Israelis guilty of murder of 16 year old Palestinian. - Politics | PoFo

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Mohamed Abu Khdair

At least the Israeli murderers are alive and in court, unlike Palestinian suspects who are shot dead in ex judicial killings by Israeli forces.

Two 17-year-old Israelis have been convicted of the murder of Palestinian youth Mohammad Abu Khdair, abducted and burned to death in Jerusalem in 2014.

A verdict on a third defendant, a 31-year-old Israeli man, was postponed for a mental health review.

Mohammad Abu Khdair, 16, was killed in apparent revenge for the murders of three Israeli teens in the West Bank.

The killings were part of an escalating cycle of violence, culminating in a war between Israel and militants in Gaza.

Mohammad Abu Khdair's body was found in a forest in West Jerusalem on 2 July 2014, two days after the bodies of the Israeli teenagers abducted and murdered by Hamas militants that June were found.

The two minors, whose names have not been released, and 31-year-old Yosef Haim Ben David were subsequently charged with Abu Khdair's murder.

On Monday, the panel of three judges at the Jerusalem District Court found the minors guilty. They will be sentenced in mid-January.

The judges found that Mr Ben David, who was portrayed as the ringleader, had participated in the abduction and murder, but said a formal verdict would be postponed until a psychiatric evaluation had been carried out.

Mr Ben David's lawyer, Asher Ohayon, submitted at the last minute a psychiatric opinion which stated that he was not responsible for his actions at the time of the murder. Prosecutors had presented evidence they said showed he was.

In their ruling, the judges determined that the three defendants abducted Abu Khdair at random as he stood on a road in the Shufat district of East Jerusalem.

The two accomplices, who were 16 at the time, then beat the Palestinian unconscious in the back of a car being driven by Mr Ben David, the judges said.

One of the minors helped douse Mohammad Abu Khdair with petrol while he was still alive, before Mr Ben David lit a match and set him on fire, they added.

The two teenagers confessed to the abduction in court, though one testified that he was not involved in the killing.

Mohammad Abu Khdair's father, Hussein, said Mr Ben David was trying to mislead the court.

"How can the defendant, two days ago, a year-and-a-half after the crime, bring a document claiming insanity?" he told reporters. "It's all lies and I worry that the court will free them in the end."

"When we try to claim that we are better than our enemies - and I think that we are better than them - we should look at this event as a mirror," he said. "As a society we will continue to fight all avengers and lynchers, as we did in this case."

Two Palestinians suspected of the murder of the three Israeli teenagers - Naftali Fraenkel and Gilad Shaar, both aged 16, and 19-year-old Eyal Yifrach - were killed by Israeli forces in a gun-battle at their hideout in Hebron in September 2014.

Mohammad Abu Khdair, 16, was killed in apparent revenge for the murders of three Israeli teens in the West Bank.

layman wrote:Minor story.
Sectarian killings in the middle east are 10 a penny - yawn

Ten a penny if you are a murdered Palestinian teenager. If you are a murdered Israeli teenager then that is a different matter.

In the early hours of July 1 2014, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) bombed dozens of sites across Gaza, hours after three missing teenage Israeli settlers were found dead.
maz wrote:That's right. The IDF started a full on ethnic cleansing over a questionable story of three kidnapped Jews. If I recall, these two incidents are connected.

Arresting Hamas operatives is not ethnic cleansing

The really important conviction is that of Ben David, at least it will now hinge on whether he's legally insane rather than whether he did kidnap and then burn the boy alive. I suspect he'll be going to jail, but let's wait and see.
Red Skull wrote:No surprise from the supremacist religion of Judaism.

^ You spelt Zionism wrong.

This verdict is predictably retarded. All the information in the case shows the murder of the Palestinian kid was premeditated by the ringleader. That he was able to plead insanity just two days before the verdict of a 16-month-long trial is lol. The victim's family are unsurprised by the outcome.

layman wrote:Sectarian killings in the middle east are 10 a penny - yawn

Actually, the settlers were only missing at the point of when this kid was burned alive. The settlers were killed pretty quickly after they disappeared but this info was known to Israeli authorities only, who kept it secret in order to cause hysteria in Israel and incite Israelis to attack Palestinians. And to get them to support the vicious attacks on Gaza last summer.
skinster wrote:
^ You spelt Zionism wrong.

This verdict is predictably retarded. All the information in the case shows the murder of the Palestinian kid was premeditated by the ringleader. That he was able to plead insanity just two days before the verdict of a 16-month-long trial is lol. The victim's family are unsurprised by the outcome.

Actually, the settlers were only missing at the point of when this kid was burned alive. The settlers were killed pretty quickly after they disappeared but this info was known to Israeli authorities only, who kept it secret in order to cause hysteria in Israel and incite Israelis to attack Palestinians. And to get them to support the vicious attacks on Gaza last summer.

Judaism and Zionism are one in the same with the Talmud as its root. They're indistinguishable from each other.

Have you read the writings of many prominent Rabbis? I have.
skinster wrote:This verdict is predictably retarded. All the information in the case shows the murder of the Palestinian kid was premeditated by the ringleader. That he was able to plead insanity just two days before the verdict of a 16-month-long trial is lol. The victim's family are unsurprised by the outcome.

The trial for the ring leader is still ongoing though. The Court ordered a new evaluation because the district psychiatrist had determined he's sane, but he managed to get an external evaluation 2 days ago. This merely postpones the verdict to early next year as there are now, on paper at least, conflicting assessments on his mental state and so the trial will focus on that alone.

Why are you even attempting to apologize for something as fucked up as the guy who burned a child alive last year. Do you have to defend everything Israeli-related. Even this?

What about the other family that were burned alive this year that have had no justice? Will you be apologizing for the politicians who've stated they know who are responsible but are refusing to prosecute them?

How low can the zionists go, I wonder.
skinster wrote::lol:

Why are you even attempting to apologize for something as fucked up as the guy who burned a child alive last year. Do you have to defend everything Israeli-related. Even this?

What part of "the trial of Ben David is still ongoing and there will be a verdict early next year" sounds like defending the burning of teenagers, skinster?

skinster wrote:What about the other family that were burned alive this year that have had no justice? Will you be apologizing for the politicians who've stated they know who are responsible but are refusing to prosecute them?

Well I hope the perpetrators are caught and face a fair trial, of course.

skinster wrote:How low can the zionists go, I wonder.

Nice attempt to put words in my mouth. Are you done beating your straw man?
wat0n wrote:What part of "the trial of Ben David is still ongoing and there will be a verdict early next year" sounds like defending the burning of teenagers, skinster?

Considering the trial has been going on for a year and a half already and the ringleader has explained in detail how the murder was premeditated / revenge for the kidnapped settlers, that he is suddenly claiming insanity two days before the verdict (yesterday) was typical Israeli "justice" for Palestinians.

And it's typical there's someone in here defending this stuff. Hopefully you're at least getting paid for your defence of the just Israeli courts.
It's called judicial procedure. If there are two conflicting assessments, the court has to look at both of them and probably order a third one. It's a stalling tactic by the defense, I'm sure there are equally outrageous moves made by american lawyers every day.
Indeed, the defense is just trying to stall and so a verdict is postponed.

If anything, now the argument is over whether Ben David is mentally sane as the court already established that he was, in fact, the ring leader and that he did burn the kid alive as well. The only question is whether he is sane or not, and as I said the district psychiatrist says he is fit for trial. I'm not sure about what does the psychiatric report provided by the defense says, since it was presented 2 days before the verdict was issued it is obviously impossible to analyze it in such short period of time but I'd expect him to be declared guilty.

Now let's see how much everyone gets though.
skinster wrote:Congratulations. There are plenty of Jews (inc orthodox) who oppose Zionism.

I've met some Orthodox Jews in my lifetime and many of them were standby soldiers for the IDF.

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