Reading material - Politics | PoFo

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By wat0n

I decided to open this thread for users, in general, to post reading material that deals with economic theory and economic data.

Such material can consist of:

  • 1) Databases to download both data and working papers.
  • 2) Books (those with copyright should have a link stating where they can be bought at. Piracy won't be tolerated).
  • 3) Econ blogs.
  • 4) Historical documents dealing with economic history.
  • 5) Economic and financial news sources.
  • 6) Public reports by major institutions with regards to the economy (such as, for example, GDP growth projections).
  • 7) Links to valuable threads and posts on this forum, the only internet forum (somehow implying this isn't the only internet forum will be dealt with as determined by Rule 10). They must be original contributions.

Both mainstream and heterodox sources are welcome, so are all schools of economic thought. If possible, add some explanation about them.

This thread is exclusively for posting reading material, if you wish to discuss a specific book or paper please open a new thread to do so (note: Economic news should be posted in the Today's News subforum if they are within its rules).

A few examples:

  • Research Papers in Economics (RePEc): RePEc is a collaborative project to disseminate economic research. It includes a databse of journal articles, working papers, preprints and software components (e.g. routines). Its complete database, IDEAS, can be found here.
  • Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED): FRED is a database hosted by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis with plenty of economic data, especially relating to the US' economic data.
  • World Development Indicators (WDI): The primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially-recognized international sources. It presents the most current and accurate global development data available, and includes national, regional and global estimates.
  • World Economic Outlook Database (WEO): The World Economic Outlook (WEO) database contains selected macroeconomic data series from the statistical appendix of the World Economic Outlook report, which presents the IMF staff's analysis and projections of economic developments at the global level, in major country groups and in many individual countries. The WEO is released in April and September/October each year.
  • Bloomberg.
  • Yahoo! Finance.
  • The Money Illusion: An economics blog written by Scott Sumner, with a major focus on monetary theory and policy.
  • Worthwhile Canadian Initiative: An economics blog written by the economists Stephen Gordon, Nick Rowe, Mike Moffat, Frances Woolley and Livio Di Matteo.
  • Calculated Risk: An economics and finance blog written by Bill McBride, especialized on the American housing market.
  • The Conscience of a Liberal: An economics and politics blog written by Paul Krugman.
  • Economic Logic and Economic Logic, Too: Blogs devoted to discussion of economic research.
  • A Fine Theorem: An economics blog devoted to discussion of economic research.
  • Baseline Scenario: An economics blog written by Peter Boone, Simon Johnson and James Kwak, focused on discussing the latest global financial crisis and how to avoid a new one.
  • Marginal Revolution: An economics blog written by George Mason University professors Tyler Cowen and Alex Tabarrok.
  • Greg Mankiw's Blog: A blog written by the economist Gregory Mankiw.
  • Brad de Long's Grasping Reality...: An economics blog written by the economic historian Brad de Long.
  • Dani Rodrik's Weblog: A blog written by the development economist Dani Rodrik.
  • Macroblog: The Atlanta Fed's macroblog provides commentary on economic topics including monetary policy, macroeconomic developments, financial issues and Southeast regional trends. Authors for macroblog are Dave Altig and other Atlanta Fed economists.
  • "Derivatives are evil because no one understands them": A very interesting post written by the user Lexington on the different types of derivatives and how do they work.
  • VoxEU: is a policy portal set up by the Centre for Economic Policy Research ( in conjunction with a consortium of national sites. Vox aims to promote research-based policy analysis and commentary by leading scholars. The intended audience is economists in governments, international organisations, academia and the private sector as well as journalists specializing in economics, finance and business. Assistance for the Centre's work on Vox has been provided by the European Union, through its programme of support for bodies active at the European level in the field of active European citizenship.
  • A Fistful of Euros: A blog dedicating to discussing both economic and political issues in Europe

Hopefully, the contributions posted in this thread will be used for starting new, interesting threads and as useful sources for general economic discussion.

PS: To avoid double posting, you are encouraged to edit your posts if you remember some extra material after posting it as I just did. This thread is meant for references, not discussion, so it is fine. If you cannot edit, then by all means don't be shy and don't hesitate in posting again adding new stuff.
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By Lexington
More stuff, in no particular order:

Bloomberg View - Various opinions on politics, economics, and finance. In particular, I religiously read everything that Matt Levine posts here because it's funny, smart, and accessible on finance and financial law.

Washington Post's Wonkblog often has some interesting economic/financial pieces, although it does political and health care stuff a lot.

Vox is similar...mainly since Ezra Klein, the guy who started it, was at Wonkblog so it largely follows the same editorial style

The Upshot - The New York Times has done surprisingly well imitating Vox/Wonkblog.

Slate Money - Slate stole Felix Salmon, my favorite Reuters commentator, who started a podcast on finance.

FT Alphaville is the Financial Times's blog and can get into wonky stuff about financial markets, obviously. You have to register but it doesn't have a paywall.

The Long Room- The Private Member's Club of FT Alphaville

Pragmatic Capitalism - financial blog, though veers into kind of weird, kind of okay MMT stuff (like FT)

Business Insider - This is kind of like buzzfeed for business, but a surprising amount of time it has good stuff.

Sober Look - This doesn't post a ton but it's generally a damn fine post on finance.'

Dealbreaker - This mainly focuses (rather humorously) on M&A (hence "deal" breaker) but also other financial stuff, particularly litigation. It used to have Matt Levine, who is my all time favorite financial blogger, now at Bloomberg View.

Planet Money - This is an NPR radio show that focuses on finance and the economy that I really like. This spawned from a Marketplace/This American life collaboration about the financial crisis and has produced some fascinating stuff like the logistics of a t-shirt

Marketplace - Another public radio thing focused on finance and the economy. I listen to this every time I'm at the gym.

Reuters Counterparties - This is a linkwrap but usually brings in a lot of interesting stuff in finance and the economy from just about anywhere on the internet.

Noahpinion - Noah Smith's blog on finance and economics.
By wat0n
I would like to add Ben Bernanke's blog at Brookings Institution as well:

  • Ben Bernanke's Blog: An economics blog written by former Federal Reserve's chariman Ben Bernanke, which should provide some insight on his monetary policy decisions during his tenure there.

It's new but is pretty good for those who haven't read his past papers on the causes for the US current account deficit during the 2000s.
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By PhiloChan
Really? No BloombergView? Anybody, anyone!
Although it is not a true economics journal it is still very heavily tied to market news media and fairly reliable in terms of current analysis. Definitely not very fond of economic theories other than laissez faire
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By quetzalcoatl
Angry Bear
Naked Capitalism Posts from William Black, Michael Hudson, Yves Smith. Very good on the central role of control fraud in modern economies
Debriefing 101 Unlearning incorrect ideas and concepts

I like to keep up with the enemy, as well
The Money Illusion Scott Sumner
Marginal Revolution Tyler Cowen
By late
Here are some basics..

Cities and the Wealth of Nations, by Jane Jacobs, is a short, easy, read. It has also been the first book assigned in thousands of Econ 101 classes.

Price of Inequality is a favorite.

Rise and Fall of American Growth covers a lot of ground, and will give you a historical perspective sadly lacking in many discussion.

Brad Delong is an economist that has a blog, Grasping Reality, that is wide ranging, I visit occasionally.
By Torus34
The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money. John Maynard Keynes, 1964. Available new and used from many sources.

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