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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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By sine29
Zionism seems to be a hot topic on the Nationalism forums at the moment, seems clear that Zionism will never be supported by Communists:


What are views on Zionism?
Do they have a historical/religious right to the territory they occupy?

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By Maoz Zur
sine29 wrote:What are views on Zionism?
Do they have a historical/religious right to the territory they occupy?

You know what I think... :D

But yet it's interesting to hear other opinions.

By the way, wich occupied territory do you mean? The whole Israel or Palestinian authority?
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By sine29
By the way, wich occupied territory do you mean? The whole Israel or Palestinian authority?

Both could be discussed in this topic ;)
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By Liberal
Well, every form of nationalism is a reaction on some condition. Zionism as well. It`s a reaction of the way the Jewish people were treated in the past. So, from one side, it`s legitimate.
By Mycroft
sine29 wrote:What are views on Zionism?
Do they have a historical/religious right to the territory they occupy?


I have been studying Zionist history in depth recently, and have come to a tremendous respect and admiration for what they were trying to accomplish.

Do they have a historical/religious right to the territory? Well, if one recognizes historical, cultural and religious rights, then yes they do. If one doesn’t, then their rights to be there are the same as any other individual person.
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By sine29
Well, if one recognizes historical, cultural and religious rights,

How does one define these? Does thousands years of lost ownership of the land qualify a group to come back and take it back? Does "culturally" controlling something mean that you should control it indefinelty? And do religious rights mean anything at all?
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By Visage of Glory
I am a big supporter of Zionism. It says in the Bible that God covenanted the land to Abraham and his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob (or Israel.) They ruled the land for hundreds of years, and then were kicked off it. It is their God-given land.

But on a more realistic approach, now that they have it, they have every right to hold it. Every nation has a right to defend its borders. If they think it is worth the occupation, I think it is reasonable to occupy any land that they conquer.
By Mycroft
sine29 wrote:
Well, if one recognizes historical, cultural and religious rights,

How does one define these? Does thousands years of lost ownership of the land qualify a group to come back and take it back? Does "culturally" controlling something mean that you should control it indefinelty? And do religious rights mean anything at all?

Does thousands years of lost ownership of the land qualify a group to come back and take it back?

I think to really answer that question one needs to define what is meant by ownership and to make a distinction between the different types of ownership.

I own the land my house sits upon. My ownership is recorded on the title of the land which is kept at the county courthouse that holds jurisdiction. My ownership of the land gives me certain rights to the land, I may build upon it, destroy what is built there, sell or lease it as I please.

But we are not talking about personal ownership, but political ownership. Over the land that I own are various political entities that also have a claim to my land. There is a school district, a city, a county, a state and a nation that all have a claim to political ownership of the land I hold title to.

Any of these political entities could change. School districts get redrawn, as do city and county borders. It's far less likely that the state and national boundaries will change, but such things do happen.

When political boundaries change, usually the land owner maintains rights under the new political entity, but not always. When political boundaries change, it is my opinion that it is not the fact of the change that should be judged, but how a persons rights both as an individual and as a land owner are respected that should be judged.

With that perspective in mind, to answer your question I would say that no, the existence of the Judean kingdom from thousands of years ago is not in and of itself a legitimate claim. That kingdom is no more, and any new political entity would not be the same.

At the same time, I would also apply that logic to the Ottoman Empire. That political entity was also gone, and nobody was suggesting bringing it back.

This is why people point out that there never was a nation called Palestine. If you dismiss or recognize the claim of ancient Judea, it’s important to also recognize that there is no similar competing claim.

As for cultural and religious, I personally am uncomfortable with making political decisions based upon religious beliefs, but religion is an important part of culture. Jerusalem was chosen as a target for the Zionist movement because of it’s cultural importance for the Jewish people. If one recognizes cultural importance, then one must recognize that the importance of Jerusalem to the Jewish people is very strong.
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By Simon
The argument that we owned it 1000 years ago and so should have it now does not really hold water. What about the people who owned it in the following years? England used to own a large part of France 600 years ago so should we take it back? A large part of modern-day Poland used to belong to Germany. What should the Germans do?

Jerusalem is also of importance to Christians and Muslims.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
I think once an individual or group of people leave a land they automatically forefeit their right to own it unless those living on it and those neighboring the land wish unanamously that they should be allowed to return, even if the individual or group leaves the owned land for visiting someone faraway.

And I especially think that once many generations (2 or more) of a people reside outside their nation and get contaminated with foreign history, foreign culture, foreign geography, foreign language, and foreign nationality (through [ethnic nationality] racial-mixing) that then they are foreigners and they have the culture, physical appearance, language, history, and culture to prove it.

I think the only solution to the "Middle-east crisis" that has been going on ever since the Jewish diaspora that lived in Europe for several generations reclaimed its right to live and replace the non-jews living in the "promised land" on the basis of religious beliefs (bible), is de facto secular nationalism as opposed to the de facto theocratic pseudo-secular nationalism of zionism that is the foundation for the state of Israel. The forced eviction of Palestinians from there land I hope is strongly disliked and untolerable by most intellectual people, I think only supersitious religious people would think otherwise.
Nationalist Luddite wrote:I think once an individual or group of people leave a land they automatically forefeit their right to own it

The Jews never "left", they were expelled and never allowed to return.
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By Comrade Ogilvy
Communo-Anarchist posted:

The Jews never "left", they were expelled and never allowed to return.

First of all, not all Jews left what is now Israel (Palestine), but most did and settled into Europe and other parts of the world, and they reclaimed it after the "Holocaust" on the basis of superstition (religion).

Second, the Jews were never expelled from Israel (Palestine), there were Jews living there before the European mass-migration of Jews to what is now Israel (Palestine) in the name of Zionism.

I am not sure what you mean by "the Jews, never "left", they were expelled", expelled from where? Yes, Jews were expelled from Germany and other parts of Europe during the "Holocaust" and World War 2.

Jews are not a Nation, they are a religious group. A Nation has a common race, language, culture, history, and geography. Once you understand the concept of Nation then you can understand the true concept of Nationalism. The words Nation, Country, and State are completely different words with completely different meanings, it is when they are used in slang by common folk that they are used interchangeably, and wrongly so.

I think all religions including Judaism are at odds with Nationalism, where as Nationalism is Scientific and Judaism and all other religions are Superstitious. Every religion is anti-nationalism and or promotes the (nationalism) culture, language, history or geography of one nation or a small group of nations upon the rest. In Judaism it is Semitic Hebrew history and Semitic Hebrew language of Hebrew and Semitic culture and Semitic Hebrew geography (that is prayed toward and/or venerated). In Christianity it is Latin and Semitic history, culture, and language.

By the way Judaism and Zionism are at odds with each other, visit www.jewsnotzionists.com comprehensive information on this.[/quote]
Why do you put the word Holocaust in quotes?
The Jews were expelled by the Romans and then from the Middle East by the Arabs after Israel and Palestine were created..
I know what a nation is and geography is not part of it. It is: common culture, history and language.
I don't know where you got geography from, because that would mean in order to be a nation there has to be a nation. Maybe you should not pull stuff out of your ass?
I also find it offensive that you call my religion "superstition". If you're an atheist fine, but take that garbage somewhere else.
I have a few closing statements to make:
1) It is assumed that you know the history of the Middle East when you debate here, do not brief me on something I already know
2) Your little 'history lesson', as it were, is wrong on almost every point
3) Judaism is not 'on odds' with Zionism, because Zionism advocates the establishment of a JEWISH state.
4) That organization has probably 5 members, all of whom object to Zionism for religious reasons (because they are Hasidic Jews). Just because you disagree with religion doesn't give you a reason to know nothing about it.
By Garibaldi
My view is that there is no right to a Jewish state, but Jews have the right to immigrate to a republicanism in Palestine to represent them.

Nationalist, the Jews have all the concepts of a nationality.

Communo-Anarchist, there was two-thousand years between the Diasproa and the formation of Israel, and at that time the Jews were often treated better by Muslims than Christains. They had plenty of oppurtunity and reason to move back, it's there fault for not doing so.
Didn't you just rant about how evil they were for moving back?
By Seán Himmelb(L)au
I don't know, but I think religion is pointless, and I'm a fervent pacifist and think everyone is equal, so where does that leave me?
By Garibaldi
Communo-Anarchist, where did I rant they were evil for moving back? Are you always misunderstanding others to support your beliefs?

I do believe I was clear that Israel was wrong for taking Palestinian Lands, establishing a Jewish state on them, and then invading and oppressing the rest of Palestine(west of the Jordan River).
...the European mass-migration of Jews to...Israel in the name of Zionism.

OK? Now, do you feel like answering my questions?
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By Comrade Ogilvy
your quote is of my post not of Garibaldi, so it was either stupidish or a mistake of you to accuse him, and you have done this many times, and its not fair that others have to correct your stupidity. I am not accusing of being a stupiud person, but after seeing almost everyone of your posts, I have come to the conclusion that you must be under 18 years of age, because you make too many simple mistakes in almost every post and neglect to edit it.

Anyways about Zionism and Jews. First of all Nation is a land which is material and sustains life, how does religion sustain life, prove that religion helps sustain life and I will be your follower.

Didn't you just rant about how evil they were for moving back?

When did I use the word evil???

From http://quote.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Marx:
Karl Marx:
Religious suffering is, at one and the same time, the expression of real suffering and a protest against real suffering. Religion is the sigh of the oppressed creature, the heart of a heartless world, and the soul of soulless conditions. It is the opium of the people.

Source: Contribution to the Critique of Hegel's "Philosophy of Right"

Karl Marx:
What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money.

Source: On the Jewish Question, Karl Marx

From http://www.wisdomquotes.com/001676.html:

Karl Marx:
The abolition of religion as the illusory happiness of the people is the demand for their real happiness. To call on them to give up their illusions about their condition is to call on them to give up a condition that requires illusions. The criticism of religion is therefore in embryo the criticism of that vale of tears of which religion is the halo.
Sorry about that mistake.

What makes you think I'll care what Marx thinks? He's not a god, he's not God, and I'm not a Marxist. Your arguement is completely irrelavent and you have included nothing of your own in that post.

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