Israeli soldier shoots incapicitated Palestinian in head - Page 4 - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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WW2 was just a continuation of WW1, and WW3 will still be a continuation of WW1.

Potemkin wrote:Is that a threat, ArtAllm?

That was not an intelligent and rational question, that was just another personal attack.

I do not have any power to start any war, and Germany cannot do this, either.

You can threaten to start WWIII if you have the power to do this, you have to have, for example, nuclear weapons.

Van Creveld was quoted in David Hirst's The Gun and the Olive Branch (2003) as saying:

"We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force. Let me quote General Moshe Dayan: 'Israel must be like a mad dog, too dangerous to bother.' I consider it all hopeless at this point. We shall have to try to prevent things from coming to that, if at all possible. Our armed forces, however, are not the thirtieth strongest in the world, but rather the second or third. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under".[30]

So German submarines may be used to launch nuclear weapons on European Capitals, but can you blame German taxpayers (including myself) for being forced to pay for these submarines?
Pongo wrote:^David Hirst. One of the people (the Arabist lobby) who are responsible to the current European mess.

You are always attacking the messengers (like ArtAllm or David Hirst).
What about attacking the message?
About the slow-motion genocide of hundreds of Native North American nations, ArtAllam wrote:It is an atrocity from the today point of view, but it was legitimate, you cannot judge or punish anybody who lived in the Stone Age with today laws.

It was an atrocity back then too.

Dropping chemicals on Vietnamese farmers was an atrocity in the 1960s as well.

And constantly terrorizing the Palestinians is also an atrocity.

Denying that a genocide from the past was an atrocity demonstrates just how shallow the knowledge of history, geography, and morality are to Western media consumers.


Personal Anecdote: One of my friends who I knew growing up, had a very negligent father who spent no time with his family, except meals. One day, when I was over there for supper, he asked his Dad why he had never played with him, spent time with him, raised him, advised him, or did any family activities. His dad replied: "In my day, fathers didn't do any domestic things with their families."

This was a lie he told his son just to cover his own guilt. It's a common strategy.
IDF allow illegal settlers to attack home of videographer
The home of Emad abu-Shamsiyah, who recorded the murder of Abd al-Fattah Yusri al-Sharif by IDF medic Cpl. Elor Azaria, was attacked by illegal settlers while, as usual in such circumstances, Israeli army personnel did nothing but gawk. "B’Tselem said Saturday night that settlers had attacked abu-Shamsiyah’s Hebron home with rocks and chanted “Death to Emad.” IDF soldiers at the scene did not intervene, the group charged." Meanwhile, abu-Shamsiyah was requested to report to an occupation Israeli police station on suspicion that he had prior knowledge of the planned alleged assault on the IDF soldier by al-Sharif. Jewish extremists filed a complaint to the occupation police about the videographer on the ground that he would not have been able to record the murder without prior knowledge of a planned attack by Palestinians.
This is how it works in the occupied West Bank where victims are routinely classified as terrorists by the Israelis.
IDF medic Cpl. Elor Azaria changes his story
At first the Israeli soldier said he killed the wounded and disarmed Palestinian, Abd al-Fattah Yusri al-Sharif, because he thought he might detonate a bomb on his person but that version is now changed. The new excuse Azaria is using is that he killed the wounded prisoner because he was about to grab a knife.
Cpl. Azaria's lawyer should have shown his client the video we have all seen in order to protect his client from stating such poppycock. No one can believe a word from the corporal's mouth now.
I doubt his supporters care. Like Donald Trump supporters, so cultish and block-headed it doesn't matter what contradictions, falsity, etc, they'll cheer him on and on. He's a 'hero' and 'patriot'. Agh!
IDF medic actually killed wounded Palestinian
As an autopsy on the victim was completed Sunday, it was revealed by a Palestinian doctor in attendance that Abd al-Fattah Yusri al-Sharif was alive before being shot in the head by Cpl. Elor Azaria.
No! Seriously?
You can never know. 6 million Jews died by this same psychological warfare tactics. The holocaust would not be happened without the cunning German propaganda and the widespread Jewish willing to believe it. Indeed, they are just going to the east to work, it's only showers etc.

Here the propaganda is the omitting all together the wounded soldier (image above) before the shooting incident from the narrative.
A majority of Jewish Israelis feel that the Jewish Israeli soldier is the victim of this story.

Jonathon Cook wrote:This was not a killing in the fog of war; it was a cold-blooded execution. As Amnesty International noted, such an act constitutes a war crime.

And yet, for most Israelis the soldier is the victim of this story. Some 57 per cent oppose an investigation, let alone prosecuting or jailing him. Some 66 per cent describe his behaviour in positive terms, and only 20 per cent think criticism is warranted. Only a tiny 5 per cent believe the killing should be judged “murder”.

Only five percent of Israelis consider this act "murder." This indicates a sky-high level of racism in Israeli society.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:This have nothing to do with racism

Israel have a long history of terrorist attacks in its territory the people are sick and dont want anymore to show mercy to the unmerciful

There isn't a person on Planet Earth who has an expectation of Israelis having mercy on any Palestinian, even a wounded prisoner.
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