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PostPosted:05 May 2009 22:13
by Dr House
I think using a presidential system of any kind would be a very fucking bad idea, let alone the American system.

I think you and Gnote are just both trying to use your own country's system, so that you feel comfortable with it.

PostPosted:05 May 2009 22:14
by Gnote

I am proposing the system that I think will work best in this sort of context.

It is a very simplified version of the Canadian system.

Also, you should note that I am proposing new elections, so that should eliminate the perception that I am showing any favouritism to my own party.

PostPosted:05 May 2009 22:24
by Dr House
I still think your system would be entirely too unstable for this Parliament house. It's comparatively easy to hammer out a consensus with three other parties. Not so easy to hammer one out with 7 other parties, which subscribe to pretty much the entire spectrum of political ideologies, from the far-right to the far-left.

PostPosted:05 May 2009 22:55
by Gnote
The increased structure (compared to what existed after the last election) will increase the urgency to work together to form government. That, and the lack of a need for formalized coalitions to exist before a confidence motion can be tabled.