Game Changes, Updates, Everything else!!! (Comments Welcome) - Politics | PoFo

Wandering the information superhighway, he came upon the last refuge of civilization, PoFo, the only forum on the internet ...

This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Forum rules: This is a the archive of the "PoFo Parliament". A user-run project.
Ok, First of all this post represents a temporary stoppage of game time until 9pm tomorrow (CDT, GMT -5). All voting and other issues are suspended until then. Any matters that arise as a result of this will be resolved one way or another by this time tomorrow.

First order of business is that we are instituting a gamemaster who will be me. I take this position more because I care about the integrity of the game than anything else. Because a MOD really needs to handle these duties in order to be able to actually enforce policy and because the other 4 OT have issues ranging from outright disinterest to periodic absenses I am the only logical choice right now. I pledge fairness to the game above all else including my previous party loyalties. This probably means everyone will end up hating me, but if the game becomes more enjoyable to all, then it's worth it.

As a result of this I am officially withdrawing from all aspects of the game in terms of personal involvement. I shall no longer lobby for my choosen party, nor participate in discussion save when such discussion is necessary to the running of the game.

I DO remain eligible to vote in party elections however. But my vote, and my seat as MP shall be donated to my party leader (in this case Vlad) as the lone exception the upcoming change in bloc voting rules. (Other exceptions may be allowed on a case-by-case basis as decided by me or by the 5 member GM panel).

As a further result of the necessity of the insittution of a Gamemaster we have also created a 5 member Gamemaster Panel who shall act in my behalf when necessary to settle disputes. The exception for them is that they are allowed to remain part of the SIM. At least for now. They may vote, be party leaders, carry on business, whatever. However they also serve as my proxies and shall enforce this sub-forums special ettiqutes (such as those users who STILL don't heed the thread tags on posting).

Most times I will heed the panel's wishes and decisions but I retain the right to overrule them when necessary for game integrity. I have also instituted the right of the panel to veto me by a 4/5ths majority. If I make a decesion and 4 of the 5 disagree I pledge to amend this decision as the panel has agreed.

Your Gm panel consists of members across the spectrum selected by me and with some input from others. These panelists have demonstrated a care for the game beyond merely "winning" and seem to have a firm grasp on what is causing the problems with the game right now.

They are: Dave, Dan, Okonkwo, Potemkin, and Honi.

From time to time they will make decisions in colored fonts, like mods do in regular PoFo, responsible users shall heed these decisions EVEN when they don't like them! I can't state enough that Fox is just waiting for us to Fuck this up so he can be done with it. I again remind you that you play this game AT YOUR OWN RISK!!! DO NOT EVER got the admin with an issue that comes up from this game or it will likely simply be deleted. Myself, the other OT mods, and this 5 member council represent your needs for justice.

Now, on to the parts you are probably most curious about:

Game points:

    - We shall be following Clausewitz's proposed constitution as the law of the land from the point I restart the game (9pm tomorrow night CDT).

    -Block voting is disallowed insomuch as a party leader may enter a thread and vote once for 12 votes worth of voting credits. However, beyond this the parties may vote however they wish. This MUST be instituted. I'm sorry to say it this way, but if you don't like it, you're playing the wrong SIM. Bloc voting as-is is simply not fair to parties who's members are most active. It is unfair to punish them with the rule of law for voting members who are no longer playing. People disappear on the internet too easily. Staying around and playing the game should be rewarded, not penalized.

    - Dan remains the Clerk of the Parliament until such time as a government forms.

    - ALL VOTING THREADS must be certified by Dan PRIOR to posting. DAN MUST post them. ALL other voting threads will be deleted.

    - Dan's "Vote of confidence" thread will stand, but shall be clarified by the bloc voting rules and voting times shall be extended a day or so depending on when I actually finish with the cleanup.

    -We shall work on private party threads, but for now we may have to settle for creating new threads with the party titles in them. This is the likely route we will have to take for now. Dave has some excellent suggestions for this for the long run, but for now, Fox does not want to deal with any of it, and I honestly don't want to ask him. To say I've received a cold shoulder from him concerning this is an understatement and anything we can make work on our own is FAR FAR better right now. As such, I will be calling on you guys NOT to post in threads labeled for a certain group of users. I really, really need your cooperation here for this part to work, I want to remind users that what they take as "funny" others take as spam, especially me when I am desperately trying to keep order, knowing Fox is just looking for an excuse to shut it all down. This doesn't mean we can't have fun with it all. We can and should!!! But PLEASE learn when it is appropriate to do so, and when you should hold your comments for other threads.

    EXAMPLE- A thread is labeled for the PUC party only. Dr. House reads the thread and thinks the discussion is insane. IT IS NOT appropriate for Dr. House to post his discust here using the height of his wit and charm. If he feels he really needs to comment he can A) Create another thread or B) make a post in some other existing thread.

    -Concerning SN-RF. If these factions are to play in a parliamentary SIM it must be understood that they will not be attempting to disolve parliament until/unless more in-depth rules are developed to handle that. Users who oppose them are not helping the game along by alienating these members simply by making long, drawn out posts on why these parties are simply crazy. The fact is, without the SN-RF, the game is one dimensional IMO. So, while opposing them is fine, some of the rhetoric by some of you needs to be toned down. By the same token, marginalizing the PoP has the same effect on the right, and though I did teasingly mess with Fasces a time or two, I was never serious about it like I have noticed others have been with SN-RF

    - We shall also start an official state newspaper for the "Official" posting of news articles. However, this will be run like a real newspaper where I am the editor. Articles may be submitted to me, and I shall post them according to my edits, unless I authorize an editorial. All other articles in this thread shall be deleted. And please, don't post in it either. This initial idea is Dave's and I think with some effort we can incorporate this very well into the game.

    -Personal newspaper articles or outright propaganda is still ok, but must NEVER be allowed in the official state newspaper. I suggest that parties themselves may want to "print" their own if they like, where they may slant anything however they wish. Or users may continue however they choose in their own threads.

    -Users need to understand clearly that they may comment on any issue of the game they choose, but must do so in the correct way so as not to further harm game integrity. My biggest thing here is to again hammer the obeying of heading tags. READ the sticky. It explains this nicely. It shall ultimately be the be all-end all in terms of rules and either past or upcoming events.

    - Dave is working tonight to consolidate the CIA factbook page into one coherant post that will also be added to the sticky. All are encouraged to participate in this effort where possible.

This represents where we are RIGHT NOW.

I welcome all comments and issues I may have missed in my haste to get this up, and restore order.

My thanks in advance to your new adherance to the rules of conduct! My thanks also for your understanding that this is NOT some wierd E-power play on my part, nor that of the 5 member GM council, but is intended as a last ditch effort to save the game.

If this doesn't work, I'll likely drop out. If I drop out...well, you guys really need to understand that what leeway we have is there because I've been guarding it fiercly. So please, take all this very seriously if you want to keep playing the game.

Ok, fire away!!! :D
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By Cheesecake_Marmalade
Sounds good to me. Bloc voting was actually giving me no reason to participate so I see no problem with you removing it.
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By Oxymoron
Marc Anthony will save the Republic from the clenches of the usurpers!

Hoorah! Hoorah!
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By Dan
Excellent. Some order will be good for the game.
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By Donna
It looks good, Demosthenes. Frankly, the game could have used this kind of strict order at the get-go.
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By Demosthenes
Oh, one other thing.

We have to be named something other than Onella. I can't stand that.

For now, I'm going with the ROP. Republic of PoFo.

I'm open to serious suggestions that actually sound cool, and not like some flower. :hmm:

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By Oxymoron
I'm open to serious suggestions that actually sound cool, and not like some flower

For real.
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By Figlio di Moros
Newspaper articles- I'd like to say in regards to parties posting their own articles, it would be best to write on parlimentary decisions, articles posted by Demo, or real world events only, to prevent a particular party from attempting to effect the outcome of the game(i.e, SN/FR continually putting out stories about a workers revolution).

Also, Demo, could I suggest, upon reopening of the sim, a story included foreign powers? Considering the story line includes a riot/civil war which prompted a dictator to turn power over to a parliment, and we've already had a riot which needed to be put down by force, a faction in the parliment attempting to subvert the new government through force/only recognizing themselves, etc., it'd seem like the world would've said "What the fuck?" a long time ago...
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By Vanasalus
I guess we will need a "Parliament in session" sticky thread, with a mod (speaker). And, that will be the only place where legislation is carried out. So, I do not need to read all other spam messages, if I do not want.
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By Figlio di Moros
Vanasalus wrote:I guess we will need a "Parliament in session" sticky thread, with a mod (speaker). And, that will be the only place where legislation is carried out. So, I do not need to read all other spam messages, if I do not want.

I second that motion :)
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By MistyTiger
Figlio wrote:Newspaper articles- I'd like to say in regards to parties posting their own articles, it would be best to write on parlimentary decisions, articles posted by Demo, or real world events only, to prevent a particular party from attempting to effect the outcome of the game(i.e, SN/FR continually putting out stories about a workers revolution).

I agree with this. This is a necessary constraint.
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By Donna
Demosthenes, can we sticky all the party threads?
User avatar
By Demosthenes
I'll see what I can do. I can't guarentee this. As I noted Fox isn't very interested in this, but I will ask.

The other thing is, he really doesn't like more than one sticky. But again, I'll risk it.

This is it though, I don't want to ask him anything else.

Before I pm him though, did I forget any parties?
By Zyx
We'll still have 100 MPs? Can this be explained?
User avatar
By Demosthenes
Yes, we'll still have 100 MPs, again, at least until such time that some ruling body that takes over decides to change it.

The easiest answer Zyx, is that I understand how this will work the best.

Some may feel it is still unfair, and to them I apologize, but certainly it would give them incentive to win election so they may tinker how they see fit.

Other points I'd forgotten-

1) Eligible voters shall be those who have no less than one month time as a registered user on PoFo, and must have accumulated 100 posts.

2) Stop the censure threads! Censure will only occur with a 75% margin, and a motion to Censure may only be submitted by the Clerk of Parliament. All others shall be deleted. Really, all these censure threads on all sides are only contributing to the chaos. The best way this game works is not by starting this kind of thing, but learning to deal the political reality of your enemy party's existence and their concerns.

3) Minority Government: Should a coalition fail to obtain the required number of votes for confidence, minority governace shall be allowed based on whichever coalition is next in line by vote totals. I believe the PNL has the most votes from the last election, and would get first crack at it. Next is the SN and so on. (I'm open to interpretation on this one, for now, but post before tomorrow or I'm laying down a firm rule on it).

4) Before I PM Fox I need to know if the Liberty Caucus is still participating. Anyone know?
User avatar
By ingliz
Call fresh elections

Reduce Parliament by at least half to 40 or 50 seats.

Compile party lists

After the election allocate seats using these lists, if then these approved candidates/MP's decide to go walkabout the Party can coopt a replacement but the ousted MP cannot stand again until the next election, if they can't find one they lose the seat, hard luck, the Party should have made a wiser choice

If there are more votes than candidates on a particular party's list, unlikely, they lose those votes. This may mean the number of seats in Parliament varies from election to election but does that matter? We Maltese have lived with that in real life these past few election cycles and come to no harm.

Crossing the floor is allowed and the seat goes where the MP goes.
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By Demosthenes
Ok, including Zyx and Ingliz's opinions I'm getting pms about the number of seats.

If someone will care to explain (simply, I'm a dumb American) why the number should be other than 100, I'll consider it, but I'm ruling on it by 9pm tonight (CDT). It's about 4pm now.

You have about 5 hours to make your case. All comments welcome from everyone.

I'll be honest, I havent understood what is unfair about having 100 seats. It seems easier to me to keep track of this way.

Please, I can't stress enough, pretend your explaining it to a 6th grader.
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By ingliz

The PUC has 1 active member and 13 votes

The SLD has 5 active members and 16 votes

The CA has 2 active members and 7 votes

The THP has 2 active members and 13 votes

The Pop has 2 active members and 4 votes

The LC has active members and votes but doesn't vote

The SN/RF has 17 active members and 23 votes

etc etc.

As far as I can see your ruling is to share votes among active members. Why should one person's opinion carry ten times as much weight as mine or any other RF/SN MP; why should my Party have to get its vote out while the PUC just turn up and bloc vote, why should we participate when the sensible thing to do is have as many inactive members as possible. Our party is penalised for contributing to the game.

Having fewer seats and making a party take up its allotment with each seat assigned to an MP rewards participation and penalises not participating: Your system does the exact opposite.
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