History. Israel to open representative office in Abu Dhabi - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The Arab boycott is shaking. Despite knife intifada the Whabi world is trying to moderate. They know they are sitting in the world public opinion dock.

Israel to open representative office in Abu Dhabi


Israel plans to open a diplomatic-level mission to the International Renewable Energy Agency in Abu Dhabi, the first openly established representative office in the United Arab Emirates, Israeli diplomats said on Friday.

The office will not be a full mission, but will consist of a diplomat assigned to the renewable energy agency. Nevertheless, it will be the first time an Israeli foreign ministry official is permanently stationed in the Gulf state.

Foreign ministry spokesman Emmanuel Nahshon confirmed details first reported in Israeli media and three diplomatic officials told Reuters the move was underway.

A spokesperson for IRENA could not be reached for comment.

Israel does not have formal diplomatic ties with most states in the Middle East because of the decades-old Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Its only formal relations are with neighbours Egypt and Jordan. But the Iran nuclear deal has caused disquiet in Israel and Sunni Arab states alike. Common ground has emerged between the two sides, even if they are cautious about drawing attention to the links. In recent years, Israeli officials have met counterparts from Saudi Arabia and the Gulf at nuclear non-proliferation talks in Switzerland, gatherings that the Israelis say have helped melt the ice and lead to increased dialogue.

The director-general of Israel's foreign ministry, Dore Gold, visited Abu Dhabi this month, the first time someone of his diplomatic rank has publicly made such a trip. Israeli ministers have visited the Gulf. While the Abu Dhabi mission is seen as a positive step, at least one Israeli official voiced caution, saying that while it was "half a step out the door", it was still a long way from being a full diplomatic posting. "This is accreditation to the International Renewable Energy Agency, nothing else. It is in Abu Dhabi, not a mission to Abu Dhabi," he said.

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340 ... 57,00.html

MEMRI: Kuwaiti Columnist: The Gulf States’ Real Enemy Is Iran; Israel

(Before It's News)

MEMRI August 13, 2015 Special Dispatch No.6132
Kuwaiti Columnist: The Gulf States’ Real Enemy Is Iran; Israel Is A Friendly

In an article titled “A Prudent Enemy Is Better than An Imprudent One” in
the Kuwaiti government daily Al-Watan, columnist ‘Abdallah Al-Hadlaq wrote
that the real enemy of the Gulf states is not Israel, whom he called “a
friendly country,” but rather Iran. He argued that Iran’s Rule of the
Jurisprudent regime is fascist, and that if it attains nuclear weapons it
will not hesitate to use it against the Gulf states, whereas Israel, which
has possessed such weapons for years, has never used them in its wars
against the Arabs. Al-Hadlaq even called upon the Gulf states to sever their
ties with Iran and form an alliance with Israel by strengthening their ties
with it on the political, commercial and even military levels.

This is not the first time Al-Hadlaq has expressed concern regarding Iran
and, conversely, support for Israel. In fact, his position led him to be
included on a blacklist of Arab writers who espouse such views, published in
2009 by papers and websites that support the resistance axis.[1]

The following are excerpts from Al-Hadlaq’s recent article:[2]

‘Abdallah Al-Hadlaq

“To all those who think the Persian state (Iran), and the regime of the Rule
of the Imprudent,[3] [namely] the dictatorial fascist Persian regime which
controls it, is a friendly country, whereas Israel is an enemy country, I
say that a prudent enemy is better than an imprudent one. The state of
Israel and its various governments have waged more than five wars with the
Arabs, yet never in the course of these wars did Israel think to use its
nuclear weapons against its Arab enemies. Conversely, if the Persian state,
with its stupid, rash and fascist regime that hides behind a religious
guise, ever develops nuclear weapons, it will not hesitate to use nuclear
bombs against the Arab Gulf states in the first conflict that arises.

“Israel is a friendly state that does not endanger us in the Arab Gulf
region and we have nothing to fear from it. The one who threatens us,
carries out acts of terror and destruction against us, and aspires to occupy
us is the arrogant Persian enemy, represented by the regime of the Persian
state (Iran), which is the incubator and supportive environment for global

“Hence, I repeat my call to form a Israel-Gulf friendship society, as a
first step towards developing and strengthening [our] ties with the friendly
state of Israel in the domains of politics, diplomacy, trade, education and
military and civilian cooperation. The rapprochement between Israel and the
Gulf should be accompanied by a gradual distancing and severance of all ties
with the Persian state (Iran) and its fascist Persian regime, now that it
has been proven beyond all doubt that the Persian Iranians are involved in
acts of terror, destruction and bombing in Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Yemen,
Kuwait and the UAE, and after it has been proven that they incite and
support the Shi’ite Houthi rebels in Yemen, and that the Shi’ite Persian
Iranian militias are involved in all the hotspots of terror and conflict in
the Arab Gulf and the Middle East, such as in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and
throughout the world.

“I do not rule out – in fact I anticipate – that the servants and agents of
Iran in the region, who have Persian blood running in their veins,… will
accuse me of ‘Zionism, collaborating with Israel, harboring hatred for Islam
and Arabism, betraying the Palestinian cause and being hostile towards the
Arab ummah.’ [But now that] the world has become a village thanks to
communications [technology], the scales have dropped from the eyes of the
Arab and Muslims peoples, and they have realized… that their only bitter
enemies are the Persian Iranians, not the friendly state of Israel…”


[1] See MEMRI Inquiry & Analysis No. 635, “Concerns in Kuwait, Gulf over Iranian Threat to Gulf States,” September 8, 2010;

Special Dispatch No. 5061, “Arab Columnists Criticize Firing Of Rockets From
Gaza As Reckless Escapade Serving Iran, Not Palestinians,” November 20,
2012; Special Dispatch No. 2319, “Arab Media Publishes Blacklist of
Writers,” April 27, 2009.

[2] Al-Watan (Kuwait), August 1, 2015.

[3] A play on the term “Rule of the Jurisprudent.”

© 1998-2015, The Middle East Media Research Institute All Rights Reserved. Materials may only be cited with proper attribution.

Source: http://www.imra.org.il/story.php3?id=68122
Last edited by Pongo on 29 Nov 2015 12:47, edited 1 time in total.
Pongo wrote:They know they are sitting in the world public opinion dock.

Afaik the global public opinion is massively on the Palestinian side.


Dark green: recognized Palestine as a state.
Light green: recognized Palestine as UN observer entity.

And living in France I can tell you that most of us are clearly on the Palestinian side, even though our govt didn't acknowledge Palestine. And I bet that many other European countries are in the same situation as we are, even though the French opinion is very pro-Palestinian.

Israel's image is only saved in Europe by the WW2 guilt. Otherwise it would just be "that colonial theocracy that has been illegally occupying Palestine for decades".
Your hate is rooted on your Catholic antisemitism upbringing and nothing to do with the "Palestinian" plight. With the dwindling influence of the oil revenues they are panicking. France will fall along with them and your Catholic antisemitism will not help you. Ask Germany how antisemitism benefited them.

Watch this news report from France after the terror attack.
The report is in Hebrew but in the last seconds the French on Palestine France office in Paris admits the French Palestinian friendship stems from the Catholic education. He said you were taught to hate Jews. These words said in French.


http://mobile.mako.co.il/news-channel2/ ... 151004.htm

"These are good days for Israelis. Paris is reeling, Brussels is in shut-down and other Europeans are wondering when their time will come. The shoe is finally on the other foot."

If Europe is sinking, let's make sure Israel drowns first

BERLIN - The obsessive welcome the European Union's bureaucratic establishment has given the settlement product labeling issue in the past few years is very concerning.
Eldad Beck

At a time when the EU is buckling under the pressure of existential crises - the terror threats, the euro crisis, the Ukraine crisis, the Greece crisis, the refugee and illegal migrant crisis, the undermined democracy crisis - the only issue which succeeds in creating almost complete unity is the obsessive need to pressure Israel and make it accept compromises and agreements which could jeopardize its existence. It's like they are saying: If Europe is sinking, let's make sure Israel drowns before us.

The EU, which began as an industrial, economic and commercial alliance, has been trying to turn into a world power in the past two decades . For this purpose, it established a Pan-European foreign ministry, which controls many human and financial resources. The declared goal was and still is to reshape Europe's immediate surroundings and encourage the neighbors of "the old continent" to adopt the EU's values: Democracy, liberalism, peace and comradeship among nations.

But this neocolonial European approach has gone completely bankrupt: The Mediterranean dialogue with the North African and Middle Eastern countries never took off, and crashed while still on the runway. Moscow succeeded in thwarting any attempt to expand the EU borders in its direction. Brussels' "good neighborliness" policy now resembles the "zero problems with neighbors" policy, which Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan tried to lead. In other words, a miserable failure.

This failure stems not only from the fact that Europe's neighbors are unwilling to receive any dictations from Brussels, but also from internal tensions within the EU which are preventing the formation of a unified foreign policy and even an agreement on a shared list of values. The main dispute is over whether Europe is essentially a Christian club or a religious-cultural melting pot seeking to turn into a migration continent.

The supporters of the migration multiculturalism see the EU as a successful formula for overcoming tribalism, nationalism and borders, but reality is hitting them in the face: The more the bureaucratic establishment in Brussels tries to force Europe's nations to let go of their national identity, they are turning their back on it and becoming even more nationalist.

And as the EU's foreign policy deteriorates, there is a growth in the obsessive urge in Brussels to punish Israel - the EU's only neighbor, which is interested in good and balanced relations with Europe and which can contribute a lot to the EU in different areas. Hatred of Israel allows the EU's bureaucratic establishment to present some sort of productivity.

Admittedly, this approach is also being fed by Israeli elements who received funding from the EU and are trying to use it to create a political situation in Israel which matches their desires and ideas.

Some Israeli academics and politicians who pushed the EU to use Israel as a "test case" for the formation of a unified foreign policy. The basic conditions in Israel - the existence of an active and open civil society and the failure to restrict external involvement in the internal politics - have given the EU a golden opportunity to implement this "test case."

Through the funneling of a significant amount of funds to different bodies and initiatives in Israel, the EU has created a situation of economic dependence, which now allows to try to impose political solutions on Israel which Israel doesn’t approve of. Too many Israeli governments have contributed to this situation, out of neglect or premeditatedly, but Israel can decide not to go down together with Europe.

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340 ... 01,00.html
Pongo wrote:The report is in Hebrew but in the last seconds the French on Palestine France office in Paris admits the French Palestinian friendship stems from the Catholic education. He said you were taught to hate Jews. These words said in French.

Even if we assume this to be true, wouldn't the anti-Muslim christian education overpower the anti-Jewish one, especially at times when we feel threatened by the Muslims more than we feel so by the Jews?
Pongo wrote:Your hate is rooted on your Catholic antisemitism upbringing and nothing to do with the "Palestinian" plight.

I am not Catholic and I have nothing against Jews, only against Israel. And indeed this is not related to Palestine, this is related to your doings.

* You are the last colonial nation on this world and your policies amount to apartheid.
* You have been invading/occupying two countries for decades, violating all sort of international laws and you are purposely coercing one of them into extreme poverty.
* Your policies are influenced by religious extremism and we are one of the most atheist countries in the world.
* 100% of Frenchmen, whenever they hear the word "occupation", instantly think of the Nazi occupation of France.

Of course it takes two sides to make peace and the Hamas do not want the peace either, like your govt. True.
Of course you did not commit the crime of colonization, your ancestors did and they left you in a situation where you are forced to behave like barbarians for one or two centuries. True.
But you still have to pay the disgrace toll for every pound of flesh you take. This is a good bargain for you: Arab lives are cheap. But the fact is your isolation becomes an inevitable fate as the holocaust's memories fade out and you lose your blanc-seeing

Aside of that no one is afraid of antisemitism accusations anymore because people such as yourself voided this word of its power after abusing it for the sake of Israeli nationalism. By doing so you did hurt the interests of non-Israeli Jews all over the world.

the only issue which succeeds in creating almost complete unity is the obsessive need to pressure Israel and make it accept compromises and agreements which could jeopardize its existence.

In France Israel is mostly absent of news nowadays, and especially of European news. This is almost a non-topic.

But we are almost the last countries, along with the USA, to not acknowledge the existence of Palestine. Isolating ourselves to legitimate your territorial conquest brings us nothing.

So should we rally Israeli religious nationalism or should we rally the rest of the world and antisemitic Arabs? If you were looking for peace we would choose you, but you do not give a damn. So both answers involve supporting values opposed to ours, and crazy bastards. No wonder we are favoring the rest of the world. We are treating you like we treat your neighbors: barbarian religious warmongerers. We will use you like we use them.
"Europe, which invented the 'Israeli-Arab conflict' may find it, God forbid, in its own backyard"

In migration crisis, Israel is EU's life belt

Guy Bechor

One of the governments in Libya (there are a few) warned the European Union this week that if it won't recognize it, it will send hundreds of thousands of additional Muslim migrants towards Europe: "We'll rent boats and transfer them too."

And so the immigrant issue has become an extortion tool: Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan is milking the fat European cow, Libya is milking it, and so is the Islamic State which controls part of Libya and is threatening to launch a simultaneous expulsion process. And Europe is giving in, drowning in a sea of millions of infiltrators/refugees/immigrants who will never leave it.

The EU's dream is that those immigrants will remain in their countries, or at least in other Muslim countries, and for that purpose it is willing to pay Turkey, Jordan and Lebanon billions of dollars. And what about Israel? The EU doesn’t have to make things difficult for Israel. On the contrary, it should even pay us billions of dollars too, because Israel and "the conflict" keep at least 10 million Muslims busy and stop them from immigrating to Europe. We are doing the opposite of what those extortionists who are threatening the EU are doing.

We must understand that everything has changed. An area of hundreds of millions of Muslims realizes today that its default option is to immigrate to Europe, and what was perceived until recently as impossible or illogical is now logical, ideal and common.

We are "employing" a million and a half Muslims in Judea and Samaria, another million and a half within Israel, another two million in Gaza, another seven million in Jordan, and another two million refugees from Iraq and Syria who reside in Jordan, which is supported by us.

Without the Israeli security dam, a major part of all these millions would have already begun the journey to EU countries. Imagine what would happen if the Gaza Strip would be opened towards the sea: Where would most of its residents move to? After all, the millions here have an eternal UN and UNRWA "refugee certificate," which the EU must recognize.

If EU officials hurt Israeli factories which employ tens of thousands of Palestinians, where will those employees turn to with their families? Some 20,000 Palestinians are already leaving Judea and Samaria every year, according to figures compiled by the Israeli Immigration Authority, which supervises the borders, and many of them flow to the world's countries through Jordan.

EU officials must understand that the tools they are using to deal with Israel belong to the past, when the Middle East was stable and Israel was perceived as a problem. But now, as millions are moving towards the continent, Israel is actually the solution, or at least part of it. What isn't stopped in Israel will be stopped in Brussels, Stockholm, Berlin, Paris and London. The EU's life belt passes through Israel.

That requires of course a revolutionary change in thought among EU officials, but how will we ask for a revolutionary change of thought regarding Israel when those officials welcome the millions of new immigrants? They are destroying their own countries for generations, so what do we have to complain about?

If an agreement is imposed here, millions will move towards Europe when the war breaks out. And even if some tormented calm prevails here, millions of Muslims will anyway start moving towards Europe in search of a better life. In other words, it's a top European interest that those millions remain entangled with us forever.

Beware, Europe: The Muslims here are also beginning to realize that the best solution for them, and for many others, can be found in the golden EU continent. Europe, which invented the "Israeli-Arab conflict" may find it, God forbid, in its own backyard.

http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340 ... 21,00.html
Harmattan wrote:And living in France I can tell you that most of us are clearly on the Palestinian side, even though our govt didn't acknowledge Palestine. And I bet that many other European countries are in the same situation as we are, even though the French opinion is very pro-Palestinian.

Israel's image is only saved in Europe by the WW2 guilt. Otherwise it would just be "that colonial theocracy that has been illegally occupying Palestine for decades".

Good joke on the account of the 133 Franch people that were just murdered by Muslims. But, hi, everyone has its own truth.
In order to help you, here is an urgent proposal, boycott Israel and the Jews. Here are items you may not know, that were invented by Jews and in Israel - Boucott us , to show the us what you think about us.

Start today! Otherwise, a few more cents of your money will end up in my hands

Last edited by Typhoon on 01 Dec 2015 22:31, edited 1 time in total. Reason: Rule 2
Israeli_2014 wrote:Good joke on the account of the 133 Franch people that were just murdered by Muslims. But, hi, everyone has its own truth.
They were murdered by Sunni Muslims. 9/11 was Sunnis as was 7/7, the African Embassies, Spanish commuter trains, Boko Haram, Taliban, Beslan school massacre, the Saudi girls pushed back into a burning building to protect their modesty and numerous attacks against western targets. Yet Zionists have us obsessing about Shia Iran and Shia Hezbollah.

The West is led by traitors, traitors to their nations, traitors to their race, traitors to Christianity, traitors to the world's Infidels, even arguably traitors to humanity.

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