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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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did you see any MSM source report on settlers burning to death most of a family in the West Bank, the "price-tag" settler attacks on churches and mosques there, the restrictions on Palestinians entering Al-Aqsa?

about those attacks yes they are in the mainstream Israeli media in the front page
and those restrictions on arabs entering al aqsa there Is a reason for that because they throw stones and doing provocations against the police

I don't really give a shit about this al aqsa mosque I don't think any settlers should go and pray there this is just worsening the situation
I'm atheist I hate all those religious bullshit fights I couldn't care less if the al Aqsa mosque and the western wall would be blown up all together
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By Pisa
skinster wrote:
The State Dept opposes the settlements despite the US vetoes. Your own article talks of the US's opposition to settlements.

Opposition to something doesn't make it illegal.

skinster wrote:
And again, along with the US, the rest of the world considers the settlements to be illegal because they're on occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, the latter of which Israel last week was kicking out Palestinian families from their homes in order to place settlers in.

The rest of the world, along with the US, has learned the hard way that the arab/muslim oil comes with an added price tag. Realpolitik is a bitch.

The palestinian family you mentioned rented the house they lived in, it was never their house, even al-Jazeera grudgingly mentions it by the end of their article.

The idiots at Mondoweiss are so predictable. As someone who grew up in one of the former communist countries, I'm fed up with far-left propaganda. Laying all the blame on Netanyahu shows the true colors of the moron who wrote the article. Are you a communist, Skinster?

skinster wrote:
1. Most of the news coming from the mainstream media has been flooded in by the Israeli press office and most journalists who want to keep their jobs and get benefits etc. are regurgitating it. This is mainstream media for you.

2. I never trust the MSM when it comes to reporting on Israel/Palestine, and neither should you, I mean, beyond checking to see how the hasbara machine is reporting.

3. To answer your first question, yes, when stuff like this comes out it opens your eyes to Israeli propaganda. And this. Then you can think for yourself and wonder how many kids are likely to go up against the IDF armed with merely a knife, after seeing all the snuff films of their fellow Palestinians shot so mercillessly. It doesn't make sense. But what does make sense, is that the Israeli party line always needs some excuse to demonize and justify killing Palestinians so easily.

There are tons of videos and photos on social media if you care to look at what's really going on.

1. Err...

2. Neither do I.


3. There is no evidence for the speculations in the articles linked. You must understand that our existence depends on the quality of our army, therefore claiming that soldiers can do whatever they want with impunity is at least a big fat crap. All those wild stories about IDF soldiers freely shooting, looting, beating, contradict the most elementary logic. An army lacking discipline would never win a scuffle, let alone a war. Every incident of the type described in those articles is thoroughly investigated.

Then you can think for yourself and wonder how many kids are likely to go up against the IDF armed with merely a knife, after seeing all the snuff films of their fellow Palestinians shot so mercillessly. It doesn't make sense.

Oh, it makes perfect sense.

As for the demonizing...well, check for yourself.
By pugsville
Napoleon's army was poorly disciplined enormously prone to looting but was clearly the best army of the period. A army can be very effective yet lax and ill-disciplined with regards to the civilian population,.
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By Pisa
pugsville wrote:Napoleon's army was poorly disciplined enormously prone to looting but was clearly the best army of the period. A army can be very effective yet lax and ill-disciplined with regards to the civilian population,.

Please remind me what happened to Napoleon's army at Waterloo.

IDF soldiers are not mercenaries. They are our children, brothers, sisters, fathers, mothers. Their conduct in the field can't be hidden from the public eye, because they are the public eye.

Do you seriously think that the israeli society would be interested in whole generations of bullies, goons, and morally bankrupted citizens? Do you seriously believe that a strong and developed society could be build by bullies, goons, and morally bankrupted citizens?

The incredible amount of ignorance displayed by our enemies is surpassed only by their incredible amount of naked primeval naivete.
By skinster
waton, that's quite surprising, though all those articles did omit the occupation. I'm guessing some of these media sources feel they have to compete with what's coming out with social media, hence why some truth is out in their reporting. Still, you wouldn't see any of that in any cable TV news.

Re: One of your links, we haven't seen any settlers arrested for burning the family in the West Bank yet, despite Israeli authorities knowing who they are.

Pisa wrote:The idiots at Mondoweiss are so predictable. As someone who grew up in one of the former communist countries, I'm fed up with far-left propaganda.

Feel free to continue sharing articles from "palwatch" and CAMERA.

Update: over 70 Palestinians, including a number of children have been shot by Israeli occupation forces since the beginning of Oct.
By wat0n
skinster wrote:waton, that's quite surprising, though all those articles did omit the occupation. I'm guessing some of these media sources feel they have to compete with what's coming out with social media, hence why some truth is out in their reporting. Still, you wouldn't see any of that in any cable TV news.

I'm not sure about what you mean here. Doesn't saying that there are settlers to begin with imply the territory is under Israeli occupation?

I do recall that the NYT has posted other articles related with the occupation in light of the attack. For instance: ... l?referer=

skinster wrote:Re: One of your links, we haven't seen any settlers arrested for burning the family in the West Bank yet, despite Israeli authorities knowing who they are.

Ya'alon later rectified his claims to Israeli press and said that he only had a general idea of who did it, i.e. settlers.
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By Pisa
skinster wrote:
Feel free to continue sharing articles from "palwatch" and CAMERA.


Palwatch only translate articles and TV programs from palestinian media. Go argue with the PA about the content of palwatch.

Image CAMERA Image

I gave you two reasons why I don't trust Mondoweiss. What are your reasons for rejecting palwatch and CAMERA?
By pugsville
Israel as a society has never had a problem with mistreating Palestinians.

Terrorists are happily elected as prime minister.

Settlers flaunting the laws of Israel is actively encouraged and funded by Politicians.

Israeli is a deeply racist society, tolerance/encouragemnt of mistreating of Palestinians is rife and always has been,
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By Pisa
skinster wrote:No you didn't.

I said they lie (a lot). I also mentioned they're far left morons.

Those people don't write out of warm fuzzy feelings for palestinians, neither do they care about justice. They write out of pure unadulterated hatred for the democratic capitalistic societies they live in. They'd side with the borg if it means destroying those societies. On second thoght, they are borg.

I know enough of far left ideology to avoid being seduced by their rhetoric. Behind all that talk about human rights and snow white doves, there's nothing but an ardent desire to destroy and conquer, to turn the human race into an obedient flock.

Not that I care much about far-right ideology, either. In fact, I'll never side with anyone who puts ideology above people.
By skinster
wat0n wrote:I'm not sure about what you mean here. Doesn't saying that there are settlers to begin with imply the territory is under Israeli occupation?

To you and I, perhaps, but most MSM viewers aren't aware what that means; that Israel is violently and illegally occupying Palestinian territories in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and in recent years is placing "settlers" there: Jews from America, Europe and Russia.

The MSM does not report that Israel is brutally occupying Palestinians in totality and has been for many decades and that that is the cause of what sets off Palestinian violence. It does not report the imprisonment, the checkpoints, the kidnapping of children and holding them in prison without access to their families, the beatings, the torture, the killings, etc.etc.etc. I could go on but I'm tired.

The occupation is omitted from most MSM reports and 'settlers" is a pretty way of saying 'land-thieves'; the MSM does not describe that they are there illegally, it does not report their daily violence against Palestinians, that they are allowed to carry weapons while Palestinians are not, or that these settlers believe the land belongs to them because in their warped minds "god says so".

Me stating that the Zionist perspective is what the MSM reports is not outlandish or a conspiracy theory. Yes, more recently you can get the odd report here and there when significant crimes against Palestinians take place, but again, I feel those might only be made because of MSM competition with social media.

Ya'alon later rectified his claims to Israeli press and said that he only had a general idea of who did it, i.e. settlers.

He told Likud activists that the Shabak knows exactly who the murderers are, but are protecting them because they don't want to reveal their own agents amongst the settlers. Protecting their sources is more important then getting justice for the Palestinians who were burned to death in their own home by settlers. Let's not act surprised about what has happened or that settlers are yet again protected by the state while committing crimes.

Pisa wrote:I said they lie (a lot). I also mentioned they're far left morons.

Your opinion is very convincing and interesting, thanks.

Here the most moral Israeli occupying army threaten, in their own words, to "gas Palestinian children, youth and old people" in a refugee camp:
By wat0n
skinster wrote:To you and I, perhaps, but most MSM viewers aren't aware what that means; that Israel is violently and illegally occupying Palestinian territories in the West Bank and East Jerusalem, and in recent years is placing "settlers" there: Jews from America, Europe and Russia.

The MSM does not report that Israel is brutally occupying Palestinians in totality and has been for many decades and that that is the cause of what sets off Palestinian violence. It does not report the imprisonment, the checkpoints, the kidnapping of children and holding them in prison without access to their families, the beatings, the torture, the killings, etc.etc.etc. I could go on but I'm tired.

The occupation is omitted from most MSM reports and 'settlers" is a pretty way of saying 'land-thieves'; the MSM does not describe that they are there illegally, it does not report their daily violence against Palestinians, that they are allowed to carry weapons while Palestinians are not, or that these settlers believe the land belongs to them because in their warped minds "god says so".

Me stating that the Zionist perspective is what the MSM reports is not outlandish or a conspiracy theory. Yes, more recently you can get the odd report here and there when significant crimes against Palestinians take place, but again, I feel those might only be made because of MSM competition with social media.

Well, I'd say that firstly quite a few people would disagree with your characterization of what's going on in the region, but leaving that aside, MSM rarely if ever ventures deeply into any issue, be it the Israeli-Arab conflict (and by this I include minor attacks against Israelis in the prelude to a major conflagration as well), the economy or pretty much anything else greatly owing to the fact that it is meant to be multipurpose and provide an overall view on what's going on in the world (usually with a focus on the country it operates in). As such I'm not sure about what else could you expect, what you demand requires reading local Israeli and Palestinian media or specialized publications (like social networks - speaking of, I'm sure you can find social media that has a pro-Israel line and which devotes to documenting whatever attacks hit Israelis).

skinster wrote:He told Likud activists that the Shabak knows exactly who the murderers are, but are protecting them because they don't want to reveal their own agents amongst the settlers. Protecting their sources is more important then getting justice for the Palestinians who were burned to death in their own home by settlers. Let's not act surprised about what has happened or that settlers are yet again protected by the state while committing crimes.

Actually if they want to deal with Jewish terrorist cells, they'd be wise to protect their sources. I'd say though that if they knew who carried out the Duma arson, they'd crack down on them like they've been cracking on other Kahanists.

Why would they arrest the grandson of Meir Kahane over incitement and attempting to set up terrorist cells and leave some unknown settlers alone?
By Pongo
BDS fined ... imination/

French high court: BDS activists guilty of discrimination

October 23, 2015, 11:18 pm

France's Court of Cassation in Paris (CC BY-SA Daniel Vorndran/DXR/Wikimedia Commons)
France’s highest court of appeals confirmed earlier rulings that found promoters of a boycott against Israel guilty of inciting hate or discrimination.

The rulings passed on Tuesday by the Paris-based Court of Cassation confirmed the convictions of 12 individuals by the Colmar Court of Appeals in connection with their 2009 and 2010 actions in supermarkets near the eastern city of Mulhouse.

The individuals arrived at the supermarket wearing shirts emblazoned with the words: “Long live Palestine, boycott Israel.” They also handed out flyers that said that “buying Israeli products means legitimizing crimes in Gaza.”

The court in Colmar imposed fines to the collective tune of $14,500 and court expenses on Laila Assakali, Yahya Assakali, Assya Ben Lakbir, Habiba Assakali, Sylviane Mure, Farida Sarr, Aline Parmentier, Mohammad Akbar, Jean-Michel Baldassi, Maxime Roll, Jacques Ballouey and Henry Eichholtzer.

They appealed the ruling citing their freedom to express their opinion.

In confirming the sentences, the Court of Cassation cited the French republic’s law on Freedom of the Press, which prescribes imprisonment or a fine of up to $50,000 for parties that “provoke discrimination, hatred or violence toward a person or group of people on grounds of their origin, their belonging or their not belonging to an ethnic group, a nation, a race or a certain religion.”

In France, several dozen promoters of a boycott against Israel — including through the Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment Movement, or BDS —- have been convicted of inciting hate or discrimination. In addition to the law on the press, some activists have been convicted based on the Lellouche law, passed in 2003, which extends anti-racism laws to the targeting of specific nations for discriminatory treatment.

“BDS is illegal in France,” wrote Pascal Makowicz, head of the legal department of the CRIF umbrella group of French Jewish communities, in a statement he published Tuesday on the group’s website. The actions of the people convicted, he added, “are completely illegal. If they say their freedom of expression has been violated, then now France’s highest legal instance ruled otherwise.”
By Pongo
Palestinian fighting the occupation. Out of sudden an Arab freedom fighter starts to hit with broken bottle the head of a tourist guide woman. A tourist guide. Fuckin' pussies

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By KlassWar
Pongo wrote:Palestinian fighting the occupation. Out of sudden an Arab freedom fighter starts to hit with broken bottle the head of a tourist guide woman. A tourist guide. Fuckin' pussies

If they're targeting civilians that's a war crime, and you're entitled to judge and punish those partisans as war criminals.

As for those that only target occupation forces and the Zionist Regime's authorities, they're regular partisans that can only be held as POWs until the end of hostilities and must then be returned to Palestinian authorities.

The laws and customs of war are quite clear.
By Pongo
Short time ago. Stabbing 80 years old lady

They are deranged maniacs even when they stab soldiers because they do it out of Islamic frenzy.
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