UN Declares Israel As Having World’s Worst Human Rights - Page 6 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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Because as far as i recall, thats Assad and Russia doing those. While proxy troops are only seen in active battle locations against Islamists.
Nor are we doing any of the bombing in reality, rather only short range one in battles.
So........ yea.

Iran is blatantly supporting a brutal war over there. shia militias, hezbollah, russia, iran and assad are all part of this coalition you cannot just pick and choose. Civilians are being directly targeted in bombing, murdered in the street and tortured.

This ties back with what I said earlier. You readily see brutality in Israeli and US actions but appear blind to it when your own side is involved.

Its not like I dont prefer your side here. I am not russias biggest fan but needs must in this particular scenario. No point in denying it though. Its a brutal, nasty business.

ZN represents well the seige mentality of people of there. He is right though that if you got what you wanted - the right to return and a muslim majority - the jews would be slaughtered. Im not talking about a slow slog of human rigths abuses, cleaning operations. Im talking full scale slaughter.

Well, thats what i have been debating for quite a while now actually, more like a couple of years.
There are several groups involved, and even Iran is not a single entity and Lebanese troops are 3 entities and etc.
Now we (i.e my people) do hold responsibility for the fact that we're taking the regime's side in the war and turning a blind eye on the killings.
However saying that these are our methods and that we're fighting the war. Thats just an ignorant statement.
If we fought the war the situation would be much different. And i don't claim that we're humanist (as a nation) as we tend to do this army of death if we get involved. But nevertheless we are not directly.

This ties back with what I said earlier. You readily see brutality in Israeli and US actions but appear blind to it when your own side is involved.

This is anther thing about perspective. Here is something i posted yesterday that can deliver the point here.

ZN represents well the seige mentality of people of there. He is right though that if you got what you wanted - the right to return and a muslim majority - the jews would be slaughtered. Im not talking about a slow slog of human rigths abuses, cleaning operations. Im talking full scale slaughter.

First, lets be real, the Muslims are always going to be a majority in the area.
And second lets also be real and remember that the Jews have been living among them for centuries while being just fine and infact those same jews are the ones running internal opposition to the state of Israel.
So saying that its about jews is just propoganda, its about zionists and the right wing government and its need to be removed.
Seems people only care about human rights when the abuser isn't the side they support. I would feel a lot more compassion if i saw the numbers protesting in London about the terrible goings on in Syria as there were when Israel was involved. Seems very selective and it seems a muslim country doing the abusing is above criticism and protest in the west. Cant upset those nice peaceful muslims now living in all our cities.
The UN is a total irrelevance now and not fit for purpose.
The Israel/Palestinian issue is so deep rooted and i say this even as a very pro Israel supporter. Not sure there is a solution not at the moment anyway. Until the muslim world cares about Muslims killed by other muslims you will find it hard for westerners in general to swallow this victim status so perfected by the Palestinians.
No amount of youtube clips will change the facts.
Do you care about the Human rights of gays thrown from buildings becase they are gay? or women who are stoned to death because they were raped..sorry in the muslim world the list goes on and on.
You've posted five times in a row. Are you obsessed? It seems so!

Yes. Israel has a fifty year history of abuse against the Palestinians. This must be some sort of record. Israel, the apartheid state, has put its fingers up to the majority of the worlds countries that recognise the state of Palestine.

Silver10 wrote:Seems people only care about human rights when the abuser isn't the side they support. I would feel a lot more compassion if i saw the numbers protesting in London about the terrible goings on in Syria as there were when Israel was involved.

There are critical differences. First, Syria isn't getting any western backing. In sharp contrast, Israel has long gotten tremendous western--especially American-- backing. Therefore, we in the West bear a great deal of responsibility for Israeli actions but none for Assad's.
Second, Israel has always claimed to be morally superior to arabs--"a democracy'. Fine let them be held to a higher standard then.

Seems very selective and it seems a muslim country doing the abusing is above criticism and protest in the west.

If ever there was a sacred cow group it is the jews or zionists. The media around here slams muslims every day. Few if any people dare publicly slam jews.

...victim status so perfected by the Palestinians.

When it comes to perfecting victim status, the jews are, again, the ones who wrote the book. Endlessly the holocaust is rammed down our throats by the media.
starman2003 wrote:There are critical differences. First, Syria isn't getting any western backing. In sharp contrast, Israel has long gotten tremendous western--especially American-- backing. Therefore, we in the West bear a great deal of responsibility for Israeli actions but none for Assad's.
Second, Israel has always claimed to be morally superior to arabs--"a democracy'. Fine let them be held to a higher standard then.

So by your logic we can only Protest against a Democracy who has western backing? The whole world bears responsibility for whats happening in Syria. Iran, Russia yes bare the most blame but we all share in the blame. What have we done to even help? Send a strongly worded letter to Putin? As for Iran..signing that Nuclear deal gave them the green light to do whatever they wanted in the region. Dont think for one moment that Iran's ambitions starts and finishes with Israel.
I am not for one moment absolving Israel of any of her responsibilities but if you are to criticize Israel you have to recognize others terrible records.

Last night outside Parliament there was a protest by the Jewish Student Union in support of Syrian civilians (who in another war would love to have defeated Israel) didnt see the Muslim Student Union or even the Student Union out with them. Sorry but its that hypocrisy that is what loses support.
I would love peace in Israel and peaceful Palestinian state alongside. Dont say stop killing them blah blah it isn't as simple as that and you know it.

If ever there was a sacred cow group it is the jews or zionists. The media around here slams muslims every day. Few if any people dare publicly slam jews.

Dont know where you live, but here in the UK you cant even report on the muslim grooming and rape of young girls without running the risk of being accused of racism. What is happening in some of our inner Cities is a national disgrace but in the interest of keeping the peace very little is done. As a jew you can report all you like on Israel as long as it isnt anti semetic reporting dressed up as anti israel. This whole thread is an example of how Jews feel there is a massive bias against Israel. With all that is going on in the world the UN still singles out Israel above everyone else put together.

When it comes to perfecting victim status, the jews are, again, the ones who wrote the book. Endlessly the holocaust is rammed down our throats by the media.

Oh here we go...as usual the Holocaust gets trotted out. What is so difficult to understand? For over 2000 years Jews have been persecuted for just being jewish. Culminating in the Holocaust in which 6 million jews as we all as millions of others were gassed, murdered and brutalized on an industrial scale. How ever tough the Pals have it they arent being systematically gassed. They have it just as bad from their own leaders who live a pretty good life on the hand outs from the world.
Silver10 wrote:For over 2000 years Jews have been persecuted for just being jewish.

The Romans killed a lot of them for rebelling not being jewish.

How ever tough the Palestinians have it they arent being systematically gassed.

What matters is not the mode of killing but the fact that great numbers of Palestinians have been killed, and the worst is probably yet to come.

They have it just as bad from their own leaders who live a pretty good life on the hand outs from the world.

Long ago Arafat lamented getting "hardly anything" despite vast arab oil revenues. I very much doubt handouts to Palestinians ever came close to matching the $200 billion plus in handouts Israel has gotten at US taxpayer expense.
Long ago Arafat lamented getting "hardly anything" despite vast arab oil revenues. I very much doubt handouts to Palestinians ever came close to matching the $200 billion plus in handouts Israel has gotten at US taxpayer expense.

Seems you don't get the nature of the aid, it's largely buying things in USA and giving jobs to Americans. Many American planes that Israel bought it managed to improve for the benefit of the Americans too. Saying that, I'm against taking anything for free
Silver10 wrote:What is so difficult to understand? For over 2000 years Jews have been persecuted for just being jewish.

:lol: For 3000 years Jews have practised extreme Nazi style racism, starting with the genocide of the Caananites. The Ghettos were created by Jews to keep "dirty" gentiles out. The Jews locked away their women in the Ghettos while they were free to prey on Gentile women at will. The Romans won their wars in Palestine because the murderous parasitic bigots that made up the Jewish Priesthood were even hated by many Jews. Decent people wanted nothing to do with the rebellion, as decent people today want nothing to do with ISIS.

It really is a bit rich of Jews to complain about their treatment, when Christianity and Islam are just forms of Judaism. The murderous conflict between Jews, Christians and Muslims is just a continuation of what Jewish sects and factions were doing to each other prior to the Christian / Rabbinical Judaism split.
This is apeech by Miko Peled author of "The General's Son" meaning himself, talking about the crimes his native country has committed and is committing.
This speech is must for everyone who see themselves as interested in world politics.

I cant really understand those who defend Israeli actions. watch this and youll understand the meaning of discrimination at its hight. No wonder these people strap bombs to themselves and blow themselves up! Israel creates the circumstances for them to become like that.

Last edited by garrulousunlawful on 23 Dec 2016 14:21, edited 1 time in total.
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