Benjamin Netanyahu's Likud Party Wins Israeli Election - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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Islamic fundamentalism and anarchism. True natural allies.

Isn't a bit disingenuous to complain against a solution that creates more states when being against the very idea of organized state entities?

Is there something about anarchism that I don't understand?
Last edited by danholo on 19 Mar 2015 19:21, edited 1 time in total.
anarchist23 wrote:Remember Hamas are freedom fighters and brave ones at that. The Israelis also imprison Christians as well as Muslims.

Israelis also imprison Jews, what's your point?

Why do you, as an anarchist, support a religious totalitarian movement?

I thought this shed light on the subject:

It seems that supporting 'Palestine' is just a means to an end.
wat0n wrote:You didn't answer the question. Does Hamas have an intention of supporting a two-state solution?

What we are talking about is Israeli state terrorism vs some hot heads. It's an unequal fight. Long live Palestinian freedom fighters.
And now Bibi has rejected a two state solution altogether. Which is an excellent recruitment strategy for Hamas. It also destroys a large swathe of Israel's moral advantage; Hamas rejects a two-state solution, and is happy to kill civilians in the name of its religious ideology. Israel is now no longer that different, especially given the influence of the extremist settler elements, who wish to annex the West Bank and ethnically cleanse the population.
The sad thing about this conflict is I understand where rational people on both sides are coming from. I remember when you used to turn on the news and see stories about bombs going off in civilian areas in Tel Aviv and elsewhere. This seems to have been reduced somewhat (at least I haven't heard as much of it). I understand why Israelis are obsessed with security and want to keep it.

Correlation does not necessarily equal causation but it seems as if Israel is more secure internally than it was under Barak, Sharon or Olmert. Most attacks have been rocket attacks for the most part but they seem to have cut down on people sneaking into civilian areas and doing damage. I understand why Netanyahu won. I am not sure how I feel about his views on Iran, if he really sees himself as a new Churchill or if this is a political issue.

On the other hand I understand why a lot of Palestinians are mad living under a blockade, especially in Gaza. There has to be at least some semblance on part of the Palestinians that their life is actually improving somewhat. I think the best both sides can hope for is a sort of uneasy peace where both sides at least learn to tolerate each other and a few radicals raise a ruckus every once in a while and hope security forces stop the violent ones.
The first page was good. The other two deteriorated to the regular pie-throwing.

I voted for Netanyahu cause he has done great in economics and I want a one state here. And he knows to keep Israeli global interests.

1. Two times the left rule recently: in 1992-1996, and in 1999-2001. And both were period of harsh terror. In 1993 it was an islamist's reaction to the agreements, we faced busses explosions period, that have seased in 1996. The other hard period was soon after Barak (our leftist version of Barack :P ) had suggested to Arafat 90% of the WB, receeded from Lebanon while giving Lebanon extra territories to fit the map to 1923 border. So the feeling of victory Hizballah had, an agreement that suggested huge recession of territories (suggesting you can push Israel) lead Arafat to organize the second intifadah that have ended only when Ariel Sharon have re-occupied their autonomic areas.

I see that the settling process increases the Jewish birthrate for some reason, and I see that Israel will always control the WB and Gaza somehow, cause you cant split Israel to three independed states. You just can't. It won't work here. Especialy when the Arab states will be influenced by Saudia and Iran to fight Israel.. so there will be one state eventualy. And there will be sometimes peace if the middle east will change. But Israel needs to be strong till that time, I do believe that weakening Israel drags more wars, not acceptance. Why? Psychology is complecated.

2. In economics Netanyahu have literaly saved Israel in two hard times: economic crisis in 2003 due to the second intifadah (no tourism, pesimism, and large debth and huge welfare spendings). Netanyahu cutted sharply the budget, and reduced taxes.
Also, Netanyahu reduced taxes to large companies and created a fertile land for start-ups and high tech companies (he have started this process in 1996, and as a finance minister in 2003). Netanyahu shifted the budget to ease high tech companies instead of textile factories.

In 2008 when Netanyahu back to prime ministery, Israel had a smaller debt and lower interests on the debt. He had started a reserve budget process, now Israel has 80 billion USD reserves. In relation to the budget it is the third reserves amount in the world. And we have very low unemployment. Despite all of that, there was a global crisis. Life has been hard, prices were rising (but in the entire world the food has doubled its price) and appartments are expenssive, and Netanyahu increased taxes.

The labor blamed Netanyahu for being all bad here. And have suggested to re subsodize and nationalize thing. It was unclear how the left is going to improve the welfare and health without increasing the debt. Oh and it promissed reducing the mortage prices by.. not building in the settlements. so thats sure is going to reduce prices everywhere else.

3. Netanyahu seemed to delay Iran in few years by cyber attacks and drag attention to this problem what helped to create sanctions.
And he protected some Israeli interests and survived 6 years with Obama, relatevely unharmed. Look around us... So hey, now the left promisses everything is going to be great with the better personal relations between left and Obama- but i'm worried for Israeli interests.

- And the last one- the rhetoric against Netanyahu were usually irrelevant and they scared me. The interference of Obama toward the labor were the last stroke- I really feared something bad is going to happen. The labour tried to close a rightist newspaper 3 months ago and failed.. and it all felt so violent here.. I just.. It was too much. If Netanyahu would ever dare to touch a leftist newspaper he is out- I can't stand anti democratic actions. And thats what I felt with the over agressive campaign against Netanyahu.

A colegue in my work that was born in the US have told me that after George W Bush have won the second time the left felt even worse, so Israel is still fine lol.
mm I have been in the demonstration in sunday, and I think he said something like that there. Perhaps not directly. He definetely said he won't divide Jerusalem. I have filmed abit his speech with mu phone, mainly to capture the boo screams when they mantioned BuZhi (labour)- these silly use of rhetoric amused me. I will see if I have something. I don't know if he said so somewhere else. But I certainly think he says to you what you want to hear, as a cunning politician would do. I am suspicious danholo, I just didn't have somebody else. Atleast he won't initiate recession by himself..

Okay from my videos: "we didn't evacuate and we won't evacuate". "There won't be recession under our leadership, and no concessions."
"We will keep Jerusalem united, all its parts". "If Jews cannot build in Jerusalem, where can they"?
Thats all I filmed.
wat0n wrote:Yeah, it should only turn it against Hamas further for starting shit with Israel.
Yeah the Czechs should have only turned against the allies and the government in exile further for assassinating Heydrich.
wat0n wrote:That'd be silly considering it was a government in exile. Hamas isn't really in exile from Gaza, is it?
So Hamas are actually sharing in the pain. Of course I accept there are good arguments for going along with the rulers occupiers, but these arguments apply across the board. Would not Americans have been better off campaigning for independence peacefully?

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