the Middle East.
And when the dust settles, where do you figure their attentions will turn?
Should the Arab people focus on Israel, you bank on the idea that the USA and NATO will come to your rescue.
Even though, every time we try to reason with you, your answer is basically..."go fuck yourselves!"

Well...currently, chances are better that they've ever been in the short history of Zionist Israel, that the west will say..."Go fuck yourselves."
Is that something you are willing to gamble your nation on?
Definetely they won't rescue. An important aspect many European leftist hold is Israel should pay the price of been weaker and more depanded and vulnerable (after giving lands), but it shall trust Europe who will help it cause it does the wanted leftist policy (that you suggest too). And as you say, its bullshit. The point is we shall not follow your advices.
Actually...I DO CARE!
That's why I spend so much of my precious time trying to reason with you people.
The LAST thing I want to see is the end of Israel.
But Zionism and its "frothing at the mouth" followers, refuse to even consider that their very actions are aggravating the situation.

You wanna stand in a field and kick around a hornet's nest, but never kill all the hornets?
But when the hornets come for you...and they will...don't ask me to feel sorry for you.

The dirty battle over agenda in Israel's elections
The average Israeli had a hard time keeping up with all the allegations and insults lobbed by political parties as this week began.


The average citizen exposed to media reports Sunday probably had a hard time distinguishing the Netanyahus’ bottle-buying from their trip-funding, V15 from One Voice, and Daniel Lubetzky from Daniel Abraham. Then there’s that affair when Isaac Herzog chose to remain silent in 1999.

All these stories, mixed up with allegations, insults, spin and half-truths, were thrown around at a speed even our frantic and frenetic media had a hard time keeping up with.

This sticky dough has a name: the battle for the agenda. Elections are won by those who control the conversation, the rules of the game. Right now everything is still up in the air; it’s hard to figure out who’ll end up on top in 44 days, but note the following.

On Sunday, Likud spokesmen launched a multipronged campaign — against the media, Zionist Camp and the nonprofit groups striving to change the government. Negative campaigns have always been Likud’s bread and butter, and if we’re talking about butter, the fat smeared on Knesset members, ministers and a family attorney could keep a fancy French restaurant in business for a year.

For example, Likud dropped the reminder that Herzog, now the head of the Labor Party and Zionist Camp, chose to remain silent when questioned about groups that helped Ehud Barak topple Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in 1999. During those years, Benjamin and Sara Netanyahu were being questioned in two much more serious cases — the removal of gifts from the Prime Minister’s Residence and the acceptance of free services from a contractor.

Even before that, Netanyahu had been questioned in the case in which Roni Bar-On had to resign quickly as attorney general. All those cases were closed, but there were recommendations to prosecute in two of them.

Or take Likud’s attack on NGOs. It’s hard to understand how Likud MKs can call a press conference and with a straight face accuse “foreign elements” of funding groups to bring down their party. After all, outside the hall, pensioners in Israel Hayom’s red overalls were handing out that pro-Bibi free newspaper generously funded by a foreign casino mogul.

Then there are the hysterical threats from Likud election headquarters against anyone who dares quote from the state comptroller’s draft report on Bibi Tours — trips by the Netanyahus and sometimes their sons allegedly at the expense of all kinds of barons and aristocrats. The publication (by Channel 10 journalist Raviv Drucker on his blog) is indeed a violation of the law, but it’s an old and moldy law that has already been violated dozens of times.

Getting like the USA, UK & Australia with no real debate at all. IO do hear the real issues discussed on Israeli radio shows though.
There is no real debate in Israel. In my office everybody are harsh leftists and their agenda is mainly: everything is bad here, we are completely isolated, we are doomed, must replace netanyahu now before its too late. This is rubbish. Please, Netanyahu has fallacies but you speak through propaganda speach with no arguments.. I can myself claim arguments against Netanyahu better than its opponents.

And in the rigt- they don't answer anything in economic social and WB policy. No- just generaly: stopping the receeding.. and the situation is okay. They don't answer why is the neo liberalism of Netanyahu is good for them.

So there is no debate.
Netanyahu a ‘danger’ to Israel, say 200 security veterans

In an unprecedented move, 200 veterans of the Israeli security services accused Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday of being a “danger” to Israel.

The new group, called Commanders for Israel’s Security, warned that Netanyahu was doing irreparable harm to the country’s relationship with Washington, just two days before he is due to address the US Congress.

The Israeli prime minister is expected to use the speech to try to undermine negotiations currently taking place between major world powers and Iran. He has claimed that any agreement reached at the talks’ conclusion, later this month, will leave Iran a “nuclear threshold state” hellbent on destroying Israel.

Half a dozen former generals spoke out at a press conference in Tel Aviv on Sunday, urging Netanyahu to cancel the speech before ties with the US deteriorate even further.

The White House is reported to be furious that Netanyahu arranged his appearance before Congress behind President Barack Obama’s back.

With an Israeli election less than three weeks away, Netanyahu has already faced attacks from centrist political rivals and parts of the Israeli media over his clashes with the White House on Iran.

But it is the first time he has faced a large-scale backlash from members of Israel’s security establishment – and the statement of the 200 is likely to be more damaging to Netanyahu’s popular image as a strong leader on security matters.

The group comprises retired officers and those serving in the reserves, all of whom held a rank equivalent to general. Many are household names.

Yaron Ezrahi, a politics professor at Hebrew University and expert on Israeli-US relations, said there was no precedent for what he termed a “rebellion” by so many former senior officials.

“This is a very powerful and distinguished group of former commanders, who are extremely worried about where Netanyahu is taking Israel right now,” he said.

“It is clear they are speaking not only for themselves but also on behalf of many active commanders who are not allowed to speak their mind but share this group’s views.”

A nice sting from the security sector, at the expense of a Likud ldr! Oh dear!

I bet he'll just ignore it though, like usual. Hoping to ride the waves

Netanyahu's speech backfires. So brazenly partisan it's almost unprecedented in the relationship. He refused to meet Democratic Congress members beforehand. Very rude.

It's almost like he doesn't care about the effects of his behavour.
I thought to shift to Benet right away, but I have heard an interview with the security minister Yaalon, and he convinced me to vote again to Nentanyahu, saying its an American proposal that wasn't negotiated.. I will vote for Netanyahu mainly for economic- civic reasons, and I think these elections - talking are in very low level. Pure incitement from the left, irrelevant arguments, and from the right bullshit about security, without naming all their economic and liberal agenda they did. So there is no debate. There shouldn't have been elections from the first place anyway... I think that would be easier for all to relate to this that way. After 4 years, things might change Wat0n For good and for bad.. But hey.. after few months there is no expected changed, its logic. But everything still could be unfortunately to me ^^

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