Defence politics - Politics | PoFo

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Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
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By alyster
I have few questions to all PoFoland’s parties about defence politics. I hope for constructive answers.

Afghanistan – Most of you who I have viewed support either pull out or pull out at earliest possible chance. However is anyone willing to increase the seize of the troops in Afghanistan like the military commanders are requesting? Why? Also What is the clear line when you would be ready to pull out, how soon do you expect to reach it? Do you have an alternative strategy for the war in Afghanistan? If so please explain why yours is better.

Somalia – What is your approach on this matter. Should Pofo Navy be moved closer to Somalia? Should we send in ground forces? What other political moves should pofoland take?

Iran – If you would get hard evidence (from PoFos intel apartment) about Irani nuclear program building a bomb in a next year would you consider military intervention? Why and which kind of intervention?

Budget – It’s the finance crises. Would you make cuts in the defence budget? Explain pls.

Pax Pofolia
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By Dave
alyster wrote:I have few questions to all PoFoland’s parties about defence politics. I hope for constructive answers.

Afghanistan – Most of you who I have viewed support either pull out or pull out at earliest possible chance. However is anyone willing to increase the seize of the troops in Afghanistan like the military commanders are requesting? Why? Also What is the clear line when you would be ready to pull out, how soon do you expect to reach it? Do you have an alternative strategy for the war in Afghanistan? If so please explain why yours is better.

We need to decide first whether or not we are IN Afghanistan. Given that we were recently a dictatorship and have not held elections yet, and that we are not in NATO, I would say we aren't even there.

The PNL opposes entering Afghanistan, except perhaps a token non-combat role if NATO offers us a really, really sweet deal.

alyster wrote:Somalia – What is your approach on this matter. Should Pofo Navy be moved closer to Somalia? Should we send in ground forces? What other political moves should pofoland take?

Pofoland is the world's largest shipbuilding nation and a major trading power, so it follows that we have maritime trade that crosses the region. The PNL advocates sinking any and all pirate vessels on sight, and hanging any captured pirates from the nearest dock.

alyster wrote:Iran – If you would get hard evidence (from PoFos intel apartment) about Irani nuclear program building a bomb in a next year would you consider military intervention? Why and which kind of intervention?

What could we do in the first place? We have 50 million people and aren't anywhere close to Iran.

alyster wrote:Budget – It’s the finance crises. Would you make cuts in the defence budget? Explain pls.

We need to decide what the state of our defense is. I would suggest that our military currently be disorganized and in disarray, given the collapse of the previous government.
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By ingliz
Somalia - I have given the RF/SN-THP maritime defence policy in the Worker's Group and we do not envisage the PoFoMarine as being a 'blue water' navy.

As for the rest - We are not the World's "policeman" and do not consider such foreign adventures as being in the Nation's interest.
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By Sephardi
Agreed with Dave except on Iran. I would take part in a coalition (America,Israel,Pofo etc) on bombing Iran's factories and warning them that they will frakin die if they continue.
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By Dave
Why? It's not an issue that concerns us. We are a net oil importer, but not hugely, and the PNL will propose an energy policy which will make us a next exporter in just a few years.
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By MB.
Afghanistan – Most of you who I have viewed support either pull out or pull out at earliest possible chance. However is anyone willing to increase the seize of the troops in Afghanistan like the military commanders are requesting? Why? Also What is the clear line when you would be ready to pull out, how soon do you expect to reach it? Do you have an alternative strategy for the war in Afghanistan? If so please explain why yours is better.

I would require statistics on the current size and capabilities of the military, to answer this question in a reliable fashion. In fact, why are we there? Is PoFo land suddenly part of NATO and the War on Terror?

Somalia – What is your approach on this matter. Should Pofo Navy be moved closer to Somalia? Should we send in ground forces? What other political moves should pofoland take?

PoFo navy must mean the coast guard. why they would be anywhere besides the radiant yellow beaches of sandy PoFo land, I cannot say.

Iran – If you would get hard evidence (from PoFos intel apartment) about Irani nuclear program building a bomb in a next year would you consider military intervention? Why and which kind of intervention?

If Iran nuked PoFo land PoFo land would obliterate Iran with a retaliatory second strike of anti-matter warhead ICBMs launched from underwater silos. Over 9000! gigatons of strong force annihilation per missile.

But Iran is not going to nuke this island dude. PoFoland ain't Cuba 1962.

Budget – It’s the finance crises. Would you make cuts in the defence budget? Explain pls.

Presumably if the socialist technate had to engage in the construction of traditional robotic arms and armaments, it could produce vast quantities of such soldiers. It would naturally sell these weapons to various nations generating near limitless revenue.
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