Israeli soldiers jailed for shooting a camel - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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"A military court on Tuesday sentenced two IDF soldiers from an elite unit to prison for shooting a camel in the West Bank. ... "Where did their compassion go, the mercy toward defenseless creatures?", asked an Israeli animal rights activist.
It will be noted with utter disbelief that no Israeli soldier has been imprisoned for killing defenseless Palestinian children. Mystifying!

no Israeli soldier has been imprisoned for killing defenseless Palestinian children. Mystifying!

Because they provoke the soldiers to shot at them and sometimes they getting shot by accident

Thats what happen when their parents are irresponsible and dont know or care that their kids are going to violent protests
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Because they provoke the soldiers to shot at them and sometimes they getting shot by accident
Thats what happen when their parents are irresponsible and dont know or care that their kids are going to violent protests

You blame the children. You blame the parents. You never blame the Israeli soldiers. Deliberately targeting children playing football on a beach, crippling a boy for retrieving his schoolbag thrown over a fence, aiming missiles at schools and hospitals, dropping white phosphorous onto civilian neighborhoods, and so on, are no accidents. Let's face it; Israelis care more about a camel than a Palestinian child.

It's a law of nature that voids are filled eventually. It's been a while since the last user who obsessive-compulsively posted about Israel "left", but we've got a worthy replacement finally.

It's just as well, I suppose. wat0n deserves a bit of entertainment.
Frollein wrote:Did the camel have a knife or was it wearing a suspicious looking vest?

For someone who claims to care about non-human animals, your love for them is amusingly selective.

Kaiserschmarrn wrote:It's a law of nature that voids are filled eventually. It's been a while since the last user who obsessive-compulsively posted about Israel "left", but we've got a worthy replacement finally.

Frollein wrote:Did the camel have a knife or was it wearing a suspicious looking vest?
For someone who claims to care about non-human animals, your love for them is amusingly selective.
Oh, it's tragic. Tragic. But Heini dragging this incident into PoFo to yet again prove the inhumanity of Israelis is just too hilarious to not mock it.

Or did you think I don't care about the poor camel because it had the wrong religion?
Camels have a religion ?
Interesting. Anyways, by the same logic, if its acceptable to kill Muslims because they have the "wrong religion".
Then in the same time, why is it not acceptable to kill Christians, Jews, Athiests, etc under the same base of having the "wrong religion" ?
I mean honestly, although to be clear i don't justify any murder, but if someone wants to justify a crime based on the other side personal believes, then it is very acceptable for hem or her self to be killed under the exact same principle.
(by the same logic)

But wait, right, i forgot, in the Palestinians case, a poor Israeli sidewalk was harmed, what a horrible crime, you're right they should all be exterminated.
And it really doesn't matter, after all, they're Muslims, like who cares right, are they even humans for it to be considered a crime ?
anasawad wrote:But wait, right, i forgot, in the Palestinians case, a poor Israeli sidewalk was harmed, what a horrible crime, you're right they should all be exterminated.

"a poor sidewalk"?

And it really doesn't matter, after all, they're Muslims, like who cares right, are they even humans for it to be considered a crime ?

What does this even mean?
Well, since most Palestinian rockets doesn't get close to hitting Israeli people and usually the palestinian "rockets"
barely break a few peaces of side walk (the ones in the streets), and that seems very acceptable to justify throwing bombs against civilians in Palestinian area's. So, yea, from the Israeli logic and their supporters, its horrible crime from the Palestinians to send rockets that barely scratches anything and mostly hit empty area's, but very acceptable for Israel to respond by killing 10s of Palestinian civilians, and no, not fighters, civilians.

For the second part, thats what many media channels and politicians are promoting, some of them go out and say it directly, so what they're muslims, bomb them.
If we want to look at public figures and politicians currently, you would find tons of them saying Muslims and specially Arabs should be bombed and destroyed, and some would say anhialate them.
In fact just a few days ago, i was watching a TYT critic about an American congress man, don't remember his name but i will find the video on youtube and post it once i get home, saying the solution to Iran is drop a couple of nukes on them specially in Tehran, and in anther an American actor, also famous and in the same video kept saying when did the American nuclear arsenal became like grandma's old chinas.

That is what the media and the political system in the NATO nations specially the US and outside in Israel, is simply bomb them and kill them all, and yes as far as the unthinkable of nuclear weapons.
And although at first sight this would seem unbelievable and unthinkable for some one to take that stand from the normal people, it seems to be very effective on the people to demonize and promote genocide against other people, and this story, and the reactions to it, show exactly how many people seem to think that the life of an animal is worth more than the lives of thousands of people and represents more problem to many than the death of 10s and 100s of thousands of people all around it, simply because they're Arabs, or Africans, or have the wrong religion.

EDIT: Ok, i thinks its about those 2, Sheldon Adelson and Duncan Hunter were the ones to propose usage of nukes against Iran, and send us back a few decades in time, for the actors, about the chinas i think he's Rob Lower and Bill maher was the one to criticize hem, and the anhialation, one guy i recall from long time ago saying so was the actor in the Matrix, and those are just from one video, lets not go into quoting GOPs, Likuds, and Fox news.
Last edited by anasawad on 14 Feb 2016 14:13, edited 1 time in total.
Meanwhile, two Palestinian boys were shot dead this morning by Israeli soldiers
Two 15 year-old Palestinian children were shot to death this morning in the occupied West Bank near Jenin.
As usual, the Israel Defense Forces claim they were returning fire.
"Soldiers reported that one of the Palestinians was armed with a makeshift weapon and another was carrying a knife."
A "makeshift weapon"? A "knife"? Returning fire???
Zionist Nationalist wrote:Well since almost everyday there are stsbbing attacks soldiers dont take any chances when they see something suspicious

So you approve of the continued slaughter of Palestinians by the IDF in order to maintain the Israeli occupation. Got it.
anasawad wrote:Well, since most Palestinian rockets doesn't get close to hitting Israeli people and usually the palestinian "rockets"
barely break a few peaces of side walk (the ones in the streets), and that seems very acceptable to justify throwing bombs against civilians in Palestinian area's. So, yea, from the Israeli logic and their supporters, its horrible crime from the Palestinians to send rockets that barely scratches anything and mostly hit empty area's, but very acceptable for Israel to respond by killing 10s of Palestinian civilians, and no, not fighters, civilians.

Palestinians have managed to kill and maim scores of civilians with rockets, bombs, guns, knives, you name it. You are trivializing real danger to human life and well-being of one population by devaluing them to a level of a sidewalk.

Eliminating sources of violence in wartime and having civilians killed in the process - within reason and as long as they are not targets themselves - is completely acceptable. The effect of the enemy's weapon is irrelevant.

For the second part, thats what many media channels and politicians are promoting, some of them go out and say it directly, so what they're muslims, bomb them.
If we want to look at public figures and politicians currently, you would find tons of them saying Muslims and specially Arabs should be bombed and destroyed, and some would say anhialate them.
In fact just a few days ago, i was watching a TYT critic about an American congress man, don't remember his name but i will find the video on youtube and post it once i get home, saying the solution to Iran is drop a couple of nukes on them specially in Tehran, and in anther an American actor, also famous and in the same video kept saying when did the American nuclear arsenal became like grandma's old chinas.

This is ridiculous. Stop watching the media, nobody is out to bomb all of you.
-You do not stop violence by doing more killings.
When Hammas who me as a Lebanese identify very well to be terrorists and criminals kill someone, you don't go out and order your soldiers to kill at sight and shoot to kill, more people join such groups.
When someone loses his entire family by Israel, they will join hamas. Its a given.
How many Israeli's have the Palestinians managed to kill so far ?
Last Gaza war 3 Israeli civilians died compared to over 2000 Palestinian civilians, and when the families of those dead want to take revenge, they will resort to violence.

For the Media thing.
Lets set things straight, we're dealing with the US, every crime in the book that someone could think of, they did it.
And if its an option on the table, sooner or latter someone is going to use it, just look at the current elections to know how close it and how more and more war mongers and rising.
And you're right, nobody is out to bomb us, they're already here bombing us, they went out long ago.
every few years its a new country, and the Israeli radical government is one the main players to push for it.
And i think i can easily state that being in a country that just out of under full aggression 10 years ago.
And from under an occupation the US, NATO, Israel and their Arab dogs supported and authorized.
Another two Israeli soldiers are jailed -- this time for burning a flag
Two IDF soldiers from the Kfir Brigade were court-marshaled by their commanders on Wednesday after setting fire to a Palestinian flag they confiscated from a vehicle passing through one of their checkpoints - The squad commander of the soldier who set the flag ablaze was sentenced to 20 days in jail and removed from his duty, while the soldier who did the torching got 28 days detention.
Killing a camel is a big no-no and burning a flag is definitely against the rules but when will an Israeli soldier go to jail for killing a Palestinian child, it must be wondered.

And it was also debunked.

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