The Quiz, as it stands right now, Comments still welcome... - Politics | PoFo

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This represents everything gathered up. The only change from this to the web page will be some style issues, and the fact that the questions will be randomized and the mention of the axis removed. I envision a front page with many links and definitions for as many items as seem relevant.

Discussion on any topic is still open, from layout to issues with individual questions. I will say though, that at this point, if a question bugs you, please suggest a way to fix it, it's too late now to simply say "that sucks Demo" without helping me fix it. Also note, each axis has a bias balance, 5 questions are worded in favor of one side, 5 the other. If you suggest something make sure it fits the same bias as the one you want to replace. Also for other reasons related to coding, try and keep it as close to the original question's meaning as possible.

I am wide open to adding or changing anything in Demographic sections. Particularly if I've missed or wrongly associated some general regions to one another. (For instance, is "Western Europe" too broad?) Bear in mind, these regions will be set up to analyze over all political positions in said region.

Thanks again, and remember, the more input the better! Even if I don't appear to take it under consideration I've read and noted everything posted in this section! If you'd like to submit a link to a question or for anything else, please make it easy on me and reprint the question in your post including what axis it belongs to, and format the link as well. Thanks! For uniformity, I tried to stick with wiki for definitions, where possible.

The Quiz wrote:Demographic questions:

1) Which area best describes the region you most closely identify with politically, whether you were born or raised there?

A) Western Europe
B) Eastern Europe
C) North America- Central Canada- Northern US.
D) North America- US West Coast, and Vancouver
E) North America- US East Coast, Quebec and all provinces to the east, including the maritimes
F) North America- US Mid-west, All other Canadian locations
G) North American- US South
H) Latin America (Mexico and the rest of Central America)
I) Latin America (Colombia, plus all of South America)
J) Asia ( the Middle East)
K) Asia (China and Taiwan)
L) Asia (Southeast Asia)
M) Asia (India/Pakistan)
N) Asia (Japan)
O) Asia (All Others)
P) Australia/New Zealand
Q) Africa (North Africa- along the Med. Sea)
R)Africa West Africa
S) Africa- East Africa
T) Africa- South Africa

2) How old are you

1) 18-21
2) 22-25
2) 26-30
3) 31-35
4) 36-40
5) 41-49
6) 50-59
7) 60-69
8) 70+

3) What is your sex:

1) Female
2) Male

4) What is your highest level of formal education

1) Less than high school
2) High school diploma
3) Some College
4) Technical School degree/Associate’s Degree
5) Bachelor’s Degree
6) Master’s Degree (Or equivalent)
7) Doctorate

5) Prior to the test, how would you have described yourself politically? (Please choose the most accurate)

1) Conservative (American/Dutch)
2) Right Libertarian
3) Fascist
4) Liberal (American)
5) Liberal Democrat
6) Progressive
7) Social Democrat
8) Marxist, Trotsky
9) Marxist, Stalin
10) Left Libertarian
11) Anarchist
12) Non-ideological
13) Other
14) I didn't know

6) Following the test, would you say your results are:

A) Very Accurate! I love you guys!
B) Mostly Accurate.
C) Somewhat Accurate.
D) You guys totally blew this one.
E) This was the worst test ever. I hate you guys!

7) How can we improve the test?

[Fill in the blank]

8) Will you recommend this test to others outside the Politics Forum?

A) Yes
B) No

Protectionist vs Free Trader

1) It is sometimes necessary to erect trade barriers around hostile or unconcerned foreign imports, despite a larger belief in the virtues of a free market.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

2) Your nation can sell blue jeans for prices between $20-$25 per pair. Foreign competition can do so for $10 if allowed to enter the country at free market rates. However, this would eventually force your domestic jean makers to go out of business. In this case, some kind of import tax on the foreign made jeans is not only necessary but patriotic.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

3) Economics Nobel prize winner and trade theorist Paul Krugman once famously stated that, "If there were an Economist’s Creed, it would surely contain the affirmations 'I understand the Principle of Comparative Advantage' and 'I advocate Free Trade'." In considering this quote of Krugman's, you generally...

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

4) Your nation is developing its industrial capacity. However, you cannot compete with the prices of foreign made goods due to serious inequities in the labor market abroad. In order to compete and build your domestic capacity, it is only reasonable to raise tariffs on the foreign industrial produced goods that can be sold in your nation.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

5) One way a government should protect its domestic markets is through the use of the import tariff.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

6) Should your nation base it's foreign policy on the fact that, according to Herman Daly,Ricardo's Theory of Comparative Advantage is now obsolete because the new globalization regime causes capital to flow to wherever costs are lowest- that is. As this proves Absolute Advantage as opposed to Comparative Advantage, it is sound foreign policy.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

7) The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union represents a sound policy that keeps Europe’s internal markets strong, and allows them to profit from a production surplus that would otherwise cause such a drop in prices that the entire market would go under. That other developing nations may be harmed by the policy is none of the EU member nations’ concerns.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

8) Adam Smith’s Law of Comparative Advantage states: ”That each member in a group of trading partners should specialize in and produce the goods in which they possess lowest opportunity costs relative to other trading partners. This specialization permits trading partners to then exchange their goods produced as a function of specialization.” Generally speaking, I find this to be true as protectionist states are simply too short sighted to understand and accept the long term gains.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

9) Every nation should have free and unrestricted access to every other nation’s good and services and vice versa, no matter how this affects either domestic or foreign business as this is the ultimate triumph of supply and demand, and indeed Capitalism!

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

10) An established economic theory holds that: ’The prosperity of a nation is dependent upon its supply of capital, and that the global volume of international trade is "unchangeable." Economic assets or capital, are represented by bullion (gold, silver, and trade value) held by the state, which is best increased through a positive balance of trade with other nations (exports minus imports) and assumes wealth and monetary assets are identical.’ This theory suggests that the ruling government should advance these goals by playing a protectionist role in the economy; by encouraging exports and discouraging imports, notably through the use of tariffs and subsidies and I agree with this.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

11) If a foreign nation places a hostile tariff on my nation, I would consider it an act of war.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

Controlled Market vs. Liberal Market

1. Businesses cannot be trusted to regulate themselves.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

2. Individuals acting in their own self-interest will lead to positive social outcomes via the invisible hand of the market.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

3. Monopolies are impossible in a free market.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

4. Government action is needed to stimulate the economy during economic downturns.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

5. The free market leads to the most efficient allocation of resources.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

6. Private property rights are fundamental to a healthy economy.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

7. Market solutions are inadequate for managing the commons.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

8. There are certain public services which are best provided by government.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

9. Central banks are needed to control the money supply.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

10. Government intervention inevitably creates more problems than it solves.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

11). If a necessary industry is losing money and laying off most of its workers, it is sometimes necessary for the government to take it over in order to continue to provide the people with its essential goods.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

Big Government vs Small Government

1) The Market is the best solution to any problem facing any society.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

2) I’m glad my government offers education, welfare, mail service, police, roads, and fire departments and I’d like it to continue doing so.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

3) Government should not intervene in a woman’s life, no matter the circumstances.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

4) I support a large, well funded military force capable of fighting two simultaneous wars at once.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

5) Private schools always outperform public schools because market forces are better equipped to handle education than non-profits ever could be.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

6) A government that provides healthcare to its citizens becomes bloated and will never offer this necessary service at a premium level.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

7) Bailouts are simply a way the government can reward and prop up wasteful corporations and business practices. Allowing them to fail represents a truly free market.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

8 ) We have a moral obligation to our people to intervene militarily in other nations’ affairs when these affairs affect our own national interests.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

9) Vice laws are necessary to protect public morality and enforce ethical conduct amongst the populace.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

10) Funding the arts and artists, and giving them the creative space they need to complete their works, provides much needed artistic expression to society at large, where without this funding many artistic projects would never be realized. As a result of this I always support government programs that provide funding these artists.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

11) If my Government were to subsidize automobiles due to the fact that my nation is very sparsely populated, I would consider this a necessary evil.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

Nationalist vs. Internationalist

1) The more we learn, the more obvious it becomes that everything in the world is connected

A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Neutral
D. Disagree
E. Strongly Disagree

2) The nation is a living entity that deserves respect and protection

A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Neutral
D. Disagree
E. Strongly Disagree

3) Industry within a country has a fundamental right to advance, regardless of international concerns (wages abroad, pollution, etc).

A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Neutral
D. Disagree
E. Strongly Disagree

4) External wars are a case of “Rich man’s war, poor man’s fight.”

A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Neutral
D. Disagree
E. Strongly Disagree

5) It is crucial to understand that though the development of nations happened independently and in different ways, the development of nations is part of a larger and shared world history

A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Neutral
D. Disagree
E. Strongly Disagree

6) It is difficult, and perhaps even impossible, for someone from a foreign nation to be expected to become a truly loyal citizen of my country.

A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Neutral
D. Disagree
E. Strongly Disagree

7) In an ideal system, there should be more important international forums in which to work. Perhaps, ultimately, an international government.

A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Neutral
D. Disagree
E. Strongly Disagree

8 ) The concept of a national border should be emphasized as much as possible

A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Neutral
D. Disagree
E. Strongly Disagree

9) I am a citizen of the world.

A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Neutral
D. Disagree
E. Strongly Disagree

10) Interaction with the rest of the world is more trouble than it is worth. Each nation should strive to handle their own affairs as easily and efficiently as possible.

A. Strongly Agree
B. Agree
C. Neutral
D. Disagree
E. Strongly Disagree

11) Under a world government where nations have become states or provinces under a larger social framework, the ability to mediate disputes and the sense of commonality of all people in the world would far outweigh the possible negatives of a loss of the sense of the national culture of individual nations.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

Marxist Vs. Non-Marxist

1) The workers and owners of a business both ultimately share the same interests, so they should work together to maximize profits for the business.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

2) It is completely ethical to make your fortune by manipulating money. Those who complain about this practice not contributing to society, miss the entire point of Capitalism.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

3) Society is not divided into opposing classes based on the ownership of the means of production.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

4) The ruling ideas of each age have been the ideas of the ruling class. The ruling material force is also the ruling intellectual force.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

5) One of the primary purposes of the educational system is to reproduce the existing class hierarchy rather than just educating the population.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

6) The economic means of production such as factories, machines, and tools should always be privately owned.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

7) The world is dominated by Capitalist-Imperialist powers propelled by the need to perpetually expand and invest in new markets and exploit new raw materials.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

8 ) The process of globalization is fundamentally characterized by the exploitation of the periphery countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America by the capitalist class in the metropolitan centers of North America, Australia and Western Europe.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

9) “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his need” is a fundamentally flawed idea.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

10) Capitalism will ultimately be replaced by socialism which will in turn be followed by communism in a revolution led by the working classes against the capitalist classes.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

11) If a true socialist revolution occurred and the means of production were seized by the revolutionary proletariat, it would be ethical and perhaps necessary to purge the former capitalist owners of said means of production if they continue to actively resist the new dictatorship of the working classes.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

Individual vs. Social

1) Rugged Individualism should be a way of life that everyone aspires too.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

2) If the state will ask me to lay down my life for it, It is reasonable to ask the state to help me maintain my life in return.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

3) Taxation is a form of theft from the individual.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

4) At the height of the cold war, when tensions between the former USSR and the US were at their highest, both societies were at their peaks, as both nations had a plan and a focus.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

5) If my neighbor needs help, I don’t mind pitching in as I know sooner or later, I’ll need a cup of sugar.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

6) Public schools are an example of a failed government program

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

7) Since we know in the US that “Public schools” were first begun by corporations seeking to train better employees for their factories, it is reasonable to deduct that they will never function in a much higher capacity now or in the future.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

8 ) I would be willing to pay a higher rate of taxation (up to 50%) in order to enjoy extra government benefits like free tertiary education, healthcare (if you don’t already get this), extra vacation and sick leave, as well as some kind of modest retirement package.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

9) Because the government is by nature, not-for-profit, it cannot run anything as efficiently as a for-profit corporation or other privately run business, therefore enacting social programs under the framework of government is an exercise in futility and overspending.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

10) I am my brother’s keeper.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

11) If I grow wheat and my neighbor grows chickens, the easiest solution so that we may both share in each other’s harvests to simply trade items on some mutually agreed upon even keel basis.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

Moral Absolutist Vs. Non-absolutist

1) Killing another human being is always wrong.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

2) If your spouse fell ill and you could not afford the medicine that would save his/her life, it would be morally acceptable to steal only what he/she needs to survive.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

3) It is ok to kill someone in self defense.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

4) I wouldn’t endorse outright slavery, and in some situations in the third world, where arguing a laborer’s situation is different than slavery is mostly semantics, I find the situation intolerable.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

5) If my mother were a criminal I would not help the law convict her.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

6) I would never, under any circumstances commit a white collar crime.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

7) If 90% of the people in a society agree that crimes against children are morally acceptable, then they are morally acceptable within that society.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

8) If one nation possesses the raw materials to free the world from oil dependence, but are unable to harness this material, it would be morally acceptable for another capable nation to invade it so that it might better exploit those resources both for their own profit, and for the benefit of the rest of the world.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

9) Life has no meaning other than the meaning I give it.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

10) As an employee of the company I work for I understand that it is unethical and perhaps immoral to steal from it.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

11) “I used to love her but I had to kill her”

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

Theist Vs. Materialist

1) There are “No voices in the sky. Confusion blinds the eye.”

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

2) Because there is a material basis for everything, Democritus was correct: ”out of nothing, comes nothing.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

3) The difference between humans and animals is more than just physical, it’s also spiritual.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

4) Our interaction with the world is chiefly defined by our interaction with matter.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

5) I can relate to, and have a connection with the following quote: “A sensation of 'eternity', a feeling as of something limitless, unbounded--as it were, 'oceanic'”.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

6) Ideology is a result of material conditions

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

7) Material science will eventually be able to explain phenomena it has not so far been able to explain.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

8) As a human being, you are exclusively the summation of your genetics and experience, abstract concepts like morality, spiritualism, relgiousity, are wholey irrelevant.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

9) "Some of the most important things in life have no relationship to [the] material in any way whatsoever"

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

10) Only the wealthy can afford morality.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree

11) Most of the holy books written on earth have some divine presence in them, the spiritual truth most of them contain is undeniably inspired by a higher hand than man.

A) Strongly Agree
B) Agree
C) No Opinion
D) Disagree
E) Strongly Disagree
User avatar
By Siberian Fox
You will need a privacy policy if you're going to ask demographic questions.

How will the information be used?
Will it be displayed with your results data publicly?
Will it be stored in the database in a way that can connect it with your results?

IIRC, on Maxim's site the answer to the last two questions was no.
User avatar
By Demosthenes
I think the main idea was just to be able to gather data and make fun charts and so forth down the road. I'll consult Zag on how to handle it.

Thanks for pointing that out though. I'll also look up privacy policies and so forth.
User avatar
By Siberian Fox
If the data is going to be connected to allow statistical comparisons - are old people more conservative? etc. - then the easiest way to ease privacy concerns will probably be to make the demographic questions optional. What the information is used for definitely needs to be clear for users.
User avatar
By Demosthenes
That makes sense...

Ask at the end of the test "Will you answer some demograhics questions for statistical comparison"

-insert privacy policy-

Then ask them?

Something like that?
User avatar
By Potemkin
In the 'Marxist vs. non-Marxist' quiz, I would suggest a few slight alterations to the wording of the questions.

In question 5, I would insert the word 'just', so the question would read "One of the primary purposes of the educational system is to reproduce the existing class hierarchy rather than just educating the population." As it stands, the question implies an either-or opposition, whereas I would contend that the system does both simultaneously.

In question 6, I would delete the semi-colon; it's not needed, and the question flows better without it.

In question 11, I would use the word 'former' rather than 'old' and change the wording towards the end. The question would then read: "If a true socialist revolution occurred and the means of production were seized by the revolutionary proletariat, it would be ethical and perhaps necessary to purge the former capitalist owners of said means of production if they continue to actively resist the new dictatorship of the working classes."

Apart from that, I give it a big thumbs up! :up:
User avatar
By Demosthenes
Thanks Potemkin, I appreciate that. All changes implemented. I agree that they clarify the questions nicely. :D
User avatar
By Siberian Fox
Demosthenes wrote:Ask at the end of the test "Will you answer some demograhics questions for statistical comparison"

-insert privacy policy-

Then ask them?

Something like that?

I would have thought a link saying "See our privacy policy" would be sufficient instead of inserting the entire policy in-line. Or, if you do place it in-line, you could put it in a text box with scroll bars so it doesn't take up too much space, as not everyone will be interested.
User avatar
By Red Star
Good quiz - however, in the National v International section, is there any possibility of replacing one of the questions with the one about "myths" that TIG and I discussed? May be the:

Nationalist myths provide a nation with an important sense of identity. Whether literally true or not, they express truths that need not be tampered with.

I do have an inkling, though, that this may be my just personal bias and academic interest coming through.
User avatar
By Demosthenes
Actually I had forgotten about that question.

Which one would you guys want to replace?
User avatar
By Red Star
From what I remember, we came to a decision to replace no. 10:

10. Interaction with the rest of the world is more trouble than it is worth. Each nation should strive to handle their own affairs as easily and efficiently as possible.

However, it is best to ask TIG, as this is really his part of the quiz - I was just a meddling kid.
User avatar
By The Immortal Goon
Holy God, I hope nobody was waiting on me! Change away if need be!
Yeah so, we've changed from this state.

This is where we're at at the moment, with changes possibly coming from the beta testers.

    The Economic Compass:

    Protectionist vs Free Trader

    1) It is sometimes necessary to erect trade barriers around hostile or unconcerned foreign imports, despite a larger belief in the virtues of a free market.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2PRO)
    B) Agree (+1 PRO)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 FT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 FT)
    F) Irrelevant (+ .25 Aloof)

    2) Your nation can sell blue jeans for prices between $20-$25 per pair. Foreign competition can do so for $10 if allowed to enter the country at free market rates. However, this would eventually force your domestic jean makers to go out of business. In this case, some kind of import tax on the foreign made jeans is not only necessary but patriotic.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2PRO)
    B) Agree (+1 PRO)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 FT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 FT)

    3) Economics Nobel prize winner and trade theorist Paul Krugman once famously stated that, "If there were an Economist’s Creed, it would surely contain the affirmations 'I understand the Principle of Comparative Advantage' and 'I advocate Free Trade'." In considering this quote of Krugman's, you generally...

    A) Strongly Agree (+2PRO)
    B) Agree (+1 PRO)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 FT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 FT)

    4) Your nation is developing its industrial capacity. However, you cannot compete with the prices of foreign made goods due to serious inequities in the labor market abroad. In order to compete and build your domestic capacity, it is only reasonable to raise tariffs on the foreign industrial produced goods that can be sold in your nation.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2PRO)
    B) Agree (+1 PRO)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 FT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 FT)

    5) One way a government should protect its domestic markets is through the use of the import tariff.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2PRO)
    B) Agree (+1 PRO)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 FT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 FT)

    6) Should your nation base it's foreign policy on the fact that, according to Herman Daly,Ricardo's Theory of Comparative Advantage is now obsolete because the new globalization regime causes capital to flow to wherever costs are lowest- that is. As this proves Absolute Advantage as opposed to Comparative Advantage, it is sound foreign policy.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2PRO)
    B) Agree (+1 PRO)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 FT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 FT)

    7) The Common Agricultural Policy of the European Union represents a sound policy that keeps Europe’s internal markets strong, and allows them to profit from a production surplus that would otherwise cause such a drop in prices that the entire market would go under. That other developing nations may be harmed by the policy is none of the EU member nations’ concerns.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2PRO)
    B) Agree (+1 PRO)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 FT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 FT)

    Adam Smith’s Law of Comparative Advantage states: ”That each member in a group of trading partners should specialize in and produce the goods in which they possess lowest opportunity costs relative to other trading partners. This specialization permits trading partners to then exchange their goods produced as a function of specialization.” Generally speaking, I find this to be true as protectionist states are simply too short sighted to understand and accept the long term gains.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2PRO)
    B) Agree (+1 PRO)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 FT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 FT)

    9) Every nation should have free and unrestricted access to every other nation’s good and services and vice versa, no matter how this affects either domestic or foreign business as this is the ultimate triumph of supply and demand, and indeed Capitalism!

    A) Strongly Agree (+2PRO)
    B) Agree (+1 PRO)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 FT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 FT)

    10) An established economic theory holds that: ’The prosperity of a nation is dependent upon its supply of capital, and that the global volume of international trade is "unchangeable." Economic assets or capital, are represented by bullion (gold, silver, and trade value) held by the state, which is best increased through a positive balance of trade with other nations (exports minus imports) and assumes wealth and monetary assets are identical.’ This theory suggests that the ruling government should advance these goals by playing a protectionist role in the economy; by encouraging exports and discouraging imports, notably through the use of tariffs and subsidies and I agree with this.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2PRO)
    B) Agree (+1 PRO)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 FT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 FT)

    11) If a foreign nation places a hostile tariff on my nation, I would consider it an act of war.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2PRO)
    B) Agree (+1 PRO)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 FT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 FT)

    Controlled Market vs. Liberal Market

    1. Businesses cannot be trusted to regulate themselves.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 CM)
    B) Agree (+1 CM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 LM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 LM)

    2. Individuals acting in their own self-interest will lead to positive social outcomes via the invisible hand of the market.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 LM)
    B) Agree (+1 LM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 CM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 CM)

    3. Monopolies are impossible in a truly free market.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 LM)
    B) Agree (+1 LM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 CM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 CM)

    4. Government action is needed to stimulate the economy during economic downturns.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 CM)
    B) Agree (+1 CM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 LM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 LM)

    5. The truly free market leads to the most efficient allocation of resources.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 LM)
    B) Agree (+1 LM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 CM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 CM)

    6. Private property rights are fundamental to a healthy economy.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 LM)
    B) Agree (+1 LM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 CM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 CM)

    7. Market solutions are inadequate for managing the commons.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 CM)
    B) Agree (+1 CM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 LM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 LM)

    8. There are certain public services which are best provided by government.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 CM)
    B) Agree (+1 CM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 LM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 LM)

    9. Central banks are needed to control the money supply.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 CM)
    B) Agree (+1 CM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 LM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 LM)

    10. Government intervention inevitably creates more problems than it solves.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 LM)
    B) Agree (+1 LM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 CM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 CM)

    11). If a necessary industry is losing money and laying off most of its workers, it is sometimes prudent for the government to take it over in order to continue to provide the people with these essential goods.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 CM)
    B) Agree (+1 CM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 LM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 LM)

    Marxist Vs. Non-Marxist

    1) The workers and owners of a business both ultimately share the same interests, so they should work together to maximize profits for the business.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 NM)
    B) Agree (+1 NM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MX)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MX)

    2) It is completely ethical to make your fortune by manipulating money. Those who complain about this practice not contributing to society, miss the entire point of Capitalism.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 NM)
    B) Agree (+1 NM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MX)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MX)

    3) Society is not divided into opposing classes based on the ownership of the means of production.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 NM)
    B) Agree (+1 NM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MX)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MX)

    4) The ruling ideas of each age have been the ideas of the ruling class. The ruling material force is also the ruling intellectual force.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MX)
    B) Agree (+1 MX)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 NM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 NM)

    5) One of the primary purposes of the educational system is to reproduce the existing class hierarchy rather than just educating the population.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MX)
    B) Agree (+1 MX)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 NM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 NM)

    6) The economic means of production such as factories, machines, and tools should always be privately owned.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 NM)
    B) Agree (+1 NM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MX)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MX)

    7) The world is dominated by Capitalist-Imperialist powers propelled by the need to perpetually expand and invest in new markets and exploit new raw materials.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MX)
    B) Agree (+1 MX)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 NM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 NM)

    8 ) The process of globalization is fundamentally characterized by the exploitation of the periphery countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America by the capitalist class in the metropolitan centers of North America, Australia and Western Europe.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MX)
    B) Agree (+1 NM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MX)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 NM)

    9) “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his need” is a fundamentally flawed idea.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 NM)
    B) Agree (+1 NM)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MX)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MX)

    10) Capitalism will ultimately be replaced by socialism which will in turn be followed by communism in a revolution led by the working classes against the capitalist classes.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MX)
    B) Agree (+1 MX)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 NM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 NM)

    11) If a true socialist revolution occurred and the means of production were seized by the revolutionary proletariat, it would be ethical and perhaps necessary to purge the former capitalist owners of said means of production if they continue to actively resist the new dictatorship of the working classes.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MX)
    B) Agree (+1 MX)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 NM)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 NM)

    The Moral Compass:

    Moral Absolutist Vs. Non-absolutist

    1) Killing another human being is always wrong.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MA)
    B) Agree (+1 MA)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 NA)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 NA)

    2) If your spouse fell ill and you could not afford the medicine that would save his/her life, it would be morally acceptable to steal only what he/she needs to survive.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 NA)
    B) Agree (+1 NA)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MA)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MA)

    3) It is ok to kill someone in self defense.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 NA)
    B) Agree (+1 NA)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MA)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MA)

    4) I wouldn’t endorse outright slavery, and in some situations in the third world, where arguing a laborer’s situation is different than slavery is mostly semantics, I find the situation intolerable.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MA)
    B) Agree (+1 MA)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 NA)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 NA)

    5) If my mother were a criminal I would not help the law convict her.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 NA)
    B) Agree (+1 NA)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MA)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MA)

    6) I would never, under any circumstances commit a white collar crime.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MA)
    B) Agree (+1 MA)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 NA)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 NA)

    7) If 90% of the people in a society agree that crimes against children are morally acceptable, then they are morally acceptable.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 NA)
    B) Agree (+1 NA)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MA)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MA)

    If one nation possesses the raw materials to free the world from oil dependence, but are unable to harness this material, it would be morally acceptable for another capable nation to invade it so that it might better exploit those resources both for their own profit, and for the benefit of the rest of the world.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 NA)
    B) Agree (+1 NA)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MA)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MA)

    9) Life has no meaning other than the meaning I give it.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 NA)
    B) Agree (+1 NA)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MA)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MA)

    10) As an employee of the company I work for I understand that it is unethical and perhaps immoral to steal from it.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MA)
    B) Agree (+1 NA)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MA)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 NA)

    11) “I used to love her but I had to kill her”

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 NA)
    B) Agree (+1 NA)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MA)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MA)

    Theist vs. Materialist

    1) There are “No voices in the sky. Confusion blinds the eye.”

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MAT)
    B) Agree (+1 MAT)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 TH)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 TH)

    2) Because there is a material basis for everything, Democritus was correct: ”out of nothing, comes nothing.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 TH)
    B) Agree (+1 TH)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MAT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MAT)

    3) The difference between humans and animals is more than just physical, it’s also spiritual.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 TH)
    B) Agree (+1 TH)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MAT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MAT)

    4) Our interaction with the world is chiefly defined by our interaction with matter.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MAT)
    B) Agree (+1 MAT)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 TH)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 TH)

    5) I can relate to, and have a connection with the following quote: “A sensation of 'eternity', a feeling as of something limitless, unbounded--as it were, 'oceanic'”.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 TH)
    B) Agree (+1 TH)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MAT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MAT)

    6) Ideology is a result of material conditions

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MAT)
    B) Agree (+1 MAT)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 TH)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 TH)

    7) Material science will eventually be able to explain phenomena it has not so far been able to explain.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MAT)
    B) Agree (+1 MAT)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 TH)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 TH)

    As a human being, you are exclusively the summation of your genetics and experience, abstract concepts like morality, spiritualism and, religiosity, are wholly irrelevant.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MAT)
    B) Agree (+1 MAT)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 TH)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 TH)

    9) "Some of the most important things in life have no relationship to [the] material in any way whatsoever"

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 TH)
    B) Agree (+1 TH)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MAT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MAT)

    10) Only the wealthy can afford morality.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 MAT)
    B) Agree (+1 MAT)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 TH)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 TH)

    11) Most of the holy books written on earth have some divine presence in them, the spiritual truth most of them contain is undeniably inspired by a higher hand than man.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 TH)
    B) Agree (+1 TH)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MAT)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 MAT)

    Secular vs. Religious

    1) Sometimes faith is the best answer to any question

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 REL)
    B) Agree (+1 REL)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SEC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SEC)

    2) The stories in holy books are quite clearly of no more moral value than Shakespeare's works or anything else created by any other author(s).

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SEC)
    B) Agree (+1 SEC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 REL)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 REL)

    3) In troubling times, when answers seem out of reach, it is morally prudent to seek those answers from my religion, its works, and followers.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 REL)
    B) Agree (+1 REL)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SEC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SEC)

    4) If God exists, then the Devil created religion.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SEC)
    B) Agree (+1 SEC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 REL)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 REL)

    5) Even though I have my doubts as to some of the facts surrounding religious history and parable, I am generally comforted by my faith and "look the other way" when issues that seem illogical surface.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 REL)
    B) Agree (+1 REL)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SEC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SEC)

    6) I am religious because that's the way I was raised, and everyone in my family belongs to the same religion.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 REL)
    B) Agree (+1 REL)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SEC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SEC)

    7) Regardless of the nature of the unexplained, I am highly confident it could be explained terrestrially if mankind had the wherewithal to properly test said unexplained event.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SEC)
    B) Agree (+1 SEC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 REL)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 REL)

    8) The head of my church is the ultimate expression of God on earth.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 REL)
    B) Agree (+1 REL)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SEC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SEC)

    9) I believe in God, but I have no interest in religion.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SEC)
    B) Agree (+1 SEC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 REL)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 REL)

    10) The more I bathe in the faith and comfort of my religion, the more clearly and righteously I live my life.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 REL)
    B) Agree (+1 REL)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SEC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SEC)

    11) "Where do bad folks go when they die? They don't go to heaven where the angels fly, they go to a lake of fire and fry... won't see 'em again til the Fourth of July"

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 REL)
    B) Agree (+1 REL)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SEC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SEC)

    The Social Compass:

    Militaristic vs Pacifistic

    1) If my nation were attacked by any outside force, I would not defend it.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 PAC)
    B) Agree (+1 PAC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MIL)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2MIL)

    2) A burglar has broken into your home. You get your gun, sneak up on him and shoot him dead. This is not a valid use of force, irrespective of whether the burglar is armed.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 PAC)
    B) Agree (+1 PAC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MIL)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2MIL)

    3) Your closest allied nation is under siege by a hostile power, they have come to your aid militarily before, as the leader of your nation you are duty bound to help your allies militarily in return.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2MIL)
    B) Agree (+1 MIL)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 PAC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 PAC)

    4) War is an art.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2MIL)
    B) Agree (+1 MIL)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 PAC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 PAC)

    5) Your nation is allied with several other nations, and has competing interests with a block of rival allies. The interests are vast and wealthy and it's truly unclear which block are the "good guys" in any given issue of contention. As the tension between the blocks increases, conscription in each nation mounts. It is clear that war is on the horizon. You would never serve your nation's forces in such a conflict.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 PAC)
    B) Agree (+1 PAC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MIL)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2MIL)

    6) Everyone needs spligets to live in the modern world, they are simply the engine of human survival. Death Island if the only place in the world that makes functioning, perfect spligets. The government of Death Island selectively sells spligets to its allies very cheaply, but quite clearly makes its money selling them at enormous profit to non-allies, and refuses to sell to its enemies at all. You nation receives spligets at a rate ten times the allied price. A motion is introduced in your parliament to send in an armed force to "negotiate" a better deal with the Death Island government. This force will likely be successful. As an MP in this parliament you would never vote for such an unethical use of force.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 PAC)
    B) Agree (+1 PAC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MIL)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2MIL)

    7) Your nation has been undergoing covert raids by a hostile neighboring state for many years. The international community will not act because nothing can ever be proven, yet your intelligence agency knows full well from where the attacks originate and that they are carried out by hostile paramilitary forces receiving covert support from their home nation. In order to end the threat forever it will be necessary to completely destroy the home base of this force, a small city of 250,000 people. As the military leader in charge of this force you commit to destroying the threat by any and all means necessary.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2MIL)
    B) Agree (+1 MIL)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 PAC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 PAC)

    8) Several regions of the world contain a majority of the resources you need to keep your own people living the high life. You are duty bound as the nation's current head of state to do whatever it takes on any level to maintain the supply of these resources to your nation at the current cheap prices they've always been obtained for.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2MIL)
    B) Agree (+1 MIL)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 PAC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 PAC)

    9) My nation is just (or should be) so feared that it can walk anywhere in the world militarily and make demands of the inhabitants that must be carried out.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2MIL)
    B) Agree (+1 MIL)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 PAC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 PAC)

    10) The Bush era phrase "If you're not with me, you are my enemy" lacks the identification of gray areas that are necessary in successful non-military diplomacy.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 PAC)
    B) Agree (+1 PAC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 MIL)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2MIL)

    11) In a situation where the nation is under constant mid level threat from very low-tech, unorganized, and scattered forces it is appropriate and sensible to attack or forcibly coerce all the nations from which these threats originate (though none are expressly using national origin as a basis for their attacks) into taking steps to stop the creation of these threats, no matter what the underlying cause may be. If these nations do not take the appropriate steps as outlined, it is paramount that all options for military force be exercised to make them take the appropriate steps.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2MIL)
    B) Agree (+1 MIL)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 PAC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 PAC)

    Nationalist vs. Internationalist

    1) The more we learn, the more obvious it becomes that everything in the world is connected

    A. Strongly Agree (+2 I)
    B. Agree (+1 I)
    C. Neutral
    D. Disagree (+1 N)
    E. Strongly Disagree (+2 N)

    2) The nation is a living entity that deserves respect and protection

    A. Strongly Agree (+2 N)
    B. Agree (+1 N)
    C. Neutral
    D. Disagree (+1 I)
    E. Strongly Disagree (+2 I)

    3) Industry within a country has a fundamental right to advance, regardless of international concerns (wages abroad, pollution, etc).

    A. Strongly Agree (+2 N)
    B. Agree (+1 N)
    C. Neutral
    D. Disagree (+1 I)
    E. Strongly Disagree (+2 I)

    4) External wars are a case of “Rich man’s war, poor man’s fight.”

    A. Strongly Agree (+2 I)
    B. Agree (+1 I)
    C. Neutral
    D. Disagree (+1 N)
    E. Strongly Disagree (+2 N)

    5) It is crucial to understand that though the development of nations happened independently and in different ways, the development of nations is part of a larger and shared world history

    A. Strongly Agree (+2 I)
    B. Agree (+1 I)
    C. Neutral
    D. Disagree (+1 N)
    E. Strongly Disagree (+2 N)

    6) It is difficult, and perhaps even impossible, for someone from a foreign nation to be expected to become a truly loyal citizen of my country.

    A. Strongly Agree (+2 N)
    B. Agree (+1 N)
    C. Neutral
    D. Disagree (+1 I)
    E. Strongly Disagree (+2 I)

    7) In an ideal system, there should be more important international forums in which to work. Perhaps, ultimately, an international government.

    A. Strongly Agree (+2 I)
    B. Agree (+1 I)
    C. Neutral
    D. Disagree (+1 N)
    E. Strongly Disagree (+2 N)

    8 ) The concept of a national border should be emphasized as much as possible

    A. Strongly Agree (+2 N)
    B. Agree (+1 N)
    C. Neutral
    D. Disagree (+1 I)
    E. Strongly Disagree (+2 I)

    9) I am a citizen of the world.

    A. Strongly Agree (+2 I)
    B. Agree (+1 I)
    C. Neutral
    D. Disagree (+1 N)
    E. Strongly Disagree (+2 N)

    10) Interaction with the rest of the world is more trouble than it is worth. Each nation should strive to handle their own affairs as easily and efficiently as possible.

    A. Strongly Agree (+2 N)
    B. Agree (+1 N)
    C. Neutral
    D. Disagree (+1 I)
    E. Strongly Disagree (+2 I)

    11) Under a world government where nations have become states or provinces under a larger social framework, the ability to mediate disputes and the sense of commonality of all people in the world would far outweigh the possible negatives of a loss of the sense of the national culture of individual nations.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 I)
    B) Agree (+1 I)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 N)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 N)

    Individual vs. Social

    1) Rugged Individualism should be a way of life that everyone aspires too.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 IND)
    B) Agree (+1 IND)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SOC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SOC)

    2) If the state will ask me to lay down my life for it, It is reasonable to ask the state to help me maintain my life in return.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SOC)
    B) Agree (+1 SOC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 IND)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 IND)

    3) Taxation is a form of theft from the individual.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 IND)
    B) Agree (+1 IND)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SOC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SOC)

    4) At the height of the cold war, when tensions between the former USSR and the US were at their highest, both societies were at their peaks, as both nations had a plan and a focus.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SOC)
    B) Agree (+1 SOC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 IND)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 IND)

    5) If my neighbor needs help, I don’t mind pitching in as I know sooner or later, I’ll need a cup of sugar.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SOC)
    B) Agree (+1 SOC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 IND)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 IND)

    6) Public schools are an example of a failed government program

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 IND)
    B) Agree (+1 IND)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SOC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SOC)

    7) During tough times it is necessary for all of us to band together to survive.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SOC)
    B) Agree (+1 SOC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 IND)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 IND)

    8 ) I would be willing to pay a higher rate of taxation (up to 50%) in order to enjoy extra government benefits like free tertiary education, healthcare (if you don’t already get this), extra vacation and sick leave, as well as some kind of reasonable retirement package.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SOC)
    B) Agree (+1 SOC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 IND)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 IND)

    9) Because the government is by nature, not-for-profit, it cannot run anything as efficiently as a for-profit corporation or other privately run business, therefore enacting social programs under the framework of government is an exercise in futility and overspending.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 IND)
    B) Agree (+1 IND)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SOC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SOC)

    10) I am my brother’s keeper.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SOC)
    B) Agree (+1 SOC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 IND)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 IND)

    11) Providing for the handicapped is the right thing to do.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SOC)
    B) Agree (+1 SOC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 IND)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 IND)

    The Governance Compass:

    Big Government vs Small Government

    1) The laws that are most relevant to the most number of people originate with the smallest level of government found in my nation. In the US this would take the form of local laws, as opposed to state or federal laws.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SG)
    B) Agree (+1 SG)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 BG)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 BG)

    2) I’m glad my government offers education, welfare, mail service, police, roads, and fire departments and I’d like it to continue doing so.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 BG)
    B) Agree (+1 BG)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SG)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SG)

    3) Government should not forcibly intervene into the decisions concerning pregnancy, no matter the issue, from genetic testing to abortion.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SG)
    B) Agree (+1 SG)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 BG)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 BG)

    4) I support a large, well funded military force capable of fighting two simultaneous wars at once.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 BG)
    B) Agree (+1 BG)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SG)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SG)

    5) Private schools always outperform public schools because market forces are better equipped to handle education than government ever could be.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SG)
    B) Agree (+1 SG)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 BG)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 BG)

    6) A government that provides healthcare to its citizens becomes bloated and will never offer this necessary service at a premium level.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SG)
    B) Agree (+1 SG)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SG)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 BG)

    7) In a truly small government, no failing business, no matter how big would be bailed out as this represents the worst kind of socialism for the rich.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 SG)
    B) Agree (+1 SG)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 BG)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 BG)

    8 ) We have a moral obligation to our people to intervene militarily in other nations’ affairs when these affairs affect our own national interests.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 BG)
    B) Agree (+1 BG)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SG)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SG)

    9) Vice laws are necessary to protect public morality and enforce ethical conduct amongst the populace.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 BG)
    B) Agree (+1 BG)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SG)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SG)

    10) Funding the arts and artists, and giving them the creative space they need to complete their works, provides much needed artistic expression to society at large, where without this funding many artistic projects would never be realized. As a result of this I always support government programs that provide funding these artists.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 BG)
    B) Agree (+1 BG)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SG)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SG)

    11) If my Government were to subsidize automobiles due to the fact that my nation is very sparsely populated, I would consider this a necessary evil.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 BG)
    B) Agree (+1 BG)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 SG)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 SG)

    Authoritarian vs. Libertarian

    1) Given opportunity man will commit selfish acts.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 AUTH)
    B) Agree (+1 AUTH)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 LIB)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 LIB)

    2) The greatest path to mankind's highest potential lies in a well oiled, modern industrial state where citizens follow their superiors and there is a definite hierarchy and chain of command. This applies to both the military and civilian life.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 AUTH)
    B) Agree (+1 AUTH)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 LIB)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 LIB)

    3) Whatever goes on in private households among consenting adults is no one else's business, least of all the state's.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 LIB)
    B) Agree (+1 LIB)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 AUTH)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 AUTH)

    4) Whether right or wrong, soldiers who "just follow orders" , are performing a necessary service to humanity.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 AUTH)
    B) Agree (+1 AUTH)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 LIB)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 LIB)

    5) The modern prohibition of most "illicit" drugs should be illegal.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 LIB)
    B) Agree (+1 LIB)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 AUTH)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 AUTH)

    6) Don't tread on me!

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 LIB)
    B) Agree (+1 LIB)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 AUTH)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 AUTH)

    7) Without a hierarchy to give man purpose, he will eventually return to the muck from whence he came.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 AUTH)
    B) Agree (+1 AUTH)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 LIB)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 LIB)

    8) In Soviet Russia, the greatest feat accomplished there was turning a backwoods, dark-aged-empire into a modern world power capable of competing with the United States. That this required massive amounts of slave labor and conscription is unfortunate but was necessary.
    A) Strongly Agree (+2 AUTH)
    B) Agree (+1 AUTH)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 LIB)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 LIB)

    9) In my Utopia, we all lay around naked fondling each other and partying.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 LIB)
    B) Agree (+1 LIB)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 AUTH)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 AUTH)

    10) Once my daily commitment to society is met, I should be able to do whatever I choose as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 LIB)
    B) Agree (+1 LIB)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 AUTH)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 AUTH)

    11) Without order mankind is far too chaotic to achieve larger goals.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 AUTH)
    B) Agree (+1 AUTH)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 LIB)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 LIB)

    Anarchist vs Statist

    1) The state is completely unnecessary, man can organize himself if there is a need.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 ANC)
    B) Agree (+1 ANC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 ST)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 ST)

    2) The Roman Catholic church served a vital role in the middle ages, in keeping some form of society coherent and intact, and I recognize this despite my religious convictions or lack thereof.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 ST)
    B) Agree (+1 ST)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 ANC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 ANC)

    3) Though in theory a communist state is desirable, the speed at which the state apparatus is sloughed off, is the question of highest paramount.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 ANC)
    B) Agree (+1 ANC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 ST)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 ST)

    4) "Sovereignty is vested not in the people but in the national state, and that all individuals and associations exist only to enhance the power, the prestige, and the well-being of the state. The concept of statism, which is seen as synonymous with the concept of nation, and corporatism repudiates individualism and exalts the nation as an organic body headed by the Supreme Leader and nurtured by unity, force, and discipline."

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 ST)
    B) Agree (+1 ST)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 ANC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 ANC)

    5) "A petty thief is put in jail. A great brigand becomes a ruler of a Nation," - -Zhuangzi

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 ANC)
    B) Agree (+1 ANC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 ST)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 ST)

    6) "The relationship between lord and subject is established, hearts become daily filled with evil designs, until the manacled criminals sullenly doing forced labour in the mud and the dust are full of mutinous thoughts." -Pao Ching-yen

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 ANC)
    B) Agree (+1 ANC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 ST)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 ST)

    7) The lack of an established social order grants the de facto equality long sought amongst those of nearly all modern states.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 ANC)
    B) Agree (+1 ANC)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 ST)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 ST)

    8) "Business transactions alone can [not] produce a social order."

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 ST)
    B) Agree (+1 ST)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 ANC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 ANC)

    9) Mutualist anarchism, a proposed form of statelessness, is concerned with reciprocity, free association, voluntary contract, federation, and credit and currency reform. According to William Batchelder Greene, each worker in the mutualist system would receive "...just and exact pay for his work; services equivalent in cost being exchangeable for services equivalent in cost, without profit or discount." It's clear that this type of system is unworkable without a government structure to support it.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 ST)
    B) Agree (+1 ST)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 ANC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 ANC)

    10) Simply put, without the state in one form or another, mankind is doomed.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 ST)
    B) Agree (+1 ST)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 ANC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 ANC)

    11) Government is necessary to prevent the strong from preying on the weak.

    A) Strongly Agree (+2 ST)
    B) Agree (+1 ST)
    C) No Opinion
    D) Disagree (+1 ANC)
    E) Strongly Disagree (+2 ANC)
-This question is too vague: "Government should not intervene in a woman's life, no matter the circumstances." - If it's supposed to get one's take on abortion it should be more specific. eg. I can think of some circumstances where the government might intervene in a woman's life not pertaining to abortion, even though I'm pro-choice. However those same things would apply to men,'s just a bit too ambiguous.

-"If one nation possesses the raw materials to free the world from oil dependence, but are unable to harness this material, it would be morally acceptable for another capable nation to invade it so that it might better exploit those resources both for their own profit, and for the benefit of the rest of the world." - Should be stated whether the nation with the resources refuses to cooperate. The question says they're 'unable', but not unwilling to cooperate on some common grounds.

-I think the hotlinks should be a different colour than the rest of the text, unless they were camouflaged on purpose?
Thank you W01f. This sort of fine tuning is exactly what I'm looking for. I will add "or unwilling" to the second question.

As to the first, what would you propose? Isn't that question in the Big Government/Small Government axis?

Meaning it's not a moral question about abortion, but a question about whether or not you think government should or should not act in this way in a private citizen's life. I know there is a certain bias in asking the question this way, but rather than try and be anti-septic about every single question, I have elected to try and spread the bias around. There are Libertarian biased questions, conservative, liberal, marxist, even an anarchist bias here and there. I felt this was the most well rounded way to handle bias.

You probably aren't concerned with that, I'm just explaining. At any rate, I'm more than willing to entertain suggestions on the validity of any question, axis, compass, or anything else involving the test right now. Essentially you early testers are here to break things.

Please feel free to do so. dgun and I may elect to leave things as they are despite recommendations, but we want to hear what you guys have to say now, so we can anticipate what others will say later. Don't spare anything.
Demos wrote:As to the first, what would you propose? Isn't that question in the Big Government/Small Government axis?

Meaning it's not a moral question about abortion, but a question about whether or not you think government should or should not act in this way in a private citizen's life.

If that's the case why does it specify women? Why not just say: "Government should not intervene in a person's life, no matter the circumstances."? The fact that women were specified there makes me think it's a question about abortion.
Well... that's a valid point I guess. However, I'd like the abortion issue to at least be implied there. Do you think changing it to "a person" will still cause people to consider all the issues that would go into that? From euthanasia to abortion to whatever?

I'm open to a different question, if you have a better idea.
No, its cool. I'm not meaning to convince you its ok. Others have pointed to the flaws in this question before, so that's why I'm digging. I know what I'd like to have here, but I don't want to say it so I can see if anyone else agrees with me or if I'm the crazy one! :lol:
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