PNL, PUC/PUC-L, CA, SLD Grand Coallition - Page 3 - Politics | PoFo

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Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
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By Karl_Bonner_1982
It's time to revive grand coalition talks. I'm tired of all the third-rate quibble.
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By Donna
No, I'm saying this thing is going flatline and fast.

I doubt we'll even manage to form a government. Six months from now all our little Attica-made party logos will become nostalgic memes in GP.
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By Dr House
Donald wrote:No, I'm saying this thing is going flatline and fast.

Just because you're bored of it doesn't mean all of us are. If you're gonna play play, if not get back to Gorkiy and leave us the fuck alone.
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By Donna
I'm still playing, I'm just doomsaying, 'tis all.
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By Dr House
Well even if you're right the game's not dead yet. Just dying.

So we can still give forming a government a shot, what do you say?
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By Donna
It will have to include the SLD getting into bed with fascists and neoliberals. If we can make that happen, we'll have our very own dysfunctional, undisciplined majority government.
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By Dr House
Well, there aren't a whole lotta fascists in the coalition (come to think of it I think it's just you :lol:), and the CA is the junior party in the coalition.
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By Ombrageux
Yes, this thing needs to happen.. For the sake of the game, there needn't be specific agreement on everything (the exact rate of progressive taxation..). I believe the coalition basically agreed on the broad (SLD) principles so..
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By Ombrageux
Well, ultimately, I think that is up to Paradigm to give the go-ahead. I think he should, especially as the Left-wing talks have (predictably) dissolved into acrimony. Might have to wait until he's on.
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By Donna
I haven't really been in on the loop for the past few days, but I kind of suspected that the ball was in his court.
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By Gnote
I won't be supporting this coalition.
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By Infidelis
Ombrageux wrote:Well, ultimately, I think that is up to Paradigm to give the go-ahead. I think he should, especially as the Left-wing talks have (predictably) dissolved into acrimony. Might have to wait until he's on.

I agree with this. Let's get on with the show.
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By Dr House
Gnote wrote:I won't be supporting this coalition.

Of course you won't.

Do the reasonable members of the party support it?
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By Karl_Bonner_1982
Hope Paradigm responds soon to this...I suspect the majority of the SLD will accept a Grand Coalition, if only as the least of all possible evils...
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By Holt
Not that I'm a member of this coalition by any means, but wouldn't it seem logical for the PUC to take control of economic policy? Bearing in mind that the left-leaning social democrats, the neoliberal-leaning conservatives and the PNL in general have some pretty marginal ideas about how things should be run. If this is to be a centre-coalition, that is. Just sayin' is all. :hmm:

Do the reasonable members of the party support it?

:roll: Only a handful of PoFoers can pull off completely dismissing the value of someone's opinion with one hand, especially a member as well-established as Gnote. You are not one of them.
Last edited by Holt on 21 Apr 2009 05:35, edited 1 time in total.
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By Dr House
In another thread, Gnote wrote:Welfare and Social Assistance Programs

Guaranteed annual minimum income of $25,000 for every person above the age of 18, and $10,000 for every child below that level who remains in the custody of their parents.

Unless he's a secret commie trying to bring down capitalism, I didn't brand him as unreasonable. He did it himself.
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By Karl_Bonner_1982
Holt wrote:Bearing in mind that the left-leaning social democrats, the neoliberal-leaning conservatives and the PNL in general have some pretty marginal ideas about how things should be run. If this is to be a centre-coalition, that is.

Well I think it's pretty obvious by now that there isn't a strong conglomeration of opinion near the centre. The "standard deviation" of ideology is pretty high. Therefore any majority will have to include parties whose most 'extreme' members don't agree much on economics. But I think a large majority of the proposed coalition would be able to get along pretty well; only the leftmost SLDs and rightmost CAs seem to have problems, and they are free to voice their opinions during the talks leading up to a coalition policy manifesto.
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By Gnote
Dr House's contribution to this game proves one thing for certain: he never has left his house.

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