R&D in a market anarchism - would it happen? - Page 3 - Politics Forum.org | PoFo

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The 'no government' movement.
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When I say that 'market anarchism' is the final phase of Capitalism, in which the State will whither away, it will be a disaster for global society, for the State is the only real prop to the Capitalistic world order. But in my opinion, it will probably be a necessary disaster, although it will cost many lives to reach the point beyond it. The State has to go, but while in violence it was born it will die with a whimper, hollowed out from within by the Acolytes of Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard and the like.

The State gave birth to Capitalism, and the supreme irony of history will be when Capitalism devours the State, only to find Civilization on the brink of collapse and Mankind close to extinction because of this trend.

I doubt it not.
So why wouldn't competing businesses spend money on R&D to get an edge on their competition ?
mum wrote:So why wouldn't competing businesses spend money on R&D to get an edge on their competition ?

They might, but few persons, much less such a 'society' could survive such a Hobbesian 'war of all against all'.

And Anarcho-Leftists are the ones called impractical utopians. Yet, I think it's true that Anarcho-Capitalism will be tried before Anarcho-Leftist varients will, at least in the more advanced Capitalist societies. Transhumanism and advances in Technology, particularly in AI, will enable this trend to happen.
michael3 wrote:
They might, but few persons, much less such a 'society' could survive such a Hobbesian 'war of all against all'.

What the heck are you talking about ? There is no war, in fact there is far less war because war is created by governments.
Oh, I have no doubts about either the capacity of an unfettered Capitalism to privatize War, nor the combination of commodity fetishism and the de-monopolization and 'pornographication' of violence to make human survival uncertain, and make 'society' in such a case look like a sado-masochistic nightmare during it's brief existence.
Jay, sometimes I work in R&D. In most countries the money spent on R&D gets special tax treatment, so in a sense governments subsidize it by taking less profits away from corporations. I can also add that very often it's impossible to get quality R&D done in a large corporation - some of them are absolutely awful at it. And a lot of the R&D I see being done is wasted money, in the sense that it could be done much more efficiently. But what I find is that individuals who lead the effort to organize and carry out R&D projects don't have the training or experience to get the job done. Tomorrow I fly to the US West Coast, and I'll sit in a review panel for what amounts to a very large R&D project which cost a pretty penny, and I already know we're going to issue a scathing report, not because the idea itself was that bad, but because the execution was absolutely awful.
michael3 Are you a fiction writer by any chance? I think you should consider that career.

It would be almost impossible to fund wars as we know them today in an an-cap society.
Without government and central bank theft of wealth from the citizens the case for war would be much harder to make (absent a full scale invasion)
People also don't like war, unlike their governments.

You are very negative about the future. For all the failings of governments and the gradual move to ever greater authoritarianism, I remain quite optimistic about the future.
mum wrote:michael3 Are you a fiction writer by any chance? I think you should consider that career.

It would be almost impossible to fund wars as we know them today in an an-cap society.
Without government and central bank theft of wealth from the citizens the case for war would be much harder to make (absent a full scale invasion)
People also don't like war, unlike their governments.

You are very negative about the future. For all the failings of governments and the gradual move to ever greater authoritarianism, I remain quite optimistic about the future.

I guess I could take the 'fiction writer' comment in a positive way, lol. I'm struck by something you said that I absolutely agree with;

"It would be almost impossible to fund wars as we know them today in an an-cap society."

'Wars as we know them today'....You do know that history is replete with cultures who fought for ends totally alien to the classical Western way of war? We are not far from the scenario of Jean Baudrillaud's critique, where he famously stated; "The Gulf War never happened"...The 'War on Terror', 'War on Drugs', etc....The merging of possibilities with privatized military groups like Blackwater, war at a distance with robot drones for example, and the desensitization of the world's youth towards violence via games and youtube videos.

I'm not negative about the future, far from it, but I know that the triumph of Love in the human heart will first be challenged by negative but absolutely necessary stages. For me, the insight that stood Marx on his ear, that Capitalists would be the vanguard of a Revolution that will abolish the State, not Communists, was a profound one.
mum wrote:No it wouldn't. People are not stupid like you think. People like to get along with each other and trade with each other, they always have, they always will.

I agree that people do like to get along with each other and trade with each other, which is why I think a gift economy would work. What I disagree about is your notion that they "always have, always will" because it's pretty obvious that when you threaten a person's basic needs, they stop being so concerned about others and concerned about trading. They become a lot more interested in taking. Well, capitalism is a threat against a person's basic needs. It is psychologically distorting. It leads people to all sorts of awful behavior. It leads to one person letting another person die to save a dollar.

People are not as stupid as you think.

So you are saying the state is what stops people from starving to death ? Serious ? Really ?

The state is what keeps people from starving to death under capitalism, yes. There is no free market for food; there can't be, because we would starve if we allowed such a critical aspect of human existence to be ruled by the free market. In the same way that we don't allow a free market for transportation, electricity, water, urban sewage service, etc.

The state isn't necessary to keep people from starving to death; it is required to keep capitalism from starving people to death. Ironically this state protection of human beings from the impact of capitalism is what helps to keep capitalism from destroying itself. It's kind of bizarre that capitalists actually argue against this balance.

Lets hope so !

Sure, it provides an excellent opportunity for socialists. I mean, if the market anarchists can succeed, they will bring capitalism to an end, leaving socialists an opportunity to rebuild. Incidentally, this is related to a broader argument about dual power strategies. This possibility is one of many reasons why socialists ought to pursue a dual power strategy--to provide for industrial and social continuity when the capitalists fail.

wha ?? So the functions of the state get privatized than bam! society falls apart. Do you have any reasoning for this absurd idea ?

It sounds about right from a theory standpoint, and seems to adhere to admitted limited historical examples. Privatization does not work, so it would not be much of a stretch to assume that total privatization would lead to total failure. What "market anarchists" have always failed to recognize is that the state is what supports capitalism; that capitalism can't exist without a state protecting a capitalist system.

Really?? who is "they"

Obviously referring to capitalists unfettered by the state.

It is in socialist/communist countries where R&D is severely limited (if any).

There hasn't been a socialist/communist country yet. Even the Soviet Union was self-admittedly a state capitalist system. But sure, let's go with it anyway. They put a lot of R&D effort into a wide range of things, from efficient transportation infrastructure, cheap housing, and cost-effective medicine for all to space travel and theoretical physics. I think it's probably better to say that the R&D in state-capitalist states gets focused on different priorities. Capitalists focus on R&D in trivial matters, like innovative new drugs to give someone a boner, or phones that present maps in 3d rather than 2d projections. State-capitalists have historically focused on mega projects and shared-experience-goals like the space race or warfare. One would assume that socialists would probably focus R&D on goals like the democratization of industry, efficient organizational structures, pervasive education, distributed manufacturing, and social services.

Commies keep going on about the R&D in Russia but that was in a small segment of industry and the rest of society was forced to get by with pretty much zero innovation in their day to day lives, for many years.

Sure, but the Soviet Union was also starting from destitute poverty in what amounted to a mainly peasant society. They had to do things like bootstrap an industrial economy--and they are still the only example of a country that industrialized itself within a generation--fight a bunch of wars of necessity on their own territory, and contend with an immense amount of international hostility and isolation from international trade. State capitalism under the Soviet model worked a lot better for the Soviet Union than capitalism under the US model has worked for, you know, states like Colombia, or Guatemala.
Last edited by Someone5 on 21 Oct 2012 16:59, edited 1 time in total.
michael3 wrote:When I say that 'market anarchism' is the final phase of Capitalism, in which the State will whither away, it will be a disaster for global society, for the State is the only real prop to the Capitalistic world order. But in my opinion, it will probably be a necessary disaster, although it will cost many lives to reach the point beyond it. The State has to go, but while in violence it was born it will die with a whimper, hollowed out from within by the Acolytes of Ayn Rand and Murray Rothbard and the like.

The State gave birth to Capitalism, and the supreme irony of history will be when Capitalism devours the State, only to find Civilization on the brink of collapse and Mankind close to extinction because of this trend.

I doubt it not.

Well, I don't think humans will be close to extinction. But it is true that socialists have an obligation to assure to industrial and social continuity in the event of a capitalist disaster. It sounds kind of silly and doomsdayish to put it that way, but we really do have all of our social eggs in one basket. It's just poor planning not to have some sort of backup plan. And since the capitalists are all rabidly devoted to their church, it really only leaves socialists and fascists in a position to provide that backup option. I'd rather not see the fascists win, how about you?
"Well, I don't think humans will be close to extinction. But it is true that socialists have an obligation to assure to industrial and social continuity in the event of a capitalist disaster. It sounds kind of silly and doomsdayish to put it that way, but we really do have all of our social eggs in one basket. It's just poor planning not to have some sort of backup plan. And since the capitalists are all rabidly devoted to their church, it really only leaves socialists and fascists in a position to provide that backup option. I'd rather not see the fascists win, how about you?"

Heh, heh, well I happen to be a non-capitalist 'rabidly devoted to my church', and certainly I don't want to see the Statist Fascists win, but yeah we Anarcho-Leftists need to be able to pick up the pieces. But it's not a case of 'in the event of' a capitalist disaster, it's 'when it happens'. The State, which is whithering away as we speak in the major capitalist societies under the privitization trends, requires subjects to at least have a subsistence living, but unfettered capitalism will not require any such thing...It will be; sell your labor or die, under the most ruthless of eugenic and social darwinian structures. The current economic hard times were put in place just for the opportunity for complete 'austerity measures' and privitization to win over the remnants of the State. Oh, they will probably have some kind of minimal and vestigial remnant of the State to rubber-stamp these new measures for a time, then it's on to the rubbish heap with the State-a good thing in some respects, but the immediate effect will be terrible.
Everybody needs to get out from behind their books and get some practical experience. I quick look at the real world answers this question very clearly, no need for theorycrafting. There is an industry that is highly inovative where large sums are spent on R&D. This industry produces countless new products every quarter. It is not protected by any intelectual property laws, yet it is still one of the largest and most profitable industries on the planet. There is rampent copying of others ideas. Some firms in this industry do nothing but copy the inovations of others, and they do it so well that they often bring the product to market before the firms that actually designed it do. Despite this the content creators still make large profits. Indeed they consider this copying a sort of advertising for their own products and generally encourage it as it ultimately increases their sales. So yes you can have R&D without the protections of intelectual property law.

Bonus points to anybody that recognizes the industry in question.
acvar wrote:Everybody needs to get out from behind their books and get some practical experience. I quick look at the real world answers this question very clearly, no need for theorycrafting. There is an industry that is highly inovative where large sums are spent on R&D. This industry produces countless new products every quarter. It is not protected by any intelectual property laws, yet it is still one of the largest and most profitable industries on the planet. There is rampent copying of others ideas. Some firms in this industry do nothing but copy the inovations of others, and they do it so well that they often bring the product to market before the firms that actually designed it do. Despite this the content creators still make large profits. Indeed they consider this copying a sort of advertising for their own products and generally encourage it as it ultimately increases their sales. So yes you can have R&D without the protections of intelectual property law.

Bonus points to anybody that recognizes the industry in question.

The Arms trade?
Daktoria wrote:
Unfortunately for you, I've also discussed this issue on Revleft as well, and their response is also, "No inventions, no food."

If you ain't inventing are you actually an inventor? If you ain't inventing, are you entitled to get paid as an inventor?

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