Gaza census shows population explosion - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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A census of Gaza published today shows that the population in the Palestinian territory has risen by almost 40 per cent in the past 10 years, one of the highest growth rates in the world with 48.3 percent of residents under 15 years of age.

With clever Egyptian policy, who don't want them either, this population unrest directed against Israel. In the future Gazans will breach their way into Egyptian Sinai peninsula. Hamas is an offspring branch of Egyptian Islamic Brotherhood together with their mother movement they can form their dream caliphate on post Mubarak-Egypt. Not ideal scenario because secular Egypt is what the Arab world need, but the current situation is unmanageable because it put the Gazans (who are originaly Egyptian before all the post-Ottoman anti-Mandate "Palestinian" nationalist phantasis) into big concentration camp, an open prison.

Sunday, 15 February 2009

Gaza population 'rising rapidly'

The majority of Gazans are registered as refugees

The population of the Gaza Strip increased by almost 40% between 1997 and 2007, according to the results of a Palestinian census.

The survey, taken before Israel's recent offensive, showed the territory has a population of 1.4 million people.

The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics estimated the annual growth rate at 3.3% and said the population would double in 21 years at that rate.

The UN estimates the world's current average population growth at 1.17%.

Overall population
1997: 1,022,207
2007: 1,416,543
Aged under 15
1997: 50.2%
2007: 48.3%
Proportion married
1997: 53.8%
2007: 49.6%
Receiving schooling
1997: 62.8%
2007: 70.6%
Source Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics website

In a statement, the West Bank-based bureau said: "Assuming a stable growth during the coming years, the Gaza Strip population will multiply [double] in 21 years."

There were mixed findings in the census for the people of Gaza.

The overwhelming majority of people in the territory (67.9%) continue to be UN-registered refugees. The figure was only slightly lower (65.1%) in 1997.

However, education and literacy showed signs of improvement.

The rate of people over the age of 10 unable to read fell from 11.3% in 1997 to 5.5% in 2007, as the proportion of those receiving school education rose from 62.8% to 70.6%.

Preliminary results from the census were released in February 2008.

According to those figures, the combined population of Gaza and the West Bank including east Jerusalem is 3.8 million.

The statistics bureau has not yet released final results on the West Bank or east Jerusalem.

In 1967 Gaza'a population was under 90,000 thats now 1.4 million. They are bursting out of a tiny piece of Land. Allow Gaza to expand into the huge open spaces of the Sinai desert.
Last edited by Dempsey on 16 Feb 2009 04:15, edited 1 time in total.
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By QatzelOk
With clever Egyptian policy, who don't want them either

Why should Egypt "want them" when "they" already have their own country - Palestine?

It makes no sense. The only reason the Palestinians would be "wanted" is because the unwanted euro-pariahs who ethnic-cleansed these local subsistence farmers are trying to kill them all now.
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By Verv
Their population is what will be able to defeat Israel in the long run.

Combining poverty, lack of opportunity and a clear enemy together is going to spurn these people towards resistance to Israel.

Israel, like all fundamentally Western nations, grows culturally and morally weaker each year it spends in materialist decadence while the Palestinians become tempered like fine steel.
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By Sephardi
Goddammit. I say we make them wear condoms. Or give them half of the Sinai Desert along with the Gaza Strip and call it "The Republic of Palestine".
By Dempsey
With clever Egyptian policy, who don't want them either

Why should Egypt "want them" when "they" already have their own country - Palestine?

It makes no sense. The only reason the Palestinians would be "wanted" is because the unwanted euro-pariahs who ethnic-cleansed these local subsistence farmers are trying to kill them all now.

The people of Gaza are not necessarily natives of "Palestine". They are migrants from Egypt during Ottoman and British rule. Nor Gaza is necessarily different part of Sinai. Which todays belonf to Egypt. Palestine as geographic unity created by the British. Its boundaries decided between the European powers after the fall of the Ottoman Empire.

The official Handbook prepared in 1918 to guide the British delegates to the Peace Conference gave the following description: In the Gaza district they are mostly of Egyptian origin.

The "Palestinian nationality" was born as post-Ottoman anti-Mandate anti Zionist reaction.There is no much about this "nationality" other than warlordism and victimhood grievance.

The Palestinian identity goes back, not to antiquity, but precisely to 1920. No "Palestinian Arab people" existed at the start of 1920 but by December it took shape in a form recognizably similar to today's.

This distaste was confirmed in April 1920, when the British occupying force carved out a "Palestine." Moslems reacted very suspiciously, rightly seeing this designation as a victory for Zionism. No prominent Moslem voices endorsed the delineation of Palestine in 1920; all protested it. Instead, Moslems west of the Jordan directed their allegiance to Damascus, where the great-great-uncle of Jordan's King Abdullah II was then ruling; they identified themselves as Southern Syrians.

In July 1920, however, the French overthrew this Hashemite king, in the process killing the notion of a Southern Syria. Isolated by the events of April and July, the Moslems of Palestine made the best of a bad situation. One prominent Jerusalemite commented, just days following the fall of the Hashemite kingdom: "after the recent events in Damascus, we have to effect a complete change in our plans here. Southern Syria no longer exists. We must defend Palestine." Following this advice, the leadership in December 1920 adopted the goal of establishing an independent Palestinian state.

The Sultan of Turkey conquered Palestine for his Ottoman Empire in 1517. For the next four hundred years, the Turks ruled Palestine as part of an administrative area called Greater Syria - which was to become the countries of Palestine, Syria and Lebanon in the twentieth century. Although Palestine was not a precisely defined geographic area until that time, the people of Jerusalem, Jaffa, Haifa, Gaza and Nablus and the peasants in the surrounding countryside used the term Filastin or Palestine to describe their land.

On July 2, 1919, the General Syrian Congress, meeting in Damascus, unanimously condemned the Sykes-Picot Agreement, the Balfour Declaration, and the plans of the Zionists. They put a pointed question to the Great Powers: The Congress denounced the mandate system. It demanded that Greater Syria become one united and independent nation. As the resolutions became known, people demonstrated throughout Syria, Palestine and Lebanon in support of the Congress.

A 1920 editorial in a Palestinian newspaper predicted the bloody era of the British mandate. It said: Palestine is Arab - its Muslims are Arab - its Christians are Arab - and its Jewish citizens are Arab too. Palestine will never by quiet if it is separated from Syria and made a national home for Zionism. Arabs call 1920 Am Al Nakba, the Year of Catastrophe. Greater Syria was artificially divided into Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, and placed under French or British occupation.
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By Nattering Nabob
Israel needs to employ these people...send them garment piecework...everybody wins!
By Dempsey
It was done and it didn't work. Israel must cut its ties with Gaza and let Egypt to handle it.
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By QatzelOk
The people of Gaza are not necessarily natives of "Palestine".

Since when does Palestine require quotation marks around it?

Since "the Israelis" came up with an effective propaganda campaign to compliment their frequent killing of local civilians?
By Sapper
Since "the Israelis" came up with an effective propaganda campaign to compliment their frequent killing of local civilians?

I get the feeling Dempsey likes to "disprove" historical inaccuracies. Thank God for all those "Myths About Israel" web sites.

1920 continues to be irrelevant in 2009.
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By danholo
The fact that the Palestinians didn't have an identity then is irrelevant. Both Jews and Arabs reacted positively towards a European idea of a nation and now we are suffering from its offspring. National state entities were never designed for the unenlightened Middle East, and this is why it was imposed from above, and as a counter-reaction created animosity towards the West. The Palestinians, being educated today, do have a national identity, although its sole purpose is the destruction of Israel, because it doesn't seem like they are actively seeking a separate state a side by side with Israel, but this is understandable, considering how Arabs view Israel as; an invader.

Since when does Palestine require quotation marks around it?

It is a name given by an invader, and conqueror.

Since "the Israelis" came up with an effective propaganda campaign to compliment their frequent killing of local civilians?

I killed 5 Arabs today. It was fun. I ripped the last ones limbs one by one, when he was still alive. I made him suffer so bad, it was funny. You should've seen me laughing. Then I pissed on his dead corpse, and FedExed his eyes to you. I hope you join our annual killing spree of the local civilians. After that, we drink their blood from their polished skulls. It is a practice we adopted from the natives. These days, it's the joint Israeli-Palestinian "Skull Fest". We smoke joints, listen to reggae and enjoy Palestinian baby blood WHILE the mother is watching. This is all in preparation for the weekly male menstruation cycle, exclusive to Jewish males.

Now, will you bother telling us where you come up with your story or does it stem from the same source as mine?

Sapper wrote:1920 continues to be irrelevant in 2009.

Yet it's necessary to causality, is it not? The events of the 1920's are irrelevant to today, as regards to the future, but history makes us learn.
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By Doctor State
It's good that they're recovering from their persecution.
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By Sayed Zakerya
I made him suffer so bad, it was funny. You should've seen me laughing. Then I pissed on his dead corpse, and FedExed his eyes to you.
You are not exagerating, Danholo. IDF committed such crimes & worst. Here is a copy of the Israeli Historian Benny Morris Book "the birth of the Palestinian Refugee problem". In the pasted page the Historian is recording Jaffa city fall in 1948 by the Hagannah ( IDF original formation):-


The crimes committed by IDF against the Palestinians are not funny. These are disgracfull & shamefull. The Israeli war criminals are being chased & will not be spared.
By sploop!
danholo: I killed 5 Arabs today. It was fun. I ripped the last ones limbs one by one, when he was still alive. I made him suffer so bad, it was funny. You should've seen me laughing. Then I pissed on his dead corpse, and FedExed his eyes to you. I hope you join our annual killing spree of the local civilians. After that, we drink their blood from their polished skulls. It is a practice we adopted from the natives. These days, it's the joint Israeli-Palestinian "Skull Fest". We smoke joints, listen to reggae and enjoy Palestinian baby blood WHILE the mother is watching. This is all in preparation for the weekly male menstruation cycle, exclusive to Jewish males.

I think this might be a lie. I reckon what really happened is that you got your IDF pals to feed White Phosphorus to schoolchildren, then killed their parents and stole their land.
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By danholo
I reckon what really happened is that you got your IDF pals to feed White Phosphorus to schoolchildren, then killed their parents and stole their land.

We actually made sure this White Phosphorus was the most devastating weapon on the market, so we could use that to harass and terrorize the Palestinians. We did all this so we can create an atmosphere of ambiguity of whether this ultimate evil weapon was used for malicious purposes or not, to fool our critics. Of course, sploop!, your curious eyes can never be duped, and have managed to expose this crime against humanity, the actual purpose of this weapon notwithstanding. Now that we have established the White Phosphorus is the Ultimate Weapons of Evil and Destructionâ„¢, we will use it because it inflicts the most damage on us, since it has such a lousy destructive capability, and makes sure that Palestinians will procreate like they always have.

Next year we'll use our Acid Rain generator which will eat up and melt Gaza into a pool of organic goo. It'll be awesome. After this, we'll market this product as "Ghostbusters Slimeâ„¢" (original product from the late 80's).

Oh yeah, last week, we ran into Gaza, and the West Bank, and stole a couple of Palestinian houses. What we do is scout out the next Palestinian fool pulling into his driveway, and when he gets out and pulls out his keys we jump him, beat him up, steal his keys, enter the house, kick out the family, go to the roof to raise the Israeli flag, sing Hatikva, piss out of the windows, and show funny faces to the family and yell "the Nation of Israel lives", and then we throw out his savings which we found, as a good will gesture, to get started a little more easy. During all this, our company has already fortified the structure as preparation for the visit of the rest of the family, who carry guns and shoot them into the air. During all this, we engage in all of the weird esoteric Jewish ritual to sanctify the house for "Yahweh".

Our organization sanctified fifty houses last week, we killed 100 parents, threw the kids onto the streets, naked, and raped and mutilated the bodies of their parents while the kids were watching. It was awesome. This is the Israeli way. I hope you come and visit; the Palestinian slaves give us plenty of entertainment and satisfy our racist, and arrogant, nature. My servant, Mustafa, comes daily to wash the floors with a toothbrush. When he leaves, I kick him and he thanks me greatly for this grand gesture.

Sayed Zakaria wrote:The crimes committed by IDF against the Palestinians are not funny. These are disgracfull & shamefull. The Israeli war criminals are being chased & will not be spared.

I know, war is a sad thing. Let's all the kooks run amok. Thankfully, we won, so Palestinians can be absolved from any criminality, and we will have to be so sorry about human behavior in a state of near anarchy. I don't want to know what would've happened if the Palestinians won but let us leave it to our own imagination.
Last edited by danholo on 17 Feb 2009 12:40, edited 1 time in total.
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By Sayed Zakerya
war is a sad thing
I do not think War is sad for the Zionists. Look what they have achieved with war. They gained a state & lands.They forced the country original natives out of it & possessed their homes, fortune & even parts of their culture. They collected their war experience to become globe 4th weapons exporting state.
Zionists love wars especially against the helpless. Their wars will come to an end. This end will not mark their opponents surrender. It will mark Zionism unrecoverable defeat.
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By Oxymoron
Zionists love wars especially against the helpless

Right because fighting 3 Armies at the same time, is fighting the helpless :roll: .
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By clanko
We actually made sure this White Phosphorus was the most devastating weapon on the market, so we could use that to harass and terrorize the Palestinians. We did all this so we can create an atmosphere of ambiguity of whether this ultimate evil weapon was used for malicious purposes or not, to fool our critics. Of course, sploop!, your curious eyes can never be duped, and have managed to expose this crime against humanity, the actual purpose of this weapon notwithstanding. Now that we have established the White Phosphorus is the Ultimate Weapons of Evil and Destructionâ„¢, we will use it because it inflicts the most damage on us, since it has such a lousy destructive capability, and makes sure that Palestinians will procreate like they always have.

Well, nobody ever said it was being used for its destructive capability per se. It was however used gregariously in heavily built up areas which amounted to in my eyes, an attack on civilians.

Youve been talking about Palestinians 'recreating', 'procreating' and really do sound like a fascist...and I refrain from using that term a lot because its very deceptive. But you actually do, that sort of really old fashioned ideological relic which still exists in idiotic rural communities and depraved working class brainwashed slums.

Oh yeah, last week, we ran into Gaza, and the West Bank, and stole a couple of Palestinian houses. What we do is scout out the next Palestinian fool pulling into his driveway, and when he gets out and pulls out his keys we jump him, beat him up, steal his keys, enter the house, kick out the family, go to the roof to raise the Israeli flag, sing Hatikva, piss out of the windows, and show funny faces to the family and yell "the Nation of Israel lives", and then we throw out his savings which we found, as a good will gesture, to get started a little more easy. During all this, our company has already fortified the structure as preparation for the visit of the rest of the family, who carry guns and shoot them into the air. During all this, we engage in all of the weird esoteric Jewish ritual to sanctify the house for "Yahweh".

I'm guessing you don't live near the territories. You have explained a lot of things there for which there is concrete evidence.
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By Bosnjak
Goddammit. I say we make them wear condoms. Or give them half of the Sinai Desert along with the Gaza Strip and call it "The Republic of Palestine".

You remember me on a certain Egypt Pharoh who said once the sam about Jews

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