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PostPosted:24 Apr 2009 19:06
by HoniSoit
So, if the constitution is ratified, the SN/RF will put its proposed government up to a vote, and end this charade?

Yes, we'd agree to that.

However, a majority should simply mean the majority of the people who actually turn out and register their votes.

PostPosted:24 Apr 2009 19:07
by Fasces
The PoP will vote for the constitution, if the SN/RF/THP dissolves its pretender government.

A majority should also be reserved for the establishment of quorum. If 50% of people do not show up, the legislation automatically fails.

PostPosted:24 Apr 2009 19:09
by HoniSoit
If 50% of people do not show up, the legislation automatically fails.

Only in the case of constitution and formation of the government.

For normal legislations, I doubt we'd have that high voter turn-outs.

PostPosted:24 Apr 2009 19:10
by ingliz
The Government proposes legislation but I see no reason not to allow private member's bills on particular issues that have no constitutional significance.

PostPosted:24 Apr 2009 19:12
by Vladimir
We are not a "pretender government", but a minority government as secured by the minority government vote.
Our only act is to propose the constitution, upon ratification of which another government will form which will start proposing bills

A majority should also be reserved for the establishment of quorum. If 50% of people do not show up, the legislation automatically fails.

that is to be decided by the consitution. How hard is it to understand that a set of rules is needed before we proceed..?