Names, Names, and more Names - Politics | PoFo

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By Fasces
#1877170 ... cpofo2.png

As you can see, there is much to be named. Islands, cities, towns villages, seas, bays, lakes, rivers.

Go on ahead. Name them.

Go into MSPaint, add in some names (so I can see what you're naming). Towns, cities, etc name in black. Bodies of water name in blue. Islands name in gray. Just to make it easier to tell apart.

In general, I will not accept vanity names. No Zyx-land or so on. If enough people propose a name (like New Clausewitz), then it can be accepted.

Try not to name everything. Leave some for others.
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By Fasces
Also: Decide which of the big cities is the capital one, and I'll mark it to make it clear.
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By Red Star
I have no real preference, but can one large town (doesn't matter which) be called Oxbridge? In order for my biography to work, heh.
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By Thunderhawk
We have a notable secluded Celtic population in the north, right?
What about that medium sized island in the north?
It would have two names: The celtic one and a standard Anglinized version, causing a point of contention within the isle and over its (ex)inhabitants over which name to use now that they are being economically and industrially integrated into the nation.
Like Cymru/Wales and Eire/Ireland
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By Prosthetic Conscience
I'd like to rename the city that dilpill called 'Charlestowne' in the north-eastern island 'Tarbet' or 'Tarbert'. It's Gaelic for 'draw-boat', and, being on an isthmus, would have been the first place they (or Vikings - see their behaviour at Mavis Grind) headed for and used. Or add it as an alternate name, and we can have Thunderhawk's Celtic/English dispute (and then it can end up being known as 'Stroke City').
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By Infidelis
My sole (and respectful) request is that the large town on the NW corner on the middle west island is named Cascadia. Please/thank you/Fasces is awesome.
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By Donna
I'm really liking Dillpill's map, but it seems he changed New Clausewitz to New Bristol. Not that I particularly care either way, but alot of biographies have been tied to "New Clausewitz" already.
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By Demosthenes
I need one of the farming regions to be named Utrecht, and a small port city somewhere to the west to be named Heimdall.
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
I would like there to be a large city known as New Clausewitz, another city known as Pofograd, and a small rural town known as Foxville, please, as they were all featured in my biography. Thanks in advance, dillpill. :)
By Zyx
Uhh, Zyxius is represented in my biography, too. I want to be a noble, gosh darnnit!
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By Thunderhawk
I propose that the Madoc expeditiondid occur, and that some of the Welsh settled on the North East islands.

Furthermore, I propose that the North Eastern Islands be poorer in soil quality, thus making them less likable as settlements for the viking and thus the only thing generally available for the newly arriving Welsh. Future waves of fleeing Irish would then migrate towards a people of similar tongue.

The French protestant refugees would have come with modern arms and money, so they could settle anywhere they wanted so long as the European power governing the island group at the time didnt object.
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By Donna
Uhh, Zyxius is represented in my biography, too. I want to be a noble, gosh darnnit!

Zyx, I'm afraid self-promotion will simply be frowned upon by everyone else. New Clausewitz is something of an exception since it was not Clausewitz who named the city, and the name was chosen by others to honor his authorship of our constitution.
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By Dr House
Donald wrote:Zyx, I'm afraid self-promotion will simply be frowned upon by everyone else.

Far as I'm concerned promotion of Zyxumatto will be frowned upon, regardless of who's responsible for it. :lol:
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By Donna
Where is Zyx anway? Is he in the SN?

We completely treated his party as a banned entity, will he be sitting in parliament?
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By Dr House
He dissolved his party and voted SN. SN did not let him sit in the party.
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By Red Star
Cool (on the Oxbridge). Shall we call the river Isis (the one that runs through Oxbridge and the capital)? Am kind of basing it on the Thames which runs through Oxford and London, which suits this parallel fine.
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By HoniSoit
House wrote:SN did not let him sit in the party.

No one prevents him from involving in the party affairs.

It just happens that's he's not really active and seldom posts and joins the party discussions.
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By ingliz
All members of the RF/SN are encouraged to take an active role and participate in Party discussions - All without exception.

ingliz, SN(R)RF: Official note

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