Inside Palestine's Refugee Camps - Politics | PoFo

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Political issues and parties in Israel, Gaza and the West Bank.

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By Rich
Are we meant to take this propaganda seriously? Compare this to Germans who in 1945 suffered evictions of a far larger percentage of their populations than the Arabs. The Germans in what was left of Germany and Austria embraced the refugees and despite the appalling destruction inflicted on their countries gave these refugees opportunity to become prosperous. So Arab Muslims put their refugees in concentration camps, despite having far lower population densities than Israel or Germany in 1948, where they bred like it was going out of fashion. Are we meant to feel sorry for Muslim Arabs?
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By garrulousunlawful
Rich wrote:Are we meant to take this propaganda seriously? Compare this to Germans who in 1945 suffered evictions of a far larger percentage of their populations than the Arabs. The Germans in what was left of Germany and Austria embraced the refugees and despite the appalling destruction inflicted on their countries gave these refugees opportunity to become prosperous. So Arab Muslims put their refugees in concentration camps, despite having far lower population densities than Israel or Germany in 1948, where they bred like it was going out of fashion. Are we meant to feel sorry for Muslim Arabs?

What are you talking about?? do you even know what propaganda is?

You've stolen and keep stealing peoples land, you beat, torture and incarcerate kid of 10 years of age, you bombard civilians on daily basis and you call that propaganda?




Watch this to the end, watch the murder of a little kid....
Muhammad durrah is a hoax

if this child would done something similar against arabs he would have been lynched and the police wouldnt even come in time to arrest him.
the integorration is fine since this little shit tried to murder people.

seriously garrulousunlawful you are just full of shit. you should find something better to do in your spare time.
Zionist Nationalist wrote:seriously garrulousunlawful you are just full of shit. you should find something better to do in your spare time.

You have to make personal attacks because the actions of Israel are indefensible.

Zionist Nationalist wrote:Muhammad durrah is a hoax

if this child would done something similar against arabs he would have been lynched and the police wouldnt even come in time to arrest him.
the integorration is fine since this little shit tried to murder people.
Hoax??? :lol: You are funny

seriously garrulousunlawful you are just full of shit. you should find something better to do in your spare time.

No, I am determined to show as many people as I can what Murderers and land thieves Israelis are, Whilst They try to flog themselves as a modern progressive society.

What better is there to do with one' time than to campaign for oppressed and persecuted people,
We got rid of the South African whites persecuting the blacks, we will get rid of Israel (in the form it exists today) too.
Someday soon the US will have to turn away from Israel too in order to protect its own Image :)
JUST like Britain and Holland had to with South Africa...................................................................

PS: The more the likes of you and Rich come here and insult me for telling the truth, the more I will post here.

Last edited by garrulousunlawful on 07 Dec 2016 14:47, edited 1 time in total.
garrulousunlawful wrote:No, I am determined to show as many people as I can what Murderers and land thieves Israelis are, Whilst They try to flog themselves as a modern progressive society.

What better is there to do with one' time than to campaign for oppressed and persecuted people,
We got rid of the South African whites persecuting the blacks, we will get rid of Israel (in the form it exists today) too.
Someday soon the US will have to turn away from Israel too in order to protect its own Image :)
JUST like Britain and Holland had to with South Africa...................................................................

You are absolutely correct. Israel is an apartheid state and let's not forget that. Here is a meme that I made myself.

The BDS movement is starting to freak out the Israelis. This is the way forward, hit the Zionists where it hurts the most, in their pockets.

Zionist Nationalist wrote:the apartheid comparison is ridiculous

there is nothing in common with Israel and what was in south africa

Are you serious? You believe the propaganda of Israel and are brainwashed. I suggest you read a book.

The situation for Palestinians in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and Israel is often referred to as ‘apartheid’. But what does this mean? Is it accurate – and what about the comparison with South Africa? To look at these questions and more, read on.

What is apartheid?

Apartheid is a system of separation and institutionalised racism. It is prohibited as a crime against humanity in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC). The Rome Statute (the treaty which established the ICC) defines apartheid as “inhumane acts…committed in the context of an institutionalised regime of systematic oppression and domination by one racial group over any other racial group or groups and committed with the intention of maintaining that regime.” Apartheid is also outlawed in the 1977 Additional Protocol I of the Geneva Conventions of 1949, where it is described as a “grave breach”, and, in the words of legal scholar John Dugard, “without any geographical limitation.”

Earlier still, in 1973, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. The definition includes “any legislative measures and other measures calculated to prevent a racial group or groups from participation in the political, social, economic and cultural life of the country … [including] the right to leave and to return to their country, the right to a nationality, the right to freedom of movement and residence.” The definition also includes “the expropriation of landed property belonging to a racial group.”

Finally, the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination of 1969, which Israel ratified in 1979, includes (in Article 3), a condemnation of “racial segregation and apartheid”, and obliges state parties “to prevent, prohibit and eradicate all practices of this nature in territories under their jurisdiction.” In 1995, the UN’s Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination clarified that while the reference to apartheid originated with South Africa, “the article as adopted prohibits all forms of racial segregation in all countries.”

Why do you describe it as apartheid in Israel?

When Israel was established in 1948, around 90 percent of all Palestinians who would have been inside its borders were expelled, and prevented from returning (see my article for PSC on the Nakba). To this day, millions of Palestinians are denied access to their homeland, their lands and properties expropriated, purely because they are not Jewish. Since its establishment, Israel has systematically discriminated against Palestinian citizens, and, for 49 years of its 68-year existence, has subjected non-citizen Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to a military regime characterised by colonisation and segregation (and note that Palestinian citizens of Israel were themselves subjected to military rule right up until 1966).

By the mid-1970s, the average Palestinian village in Israel had lost 65-75 percent of its land. Today, 43 percent of Israeli towns have residential admission committees that filter out applicants on the grounds of “incompatibility with the social and cultural fabric”. These committees are “used to exclude Arabs from living in rural Jewish communities”, in the words of Human Rights Watch. In the Negev, Bedouin Palestinians constitute more than 34 percent of the population, yet only 18 settlements out of 144 are designated for the community. No wonder then, that after a 2012 visit, UN special rapporteur on housing Raquel Rolnik declared that she had witnessed in Israel “a land development model that excludes, discriminates against and displaces minorities.”

In the West Bank, the Israeli state has established and expanded more than 100 illegal settlements, in defiance of international law. These settlements are Israeli towns and villages built on land stolen from Palestinians. Settlements’ residents are Israeli citizens; the Palestinians they live among are not and are ruled by military law. Addressing the discriminatory planning and housing regime in the West Bank, Amnesty International has called the situation “unique globally.” In 2012, the UN’s Committee on the Elimination of Racial Discrimination urged Israel to “prohibit and eradicate” policies which violate the prohibition of “racial segregation and apartheid.”

Is it like apartheid in South Africa between 1948 to 1994?

Over the decades, scholars have highlighted similarities and differences between South African apartheid and Israeli policies and practices; it is certainly not an exact equivalence.

That being said, it is significant how South African anti-apartheid campaigners have identified parallels: Desmond Tutu said a trip to Palestine in 2002 had reminded him “so much of what happened to us black people in South Africa.” And it’s not just apartheid’s opponents; in 1961, South African Prime Minister Hendrik Verwoerd stated: “the Jews took Israel from the Arabs after the Arabs had lived there for 1,000 years. Israel, like South Africa, is an apartheid state.”

As mentioned above, however, apartheid is a crime under international law – irrespective of the merits or otherwise of a comparison with the historic regime in South Africa. There are similarities and there are differences but ultimately, the policies of the Israeli state, like those of the old South African regime, amount to apartheid as legally defined. It is thus particularly significant that, as described above, the Rome Statute defines and outlaws apartheid – a treaty that was adopted some four years after the formal end of apartheid in South Africa.

But people say that everyone enjoys the same rights in Israel – is this not true?

It is important to understand that, today, there is a de-facto single state – one regime, maintained by the Israeli authorities – between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea. Since 1967, successive Israeli governments have steadily incorporated the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, into the fabric of the state, through settlements, a road network, and so on. Within this single regime, incorporating pre-1967 Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Jews and Palestinians are afforded or denied rights based on ethnicity, ID card, and geography.

Within Israel, inequality is institutionalised; even the U.S. State Department acknowledges that Palestinian citizens of Israel – approximately 20 percent of the population inside the pre-1967 lines – face “institutional and societal discrimination.” According to legal rights centre Adalah, there are more than 50 laws that discriminate against Palestinian citizens, affecting areas of life such as land ownership, housing rights, family life, citizenship, education, and more.16 Indeed, contrary to a widely-held perception, there is not even a legal guarantee of equality; in January 2016, the Knesset voted against a draft bill calling for the inclusion of an equality clause in a key Basic Law.

So while Palestinian citizens of Israel can vote in parliamentary elections, and become Members of Knesset or Supreme Court justices, none of that changes the documented discrimination outlined above. Moreover, their representation in the corridors of power and judiciary is extremely limited; since 1948 there have only even been two non-Jewish ministers, out of more than 600, while there has only ever been one Arab judge on the Supreme Court (from 66 justices past and present).

Of course, Israel’s policies of systematic discrimination, state-sponsored racism, and brutal repression of dissent, is even harsher in the occupied Palestinian territory; from the colonisation of land in the West Bank, to the inequality and displacement faced by the Palestinian ‘residents’ – who are neither full citizens nor under military rule – in East Jerusalem. In the Gaza Strip, Palestinians are subjected to the collective punishment of blockade, fenced-in, and subjected to periodic, brutal massacres.

Apartheid in South Africa was defeated primarily thanks to resistance led by the likes of the African National Congress – but international support, through the boycott campaign, was crucial in isolating the Apartheid regime, and exacting a price for its discriminatory and brutal policies. Today, across the globe, more and more people are supporting the Palestinian-led Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, and getting involved in Palestine solidarity activism in their communities. It is this international campaign, called for by Palestinians and highlighted by the Israeli government as a clear “strategic threat” to their regime, that will ultimately help bring justice and equality for Palestinians.
Article by Ben White

Last edited by anarchist23 on 07 Dec 2016 17:34, edited 3 times in total.
anarchist23 wrote:The BDS movement is starting to freak out the Israelis. This is the way forward, hit the Zionists where it hurts the most, in their pockets.

Kauft nicht bei Juden, eh? ;)
Frollein wrote:Kauft nicht bei Juden, eh? ;)

Don't buy from the country of Israel. The religion of those in Apartheid Israel is by the way. As with the religion of the whites in Apartheid South Africa...

anarchist23 wrote:This is the way forward, hit the Zionists where it hurts the most, in their pockets.

I live here and there is nothing that resembles apartheid its just an empty rhetoric of yours

I study in a collage where 60% of my class are Arabs
Where is the apartheid?

Arabs have low representatives in jurisdiction not because of discrimination its because most of them dont get to the position of becoming a judge.
there is nothing even slightly similar to the situation in South Africa.

I dont say that there isnt any discrimination at all but to compare that to an apartheid is ridiculous. the discrimination is similar to the discrimination of blacks in a white country

The palestinians dont need or want any army because a proper army will be eradicated by the IDF easily unlike some guerrilla force that is hiding in hospitals
Frollein wrote:Kauft nicht bei Juden, eh?

As I said the BDS movement is about not buying from the country of Israel. The religion of the Zionists and their apartheid country is completely irrelevant.

As with the religion of the whites in Apartheid South Africa...


And apartheid doesn't exist in Israel. These Zionists are brainwashed and don't question the Israeli governments justification for war crimes.
The religion of the Zionists and their apartheid country is completely irrelevant.

Funny, that's what old Adolf said, too.


The "anti-zionism" of the left makes me think that people who see the National Socialists rather on the extreme left than the extreme right end of the spectrum do have a point.

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