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PostPosted:25 Apr 2009 01:13
by dilpill
:eek: Have you ever been to a Public hospital?

We're actually going to fund them well, and we're hopefully going to be better at not sucking at everything than US government. :|

Do you have any thoughts on education?

  • We should have a mostly public school system funded by taxes and provided to families free of charge for children ages 3-18, grades K through 12 plus preschool.
  • A national standards board would create relatively high standards that all schools (public and private) must follow.
  • Some private charter schools should be within the public system.
  • School attendance should be mandatory between ages 5 and 17.
  • Teachers employed at public schools should be payed based on the performance of their students.
  • College at a public university should be provided free of charge to any student passing a certain (relatively low) threshold on a national standardized test, with smaller grants provided to students receiving lower scores.

PostPosted:25 Apr 2009 01:14
by Oxymoron
Hold on there, we need to help lower income children first and foremost thats why we need a strong voucher program..

PostPosted:25 Apr 2009 01:15
by Dave
I thought the point of private school was to get away from all those smelly lower income students? ;)

PostPosted:25 Apr 2009 02:07
by Paradigm
I approve.

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 00:58
by Sephardi
Approve but why don't you give the CA Finance and Economy and give Infrastructure away to the PNL. I think it would be better to have good economists run Finance.

But I approve. Let's get this thing underway.

Edit: Why not even up the positions and make a Minister of Interior position and give it to CA?

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 01:02
by Donna
I have no problem with PNL, particularly House, holding the finance/economy ministry.

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 01:04
by Sephardi
I think we should make a Minister of Interior and give it to the CA. We are missing a Minister of Interior and we would have 12 positions/3 for each party.

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 01:11
by Donna
Meh... whatev.

We all have bigger fish to fry anyway, particularly in deposing the illegal government announced yesterday.

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 01:53
by Dr House
Sephardi wrote:Approve but why don't you give the CA Finance and Economy and give Infrastructure away to the PNL. I think it would be better to have good economists run Finance.

Well I disagree. Modern mainstream economists on both sides are quacks and intent on selling repackaged government snake oil to the masses. But that's for another thread.

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 02:00
I would obviously like the CA to have those two ministries, but given the small part of this coalition the CA represents it would be unreasonable to expect us at the helm of two of the most important ministries.

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 02:43
by Ombrageux

So is this official, have we had a vote of confidence to install this government? What is this SN-RF/THP nonsense?

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 02:59
by Dr House
Ombrageux wrote:So is this official, have we had a vote of confidence to install this government?

Not yet.

Ombrageux wrote:What is this SN-RF/THP nonsense?

Ingliz established a vote on whether minority governments would be allowed or not. Somewhere in the middle of the second page of it where no one bothered to look for it he added a post-scriptum once the votes were tallied that we had 2 days to form a government or they would. Then they unilaterally decided their government was valid despite not being given a vote of confidence.

Now Ingliz is trolling and I'm doing my best to ignore him.

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 03:20
by Sephardi

But seriously, I think we need Minister of Interior, for things such as citizenship laws and illegal immigration and problems stemming from this. I'm sure Dave would agree.

I want this position. We need to stop illegal immigrants. Remember what happened in 1899? So don't I! But anyways we need somebody for interior. I suggest we give it to the CA so all the positions will even up at 3 per party. We need to decide which CA member would have this and I volunteer myself, King Lord Sephardi (destroyer of illegal immigrants and manager of citizenship), for the position.

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 03:23
by Dr House
We do have a ministry of Justice and the Interior Seph. Dan chairs it.

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 08:37
by Karl_Bonner_1982
Which ministries are mostly responsible for overseeing the various social assistance programs (wage supplements, food vouchers, workfare, low-income education/training grants, etc)? Because that is one area where I think I could be of great use, that and finding out the best way of calculating needed revenues for the programs.

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 08:39
by Dr House
Health and Human Services, along with finance. Wage supplements will probably fall under my purview.

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 13:44
by Infidelis
Sephardi wrote:I suggest we give it to the CA so all the positions will even up at 3 per party. We need to decide which CA member would have this and I volunteer myself, King Lord Sephardi (destroyer of illegal immigrants and manager of citizenship), for the position.

Since when has CA become an advocate of equal distribution? :eh: :p

It would be a redundant position since Dave has the Immigration position.

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 16:01
by Nets
I'd like a Deputy Portfolio in the finance or foreign affairs ministry.

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 17:49
by Dave
Infidelis wrote:Since when has CA become an advocate of equal distribution? :eh: :p

It would be a redundant position since Dave has the Immigration position.

I have Defense. Annatar has Immigration and Naturalization.

PostPosted:26 Apr 2009 19:01
by Sephardi
Didn't see that.