More Israeli Brutality in Occupied West Bank - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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skinster wrote:She was shot 6 times for holding a knife. She didn't attempt to stab anyone, she was holding a knife and had mental problems.

She had attempted to stab a policeman.

skinster wrote:As to the rest of your post, some of which I skimmed past because honestly, it's boring, the reason you keep harping back to the end of the last century is because you want to deflect from today, what is going today (the brutal violence against Palestinians), and I refuse to indulge in that bs. People elsewhere have done the long-ass conversation on that shit with you already and you still keep shitting out shit that you could probably win a shit medal for, given your perseverance. It's boring and I don't trust anything you say.

No, the reason of why I bring it up is that I'm bringing your theory into question, something that you of course do not like.

Also, it's not like you are all too shy on talking about the past, anyway.

skinster wrote:You're a spokesman for the Israeli state who supports the status quo (violent occupation) and apologizes for all the Israeli crimes that are brought up on this forum, which are less than 1% of what actually goes on in Israel. It is a shitty awful state and I refuse to mince words about that. Your lot (hasbara trolls) here are already blaming the 14 year old girl for being shot to death as well as the guy in the wheelchair for being attacked and tipped overe by the IDF goon. This stuff is pathetic.

I said quite clearly that I condemn the tipping of the disabled Palestinian.

I also said I condemn the settlement project, I'd love to see an actual Israeli spokesman do that.

No, this is just you being unable to provide any arguments once being pressured, as usual.
danholo wrote:You deny any antisemites exist among Israel's detractors?

I'm sure it exists, just like there is a lot of racism towards the "Arabs" (Palestinians) from Israelis and Jews in general. What's your point?

I reiterate my earlier point though, while you support a racist apartheid govt. like Israel, it's difficult to take you seriously when you ramble on about racism.

wat0n wrote:She had attempted to stab a policeman.

No she didn't. The Israeli authorities viewed the video footage of the woman and saw that she didn't attack anyone, which is why she wasn't charged. They saw her next to an orthodox Israeli guy where no attempts to hurt him were made. She was shot for holding a knife.

I said quite clearly that I condemn the tipping of the disabled Palestinian.

I also said I condemn the settlement project, I'd love to see an actual Israeli spokesman do that.

Yeah, everyone "condemns" the settlement project too, while building of more and more continues. Of course you have to condemn it to not look like outright land-thieves, but actions are judged, not words. Those Israeli soldiers who shot the girl and kicked the man over shouldn't even be in the West Bank. They're there illegally, on land that lawfully belongs to the Palestinians.

Congrats on condemning the kicking over of a man in a wheelchair tho.
skinster wrote:No she didn't. The Israeli authorities viewed the video footage of the woman and saw that she didn't attack anyone, which is why she wasn't charged. They saw her next to an orthodox Israeli guy where no attempts to hurt him were made. She was shot for holding a knife.

I recall that the Israeli police itself said so in the wake of the attack, but maybe the reports were incorrect. Even then, I think you could try and hold a knife in a street in NY in front of the police, let's see if you survive to be able to report back here.

skinster wrote:Yeah, everyone "condemns" the settlement project too, while building of more and more continues. Of course you have to condemn it to not look like outright land-thieves, but actions are judged, not words. Those Israeli soldiers who shot the girl and kicked the man over shouldn't even be in the West Bank. They're there illegally, on land that lawfully belongs to the Palestinians.

Congrats on condemning the kicking over of a man in a wheelchair tho. :D

Would you post an example of an Israeli spokesman condemning the settlement enterprise? Including the fact that the State of Israel provides subsidies and other incentives for people to move there, which is something I condemn (as it is part of the settlement enterprise as well). I wish you luck on that, your odds are much worse than those of you being able to report back after brandishing a knife in open light in front of NY policemen.
wat0n wrote:I recall that the Israeli police itself said so in the wake of the attack, but maybe the reports were incorrect. Even then, I think you could try and hold a knife in a street in NY in front of the police, let's see if you survive to be able to report back here.

Feel free to read the article I posted to see how you're incorrect.

Israeli authorities always claim they're attacked when shooting Palestinians. Or they don't even bother pretending. But that's by the by...

I won't bother responding to the deflection stuff about me in New York. Thanks for trying though.
I can also tell that you won't bother to respond to my request of showing an Israeli spokesman condemning the settlement enterprise, including the help it gets from Israel in the form of subsidies and other incentives.

I assume that you won't be trying to equate me with one from now on?
skinster wrote:No she didn't. The Israeli authorities viewed the video footage of the woman and saw that she didn't attack anyone, which is why she wasn't charged.

So ... you're telling us that someone (presumably Palestinian) Took a Retarded Girl into a patrolled area, Gave her a knife and told her to hold onto it, and then backed off to video tape the incident when she was discovered and dealt with ... She was BAIT for a Pallywood video. And the Israelis involved were as much victims of the plot as she was ...

Now THERE'S SOME EVIDENCE ! ... of something ... Do you approve?

skinster wrote:She had psychological problems, obviously.

Sure ... Palestine's just FULL of retarded 14 year old girls wandering around with sharp stabby knives ... AND photographers following them around.

Zam ... Do you approve ?
skinster wrote:This woman is not the 14 year old girl that was shot to death in the West Bank.

Whooops ... too many Pallywood videos floating around to keep em straight I guess ... Amazing how many destitute Palestinian refuges can afford Hi Tech video equipment and just HAPPEN to be lurking around these incidents, isn't it! ... Do you approve ?

Zamuel wrote:Whooops ... too many Pallywood videos floating around to keep em straight I guess ... Amazing how many destitute Palestinian refuges can afford Hi Tech video equipment and just HAPPEN to be lurking around these incidents, isn't it! ... Do you approve ?

Palestinians have learned to record the violence inflicted upon them using phone cameras. Some of these phones have been issued to them by Israeli human rights groups like B'Tselem. It's not "Pallywood" just because you expect Palestinians to be too poor to record the crimes inflicted upon them. They are poor in many ways but poor peoples can have access to mobile phones too.

It's not in any way interesting you would focus on everything but the content of the videos.
Anyone who hasn't seen it should find a DVD copy of -Wag The Dog- (Dustin Hoffman, Anne Hecht, Robert DeNiro) and watch it a couple of times.

skinster wrote:It's not in any way interesting you would focus on everything but the content of the videos.

Set ups, Pallywood Fakes, Geeez ... They've even documented one professional actor who has appeared in over a dozen different "Massacre" videos over the last several years (usually as an aid worker). Major News Media has even been caught red handed colluding with Palestenian "Producers." No, the content of the videos doesn't interest me NEARLY as much as the MILLIONS $ that routinely "Disappear" from contributions to Palestinian relief organizations.

Hey, someone's got to pay for all those cameras don't they ?

Zamuel wrote:Set ups, Pallywood Fakes, Geeez ...

Here in this thread we have 2 instances of graphic content, the one provided by Israeli studios and the other filmed by hand-held phone camera after the event.

Which of these 2 instances is a Pallywood production Zamuel?
You have to understand, Danholo, that Skinster only does this because she loves you all. She in fact loves you all so much, that she wants to have your 'ill-gotten' territorial gains rescinded so that you are all forced to flee into the European Union and the United States, where she can cuddle you all and have hardcore fresh-off-boat Jews surrounding her 24/7/365.

It's not antisemitism, it's a perverse form of philosemitism and anti-racism. She'll give you all a pathway to citizenship in any western nation you'd like inhabit, and then she'll refuse to discriminate against you no matter what you choose to do while you are there. She's truly learned the 'lesson of the second world war', which is -- I guess -- that the Jews should be living in the west, all of them, every single one of them, and that no ethno-states should exist.

Of course she'll also import every single Arab from Syria and Iraq behind you to join you in those locations, because why not, and so the war would follow you. It'd be like nothing changed!
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 17 Feb 2016 05:36, edited 1 time in total.
Well, they wouldn't be Israeli nationals anymore, would they? Because their country wouldn't exist anymore.

They'd be stateless persons, and you all would have to grant them nationality in your countries. Which I am absolutely sure that Skinster would do, because she seriously is not an antisemite (she literally shares a house with a Jew).

What everyone is grappling with in this thread, is that Skinster has seriously taken the philosemitic liberal post-war philosophy of non-discrimination and anti-racism to its most consistent and logical conclusion, and no one seems to like it, not even the Jews themselves. It's a major contradiction within the liberal ideological framework, and Skinster continually exposes it although she is unaware that she is doing it.

Liberal ideology is not coherent.
Last edited by Rei Murasame on 17 Feb 2016 05:44, edited 1 time in total.

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