Israel getting close to election, coalition crumbling - Page 2 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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Know that I do search for exact statistics, but I can tell you this:

In 1996-1999, Netanyahu have planned the neighbourhood of Har Homa in Jerusalem. Clinton have pressured Netanyahu not to build it.

in 1999, Ehud Barak quickly built the neighbourhood, with the approve of Arafat!

Recent Netanyahu times:
Netanyahu have declared a complete freezing of settling for a year. Than for another year. Than, as nothing went forward with the Palestinians, this freezing was removed. He was the first prime minister to completely freezing settling.

Ever since: every half a year there is international outrage on Israel for the public declarations of Netanyahu for building in Jerusalem!
For instance-'the EU condemn Israel for planning 2000 flats in Ramat Shlomo (a neighbourhood close to Har Hazofim)'. Half a year later- same thing, they all condemn Israel for the planning of 2000 flats. 3 years later: Obama is worried of the recent Netanyahu's speach of planning 2000 flats in Ramat Shlomo!
Planning is designing, its not building anything.

Netanyahu also wanted to build on E1, and he didn't.

There is some building, but its scarce, and mainly in few spots- in Ariel, in Tkoa, and few other spots.

Another headline: 'Bezelem says Israel have increased the settling actual building by 800%!' - 800% is possible when you built almost nothing, and grow abit more. From 10 to 90 flats. In large numbers the percentage are smaller scaled.

Anyway, you should notice that Netanyahu intentionaly made an international outrage on Ramat Shlomo, without building anything, and be sure Obama and the EU are aware of that.

The leftists work better with the global left that don't pressure Israel as it does when Rightists rule.
Why do you say so?

I have referred to the building in Jerusalem, which is a fake under Netanyahu.
Netanyahu have forzen up building in the WB for 2 years. And than he have restricted Jerusalem, and built very few.

According to extremists leftists organizations, which also include buildings that were planned before the freezing and are included in that time somehow:
2009 - till now is Netanyahu. This is starting of buildings.

Why do you say I have no back to my words? I don't see what is going in Jerusalem? You see better? The international condemn against settelments reffered in the past 4 years to the same 2000 flats in Jerusalem, which were never built. Over and over they argue on that, but it is sound as if there is some progress. Shouldn't I say that?
I never saw you pugsville back up your claims, actualy.

Anyway, under Barak times, who controlled 1.5 years, in 99-2000, 5000 flats in the settelments were built, without including east Jerusalem.
And in this year, where is the maximum of new starting buildings- is only 2,300. And i'm an not sure it will be actualy built, Netanyahu know to starts things without finnishing, to mislead the right. The rightists actually ended up his last period in 99, cause he betrayed them. To remind you.
Got an email from Labour Friends of Israel (UK) on latest election polls;

Israeli Elections- Update: New polls put center-left bloc ahead of Likud; Labor primaries deliver a strong slate of candidates, with a record number of women getting top spots

According to the last poll conducted by Israel's Chanel 10, the joint party comprised of the leftwing Labor party, led by Isaac Herzog, and centrist Hatnua, led by Tzipi Livni – is set to receive 24 Knesset seats as opposed to only 20 for the Likud. The Channel 10 poll seems to indicate the tides are shifting in the favour of the centre-left party, with the joint party climbing by one seat, while Netanyahu dropped by a seat in comparison to the previous poll conducted by the channel last month.

According to the same poll, the third largest party is the rightwing Bayit Yehudi party, led by Naftali Bennett, with 16 Knesset seats. The religious-Zionist party was followed by two centrist parties - Yair Lapid's Yesh Atid and Moshe Kahlon's Kulanu party – who were tied at 10 Knesset seats.

These results came out a day after Israeli Labor party members boosted the party’s socioeconomic agenda by voting in their primaries for candidates who concentrate on such issues, according to official results announced on Wednesday 14th January.

Another interesting result in the Labor party's primary elections is the strong representation of women with three of the top five Labor slots (after party leader Herzog): Shelly Yachimovich, Stav Shaffir and Merav Michaeli. When one includes the two party leaders at the top of the joint Labor-Hatnua Knesset list, one finds four women among the top seven (By contrast, Likud’s list includes only two women in the top 24 slots).

Herzog praised the results of the primaries and said the list represents all sectors of Israeli society and predicted that it could lead Israel for the next four years. "It was a celebration of democracy," Labor leader Herzog said. "There are no parties with such a positive atmosphere. It has been beautiful to see the party so vibrant. Our members realize that for the first time in years, we are presenting a serious alternative to [Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu."

So Labor-led bloc slightly in lead. Netanyahu has already set record in modern Israeli politics for terms a PM, so he's running against history. Letting most domestic problems persist, esp. the housing crisis & standard of living, may prove his downfall
The rightist block is larger. And they will form coalition with netanyahu even if he is second.
enemie: Arab parties&communist Arabs= 10.
Left: labor , merez=30
Haredim= 15
Center: lapid, kachlon =20
Right: likud, liberman, bayit yehudi=45
You need 61. Out of 120. The center prefers Likud.
The Haredim prefers left this time cause both are socialists and love bigger welfare and Ariye Deryi is lefttt.
But they will run with anybody.
It will be fredgile and scattered coalition for the labor. It will be natural for likud to take it.
LehmanB wrote:You really cant graspe that not everybody maintain your agenda. You represent yourself, not the world. Exactly like maas who speaks at the name of the entire world.

Have you seen the way Europe reacts to Israel of late?
How about the USA, for the first time, actually considering the cause of the Palestinians?

What I "graspe" is the direction global public opinion is going.
Do you?
So I suppose the following never happened?
In 2014, Spain decided to freeze arms and military technology exports to Israel over the Gaza war. The embargo stopped sales of defense and dual-use materiel from Spain to Israel.[81]

In 2014, in connection with the Gaza war, British government ministers said no new arms export licenses would be granted for sales to Israel until a formal peace is agreed. In case hostilities are to flare up, exports under existing licenses would reportedly be discontinued.
I can you explain why the EU recognizes Palestine as a state?
Or perhaps you can explain why your great protectors, the USA, waffled so much about vetoing this recognition?

Zionism is on very shaky ground right now LehmanB. Only a fool would refuse to see what's happening, and push forward with Zionist objectives. Fools like Netanyahu.
Sure I can explain the recognition in Palestinian Authority - Israel created them, and then the international community shift for that.

What I believe you don't understand is that there are many positive things in the relations between Israel and Europe, such as increasing the trade each year. There are always contradicted moves, anyway the seemed decline of status is not backed in action, Israel is in the background and in numbers in great connections, despite the factors you and the media presents. For instance in the academy there is large hostility toward Israel, but... there are great connections.. most of the (Saudi paid) and sponanous demonstrations are ..with lower effect than in seems. I don't deny the harm, but hey there is also growth and improvement and stability.

Anyway my opint is that you are hostile to Israel and you suggest us to recceed territory. The problem is not you, but Israelis who has similar arguments to yours - trying to please our foes by following their advices to us.

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