Israel Sociological Society calls for boycott of Ariel Uni - Politics | PoFo

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After American AAA (merican Anthropological Association) called to boycott Israel academy the Israeli postmodern fellow travelers can't stay idle and they join the boycott game against one of their own members.

One of Israel Sociological Society was the late Baruch Kimmerling who wrote about the "birth of Palestinian nation" and "ethnic cleansing" not as an historian but a sociologist. Kimmerling, who believes that “academic institutions are an indivisible part of the oppressive State of Israel, which among the other contemptible and foolish acts that it has perpetrated, has committed unforgivable crimes against the Palestinian people”, opposes an academic boycott unless it is part of a comprehensive boycott modeled after the South African one. ... Y1RTY5OEM=

Sociological Society calls for boycott of Ariel University

Mon, 14 Mar 2016, 01:22 PM

A group of over 1,000 Israeli sociologists announced on Monday that they will sever all academic ties to Ariel University "since it is not located in Israeli territory."
Prof. Uri Ram, the newly elected president of the Israeli Sociological Society, called on Monday for a boycott Ariel University, located in Samaria.

“We will not cooperate with the institute known as Ariel University, which is not located within the bounds of the State of Israel,” he said in an interview with Army Radio.

The boycott initiative by Prof. Ram of the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev will first need to pass a vote of the Israeli Sociological Society, which includes some 1,000 researchers and academics.

The members are expected to discuss the initiative at an upcoming Society meeting in April. Should the motion pass, it would mark the first time that an Israeli academic association would boycott an Israeli university.

Education Minister Naftali Bennett responded to the reports and said he sees the issue of an “internal boycott” as a very serious matter.

“A boycott is not education; it is the opposite of education. A boycott is not pluralism, it is the opposite of pluralism, and will be handled accordingly,” he said.

“It is absurd that the fighters for academic freedom are taking the right to discriminate between institutions into their own hands,” he said.

“The Israeli taxpayers fund higher education with some NIS 10 billion a year and we have no intention of allowing boycotts.”

Bennett added that he has asked the head of the Planning and Budgetary Committee of the Council for Higher Education to propose measures to combat the boycott.

The university responded to the reports of a boycott in a statement.

“Ariel University is surprised and disappointed over the fact that people who espouse pluralism as part of their profession are acting on the basis of semi-fascist behavioral models that preclude them from living in harmony with those who hold different views.”

“Ariel University employs people with differing viewpoints, Jews and Arabs, religious and secular, leftists and rightists from all the cities and communities in Israel,” the statement read.

The university added that its diversity is “especially evident in the field of sociology.”

“We are certain that the announcement made today represents a minority viewpoint among sociologists, and it is certainly not representative of the many hundreds of sociologists across the country who weren’t even asked their views on the issue,” the university said.

Jerusalem Post staff and Benjamin Weinthal contributed to this report.

The reason why most of Israeli academics follow the post Zionism (the Israeli version of “post-modernism”) is because postmodernism is the dominant coin in the humanities, rejecting it would harm your conference CVs and careers. once an intellectual movement have attained intellectual predominance, it is not surprising that Israeli academics would be attracted to Anti Zionists intellectuals as members of a socially dominant and prestigious group and as dispensers of valued resources. Such a perspective fits well with an evolutionary perspective on group dynamics: Academic group negotiating the intellectual status hierarchy would be attracted to the characteristics of the most dominant members of the hierarchy, especially if they viewed the hierarchy as permeable.
People ought to know a few facts about the so-called Ariel University
Ariel University is located in an Israeli settlement built in the occupied Palestinian Territories (occupied by Israel since 1967). It is built on land confiscated from the local Palestinian residents, using military directives.
It is not in Israel but in an illegal settlement. Its bogus status as a university was awarded by an army general put in charge of the area.
The settlement of Ariel, and Ariel University, were built to advance the political agenda of the right-wing parties in Israel who wish to make the Israeli occupation permanent, thereby removing the possibility of the Palestinians having an independent state, free of Israeli occupation.
The supervising body in charge academically with Ariel University, Council of Higher Education Yehuda-Shomron, is naturally composed of people associated with the political agenda of the settlements, thereby emphasizing the politicizing of academia. The members of this body are appointed by the army general in charge of the area. In light of these facts, major granting agencies that support research in Israel, such as the European Research Council (ERC) and the US-Israel Binational Science Foundation (BSF), do not allow any of their grants to support research performed in the occupied territories in general, and at Ariel University in particular. The local Palestinian residents living around Ariel are not allowed to enter the settlement, let alone the university. This is in contrast with the situation inside Israel, where academic institutions are equally open to all, as in all democratic societies.
The sociologists correctly reflect the thinking of academics who refuse to be associated in any way with an illegal institution that purports to be a center of learning thereby refusing to make themselves active collaborators in the Zionist occupation of the Palestinian Territories.
BDS lost some ground recently:
The American Historical Association rejected an anti-Israel resolution at its annual meeting in Atlanta, Georgia on Saturday.

AHA, the largest U.S. group representing scholars of history, voted down the resolution 111 to 50, the Times of Israel reported.

Meanwhile, in Canada:
In an online ratification process that followed last Monday’s Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) general assembly, McGill undergraduates have voted against a motion to support the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement against Israel.

SSMU announced Saturday morning that the online vote on the BDS motion failed by a margin of 57 per cent to 43 per cent.


Cheer up, BDS-ers. You won a huge victory with SodaStream, forcing it out of the West Bank. More than 500 palestinians have lost their jobs in the process, but hey, it's a small price to pay for the greater good.

Heinie wrote:The settlement of Ariel, and Ariel University, were built to advance the political agenda of the right-wing parties in Israel who wish to make the Israeli occupation permanent, thereby removing the possibility of the Palestinians having an independent state, free of Israeli occupation.

There was once upon a time an article in preciousss Haaretz about this thorny issue. I wonder how you missed it.

Well, to cut a short story shorter, Saeb Erekat himself admitted that the thorny issue isn't, in fact, thorny at all:
Erekat stated furthermore that despite Israel’s continual policy of “occupation and settlement building,” an aerial photograph provided by European sources shows that settlements have been built on approximately 1.1% of the West Bank, thus legitimizing the Palestinian demand for a withdrawal to borders based on the June 4, 1967 borders. ... k-1.393484


Trying to make it a right wing vs left wing issue is a nice way to whitewash the palestinian leaders, but alas, the left wing itself does not follow suit. Isaac Herzog of the left wing fame on the peace process:
“I don’t see a possibility at the moment of implementing the two-state solution,” he told Army Radio. “I want to yearn for it, I want to move toward it, I want negotiations, I sign on to it and I am obligated to it, but I don’t see the possibility of doing it right now.”

Oops reloaded.

Great work by the ISS, considering Ariel University is sitting on occupied Palestinian territory.

Pisa missed the news that G4S and Ahava cosmetics have been pressured by the boycott movement to move themselves out of the West Bank recently.

Pisa wrote:Cheer up, BDS-ers. You won a huge victory with SodaStream, forcing it out of the West Bank. More than 500 palestinians have lost their jobs in the process, but hey, it's a small price to pay for the greater good.

It's amusing when zionists pretend they care about the well-being of Palestinians all of a sudden.

Other BDS news:
Sweden denies Israeli claim that it opposes BDS
skinster wrote::up:
Great work by the ISS, considering Ariel University is sitting on occupied Palestinian territory.

Pisa missed the news that G4S and Ahava cosmetics have been pressured by the boycott movement to move themselves out of the West Bank recently.

So other Israeli universities are OK? The BDS will spare them in their boycott? No? Of course not! It's just show how crazy snd Fraudianic the whole thing become. The Jews want to be part of the American academic crowd (not the Islamic boycott jihadists!) that they start to boycott one another. On the other hand it helps to show the world the faculty true colors. Saw how Wat0n tries to discredit Baruch Kimmerling, some members here take his studies about the Palestinians seriously. In fact its motivated by political agenda. And the agenda is already discredited by the collapse of the Middle East imaginary "nationality" into Islamic and tribal basic.

There was never a Palestinian nation, nor Syrian or Iraqi. They are all just Sunnies and Shia. Behind the propaganda the Palestinians are just Sunni refugees and their plight and "ethnic cleansing" is far minor than what is current in the Middle East. The Palestine issue was all along just propaganda that appeals to antisemitic elements in Europe. The BDS are the grandsons of those who started to boycott the Jewish community even before Israel was established.

The Swedes who support this Jihadi campaign are already get punished by the hordes of Muslims who are invading their country, raping its women and turning it to their own in future.
A group of 45 lawyers and judges from all over the world is currently in Israel to attend a 8 days seminar, as part of the fight against BDS. They'll also meet with israeli judges and jurists.


skinster wrote:Pisa missed the news that G4S and Ahava cosmetics have been pressured by the boycott movement to move themselves out of the West Bank recently.

More arabs lost their jobs. Yay!

skinster wrote:It's amusing when zionists pretend they care about the well-being of Palestinians all of a sudden.

Glad I could bring a smile to your lips. Better than a whole array of pointy teeth...

It's very, very sad, when people labeling themselves pro-palestinians cheer as more palestinian arabs loose their jobs. If BDS-ers really cared about palestinians, they'd make everything humanly possible to ensure, first and foremost, that palestinians are able to stand on their own two (x million+something) feet before even thinking of kicking israeli businesses out of West Bank. But, of course, BDS-ers are not interested in palestinians' well being. Only in destroying Israel. A happy, well fed and wealthy population wouldn't sacrifice their own cozy lives for The Cause (you know, the greater good &stuff). They must be kept jobless, poor, frustrated, angry, and blame Israel for it.

In other related news:


Shoving red herrings down my throat is rather rude. I don't like fish, except for canned tuna, with hard boiled eggs, pickled cucumbers, mayonnaise, and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Yummy.

Would you please be so kind as to keep your collection of red herrings away from me?
Palestinians in the West Bank can't stand on their own feet while under a brutal and heavily restrictive military occupation and this is why they endorse the boycott movement and why people around the world support them in that, knowing that they endorse it and knowing that a boycott campaign helped end apartheid in South Africa, as it hopefully will in Israel-Palestine.

I won't bother responding to the rest of your stuff as it's typical hasbara-esque arguments that I've dealt with elsewhere in this board. It's funny y'all come out with the same arguments, including using the same language. Must get myself an updated script from Hasbara Fellowships to see what's going on here...
Jihadists fight Apartheid? What about Apartheid in the Islamic world? There are almost no Christian or Jews left in the Islamic states. Better for Europe to keep Israel occupation otherwise the Palestinians will join the exodus. Free Palestinian state will end in internal blood bath. No Sunni country wants it. Egypt or Jordan will not let any Palestinian entity on their borders.
skinster wrote:Palestinians in the West Bank can't stand on their own feet while under a brutal and heavily restrictive military occupation and this is why they endorse the boycott movement and why people around the world support them in that, knowing that they endorse it and knowing that a boycott campaign helped end apartheid in South Africa, as it hopefully will in Israel-Palestine. ...

I was unsure that the BDS movement would get off the ground given the official pro-Israel governments in North America and Europe but the more I hear the Israelis bellyaching and laws being passed against BDS in the United States and England, the more I am persuaded that BDS has the Zionists seriously perturbed. While career politicians are fundamentally venal, academics, students, arts and cultural professionals (with the exception of popular Hollywood celebrities for some reason) and ordinary private citizens everywhere are getting behind a movement that will not allow the Israelis to pretend that they are a normal people with common standards of humanity in their attitude toward the Palestinians.

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