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Local Sailors Encouraged to Revolt

PostPosted:22 Apr 2009 03:06
by Kon
The subversive RN member known only as "Konulu" has been spotted at naval bases in several port cities. Rumour has it that he has been meeting with sailors of lower ranks and attempting to encourage dissent amongst their populace. As of now membership in the radical anarchist party the former military man represents remains legal; however, rumours of subversive activity, as well as the rumoured acceptance of the once dishonourably discharged "Konulu" (who many claim is in fact a Swiss immigrant) as the shadow minister of Defence have cause speculation that this may occur.

PostPosted:22 Apr 2009 09:22
by Holt
Interesting, could this be the next Potemkin?

PostPosted:22 Apr 2009 12:30
by ingliz
The RF/SN representative's visit to the New Clauswitz Naval Base was an official 'fact finding' trip which had been arranged with the Admiralty and announced by them on their website weeks ago. The RF/SN Defence spokesman pointed out in his statement yesterday that certain elements of the press "seem to have nothing better to do than engage in political scaremongering".

PostPosted:22 Apr 2009 12:59
by Donna
This is an outrage.

PostPosted:22 Apr 2009 14:00
by MB.
Konulu needs to take more bong hits and stop encouraging violence.

PostPosted:22 Apr 2009 14:39
by Donna
MB is correct.